The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 231

The Germans got everything they wanted on the Eastern Front, and they tried their best to keep these results.Only by forcing the Soviet Union to sign the "Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty", the Germans gained sufficient benefits in this war.

Because they have acquired nearly one million square kilometers of land and a population of 50 million in Russia, this area is completely the essence of Russia. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as the lifeline of the country, including 90% of Russia’s coal mining, iron 73% of ore, 54% of industrial production and 33% of railways.

In addition, there are a large number of indemnities and various harsh rules. The Russians withdrew before the war, and they became the biggest losers.

Just as the Americans’ participation in the war encouraged the Allies, the victory on the Eastern Front gave the Allies ample blood. I was very excited!

Taking advantage of the rare truce at Christmas, both sides are resting while deploying, preparing for the next round of battle.

There is no doubt that Russia completely lost, but some Russians won.

Before Christmas, in November 1917, the Russian calendar October, the Soviet Party headed by Lenin stood up from the corpse of the Romanov dynasty!

The third proletarian regime in human history gave birth in pain!This is like a thunderbolt, shocking the world, and adding haze to the current war.

It's Christmas. I wonder if the new Soviets have time to spend this sweet and exciting Christmas?

It is estimated that the answer is no!They don't have this leisurely mind.

Don't be famous and learn the overlord, it is advisable to chase the remaining brave to the poor.The Soviets are nervously accepting government assets while mobilizing believers and troops to continue hunting down the bourgeois provisional government.

Nobles, rich people, landlords, religious figures, superstitious literati, engineers, teachers and other disobedient people will be the targets of their dictatorship.

Is it not easy to sign the "Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty" with the Germans to win a new regime?

If it is not possible to quickly reach all the reactionaries and establish a proletarian regime, then Lenin's patience and the sacrifice of countless party members will be in vain?

So we must quickly eliminate the remnants of the tsarist regime!Among them, the local provisional governments remaining in various places became the next goal of the revolution!

Well, the Soviets and the Russian Provisional Government have an innate hatred, and at the same time there is a little gratitude in my heart.Thanks to this stupid provisional government for not learning the lessons of the "Little Tsar" and continuing to send Russian husbands, sons, grandsons and even grandfathers to the battlefield.

This is a very detrimental thing. The conscience is greatly broken, and the unpredictable popular sentiment is pushed to the side of the Soviets!But under the pressure of Britain and France, the Provisional Government can only bear with the scalp and persevere.

They thought to themselves that if the Russians hold on again and hold on again, they will be able to defeat the Germans immediately. When tens of millions of Russians step into Germany and face an industrial power that remains intact, it will be so rich. Cake!No matter how many people die, it's worth it!By then, the Russians' losses will be recovered from the Germans a hundredfold!

The Provisional Government is in the next big game, but unfortunately the civilians underneath do not understand the good intentions of the Provisional Government, so they are about to make trouble!

Workers, soldiers, peasants, and students, all the suffering people were agitated by the Soviets.The resentment that accumulates in their hearts is like the anger of hell, which will burn all the shackles imposed on them.

Yes, thousands of troops have had enough of a few people with a gun. They don’t have enough food or clothes, and they have to face the inhuman abuse of German machine guns. They may not believe in any Soviets, but Someone stood up and called on everyone to follow along if they stopped fighting.

The Germans had more bullets than Russian gray animals. The evil Germans killed millions of Russian soldiers with hundreds of millions of bullets, causing countless Russians to shed blood and tears.

However, the obsessive government also asked everyone to die. Those officials should die!

To kill this gang of officials, everyone should heed Lenin's call to advance for the Soviet motherland!

At 21:45 pm on November 7, 1917 (October 25 in the Russian calendar), the cruiser Aurora opened the prelude to the great Russian October Revolution with the sound of its bombarding the Winter Palace. Opened a magnificent page in human history.

Perhaps this news is good news for many Chinese people in the East who are still tirelessly seeking the way to save the country and the people. Some people are even optimistic that the future will be a red flag world.

Situ Nan looked at this issue with a complicated mood. He knew that communism was just an unattainable dream. As long as human beings still have selfishness, this day will never come.But if people have no selfishness, are they still people?

This is really a painful problem. It's all because of Lao Ma who drew a pie for future generations. His ideas have been put into practice by Lenin and others, even though they weren't the methods Lao Ma said.

When the news spread, the whole world was dumbfounded!In particular, capitalists in countries such as Britain, the United States and France, where capitalism is developed, feel fear in their hearts about the situation in Russia, just like they treat the plague.

Undoubtedly, this is the G-spot of all capitalists in the world. They were hit by the G-spot by the Russian Soviets. Their excitement even surpassed the wars in Europe, and it will become hot news for some time to come.

It is still Beverly Hills, William Manor.

"What do you think about the Russians? I heard that some members of Congress proposed to dry up Russia." Andrew asked.

"I don't think it matters. The key is that although this force is weak now, it has tenacious vitality. The situation in Russia is very bad. The country is bankrupt. The people at the bottom don't want to fight. The people's hearts are captured by the Soviet party.

After all, their slogans are fatal to the workers. They will be closely organized by the Soviets and bravely follow the army of officials, landlords, and capitalists. Don't underestimate them. People are often in despair. The moment I saw hope burst out amazing combat power.This is how the Russians are now."

Andrew frowned after hearing Situ Nan's words.As the leader of the Mellon Consortium, one of the top consortia, Andrew fears and hates the Soviets more than most people in the United States.The two sides have no enmity, and there is no intersection. It sounds unreasonable, but this feeling is that it exists and is necessary.

"Andrew, things are not that serious. The situation in the United States is different from Russia. Democracy and freedom are the foundation of the United States. As long as this remains the same, the United States will always exist.

After all, Soviets are a social problem. Russia is just a special case. As long as there is no serious crisis in the capitalist world, the democratic system will not be problematic.Besides, if you want to worry, the British and the French are more worried. They are closer to Russia."

Situ Nan smiled.

Now the United States is talking about the Russian Soviets, but the starting points of the two sides are different.Americans during the war had a pretty good life. Workers had jobs and food, and union leaders were warned not to engage in small actions, so they didn't feel complacent.

What are the consequences? You will know when you see the local armed forces being mobilized urgently. Whenever there is a disturbance, suppression will follow.When the whole country is working hard for the victory of the war, the troubles of a small group of people will definitely not be forgiven. The US government actually does not do much about the problem of heavy punishment in troubled times, but ordinary people do not know it.

"In any case, those lawless villains are best eliminated. Sooner or later that evil regime will become an enemy of the United States. They are so deceptive! Once workers are incited by these damn Communists, the consequences will be serious, the United States There can be no more bloodshed like Carnegie Steel Works!" Andrew said categorically.

Situ Nan nodded, but he was a little disapproved of Andrew's dignified attitude, but it wasn't long before he suffered from the labor movement.

Chapter 210 Inventory of the Largest Arms Dealer of 1917

There is no right or wrong in politics, only success or failure.Despite all other disturbances, Situ Nan felt that 1917 was his most satisfying year.

Busy and fulfilling, calm, this is a portrayal of Situ Nan's current life.

"Counting money and cramps, sleeping until dawn." In his previous life, he had achieved the goal that countless homesteaders dreamed of.Although it is impossible to wake up the world, it is not difficult for a drunken beauty to fall on her knees.

The United States has declared war, and the entire country has been reduced to a huge war machine. Arms-related industries such as steel, coal, gunpowder, and shipbuilding are developing like a blowout. Steel production, coal mining, gunpowder production, and monthly shipbuilding are all in Constantly refresh the numbers and hit a record high.

Taking crude steel output as an example, it has reached a staggering 45.78 million tons, accounting for more than half of the world's total 80 million tons, which is more than 15 million tons in Germany, 8 million tons in the United Kingdom and 2 million tons in France. More!

The sudden increase in steel production in the United States is also attributed to Bethlehem United Steel.In 1917, the structure of the steel industry in the United States did not change drastically. The United States Steel Corporation was still the No. 1 company. No one could hardly shake its position. Its output exceeded 21 million tons!

And Bethlehem Union Steel has also produced more than 10 million tons of steel, making it the second largest steel supplier after US Steel.

At the same time, as the largest shipbuilding company in the United States, Bethlehem United Steel Corporation maintains its lead over U.S. Steel Corporation in shipbuilding.

Of course, this advantage is not absolute. Soon after the United States declared war, U.S. Steel acquired a number of shipyards in cities such as Newark and Philadelphia, and began to compete fiercely with Bethlehem Shipbuilding.

With the help of the big boss Morgan, U.S. Steel has won many orders from Bethlehem Shipbuilding.This made Eugene, the president of Bethlehem United Steel, got a toothache and helpless.

Fortunately, with the foresight, the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Company was fully prepared, and the major shipyards began to be mobilized before the war, so in 1917 they successfully completed the 25 bow Wicks class destroyer and 24 10,000-ton class destroyers. The construction of the merchant ship, all of which strongly supported the war, made Franklin Roosevelt very satisfied.

It is expected that next year, the last year of the war, Bethlehem Steel will have more than 50 Wicks-class destroyers and 300,000-ton merchant ships completed, as well as a Tennessee-class battleship, the California shipyard in San Francisco one year earlier. Finished.

In addition to warships, mines are also a major trademark of Bethlehem.Under Roosevelt's strong promotion, the magnetic mines invented by the genius scientist Nikola Tesla were mass-produced. In the North Sea area where German submarines frequented, more than 70,000 mines were jointly deployed by the British and American navies.

This action has already paid off. Several bow German submarines have been sunk. The inspired US Navy has placed an additional order of 100,000 mines.

God knows, once these mines are planted, when will they be cleaned up? By then, the seas near the German and Dutch generations will be full of mysterious mines.

The Dutch protested. Well, they were still neutral, but their opinions were ignored.

A dead fellow is not dead.Americans don’t care what the Dutch say, and the British don’t even say that the sinking of a submarine will save five, ten or even twenty British merchant ships. God knows how the British hate submarines.If it were not for the German submarine, Britain would not be so embarrassed.

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