The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 262 Godhead and the first day of school

September 1st, King's Cross Station.

Lindh is busy at the end of the summer after returning from the Marvel universe. The harvest brought by this trip to another world is self-evident. Lin De never thought that he could get a glimpse of the ultimate truth. He came to the MCU purely with the mentality of playing, and collecting infinite gems was a temporary idea.

The Infinity Stones are only useful in the universe in which they were created, but Lindh's harvest of a brand new gem is enough to satisfy him.

The power of this ego gem is nothing compared to the other six gems. It can neither allow Linde to control the root law, nor can it provide endless energy. An indestructible stone, but it would be reckless to throw such a treasure at someone.

The special thing about the ego gem is that it is a coagulation of the soul of the universe. The outer shell of the gem is the condensation of friends' thoughts on Lin De, and the essence of it is the consciousness of Tiandao.

The reason why the Infinity Stones have incredible power is that they are the key to communicate with the root of the universe, while the Ego Stone communicates with Linde, representing his personality and power, as well as his name. It can be said that the self-gem is equivalent to a godhead, and Linde is now a real god, not the mortal with no divinity before.

Needless to say, Linde was delighted to take this crucial step. Among them was the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe and the nostalgia for seeing all the years and years, which was the most unforgettable experience he had since time travel.

The step of incarnating the soul of the universe is a very risky move. Linde did indeed die once because of this, and turned into an ignorant, nameless and formless Heavenly Dao. Even his self-awareness has been wiped out, and he can no longer be regarded as an independent individual , but a mass of chaotic mist, the aggregation of pure thinking strings, and the framework of the world's laws.

If there is no help from the ascended orcs to get him out of the state of ignorance and ignorance, Linde will always stay in that absolute spiritual state, where material movement and history have no meaning, nothing exists, and a state of nothingness without beginning and end. If Tiandao Linde had not tried to know himself, the universe would not have been born.

It is impossible for a person immersed in a dream to reflect on himself, otherwise the dream will wake up. Linde seemed to have a dream that would never end. If no one woke him up, he would sleep forever.

The ascended orcs did not forget the highest evolution, even though Linde never regarded the wisdom bestowed on them as private property. With them, Linde can wake up.

And if there are no friends calling his name, the awakened Linde will also lose himself. This may be the agreed upon future date.

Courage and luck allowed Linde to become a god.

Now that he has a godhead, his soul spontaneously breeds eternal divine power, and he is no longer held back by his power level. Compared with magic power, eternal divine power is even more incredible. If wizards use small boats to go out to sea and need to keep in mind the laws of hydrology and meteorology in order to control the wind and waves, then Linde is now the ocean and the sky, not because he adapts to the wind and waves, but because of him.

It took Linde quite a long time to sort out all the harvest, so after returning from the Marvel world, his life was busier than usual, at least he didn't have time to help Malika sell bread, and he stayed in the library tower all day, didn't he To do experiments is to practice divine power. Sometimes he forgets the time, and may not leave the bedroom for two or three days in a row. The meals Malika prepared for him were cold, so he had to eat them by himself, but as long as Linde showed up at the meal time, there would always be hot food a meal treat.

Lind always praised Malika as the best host he had ever seen.

The first day of school came unexpectedly, and Malika took Linde to the train station as usual. When parting, Malika asked him as usual if he would come back this Christmas. And Linde always said, "It's possible."

The express train to Hogwarts had already stopped at platform 9. The young wizards and their parents bid farewell. The senior students had already chosen their private rooms, chatted and told about their experiences and knowledge during the summer vacation.

When Linde saw this scene, he felt as if he had passed away. Staying in the Marvel world for too long has caused his past memory to be a little fuzzy, as if he was reminiscing about the past through old photos.

"De Lin! You are here. Why don't you get in the car? Who are you waiting for?" A cheerful greeting came.

Linde didn't need to turn his head to know that the speaker must be Percy Weasley, his roommate, and if only one Weasley was present, it must be the whole family at the same time.

Indeed, the Weasley family excitedly got into the platform, Harry, Hermione and Neville were also among them, and now it's over, the concentration of Gryffindor on the platform is simply off the charts.

Mrs. Weasley enthusiastically shoved a paper lunch box into Linde's hand. She said, "I prepared this specially for you. You can have lunch when you are hungry in the car. It is made of smoked ham, bacon and lettuce. Sandwich, you will definitely like the taste of it.”

"Thank you very much, ma'am. You are so generous and thoughtful." Linde's original sense of distance from the magical world was suddenly shortened. He felt that he was standing firmly on the ground, and with the joy of reunion, he turned to this The amiable lady touched her chest and saluted.

He said, "I read it in the Daily Prophet. Your family traveled to Egypt. Are the pyramids still beautiful?"

This topic is worth talking about. The Weasleys talked about the ancient Egyptian magic in the pyramid, the unique fashion style of local wizards and so on. Linde nodded slightly, and when asked if he had traveled anywhere this summer, he replied that he had gone to an alien planet to see aliens.

Everyone thought he had told a funny joke.

The train was about to leave the station. After saying goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, the students hurried on the train. Percy couldn't wait to rush to the prefect's private room, Linde raised his eyebrows, guessing that this guy is so eager, he must be looking for a female classmate he likes, he is really a guy who forgets friends when he sees sex.

Everyone walked through the corridor all the way, and the private rooms along the way were basically full, and the students were discussing the new changes in Hogwarts.

In the new school year, there is one thing that makes many little wizards heartbroken, that is, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class has changed professors again, and the beautiful, kind and gentle Ms. Moon Shadow has resigned from her job. It stands to reason that she has been safe and smooth this year, and she is definitely not cursed by the legendary Dark Lord, but this position is so amazing that any professor, good or bad, can only stay for one year.

Harry and the others were also very sad, especially Hermione was the saddest. After all, the Granger family and Ms. Moonshadow had already made a deep friendship, but now they were separated by two places.

Linde knew the inside story, and Ms. Moon Shadow temporarily planned to stay in the Marvel world and take care of the dark elves.

The high priest Ayesha said that their group has a big plan and plans to spend a lot of resources to breed a powerful offspring named Warlock Adam. Ms. Moon Shadow is very interested in this plan. As a demon god, she will choose a champion warrior as her spokesperson. The last Azura's warrior was Nerevar, the hero of the dark elves, and now she is targeting Warlock Adam.

Linde thought to himself, there will be a Black Adam now, is this a linkage with the DC next door?

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