The journey back to school started off smoothly. After noon, Linde ate the sandwich Mrs. Weasley gave him. In the end, he hiccupped and stuffed all the food into his stomach. At one o'clock, the train salesman began to sell snacks, and Linde spent five coppers on a fruit and vegetable drink to quench his thirst.

In the afternoon, I played Wizard Chess with my roommates for a while, and halfway through I felt sleepy, and Linde took a nap.

After becoming a godhead, he is now able to dream, but his dreams are unusual. Once he enters the dream, he will wander in the world in the form of a spirit. This experience is the same as the process of ascension to a god.

Lind calls his dreams fugues, but out-of-body experiences are another. The out-of-body is to use the soul body to face the universe, while the fugue is in harmony with the universe and becomes an integral part of the spirit of the world. This is also a field that only gods and a few lucky mortals can set foot in.

Linde's consciousness in fugue is very clear. He can move around, move in space, or cruise in time. If he needs to know the past or predict the future, he can do it by fugue.

The long river of time in the world of "Harry Potter" has changed its course seven times, and the seven histories derived from this overlap together, resulting in frequent errors in divination. Linde can now independently choose a history to travel, and is no longer blinded by the fog of history. Now he can finally feel proud.

Of course, the role of fugue is not limited to this. Linde in this state can be said to be omnipresent, so he can answer the prayers of believers in the current world. The members of the library tower are all his followers, and they are more concerned. With the imprint as a communication medium, Linde can respond to their prayers even if he is in a different universe.

After ascending to the gods, Linde was finally able to create his own spells, but it was not easy for others to learn these new spells, because these spells essentially borrowed Linde's power. Without his own consent, even if a wizard learned You can't cast a spell even if you chant a spell, which is similar to a magic spell.

Because of this, Lind didn't have to worry about his spell being used against him - something a Half-Blood Prince would probably envy.

Of course, if a mage steals Linde's power by means, he can also cast his magic. The beauty of magic is that anything is possible. Mortals can fool the gods too - as long as they don't get caught, most gods hold a grudge long enough to exact their revenge.

Linde's nap was very calm. He was wandering in his dream, and saw Percy Weasley and Ravenclaw's prefect Penello hiding in the back compartment of the carriage, having a love affair. In the last carriage, he thought he would meet Professor Lupine, but he didn't expect that the new professor this year turned out to be Gellert Grindelwald.

Although Grindelwald made some disguises, the imprint of the library on his body is the best proof of identity.

Gellert, who became a blood clan, not only returned to his peak form, but also became even more terrifying. It seems that there is nothing wrong with recruiting such a king of dark wizards into the school to teach black method defense. After all, no one knows black magic better than Grindelwald , it is really appropriate for a professional like him to guide a layman.

It's just that Dumbledore really has a big heart. Once Grindelwald's identity is exposed, then he, the greatest wizard of this century, will be ruined. Maybe they really don't care about false names.

The group of four communicated with the new professor and kept a distance and vigilance at first.

Professor Geller bought a lot of snacks for these children, and Ron said that you are still weird. Hermione was promised by the professor that she could be an after-school teaching assistant, so the elementary school bully was very happy. As for Neville, he only needed some encouragement and help, and it was enough for him to trust.

In the end, Harry remained indifferent, and Professor Geller's eyes flickered, showing a little more interest in this special child.

As the evening approached, the train was about to arrive at Hogwarts, and the rain was getting heavier. There seemed to be an obstacle ahead of the track. After the whistle sounded, the speed of the train gradually slowed down.

"Have we arrived yet?" The students were in awe. The freshmen, with excitement and fatigue after a long journey, looked forward to stepping into the most prestigious magic school, while the senior students frowned, realizing that something was not quite right. It is said that it will take another hour or so to arrive at the station.

The sky was very dark, and the world outside the window was as dark and humid as the deep ocean. The lights in every carriage were turned on, and the orange lights were full of warmth. The students were still calm at this time.

But as the train came to a full stop and all the lights went out, everyone panicked.

In this darkness where you can't see your fingers, students visit each other and call for friends.

The doors of the carriages opened one after another, and in the noisy wind and rain, several dementors walked in. They came to search for Sirius.

Dementors are special magical creatures that live off the joyful emotions of humans, impervious to invisibility and magical tricks. The places where they are often entrenched in darkness, filth, and despair.

The notorious Azkaban was guarded by these creatures, who would suck the joy out of their prisoners and drown them in pain, many of whom would be driven mad by this spiritual emptiness. The Dementor's Kiss is also one of the most terrifying death sentences in the wizarding world. After the soul is emptied, the person will become a walking dead, with only a living shell, but a hollow inside.

Linde woke up from his nap. The temperature of the air didn't drop, but everyone felt a bone-chilling cold. Dementors roamed the corridors, and the fear and oppression they brought made the little wizards scream.

"Fluorescent flashes." A ray of light illuminated the carriage from Linde's hand. He pondered for a while, and then chanted a new spell, "Purify the unclean."

The pleasant radiance of the Luminosity became menacing and diffused like a mask. Dementors that come into contact with bright light often start burning before they can escape.

The appearance of these guys looks like a floating black cloak, and the inside is like a corpse soaked in sea water. They trembled violently when they were ignited, as if they were silently wailing.

Except for a small number of dementors who were far away from Linde's compartment and escaped in time, the rest of the monsters were purified by the holy and dazzling glare, leaving only a pool of bone-white ashes on the burning ground, without any evil breath.

"Lin... what are those?" the roommate asked tremblingly.

"Dementors. The incompetent bureaucrats of the Ministry of Magic use these dangerous creatures to search for escaped prisoners." Linde explained briefly, and the panic scene on the train quickly subsided, and the lights that had been extinguished due to the arrival of the dementors were turned on again.

When he came to the corridor, Percy, who had hickeys on his face, forced himself to be calm, and patrolled the carriages with the prefects, trying to maintain order, calling on the students to take their seats.

"Mr. Lin." Harry appeared behind Linde, and the others went to comfort their classmates. Harry found Linde the first time, and obviously had something to say.

The dementor in the original book can be said to be Harry's nemesis, because this child with severe childhood trauma has little joy, so as long as the dementor absorbs a little, he will fall into incomparable despair.

"You look fine." Linde looked Harry up and down. The little wizard was extremely calm, and his eyes were cold. He held his wand tightly in his hand, like a wolf in danger.

"Was it the magic you released just now? It's so powerful."

"Well, this magic is mainly aimed at unclean people like undead. You can learn it too."

Harry hesitated for a moment, then quietly reported his discovery to Linde.

"I met the new professor. Just now, he used apparition to leave the carriage. He seems to be afraid of your magic."

"He should be afraid." Linde nodded. "After all, he is a... Well, this has to be kept secret."

"Mr. Lin, can we trust this new professor?" Harry narrowed his eyes.

"Even if you don't believe him, you should trust Professor Dumbledore." Lind waved his hand, looked at Grindelwald who was coming from the end of the carriage, and smiled, "Do you think so, Professor... Geller?"

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