188 – 62. Judah’s Morning

When you wake up in the morning, there is something you feel first before you open your eyes.

A little warmth came into my arms after cutting my arm.

The sound of someone else’s breathing, not mine. Things like that.

Open your eyes next.

Sunlight seeping through the slightly opened curtains.

There is soft lighting throughout the room.

Then lower your head slightly.

Today again, I can see Elijah’s face sleeping soundly while hugging me.


Every morning, I start off happy thanks to my round and cute face, so I’m bound to be in good condition all day long.

Diagonal sunlight shines from behind Elijah.

It looks just like a cat sleeping under the sunlight.

It is a scenery that will make your heart happy just by looking at it.

She always smells pleasant.

Something like the smell of a blanket that has just been washed cleanly and dried softly in the sun.

If you take charge of it, the whole world becomes peaceful.

I pressed my lips to Elijah’s forehead and hugged him.

Then, even in her sleep, Elijah comes deeper into my arms and rubs her face.

I feel like I’m embracing the world.

‘Cute and crazy….’

Just a few weeks ago, such leisure or procrastination was impossible.

However, as Elijah gradually appointed her talents as her minister and minister, she was finally able to reduce the workload that Elijah had to handle alone.

From then on, Elijah’s time became more relaxed, and she was able to procrastinate like this every morning.

She closes her eyes again while listening to Elijah’s rhythmic breathing.

Focus on other senses.

A tickling breath that escapes from my arms.

The feeling of skin touching a close body.

The feeling of slipping on the thin fabric of summer pajamas.

The softness of her hair brushing against her face.

The curves of your body can be felt in your hands when you caress it in your sleep.

Sleeping Elijah is surprisingly warm, and just holding her still like this makes her feel very good.

I fell asleep.

As her consciousness seems to sink, I feel Elijah as if in a dream, in her hazy mood.

He also teases areas that are soft and easy to touch, such as her buttocks or belly fat.

The soft feel of the blanket feels good.

Then, suddenly, Elijah muttered in a subdued voice.


This is what I say as soon as I wake up in the morning.

I always do this, but I still can’t help but laugh.

I kissed her slowly.

Even in her sleep, when Elijah feels me approaching, she closes her eyes and slightly raises her head.

Her willingness to somehow adjust the position and direction of her lips is very endearing.


I kiss her lips as lightly as in the morning.

Refreshing touch.

Warm, plump lips are soft enough to make you smile whenever you touch them.

Elijah laughed and rubbed her face against my chest.

Around that time, a bird was chirping outside.

Elijah There was a tree branch hanging outside her bedroom window, and from some point on, a bird came to visit there every morning.

And it chirps and cries at the exact time.

Elijah and I wake up to this sound as our alarm clock.


Elijah, who was whining at her, came up to my face, and this time she kissed her lips first.

I responded to the touch by hugging her waist.

We kissed a little longer than before.

Elijah asked as she fell into my arms, her eyes still closed.

He just woke up and calmed down, his voice a bit drowsy.

“Did you sleep well?”

“I slept well thanks to Ellie. “What about Ellie?”

“Hmph. Me too. “I had a good dream too.”

Elijah She always tells me her dreams that she had.

As soon as I wake up.

Whether it is a bad dream or a good dream.

It’s rarely been a bad dream, and it’s not that bad.

The bad dream I had recently was that the bed suddenly expanded and Elijah couldn’t hug me while I was sleeping.

Most cases like this are pointless.

I held her and listened to her with all my heart.

As always.

“What dream?”

“Just, when we were young, we did this and that…. Oh, in my dream, we were riding Yuel together as children.”

“Hmm. It would have been a fun experience if I had ridden a UL when I was young…. Come to think of it, it’s been a while since I went for a walk with Yuel.”

“Shall we go out together after a long time?”

“Aren’t you busy today?”

“I guess I’ll be busy checking reports until lunch…. After that, it will be easy.”

“Then it would be nice to take a walk for the first time in a while.”

“Wow. I like it too.”


Elijah kissed me and smiled.

Kissing at any time, without any warning or signal, has become a daily routine.

Elijah and I both woke up, but she didn’t get out of bed right away.

I tend to procrastinate here as much as possible until I leave.

We rolled around in bed like that for a while, hugging and kissing and talking about anything.

Knock knock.

Someone knocked softly on the door.

It would be Maria.

Every morning, when it is time to go out, she tells me this way.

I want to roll around all day, but she is the emperor.

She is also the emperor who united all mankind.

Even though there is less work to do, there is still a lot to do.

Elijah’s goal is to gradually reduce and reduce work so that he can maximize the amount of time he can spend alone with me.

I am also sincerely rooting for you.

Ultimately, the goal is to let go of everything and be with me 24 hours a day, but realistically, this is an impossible goal.

“Now it’s time to wake up.”

“Wow…. Nope….”

Because she was rolling around, before I knew it, she was on top of me.

Elijah whined, burying her face in her chest.

“Look here.”

She held Elijah’s chin as he raised his head with one of her hands, and with her free hand she lifted his eyelids.

We have already seen everything we can and cannot see for about 30 days right after the wedding.

It’s not a big deal, just something to look out for.


Elijah laughed softly, making a happy sound.

She didn’t welcome this from the beginning.

What day was it when I spent 30 days under the mountain?

I woke up because I heard the sound of water, and Elijah was washing his face without me knowing.

When I asked her why she was doing that, she said with embarrassment that she did it because she didn’t want to show her frowny face.

That look is so cute.

She said it was okay for her not to worry about it from next time, and she even said she would pay for it.

At first she refused, but after a few times she got used to it, and now she actually welcomes those times.

Whatever the reason, it’s cute so it’s okay.

It feels good to see Elijah comfortably leaving her face to my touch.

“Now it’s done.”

To finish her off, she grabbed Elijah’s cheeks and kissed her lips.

I can’t resist kissing this cute thing.

Then Elijah hugs my neck and kisses her lips again.

“Wow, thank you. Love you.”

Knowing that the emotions contained in those words are never light, we can say the words we love lightly.

“I love you too.”

“… But you know what.”


“Something hard was poking me underneath….”

“It is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the morning and cannot be resisted by human will….”


Elijah looked up at me with strange eyes and moved as if he was gently rubbing her pelvis.

“It’s unfortunate, but there’s nothing we can do. “I can’t put it off any longer.”

“Um…. “I sincerely regret it.”

Elijah smiled lightly and stood up, taking my hand.

“After this, later at night.”

“There’s no need to say that….”

When I spoke slyly, Elijah laughed as if he couldn’t stop me.

Since her marriage, Elijah has often seen her smiling face.

It is a pure, untainted smile that exudes composure.

I can do anything to protect that smile.


I follow Elijah’s hand and we wash in a similar order and pace.

After breakfast with Mary, Elijah checks her reports and gives her instructions until lunch.

Most of what she does is either allowing or rejecting something.

I just sat next to him and occasionally ate snacks like cookies that Maria provided or fed them to Elijah.

It wasn’t boring or anything like that.

Beauty in itself is an excellent play and pleasure.

Elijah is like that.

You lose track of time just by looking at it from the side.

A straight yet gently convex forehead.

The bridge of the nose falls gracefully.

Small, plump lips that turn red and look appetizing.

Overall round face.

Big eyes are pure, but sometimes they give a feeling of power whose depth is unknown.

This heavenly harmony of youthful yet mature feelings….

‘Of course, underneath the face, he is infinitely mature…. No. ‘Let’s not think profane thoughts in the throne room.’

Anyway, if you just look at it, it is a beauty that makes you want to believe in the existence of God just by looking at its face.

Who else but God could create such a perfect appearance?

‘… But I hate it when I think of it as that god. Although he said he was also a manager.’

Watching Elijah like this makes her time go by quickly.

Sometimes, when her eyes meet, Elijah smiles.

Or, when there are no eyes to see, she gently sticks out her lips and pretends to kiss her, or licks her lips with her tongue, sending a signal that is difficult to receive here.

I enjoy the time I spend looking at her like that.

He smiles a lot, learns to be a little considerate of others, and plays pranks on me.

She never lets go of my hand and just honestly and transparently likes me, which makes me happy and grateful, and sometimes even surprising.

‘When I think about the first time we met…. Honestly, it’s amazing.’

First meeting with young Elijah.

At that time, Elijah was a scary person in many ways.

It will definitely be much stronger now.

But at that time, the atmosphere Elijah was giving off to her was so cool that it was almost scary.

An attitude of being wary of people with thorns all over their body.

A sharp intention hidden in the casual words spoken with a smile.

That venomous desire for revenge that was too much for a young child to harbor.

I can’t find it at all now.

‘You grew up well, you grew up well.’

As she was looking at her happily, Elijah began to write her letters on her palm with the thumbs of her clasped hands.

‘Huh? What?’

Fingers moving slowly and smoothly.

I quietly read the texture.

‘Sa, lang, do.’

I laughed without realizing it.

At that moment, the chairman of the common people who was reporting to Elijah looked at me as if he were puzzled.

“Gukseo? “What’s going on?”

“Ah, um, hmm. “It’s nothing.”

“Please speak softly.”

“Still, you work hard day and night for the safety of the empire, so how can we easily treat you poorly?”

I still rely on power and find it difficult to talk to people I don’t even know, especially people who are more mature than me.

So, I became adept at making excuses like this.

“It is widely rumored that Gukseo is a wise man who treats all people equally and knows how to look after them.”

Because of that, it was rumored that I was a very kind person.

They say it is a national book that even low-ranking people do not look down on.

Is this a good thing for me? . I do not know.

“Okay then. “He is my husband.”

Elijah said proudly next to him.

Elijah and the commoners’ council president began discussing again.

I wrote the same thing on her palm next to her with her thumb.

‘Sa, lang, do.’

From noble mtl dot com

Elijah did not smile noticeably and awkwardly like I did.

But seeing as the tips of her ears are slightly red, it seems like everything is good.

‘It’s cute.’

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