The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 234

Laura was soft in her heart, and she felt that everything was worth it to be comforted by such a look.She stared at Situ Nan, and said, "I love you too, Stonney! I am willing to give everything for you!"

Situ Nan lay down and embraced Laura. After the two whispered for a while, Laura fell asleep sweetly.

Childbirth consumes a lot of energy for this woman. She is too tired and needs to rest.After Situ Nan helped her cover the quilt, he walked out quietly.

Situ Nan was in a good mood, and he was full of spring breeze wherever he went.The servants in the house were also nice, and kept saying joy, letting Situ Nan take the housekeeper to the front.

"Housekeeper, everyone is doing very well, I am very satisfied. After the notice, the reward will be 1,000 US dollars for the servants in the family, and 2,000 US dollars for the guards. There are also 5,000 US dollars for the doctor and 2,000 US dollars for the nurse!"

Situ Nan said generously.

"Master, this is too much, right? It costs $100,000!" The butler was surprised and reminded.He counted it. Twenty servants and 30 security guards were employed on the manor, which added up to $80,000.Adding two doctors and five nurses will cost a total of $100,000.

This is a big number!The annual salary of an American worker is only five or six hundred dollars.

"Not much, not much! Oh, I almost forgot about you. You can also receive a $5,000 bonus! I remember your salary is $5,000 per day, and it will double from today."

Situ Nan said arrogantly that he was very satisfied with this butler from England, worked diligently, took care of the house in an orderly manner, and had a taste of British aristocracy.Had it not been for the bankruptcy of the original owner in the war, Situ Nan would not have easily obtained this British butler.

"By the way, many people outside have caught a cold. I don't want this to happen at home. I usually do disinfection and pay attention to clean up."

Situ Nan exhorted a few words again, worryingly.

"Yes, master!" the butler replied respectfully.He has just been rewarded with great energy.

The next day, when Mary heard that Laura was giving birth, she took Tom to the door to "visit".Well, the word visit is a bit awkward, but it seems like that.Since living in Beverly Hills with Laura, Situ Nan has less and less time to go back to his original house in downtown Los Angeles.Only Mary mother and son and He Wenxiu’s sister He Xiangu lived there, but not long ago, after the beginning of William University, He Xiangu moved to the school.

"Stoney, I heard that Aunt Laura gave birth to a younger brother, so take me to see it quickly." Tom shouted to Situ Nan as soon as he entered the door.

"It's a boy. Very beautiful!" Situ Nan said to Mary.He hasn't seen Mary for more than two months.

"Congratulations. I think he must be a charming guy." Mary smiled.Before this, she gave Laura many suggestions.

Situ Nan took Mary and her mother to the nursery, but found that someone had appeared early.

"Good morning! Andrew!" Situ Nan said hello.

"Hush! Don't make a noise!" Andrew whispered, ignoring Situ Nan, still admiring the baby's sleep.

"This old man is getting more and more domineering." Situ Nan touched his nose.

When she came out of the nursery, Mary went to Laura to whisper, but Tom was the only one left to play around.

After watching the baby, Andrew was in a good mood and began to communicate with Situ Nan about the current economic situation.

"This battle is almost over? I heard that your kid has cashed out a lot of arms company stocks?" Andrew gave Situ Nan a meaningful look.

"Yes. I don't think the Germans can hold on for long. They sell some stocks when the price is good now, and they have made a lot of money anyway." Situ Nan did not deny it.

"You are a little brave!" Andrew laughed.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't hurt to put the earned money in your pocket earlier. I just go one step ahead of others, so I don't get rushed." Situ Nan explained.

"Yeah. It makes sense." Andrew thoughtfully.

In the past six months, Situ Nan slowly sold off the stocks of military industry companies he held, and raised a lot of funds, either to buy the third US Treasury bonds, or to buy gold, and deposit it in Robles Securities and Wells Fargo. In the bank.

It was June 1918, and Situ Nan knew that the war was over in a few months.He just blew the wind at the consortium meeting last week, so that his major companies no longer blindly expand their scales, and consciously began to reduce orders, especially the shipbuilding business of Bethlehem United Steel, in addition to ongoing production orders. In principle, orders after 1919 are no longer accepted.

Of course, the words will not be so straightforward. Situ Nan just reminded the heads of major companies that the war is about to end, and the military industry stimulated by the war will usher in a depression. The William Consortium must do the transformation work ahead of time.

Chapter 213

There has never been a pandemic in human history comparable to the Spanish flu that occurred in 1918-1919.The spread of the Spanish flu is wide, fast, and the number of deaths is unprecedented.

Interestingly, the Spaniards are not called "Spanish flu" but called "French flu".

The Spaniards believed that the flu was spread from France to Spain. Since Spain was neutral in the war, a large number of civilians in Europe flowed into Spain from France and brought the flu to Spain.

When Spain announced the flu epidemic to the world, Spain already had a national cold!

From the kings and the nobles to the common people, no one was spared. Millions of citizens were infected. Some governments were closed and traffic was interrupted. Everyone was worried.

Especially people who cough are regarded as "ghosts" by others, and they dare not approach them.

Not only Spain, but all European countries have a large-scale influenza.Especially in several major belligerent countries, due to the destruction of the war, the people have no livelihood, and the government is at a loss for the mysterious epidemic and is unable to control the epidemic.

In the second half of the year, a large-scale influenza outbreak began in the United States. Millions of people have been infected in major eastern cities such as Detroit and Chicago, and this number is rapidly expanding and spreading across the board.

San Francisco and Los Angeles are not safe anymore. The streets are full of people wearing masks. This makes the spinning mills under the California Investment Corporation do a good job. The stock of raw materials that could be produced until the end of the war ran out all at once.

The William Manor is already under martial law, and sanitation and disinfection has become the main theme of family life.Not long after Laura had given birth, it was just when she was weak, and the consequences of an epidemic at home would be disastrous.

Situ Nan was very worried about Laura and the baby, for fear that they would be infected by the flu. In addition to cleaning up the house inside and outside, he also dispatched a lot of manpower and material resources to slaughter all the poultry and livestock within a 20-kilometer radius of Beverly Hills to prevent them. Those animals spread the virus to their families.

The smell of the disinfectant water at home made Laura frowned, but she was moved when she saw Situ Nan's face like an enemy.

"Stone, you see that I am fat, like a fat woman." Laura said annoyedly into the mirror, now her figure is a little out of shape.This makes Laura, who has always been proud of her figure, really unacceptable.

"Fat woman? Is there such a beautiful fat woman in the world?" Situ Nan smiled.

"Hey, I don't know what's going on at the school now, when can I go out for a walk." Laura looked at Situ Nan blankly.

"There is no need to look at me with that kind of eyes. The school is very good. There are already more than 500 teachers and students. By the next semester, more people will come in.

However, many people outside have caught a cold, and some people have died.So recently, we can't go to crowded places.However, the house is very big, you can go to the garden and take care of our baby."Situ Nan persuaded, for fear that Laura wanted to go down the mountain on a whim.

In order to relieve Laura, Situ Nan also deliberately installed a movie room, piano room, dance room, billiard room and so on at home.Usually you can go to watch movies, listen to music, play games and so on, life is not too boring.

"Oh! Forgot to see the baby, he is going to be hungry!" Laura said suddenly, and hurriedly walked to the nursery.Laura's current thoughts are all on the baby, sometimes after talking to Situ Nan for a while, she thinks about nursing the baby.

Situ Nan smiled, changed hands and walked to the study.He hasn't been out for two or three months. He usually stays at home and gives orders. When he is free, he looks at the baby and plays basketball. This delayed his planned trip to Asia.

"Tell me, what's the situation with the flu I asked to investigate? How much damage did it cause to the company?" Situ Nan asked Secretary Lin Yimin.

Lin Yimin has grown up very quickly, and now he can help Situ Nan deal with many things, which gives Situ Nan more energy to plan other plans.

During the time that Situ Nan was "hiding" at home, most of the matters were handed over to Lin Yimin to deal with them.

Lin Yimin took a deep breath of the air that smelled of faint disinfectant water, and his expression was a bit stern, and said, "Yeah. It's very serious. Now the major hospitals in Los Angeles are flooding with a large number of flu patients. They are overcrowded and the wards are not enough. Red Cross members have set up a lot of tents nearby. There are not enough doctors, and some doctors have also been infected. Therefore, students from several nearby universities and medical schools have to suspend classes and participate in free clinics organized by the Red Cross.

Now more than 50,000 people in downtown Los Angeles alone have caught a cold, and many more will be infected.

Health officials predict that next month (August) the number of colds throughout Los Angeles will exceed 200,000, or even 500,000, or more.The situation in San Francisco is similar to that in Los Angeles.

The Spanish flu is highly lethal, causing more than 450 deaths in Los Angeles.In the entire United States, there have been 100,000 deaths.Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment on the market. Scientists have not yet found the principle of the disease, so for the time being, they can only rely on prevention and isolate the infected."

Speaking of this, Lin Yimin's scalp was numb, and he glanced at Situ Nan with a worried look, and then said: "The immigration inspection in the United States is becoming more and more stringent. Health officials are dispatched to the pier in large numbers to strengthen entry hygiene for foreign citizens. Inspections, customs inspections are becoming more and more severe, and patrol boats are dispatched everywhere to crack down on smuggling activities.

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