The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 263 The New Arrival Professor Geller

"De Lin, come quickly. We've reserved a seat for you for half a day, and we thought you missed the train."

Two of Linde's roommates greeted him. After a summer vacation, they were both tanned a lot, and they seemed to have gone to a sunny country for vacation. The middle-class Muggle whites like to tan their skin to show that they have money and leisure. Both roommates are from Muggle families. During the summer vacation, they sunbathe with their families, exercising healthy wheat-colored skin.

Harry seemed to want to talk to Linde, but before he opened his mouth, Linde smiled and said, "You've all grown up, and you can't think of the same thing as before. You all live in a private room. I won't accompany you." Ladies and gentlemen, if you have anything to say, we will discuss it at Hogwarts."

Indeed, children in their teens grow fast, Harry is much taller than the movie actor Daniel, Ron and Neville are learning and exercising from the Master of Winterhold in the library tower, and they already have a bit of a big and three rough posture. It's okay for children to squeeze in a private room, but it will definitely look cramped.

"But we've always sat in the same private room!" Hermione said reluctantly, "Merlin's beard, I feel like the happy old days just won't come back, will I?"

"Mr. Lin is already in the seventh grade, and this year is his last year at Hogwarts." Harry told the truth calmly, "The separation has long been doomed."

Linde waved his hand and chose to partner with his roommates.

Ron looked frustrated, "Ah, I also want to talk to De Lin about Sirius' escape from prison."

This happened during the summer vacation. The prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius Black, escaped from the prison. His sudden escape from prison aroused tense nerves in the British magical world. The shadow of the Dark Lord has never really gone away. The more people try to forget, the more horror Voldemort has penetrated into the hearts of the people.

Many people infer that Sirius escaped from prison to harm the savior Harry Potter, or to make trouble for the dormant Dark Lord. In short, Harry, as a person involved in the incident, has received great attention. The Weasleys all told him to be more careful, Hogwarts was absolutely safe, so it was best for him to stay in school.

However, Harry himself had a completely different idea when he heard about it.

As early as two years ago, he had seen the future through Linde's prophecy. Harry knew that it was not Sirius who killed his parents, but Peter Pettigrew. This cowardly and despicable Death Eater was an illegal Animagus, For many years, he has been hiding in the Weasley family in the form of a mouse, which is Ron's pet Scabbers.

Harry was no longer the shaggy kid who didn't know anything about magic. He was able to defeat a basilisk single-handedly in the second grade, combining strength, courage and calmness. He spent a long time thinking about how he should deal with his father's grievances, and he never acted rashly, and he didn't even tell Ron that his beloved pet Scabbers was actually a middle-aged, bald, wretched wizard.

It wasn't that Harry was being cruel - in fact, the dark arts did throw some twists on the kid's personality - he just didn't want to startle the scene.

Harry, who was inspired by the prophecy, is actually a bit like a reborn person in a parallel world. He has enough time to repeatedly weigh the pros and cons of the event.

Sirius was undoubtedly wronged, and Harry wanted to save him, while Pettigrew, the culprit, needed to be punished. Harry didn't mind using some of his new black magic, but the best way was to send him to Wei Sengama Court, let the truth come out to the world.

This new school year, Harry knew he would be a little busy.

On the other side, in Linde's private room, the two roommates also talked about the impact of Sirius' escape from prison.

"The Ministry of Magic is really useless. This Minister Fudge knows how to appeal to everyone to calm down, as if he said a few good words in the newspaper, and the escaped Death Eaters would give up doing evil."

"Hopefully this Sirius thing won't affect Hogwarts. The basilisk appeared in the castle last year, and we've had enough trouble."

Linde just listened and didn't express any opinions. At this time, it started to rain, and through the dripping wet glass, the field scenery outside the window seemed to be covered with a layer of fog.

"Lin, what do you think?"

"What?" Linde came back to his senses. He was fascinated by the scenery and didn't pay attention to where the topic went.

"The new professor, we haven't seen him yet, so we don't know what kind of person he is."

"Trust Professor Dumbledore's vision." Linde said in relief, "Think about our two previous professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts, one is an excellent graduate of Ravenclaw, and the other is an extraordinary witch. There will probably be surprises this year."

His words gave the roommate a lot of confidence.

Linde thought to himself that the new professor this year would be Remus John Lupine, a member of the parent-generation quartet, and the werewolf wizard code-named Moon Face. This is a good teacher. Compared with the two powerful professors in the first two years of the original book: Quirrell and Lockhart, Professor Lupine brought hope to the poor Defense Against the Dark Arts class of Hogwarts students, and finally let the students learned real knowledge.

At the same time, Harry and the others got into the last section of the train early, and finally found a private room here that was not full.

The four little wizards stopped at the door and looked at the only passenger in the private room.

This person is an adult wizard, wearing a dignified and elegant black wizard robe, exuding the demeanor of a classical aristocrat, looking towards the car window, this rainy weather seems to make him very happy.

The Hogwarts Express usually received students, and Harry and the others hadn't seen any adult passengers yet. Moreover, this wizard has an unspeakably deep aura, deeper than the night, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Hello." Hermione smiled and greeted generously, "The other carriages are already full, can we sit here?"

Ron whispered to Harry and Neville, "I really admire her, she knows everyone she meets."

The wizard's eyes moved away from the window and fell on these children. His young and handsome face was very pale, and it seemed that he had not seen the sun all year round, and his pair of eyes were strange dark gold, like honey, but Exuding the heterogeneity of a predator.

The four little wizards were stunned by this gaze, and Harry's heart suddenly sounded an alarm, and he unconsciously put his hand on the wand cover.

The wizard smiled, unexpectedly warm, like a gentle breeze, and beckoned the little wizards over.

"Choose your favorite seat, three gentlemen, and this lady, I have something to ask the students. Oh, by the way, I am the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, you call me... Guy Mr Le will be fine."

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