189 – 63. Peaceful Afternoon

After the morning meeting and reporting time, and even lunch.

I came to see Elijah and Yuel.

Yuel still lives in a large stable.

Once the imperial palace was completed, it was decided to move it to a much larger and grander barn than here.

Thanks to that, Bradley, the existing stable keeper, was destined for success.

I decided to be assigned to be the exclusive manager of Yuel in the imperial palace.

Upon hearing the news of success that Elijah casually delivered, Bradley got down on his knees and cried.

He said he was truly grateful.

He said he can finally become a father who is a little more proud of his wife and children.

At that time, I was reminded that it is always strange to see a grown adult crying.

Should that also be considered the weight of being the head of the family?

‘… In fact, as someone who lives attached to Elijah, isn’t it a weight that I will never feel again?’

Anyway, after that, Bradley became more enthusiastic about taking care of Yuel.

‘Well, I didn’t do it roughly to begin with.’

“Oh, bye. “Okay, okay.”

Every time I come to Yuel, I always welcome you warmly.

It gets more passionate as the days go by.

I and Elijah have a small responsibility here.

Approximately 30 days after the wedding.

We were so mad with lust that we did not come out from under the mountain.

And of course, Yuel did not see us during that period.

I heard that although Bradley and Maria took care of him, he sometimes seemed anxious and whined and came to us.

‘Is this how it feels to have children?’ . ‘I can’t just leave it somewhere.’

Anyway, as much as I feel sorry for him, I scratch and stroke Yuel even more passionately.

“Yes, yes, I missed you too. Well then, hey.”

I feel sorry for Elijah too, but she doesn’t just pet her like I do.

Instead, he hugs Yuel tightly for a long time.

Unlike her crazy behavior toward me, Yuel treats Elijah relatively calmly.

Do not hastily rush or attack.

She walks slowly and carefully approaches her face.

Not touching, just as close as Elijah could touch with her hand.

‘Is he smart, or does he know how to treat people differently? … Is that it?

I showed Yuel the reins and asked.

“Shall we go for a walk after a long time?”

Yuel, who was being stroked by Elijah, slowly nodded her head.

Meanwhile, I put the reins on Yuel’s face and placed her saddle on her back and secured it.

In the meantime, Elijah was just stroking Yuel’s face and staring at Yuel quietly.

“Shall I upload it?”


She supports Elijah’s buttocks with one hand, and wraps her other arm around his waist to lift him up.

She put her arm around my shoulder and leaned in.

Naturally, her face gets closer.

“… ….”

A breathtaking distance that seems almost out of reach.

That reminded me of one day.

Then, like today, she lifted Elijah up so that he could sit on her throne.

Elijah, who was surprised, hugged me and leaned against me, and her face got closer.

At that time, thanks to Yuel, I was barely able to calm down the situation.

But now, you don’t have to do that.


I kissed him first.

Then Elijah hugged my head.

She buries her head against my lips and longs for a deep, deep kiss.

It was deep and rich, but not long.

It was time to take the UEL and go for a walk.

“A long time ago, do you remember that time?”

When I put it up, Elijah asked.

I said as I climbed onto her saddle as if embracing her.

“Is it time to take the final exam and go back?”

“Wow. That’s right. “It was similar back then to today.”

“The situation was similar, but the outcome was probably very different. How nervous and surprised I was at that time….”

“Wasn’t it disappointing?”

At that time, I just imagined kissing and it ended.

That result did not occur.

And of course.

“It was a shame.”

“… “I did the same thing.”


As I remember, Elijah was calm at that time.

I think she was staring at me, but she wasn’t shy like me.

“For some reason, I wanted to touch your lips. And I was disappointed that I didn’t do that. At the time, I didn’t understand why I felt that urge….”

She trailed off and looked at me.

Just like before, he sits sideways and seems to be trapped in my arms.

It is also a very comfortable position to hold my head and kiss.


After lightly kissing her, she finished speaking.

“I guess it was because I already liked you back then.”

“Hmm…. Then I guess I should have just done it right then.”

Elijah smiled brightly at my joke.

“If that were really the case, I wonder how I would have reacted then.”


Elijah at a time when she wasn’t sure whether she still liked me or not.

If I had gone ahead and fucked her lips….

‘… For some reason, I don’t think I’ve seen anything good.’

After passing through the days when all kinds of thoughts came to mind just by getting close to her face, we ended up kissing without even realizing it.

“Kkiing, kiwooung…” .”

Yuel stumbled in place.

Shake your head left and right in dissatisfaction.

They said they were going for a walk, but they were talking among themselves, so it seemed like they were bored.

Elijah smiled softly and stroked Yuel’s head.

“Okay, I won’t bully you.”

If you soothe him, he quickly becomes calm.

I knocked Yuel’s horn once.

It means to move on foot.

When I came out of the stable, Maria was waiting.


“Take this.”

What she handed over was a fairly large bundle.

“I packed desserts such as cookies, jelly, chocolate, etc. There is also black tea to drink.”

“Thank you. “I’ll eat well.”

“I especially paid more attention to what Judah liked.”

Elijah does not have any particular food preferences or dislikes.

He eats everything I feed him or Maria prepares for him.

On the other hand, I am a bit different.

There are some food preferences that are somewhat biased.

It’s somehow embarrassing that Maria knew about it and cared about it.

“… Thank you for caring me.”

“Please be careful.”

There is no reason for Elijah and I to be careful about anything.

She is a wizard who stands at the pinnacle of humanity, and I am right behind her.

Nevertheless, when Elijah and I go out, Maria always tells us to be careful.

Is that how parents feel?


It’s not as big as the plain we saw during the last exam, but there is a good field for Yuel to play outside of the mansion grounds.

Yuel, excited about his first walk in a while, ran as fast as he could to the field as soon as he left the mansion.

The wind blows fiercely.

Elijah must have been scared to ride on the still running Yuel, so she hugged me tightly and closed her eyes tightly.

If you don’t ride UL as often as I do, it may be difficult to get used to it.

‘… But, isn’t flying in the sky quite dangerous?’

It was a short walk to the field.

Before your vision, the smell of the surrounding air changes.

The smell of green grass became thicker.

After passing through the forest where the trees are as thick as a wall, a field finally appears.

Open sky.

A green plain surrounded by lush trees below.

Unknown wild flowers were blooming everywhere.

Yuel slowed down a little, and only then did Elijah open his closed eyes.

Jewel-like red eyes capture the field.

Just like before.

The location is different, but in many ways, the situation is similar to that time.

If there is anything that has changed more than the location, it would be the relationship between me and Elijah.

I kissed Elijah’s cheek while Yuel was running fast.

I just suddenly felt like I wanted to do that.

And, if we want to do that, we have come to a relationship where we can do that.

Elijah looks up at me and grins.

He slightly lifts her head, closes her eyes, and puts out her lips.

This is Elijah’s habit.

Close your eyes before your lips even touch.

I followed her and smiled and pressed my lips to hers.

Perhaps he originally wanted to do it first, but he was anxious because he was above Yuel, so he probably couldn’t approach him.

‘Even that is cute.’

I don’t know if it’s okay to find every action like this cute.

Honestly, sometimes I think it goes a bit too far.

‘But what…. It’s true that it’s cute, but what should I do?’

This is exactly what it is.

Even though I know it, I can’t stop it, so it’s serious.

Isn’t there any reason to stop?

Anyway, everything is forgiven if it’s cute, so wouldn’t it be okay if it’s a little serious?


After getting off at UEL, I sat down on the moderately flat grass.

Elijah took her on my lap as if it was natural.

Yuel was released to play freely.

Jumping and skipping across her fields.

If you jump that far, it will be difficult for me to hold on.

‘You don’t just run, you jump.’

Of course, Elijah had no intention of holding on up there, and Yuel couldn’t run around as much as he wanted with the two of us on board, so it was a good situation for both of us.


Elijah spoke and I did as he said and opened her mouth to say “Ah”.

I used to be embarrassed, but now I’ve gotten used to it.

… Of course, it’s still embarrassing in situations where other people are present.

“Is it delicious?”

“Hmm. “My mother-in-law knows exactly what I like.”

Cookies with a rich buttery scent and studded with chocolate.

Very sweet and oily.

It suits your taste perfectly.

“Mom is quite delicate. “She cares about you a lot.”

Elijah said, munching on a cookie.

Right now I’m supporting Elijah on my lap, so she doesn’t have a hand to feed.

“Does your mother-in-law talk about me?”

“Wow. “Not often, but sometimes.”

“Um…. “I’m kind of scared.”

“I only say good things. I heard that thanks to you, I found stability. “I think so too.”

“Hmm. “Then you can be confident.”

I spoke solemnly, but Elijah laughed.

“Then, of course.”

Feed him cookies again.

We just sat in silence for a moment.

You can see Yuel running after a brown rabbit in the distance.

The rabbit is startled and runs away as if running away.

In fact, Yuel could have caught up with her if she ran at full speed, but she didn’t.

It is an infinitely peaceful scenery.

Elijah, flipping her hair, suddenly asked.

“You know, back then.”


“You told me to open my eyes and look ahead. “Why did you do that?”

It’s not an argument, it’s just an innocent question.

Looking back, it’s a bit strange.

At the time, Elijah and I had a somewhat ambiguous relationship, but in the end it was nothing more than a contractual relationship.

It was a time when we didn’t even know each other’s feelings.

So, if you really ask me, there is no reason why I had to show Elijah that scenery.

You could just pass by.

Or, since there was no reason to look back, she could have suggested Elijah go back to her teleport.

Nevertheless, I hoped that Elijah would see that scene.

It may not be the reason why I had to do it, but the reason I did it was….

“Because I liked it. “Even then.”

“… ….”

“I wanted to show you, who I like, the scenery I like.”

If you like something, you want to share it with the other person.

Eating, seeing, listening. Such sensuous things.

Or the time itself together.

It is not much different from that.

I like Elijah, and I wanted to share my vision with Elijah.

“Where I lived, the endless expanse of Mother Nature was not something that could be easily accessed. So, to me, the scenery was very new and impressive, so I liked it…. “Well, I don’t know how Ellie took it.”

But now that I think about it.

For Elijah, who was born and raised in this world, such a scene was not… It may not have been new or sentimental.

‘I feel somewhat embarrassed.’

Elijah, who was staring at me, opened her mouth.

“It was my first time actually seeing such a scenery. However, if I had seen it alone, I would have ignored it and passed by.”

“… ….”

“But because I was with you at that time, I was able to engrave meaning into the scenery that would have had no meaning if I were alone.”

That is truly strange.

Whether you watch it alone or with me.

The scenery itself that Elijah sees is the same.

There is no way my objective observation will change.

Nevertheless, Elijah said that because I was there, she appreciated the scenery and engraved its meaning.

It came to mind late.

Elijah’s memories from the underworld.

Among the warm pictures that looked like they were drawn with crayons, there was the Great Plains that I saw together.

That memory was such a precious and warm memory to her.

The same goes for me.

Looking at the scenery alone is just a light distraction.

A walk that has no special meaning.

But the day she walked in the field with Elijah remained a special memory for me.

I was silent for a moment, and Elijah slowly approached me.

She approaches me, caressing my cheek.

I slowly closed my eyes.

A light kiss that touches you without a sound.

Elijah spoke as he stood just wide enough for her to fit his finger.

“I love you.”

After answering with our foreheads touching, this time I swallowed her lips.

“I love you too.”

I pulled her tightly, wanting to savor her deeply.

Elijah fell on top of me, and I lay down on the soft grass.

The moist, fresh scent of soil and grass wafted through the air.

As we pressed our lips together, something touched her neck.

Elijah’s red scarf.

He still wears the one I gave him a long time ago.

There’s something I’ve always been curious about.

“Isn’t it hot?”

Elijah never forgets this scarf even in the summer.

When I sleep, I take it off because it gets in the way between me and myself, but in most other situations, I put it on.

Elijah’s answer was simple.


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“Then what…. That’s a good thing. “You don’t have to put up with the heat and wrap yourself up.”

“That’s not it. “It’s a very precious thing to me.”

I just smiled and patted Elijah.

As I was lying on top of my head and fiddling with it, Yuel approached me.

“Did everyone have fun?”

“What did you bring?”

Elijah was handed something in Yuel’s mouth.

It was a flower.

It was an unusual flower with a bright yellow honey sac sticking out from among the light yellow petals.

“Did you remember that I asked you to pick flowers last time and bring them?”

While I was mumbling, Elijah stared at the flowers.

Yuel curled up next to us, seemingly having finished playing.

I stroked the back of his neck as if scratching him.

Because I came back from playing hard, my body temperature was high and it was hot.

“Wow, it’s hot.”

Elijah suddenly asked.

“Do you remember when I asked you to bring flowers before?”


Something like escorting an escort… Was it when I was taking class?

There was a time when Elijah came in out of nowhere and claimed to be his bodyguard, and she suddenly asked him to bring her random wild flowers.

“I remember…. “Now that I think about it, why did you suddenly disappear?”

A self-made drama that made it look as if they had been kidnapped.

I still don’t know the reason.

“Well, that’s…” .”

On a rare occasion, Elijah stuttered her words.

“I wanted to be worried about Judas….”

“… ….”

So, are you saying that you staged such a play to attract attention to me?

I didn’t know, but it’s a pretty cute reason.

I lightly pinched Elijah’s cheek as he looked embarrassed.

Elijah hurriedly turned her horse around.

“… Ah, anyway! “The name of the flower brought to me at that time was Seolyeonhwa.”

“Oh…. “If you look at it, you know the names of a lot of flowers.”

“If you take a noble culture class, you will memorize it. “Would you like to take the class too?”

“… “I would like to decline that.”

“It’s a shame. “I can educate you kindly.”

“… ….”

“There are two meanings of the snow lotus flower. “Sad memories, or eternal happiness.”

Elijah looked down at me and smiled.

“But, it is fixed to eternal happiness.”

It almost became a sad memory, but we escaped that flower language.

“The flower I asked Yuel to pick the other day…. “Did you say marigold?”

“Wow. “The language of flowers is the sadness of separation.”


When I think about what I went through after that incident….

If I were not careful, it could have become a prophecy.

“Then what did Yuel bring now?”


“Do you know the language of flowers?”


“What is it?”

Elijah looked down at me, put a flower in his ear, and came towards me as if falling down.

After kissing her lips, she smiled brightly and spoke.

“Eternal love.”

I also smiled happily, pressed our lips together, and gently stroked the head of the area where the flower was placed.

“Yuel brought the flowers well.”

“That’s right.”

Yuel, who was crouching next to him, tilted his head and asked for him to pet her too.

“Okay, okay. Well done, well done.”

Meanwhile, Elijah was squirming on top of me.

It was a peaceful summer afternoon.

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