The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1673: Devil's calculation

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"Nightblade kid is in trouble." Asmode, the head of the evil spirits who also commanded the army, said lightly, "It seems that he has hit the other side's plan, regardless of whether he should fight or not, he will fall into an unfavorable situation."

"What does the leader mean? Prince Night Blade is not a rival of Mo Yan?" The fallen female angel adjutant on the side, with black wings, seemed to believe unbelievably, "Prince Night Blade is a tribute of the night blade tribe. The wizard, even the leader and he singled out was only five or five points. The son of the demon **** is good to say, but it is a wild, wildly grown wild boy who has not been taught by the devil **** Satan for a long time. . How could a leader be won? "

The head of the evil spirit smiled indifferently, and his voice was gentle like a water channel: "Sophia, it is for this reason that the magic flame's talent seems terrible. This seat and the night blade have enjoyed countless resources since they were small, in order to be at this age. This kind of achievement. While Mo Yan is wandering in the wild, he can be promoted to the demigod so quickly. The potential is really terrible. It is for this reason that His Majesty Samuel wanted to kill him. "

"The future is nothing but the future." Sophia, the female depraved angel, slowly shook her head. "But now, I don't believe he will be the opponent of the leader or Yeblade."

Asmode refused to say anything, but set his sights on the Demon Flame camp, some humanoid races that are not as burly as the burly man. They all wore full body armor and were indifferent, so far they have never shot.

It seems that the enemies that the Mo Yan team encountered before are not worth their shot.

What made the head of the evil spirit Asmode frown slightly was that there was a breath that made him very familiar, like an old friend for many years. But the other party intentionally hides the breath, making it difficult for him to distinguish.

Who is that man?

Could it be ...

It's him?

Asmode has been soft and watery eyes, suddenly dignified, impossible, he could not betray His Majesty. But, with that faintly familiar feeling, who would he be?

"Head, what happened?" Sophia, the fallen female angel, felt the head's mood fluctuated greatly and couldn't help but whisper.

"It's nothing, I'm pretty sure, Yeblad is in trouble." Asmode slowly withdrew his eyes and closed his eyes. He had determined that it was him, the fellow he knew.

Although he couldn't figure it out, why did that guy turn to Mo Yan. But he was sure that with the pride and strength of that guy, as if Mo Yan could not allow him to truly worship the surrender, it was impossible to surrender to him and follow him to the **** conference.

In this way, his instinct for Mo Yan is right. That guy is definitely not to be underestimated. The next thing, I am afraid it will become very interesting.


If I break your armor and mask, how will you face my Asmode and His Majesty?

Hehe ~

For a time, Asmode's eyes were a little clear.

Not to mention Asmod's feelings for now.

The atmosphere at the scene caused a wave of roars in the ogre war dance. In the auditorium, countless spectators began to boil, and they followed the barbarian and barbarian, screaming for Prince Yeblan to play the battle for the leader.

Even many female audiences followed the crazy cry.

Sure enough, no matter how the **** world develops and how the race evolves, even if it becomes a noble on the ruling side, it is eroded by the beautiful luxury life. But in the roots, every inhabitant of **** is still a barbarian, and a barbarian who respects force.

At this time, under the command of the prince of the Night Demon, one-armed Pulton jumped out and exhorted loudly: "Your Highness Nightblade, don't make a fortune. Our overall combat power far exceeds that of the Demon Flame Boy, and you don't need to single out to crush Pressure. "

"Hum ~" Prince Night Blade also groaned loudly, the strength of the demigod Demon King, let his voice spread through the audience, "Mo Yan boy, put away your brutality and tricks, **** conference has the rules of the conference. In the coming war, my army will tear your slave army into pieces. "

After talking, Prince Night Blade waved his sleeves and led his men to leave the scene, showing a reluctance to fight with Mo Yan. Just kidding, he once played against the Mo Yan boy, the guy is obviously better than him in heads-up strength.

If he uses the orthodox royal army of Satan, the devil, he will still be a bit stunned. However, he had to prove himself by using those junk slave legions, so do n’t blame him for the ruthlessness of Ye Ren's men.

"Hush ~"

The barbarians under Wang Yan booed together, and the ogres even aimed at Prince Yeblade's army with their ass, and vigorously cracked to show their anger and contempt.

The audience in the stands also gave a tsunami-like boo to Prince Yeblan. Especially the audience from Infernal Demon Realm stood up one after another and raised their middle fingers to Prince Night Blade.

Only a handful of night demons from the Dark Demon viewers struggled to explain the night blade prince. However, the slight remarks are just the little seaweed in the huge waves, which can't turn any storms.

At this moment, the face of the army under Prince Night Blade was embarrassed to the extreme, and morale fell to the bottom.

Although most of them are from the noble clan family of the Night Demon Clan, the Night Devil Clan is also a race that advocates force. But Prince Prince of Blades was so provocative after the other party launched a heads-up declaration, so backing down naturally filled many people with dissatisfaction.

It was despised by those dirty, rude ogre.

Not only were those night demon clan elite and powerless, even the mount lion and scorpion beasts riding under their crotch became powerless, their tails raised high sagged.

"Hehe ~" Wang Yan raised his hand to stop the ridicule of his army, and his voice spread like a wave. "Don't scold Yebian kid. Although this kid has grown a little, he still knows the current affairs. , Just keep it up. "

"Sow, Sow! Hahaha ~"

There was another burst of sarcasm on the scene.

Wang Yan's eyes suddenly turned to Asmode, the head of the evil spirits in the distance.

Asmod's immense well, suddenly shuddered slightly, and suddenly had some ominous hunches.

Sure enough, those ogres, barbarians and other guys who were so excited to the extreme already followed Wang Yan's eyes in the direction of Asmode's fallen angel legion, and they rubbed their hands one by one. , Everyone immediately whispered to dry.

Even the delicate and weak Hawks have begun to dance in the sky, and the whole body is shaking with excitement, and the vicious words full of stomach have been brewing to the point that they can't control it to spout.

Even if Asmode looks so handsome, he is more handsome than the actor in the legendary novel, and he is countless times perfect. But what about that? Do n’t you need to be handsome?

People like Prince Ye Blade are very handsome, they are all full of noble elegance, and they are not scolded and ca n’t even cry?

In the past, they were the most inferior creatures, for those old men to have fun.

However, now, there is a chance to swear at those demigods who are above, and they can continue to live well. This kind of daily life is really incredible when you think about it.

All this is the credit of His Royal Highness. He is the **** of all sisters, the **** of sisters.

Even if His Majesty the Demon Flame ordered the three demon gods to be poisoned, they would spew out malicious words without hesitation.

Asmode, the head of the evil spirit, had a numb scalp, and his heart was shaking. He hurriedly turned around without hesitation, and led the army to go in another direction, not even giving those guys the opportunity to make eye contact.

No kidding, Asmode did not think that the cold and silent fallen angels and death knights under his command could win the magic flames in the scolding battle, but they could even participate in the terrible existence of a **** dog. .

"Unfortunately, this guy Asmode responded quickly, and his desire to survive was very strong." Wang Yan shook his head regretfully, and they walked away without saying anything, and would not give a chance for provocation at all.

Then, Wang Yan's eyes aimed at Princess Ange's team again. Dozens of "Dark Princess" responded with eyes, and did not flinch at all.

However, this can not be scolded.

Not to mention, this dark song princess is most likely Sister Ange.

Even if it is not Sister An Ge, they are also the daughters of the dark demon Mamen. If you spray her hard, maybe the dark demon **** slaps it and shoots it.

Soon Wang Yan turned his gun head and looked at the Dark Lady.

At this time, in the shadow of the three demon gods above, the dark demon **** Mamen snorted coldly: "This kid knows, otherwise the **** will surely beat his dad to be unrecognizable."

Satan, the Devil God, laughed a lot: "Mamen the old thief, said that Nightblade is your first young talent in the Dark Demon Realm. In my opinion, it's not like that. I didn't dare to single out before the battle, It ’s a real name. It ’s your daughter who seems to have some courage. I appreciate it. It ’s better to have a relationship with our two families. How about sacking Samer ’s boy back home? ”

"Go!" The dark demon Mamen roared furiously. "Let your rude wild boy get away. If you dare to play my secret song, no one can keep him from heaven and earth."

"Hahaha ~ Maybe your princess is in love with my son's strong and mighty domineering." The demon **** Satan Shuang's bones are crisp, haha ​​laughed. Now he realized that having a son is better than having a daughter. No matter what, he doesn't need to worry about losing his son.

When Wang Yan looked at the Dark Lady, it was natural to mean where to stare.

Straight to stare at the Dark Lady with straight hair, the kid who is a child of flames, can't play real, even she must be upset? Don't think he can't do it. This guy's tactics have always been tricky and unpredictable.

Fortunately, Wang Yan didn't really embarrass her. He stared at him and said hello. Then he led the army and swept away. He continued to show his might and accepted the sea of ​​cheers from the audience.

This looks like it has already won the championship.

"Hum ~"

In the distance, the face is already ugly to the prince of the night blade, and the eyes are sprayed with bitter flames, "Magic flame, for a while on the battlefield. This prince will make you regret being born in this world."

With the five final teams, one by one in front of the audience and the demon god.

The finals are about to start.

Immediately afterwards, the three demon gods joined forces to perform divine arts, using the law to expand the arena.

All of a sudden, the world was twisted, and the five colors of light and shadow flew across the eyes like a dream. After a long time, it seems to be very short. When we waited to see the scene in front of us, we found that the world seemed to have changed.

The scene of the conference, which was originally very large, has now been expanded to a hundredfold, more than a thousandfold.

As far as Wang Yan's prospects are concerned, a red river with a wide margin runs across, the river is turbulent, and the plume does not fall. Even with the gigantic flesh of the ogre, in front of this raging dragon-like giant river, it is as weak as a ant.

In the distance behind, a steep giant mountain traverses the east and west, some parts of the mountain are densely covered with jungle, and some parts are dark and gloomy, and there is a small part of the molten lava.

The steepest place is that even the Hawks can't fly.

The ground at the foot of the army has also changed, and it has become an endless roll of hot sand. The foot surface on it is hot. The heavier the arms, the worse the sprint.

In addition to Wang Yan's army, except for a few flying eagles and succubuses, most of the other arms are heavy infantry and heavy cavalry. In this environment, not to mention the charge, even the march has become very difficult.

Especially the heavy mountain ogres heavy infantry, stepped on the soft and hot gravel, and actually fell into the knee.

In just a moment, Wang Yan's army of thousands of people was trapped.


In the sky, the three demon gods phantom watching the battle, the devil **** Satan roared: "Mamen, Samel. You two jerks, dare to join hands to cheat?"

The fallen demon Samel said quietly: "Satan, please do n’t trouble you with blood spraying. Our three demon gods join forces to create terrain and randomly send five teams, which is a long-discussed game rule. Your son ’s army Being transported to the quicksand zone can only be said to be bad luck. "

"Luck is also a kind of strength." The dark demon Mamen, who is also the old god, said, "It was impossible to reach the end according to your son's legion, but now it is just a good early defeat."

The demon **** Satan was trembling with anger, but he couldn't find a way to cheat. The red demon face was angered with blue. Can only secretly take a poison oath, this time going back, we must assist his son to become a **** as soon as possible, and then the father and son join forces to find the scene one by one.

On the side of Wang Yan, seeing your own army of thousands of people being transported to such a ghost place is also stunned. Is this terrain good luck or bad luck?

On the left, there is a big river blocking the road, on the right, there is a large mountain range, and the front and the back are all covered with sand, which is completely impossible. This is completely a dead place.

This is the disadvantage of Wang Yan's use of the slave army.

The melee abilities of the ogres and the barbarians are indeed very powerful, especially the ogres. The melee abilities are even inferior to the always strong purgatory demon clan, and they are afraid of being crazy.

However, ogres are at the bottom of the **** world, and it is not unreasonable that they are often caught as gladiators. Because of its overly bloated size, even legendary ogres would have difficulty flying, not to mention the elite legions of the half-step S-class.

But the race of purgatory demons is different. They want to be strong and strong, and they need wings and wings. Their qualifications and potential are also very outstanding. Reaching the level of a legendary general, you can fly with ease even in heavy armor.

This is the gap among racial talents that is difficult to bridge.


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