The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 232

In addition to shipbuilding, the mortars and rifles produced by the California Arms Company under the original California Steel Company, and the artillery factory established with the technical support of the Bethlehem Company have become major orders for the Army.Revenue also exceeds 20 million U.S. dollars.

In short, Bethlehem United Steel Company is the most profitable company under the William Consortium and almost the most profitable company in the United States.

In 1917, Bethlehem United Iron and Steel Company released a chronology, with sales revenue of 500 million U.S. dollars and profit exceeding 300 million U.S. dollars.

At present, its market value has exceeded 1.3 billion US dollars!Become the first new giant with a market value of over 1 billion U.S. dollars in the war after a group of old monopoly giants such as U.S. Steel, Mobil Oil Company, and American Railroad Company!

It was rated as the only AAA credit enterprise by Fitch, the largest and most authoritative financial Moody's on Wall Street.Well, more and more investors on Wall Street favor Moody's-Fitch's assessment data.

The broker of Robles Securities Company first recommended the client Bethlehem United Steel Company, of course, with its strong production capacity and large orders from the military, it is advantageous to ensure that Bethlehem United Steel Company remains strong in the stock market.

More and more investors are eager to get Bethlehem stocks, but a rare one.The savvy Robles Securities Company will recommend some high-quality stocks such as Zipper Company and California Shipping Company.

The enthusiasm of Bethlehem United Steel Corporation's stock made Stuart a fortune. Through Robles Securities, he slowly let go of the 38% of Bethlehem United Steel Corporation's shares in the California Investment Corporation by 5%, arbitrage three More than tens of millions, the money is either invested in the power industry or taken to hoard land in places such as Hollywood.

After successful arbitrage from Bethlehem United Steel, Situ Nan intends to continue to sell no more than 15% of his shares in the next year.

This will cause an astronomical sell-off, and if it ran out all of a sudden, the New York stock market will have a major earthquake.Therefore, Situ Nan intends to sell part of the shares to other large investors in addition to selling on the stock market.

Some people may ask: Push money outside?Isn't this stupid?

Situ Nan was indeed a little stupid, for one thing he was afraid!Personal holding of shares close to Bethlehem United Steel Company is not a pressure that ordinary people can bear. If you don't divide the profits, you will sooner or later get into trouble.

The main reason is actually the truth of prosperity and decline.Situ Nan knew that the war was over at the end of next year. By then, typical arms companies like Bethlehem and DuPont would be unsustainable without a large number of arms orders. Stock prices fell, layoffs, transformation, and factory closures would become the main theme.

Now when should I not sell it at a good price?Can the stocks released at that time be repurchased at a low price?

Situ Nan calculated that as long as the California Investment Corporation still has about 20% of the shares, plus the 8% of Robes Securities, when the shares are dispersed in the hands of hundreds of thousands of investors , I can still control Bethlehem United Steel Company.

Just as the Morgan Consortium held firm control of a behemoth like U.S. Steel with only ten percent of its shares, Stuart did not worry that Bethlehem United Steel would break away from his control.

In order to achieve a beautiful merger in the post-war depression, Situ Nan decided to quietly take out the cash set before everyone noticed. In addition to part of it was used to purchase U.S. Treasury bonds to maintain the value and strengthen the strength of Wells Fargo Bank, more The funds will be used to acquire a group of outstanding companies in various industries.

The idea is pretty beautiful.It didn't take much effort to persuade Robes to Situ Nan, but Situ Nan had to take care of whom to give the shares of Bethlehem United Steel.

Not only are typical military industries such as steel and gunpowder stimulated by the war, but the petroleum industry has also benefited greatly.

More and more tanks and cars were used on the battlefield. After the loss of Russia's Baku oil, American oil became almost the only source of oil for the Allies, and the New World became the oil warehouse of the Old World.

The United States' oil production in 1917 was 350 million barrels, accounting for 67% of the world's oil production, and more than a quarter of this was exported to Europe, Britain, France and other countries.

If calculated on the basis of US$4 per barrel, the Americans have spent more than one billion US dollars out of European pockets for oil alone.

After most of the money was made by Rockefeller’s Mobil Oil, the rest was divided between Stuart’s Occidental Petroleum and Mellon’s Gulf Oil Company.

Now Occidental Petroleum does not have to invest in Situ Nan, but can also develop on its own. The good operating conditions make Situ Nan very satisfied with Hengda's performance.

In view of the outstanding performance of Occidental Petroleum, Situ Nan decided to postpone the listing of the oil company, even thinking that it is best not to go public.

Hey, after hoarding a large number of oil fields, who knows if this oil company will surpass Mobil in more than a decade?To Situ Nan, the premature listing was too great a loss.

When I received the year-end performance reports of Bethlehem United Steel, Occidental Petroleum, Equity Energy, and Chrysler, I was a little trembling with excitement.He didn't even dare to go to William Financial Holdings to estimate his assets.

No wonder the Arms Merchants Association was cursed. The huge profits are really heinous, and they are completely robbery.

In particular, the Bethlehem United Steel Company, in history, was taken to court after the war, which made people jealous for seeking a large amount of profit.

Due to the emergence of Situ Nan, Bethlehem has almost overturned its strength after acquiring the California Iron and Steel Company. Therefore, seeking huge profits is much more in the original history.

Situ Nan dare not guarantee that this steel company will not be taken to court, but in order to preserve these results, there will be some trouble.

"I have become the world's largest arms dealer?" Although he didn't want to admit it, Situ Nan had accepted this fact in his heart.

Situ Nan felt that his journey was so smooth. In the final analysis, he took the most critical and wise step, which was to go to California to dig for oil. It may take others more than ten or twenty years to complete it with an almost mythical speed. The original accumulation that can be completed!

Crossing fruit is really invincible!Will it be accepted by the sky?

When the money became so heinous, Situ Nan felt a little nervous, always feeling a little unsafe.

Can the William Consortium keep the Bethlehem Union Steel Company?Situ Nan made a big question mark in his heart?

Chapter 211 is still tender!

1917, for Situ Nan, was a bumper year.In politics, Situ Nan does not have too deep connections.Although he has worked hard in this direction, he has spent a lot of money on public relations companies and has won the favor of some congressmen.

But that said, some things can't be bought with money, and networking needs Situ Nan to operate, which takes a certain amount of time.

In addition to gaining a certain favor from the Roosevelt family, the person Situ Nan could pass the exam was his father-in-law Andrew.

He knew that his rise must have offended many people inadvertently, and the William Consortium also inadvertently snatched the cake that was lost to other consortiums in history. It is hard to guarantee that he will not be hated by others.

If it were normal commercial competition, Situ Nan would not be afraid, he would be afraid of interference from other parties.For example, a certain kind of judge will suddenly send you a subpoena. Although it may not hurt you, this kind of trouble will generally last for a period of time, which is very annoying.

The old Morgan was so awesome back then, the savior of American finance, wasn't he still sent to court?

Situ Nan hopes to get help from Andrew. It is very important to make good friends with the Mellon family, because Andrew will soon come to power. He will serve as the Minister of Finance for 12 years. After three presidents, they seem to be powerful figures.

Only the alliance of interests is stable.After much deliberation, Situ Nan made a staggering decision, (if anyone knew it!) "Why are you going to sell part of the shares of Bethlehem United Steel?" Andrew's gray eyes opened wide, staring in surprise. Situ Nan.

Not long after returning from visiting the University of William, Andrew was taken to the study by Situ Nan and said that he had important matters to discuss, but he did not expect that Situ Nan would want the Mellon family to buy a stake in the Bethlehem United Steel Company.

"Yes. Andrew, you heard that right! Didn't the Mellon family always want to fight Morgan in the steel industry? Now the opportunity is here! Bethlehem United Steel Company will be your best choice, after all, its status in the steel industry This is only the United States Steel Corporation. After becoming a shareholder of Bethlehem United Steel Corporation, I think the Mellon family's influence in the steel industry does not belong to Morgan at all, right?" Situ Nan said solemnly.

"Why? Bethlehem United Steel Company has always been very profitable, why do you have such an idea?" Andrew stared at Situ Nan majesticly, unable to guess the idea of ​​a son-in-law.

Being stared at by Andrew, Situ Nan's scalp felt a little numb. He took a deep breath and said, "Because I am afraid of death! Thinking of me, who rises like a comet, has already made many people sleepless. You I know, God won’t let one person get too much. Sometimes the cake is too big, and it’s not good to eat it alone."

Stuart passed the report on the Bethlehem United Steel Company.

Andrew gave a quick sweep, and was secretly surprised. It's no secret that Bethlehem's stock price is soaring and its market value is high.But Situ Nan alone accounted for 40% of the shares.

Once exposed, it will become a sensation, and Situ Nan himself will become a target of public criticism.Fortunately, this kid knows how to register a few different companies, hide himself behind his back, and make a fortune.

"Not as serious as you think! This country is democratic and free, and the law will protect private property. You don't have to worry because the government will seek to seize your property."

Andrew smiled and comforted, "But if you have achieved such a great achievement at such a young age, it will eventually arouse some criticism. It is right not to show your face, not to show up, and to make a fortune in silence. Not counting anything else, you have 4 for a steel company alone. It’s worth billions of dollars, and it’s scary to think about it!"

Andrew was stunned, his eyes gleamed, and he said, "It's okay to go out! After all, the speculation between you and Robles in New York two years ago was too much, and now many people know that you did it. Now, they are starting to pay attention to you. It is a good way to separate some of the Bethlehem stocks, and it can also stop some people."

Situ Nan nodded solemnly.At that time, I just wanted to make a fortune desperately, borrowing 30 million from the Mellon family and others, and then working with Robles to use financial leverage to rush to short the stock market before the outbreak of the First World War, and seek more than 100 million dollars from it.

This success is based on the heavy losses of countless speculators, but after a short period of turmoil, the US stock market has recovered.After Situ Nan's success in short selling, the stocks he bought soared again, hitting and pulling, thanks to Situ Nan's unknown prophet.

It was this battle that laid the foundation of the William Consortium.The thrill of it is still vivid in Situ Nan.

He estimated that at that time Andrew also began to know what he was doing?After all, part of the speculative funds comes from Gulf Oil Company and Mellon Bank.Andrew is silent for Robes' sake!Not only is it silent, but it may also cover a lot for yourself and Robles!

"Old fox, I can bear it! Fortunately, now I finally become my own. Otherwise..." Situ Nan gave Andrew a comment in his heart, but he was a little moved.

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