187 – 61. Return to daily life

A month has passed since Judah and Elijah got married.

Elijah enjoyed the time with peace of mind.

In fact, it was difficult for many people for her to be away for as long as a month.

She declared that the next goal of the new empire was to conquer the Demon World.

Various orders have been issued to all powers under the empire to prepare for him.

Of course, there are some issues that require Elijah’s consent or coordination with him.

Nevertheless, Elijah was away from her place for 30 days.

The reason such a thing was possible was purely because she was the savior of mankind.

If it had not been for Elijah, civilization would have been devastated by the evil god of the void and humanity would have disappeared.

So, after 30 days, it was natural that Elijah would be burdened with a landslide of work.


“Your Majesty the Emperor. Thank you for granting me an audience….”

“Only the main point. Hurry.”

“Yes… ! Our territory is unable to fully supply the wood needed to build the ship you ordered in advance. Accordingly, the trade route to Finnia territory….”

“I will make a suggestion to Lord Finnia. “I will call you again if necessary.”

“Thank you!”

“Let’s just go. Next.”

Elijah renovated the large conference room in her mansion and was using it as her temporary throne room.

This is because the palace has not been completed yet.

As soon as one person leaves, the next person comes rushing in.

It seems quite urgent.

Through the slightly open door, he could see numerous people waiting for him behind it.

Elijah sighed and heard her next plea.

“I don’t have time to say hello, so just get to the point.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. My name is Mavro from Santorini. Recently, the number of bandits targeting orchards in our city has increased significantly. “It’s difficult for the city guards to handle it alone.”

“Hmm. Santorini…. “It seems like there was an area around there that had heavy rain recently, is that correct?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“There must be a small city nearby where heavy rain has made existing crops unusable. We can’t ignore the possibility that they’ll resort to stealing to survive next season. “Can’t we afford to ask for support from mercenaries or other cities?”

“I’m sorry….”

“Let’s dispatch a few members of the Imperial Knights to temporarily take care of security. So that maintenance can be completed within that period. “I will look into the measures for nearby cities and inform them.”

“Thank you! “What wise insight!”


Elijah glanced at Galahad as he was leaving.

It meant selecting appropriate people and sending them out.

Galahad also understood the meaning just by looking at him, and began to look through the list of knights.

People flocked in without a break.

And there was someone sitting close to her from the beginning.

It was Judas.

Even when Elijah was exhausted, she was also the source of energy that allowed him to endure.

No matter who came or saw me or not, I held one hand tightly.

Although there was nothing special to do, Judah maintained his position as the empress’ official secretary and Elijah’s stamina charger.

I wasn’t bored.

Throughout the audience, he was busy admiring Elijah.

‘… And. ‘I can’t do it even if the emperor asks me to do it.’

No matter what the issue was, Elijah answered without delay.

I know everything about cities far away from here.

It seemed as if the map and current status of the world were being updated in real time in my head.

‘A genius is a genius…? .’

I sat down in this throne room only half a day after being released from the cage.

This means that Elijah had very little time to find out what she was up to.

Nevertheless, Elijah did not hesitate in response to any questions or requests.

‘If I were sitting there…. ‘He must have been dethroned after ruining several countries.’

Before the possession, he became emperor, but he was not competent.

He was a scoundrel who only took power and left to find what he wanted to do.

In fact, there were several instances where rebellions broke out and he was dethroned.

‘This position, living next to the genius emperor, is the most convenient and suitable. ‘Mmmmm.’

Judas was very satisfied with his current situation.

There were still a lot of guests left, but we couldn’t just rest.

Meal times had to be observed.

Miguel came over and announced that dinner was ready, and Elijah nodded her head.

“If there are people who have brought agenda items that can be confirmed and answered with double documents waiting outside, tell them to fill them out briefly and return. Otherwise, you’ll have to stay and wait. But are there any spare rooms?”

“Yes. “We can barely accommodate it.”

“Then deal with it that way.”

The people in the throne room rushed out.

Only Judas and Elijah remained in the spacious throne room.

Elijah climbed onto Judah’s lap and hugged him tightly.

“Uuuuuh…” . I’m tired….”

The cool-headed Empress suddenly disappeared.

The reason she sat on his lap was that she was just a charming, grumpy, cat-like girl.

Judas lightly patted her buttocks.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“Then give me a kiss.”

I burst out laughing.

It was especially cute that she wasn’t aware that she was being cute.


After kissing her lightly, Elijah nuzzles her face into her shoulder again and whines.

“Why is there so much work…. Shouldn’t he be the emperor? .”

“… “Can I quit just because I don’t want to do it?”

“Hmm. “That can’t be possible.”

“Watching from the side, I couldn’t have done it without Ellie.”

“Well. “Who else is responsible but me?”

She smiled softly and rubbed her face all over Judah’s body again.

Yuda thoroughly enjoyed the rustling of the small body temperature that was snuggled into her arms.

“Wasn’t Judas bored?”

“Not at all. They say it’s work, but honestly, I don’t have to make any decisions or take responsibility for it. “Time flies when you hear news from other regions and look around Ellie.”

“Hmm…. If so, I’m glad. “I will always have her next to me wherever I go from now on.”

Her determination not to leave even for a moment was just cute to Judah.

Elijah’s hair became frizzy from rubbing it so hard.

Judah ran his fingers through her soft hair.

“Aren’t you hungry?”

“Wow. Hungry. Now let’s go have dinner. Her mom will be waiting.”


The restaurant was already fully stocked with food.

While the employees were busy coming and going, Maria welcomed them.

Although she rose to the rank of Empress Dowager, she always personally prepared Elijah’s meals. She was familiar with it, as she often did it as Elijah’s maid.

“Eli, Judah. Come on. Great job.”

Elijah greeted Mary with a light hug.

“You have prepared a lot of things. “It must have been difficult.”

“It’s difficult. “Ellie is having more trouble.”

When Judah and Elijah sat down on the double chair, the last meal was served.

“Can we rest after dinner?”

Maria asked, sitting down across from her.

Unless she has something special to do, she also eats with Judah and Elijah.

This was her first meal together since her wedding, but they had eaten together several times before.

Accordingly, Judas also became accustomed to the situation of feeding Elijah in front of Mary.

She naturally dips bread into soup and feeds it to Elijah.

After she chewed for a while, Elijah answered.

“There are so many people, I think I’ll have to keep watching government affairs until I go to sleep.”

“Oh my…. “What should I do because I’m tired?”

“It’s my responsibility to be away for a month…. After working hard for a few weeks, you will feel more relaxed. And, she’s okay with Judah by her side.”

“Ellie, you will take care of yourself, but don’t overdo it. Know?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Judas must be very tired too.”


As he was munching on the bread that Elijah had fed him, he had no idea that a question would be asked of him.

I was in a hurry to swallow the bread, but Mary stopped me.

“No, no, swallow slowly.”

“Yes, yes…” .”

The answer came only after I swallowed it.

“Thanks to Ellie, I can endure it too. Well actually… Ellie does all the work, and all she does is sit next to her. “There is nothing to do.”

“What do you mean? “I’m fulfilling my responsibility just by keeping her in her place.”

“Mom is right. “She really helps just by being around.”


Judas didn’t know what to do as he was showered with words of praise and recognition, added to the meaning of “It’s okay.”

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The reason her face got hot wasn’t just because the food was warm.

I wasn’t really doing anything great, but I was praised so much, and although I was embarrassed, it didn’t feel too bad.

Sometimes it is surprising that Elijah has become such a positive person and only says such good things.

I’ve seen this person change a lot for a long time, but first impressions are not easily erased.

Of course, Elijah is still harsh and cold more often than not.

This side of her is triggered only by herself.

For example, when you push a fork to eat rolled pasta, the reaction is to open the mouth and say “Ah~”.

‘It’s so cute that it’s a mask.’

Thinking like that, I watched Elijah humming with joy.

Just looking at it makes her lose track of time, so she doesn’t need much entertainment.

Her mere existence is the joy and joy of life.

Then suddenly Maria asked.

“How many children does she think she will have?”

“… ….”

Judas almost spit out the contents of her mouth.

But she endured with indomitable will.

On the other hand, Elijah was calm.

“Well. “I don’t have any intention of doing that yet.”

This was an issue that Judah and Elijah agreed upon about 30 days after her wedding.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to have children.

However, they agreed that if they got pregnant, some of their own joy(?) Would be taken away, so they would focus on each other for the time being.

“Yes, it’s a matter for both of us, so do whatever is convenient for you. “I just asked because I was curious.”

Judas was somewhat embarrassed by the natural conversation between the two.

Perhaps because they are both mother and daughter, they have no hesitation about the topic of conversation.

She was caught in the middle and was about to die.

After some unexpected twists and turns, it was peaceful.

After the meal, Elijah and Judah went straight to the throne room.

There was still a lot of work left to do.

It was late at night when I went up to the bedroom after processing the influx of agenda items.

She couldn’t even be deprived of sleep time.

Because it was late at night, Mary fell asleep first, so Elijah went to the bedroom with Judas without saying goodbye.

As soon as the door closed, Elijah jumped at Judah.

“Hug me.”

Judah was easily defeated by his extremely arrogant charm.

She hugged her waist tightly.

Then Elijah wraps her arms around Judah’s neck and leans into her arms.

“Ugh…. It’s finally over….”

“You had a hard time.”


I kissed him once and then rubbed my face in his arms again.

I don’t know why, but Elijah somehow felt at ease every time that happened.

“Should I take a quick shower and go to bed early?”

“Before washing.”

Elijah’s voice, which had been pampered, went down a notch.

Her eyes looked up, unlike before, her eyes were hazy and sunken.

Eyes full of expectation.

Judah was nervous without realizing it because of the sudden change that gave off a dark and mesmerizing atmosphere.

Before washing. The next words were spoken with his lips.

Place your lips gently.

It’s quite different from the lighter version just now.

Heavy and thickly layered.

My breathing became very slow.

Your lips part before you know it, and you begin to taste the other person’s saliva.

Elijah quietly took a step forward with her eyes closed.

Judah stepped back as if he was being pushed behind her.

If you push forward like that, one step at a time, Judas falls.

Her legs got caught on the bed.

Elijah climbed on top of her without leaving his lips on hers.

She kissed for a while longer, then parted her lips just slightly.

“To completely melt away the fatigue, I need something hot….”

“Oh my…. “I guess I have no choice but to work hard.”

Smiling, Elijah tucked her hair behind her ear and then pressed his lips to hers again.

Judah carefully hugged her waist.

Like that, the couple’s night was deep.

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