The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1674: Loyal Banshee

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Wang Yan stared at the big river thousands of meters wide, and the river rolled wildly. If he was forced to cross the river, Wang Yan estimated that his army would survive half of it and thanked him.

"Lord, the situation is very unfavorable to us." Camus, wearing a full body of black armor, said solemnly, "Under this environment, our legion's combat effectiveness can't reach 30%. I suggest sending it immediately Scout, conduct all-round reconnaissance, and find a way to leave the quicksand terrain at the fastest speed. "

Camus used to be the leader of the well-known Dark Blade Legion. He was extremely good at military affairs and discovered desperation at a glance.

"Yes, since it's all in the finals." Wang Yan chuckled calmly. "Everyone should be out of the game. It's time to show your style. The next war is under your command."

In terms of commanding the army, Wang Yan is purely a layman compared to Camus. It is okay to fight a war under normal circumstances, but if you encounter a really powerful commander, you will be out of luck.

At least purely in terms of command, it is inferior.

"Yes, Lord." Camus saluted, and after standing upright, a strong self-confidence momentum spread over him, and the voice ordered slowly, "The scout brigade listened to all the orders and divided into The four teams are exploring northeast, southeast and northwest respectively. Remember, once encountering the enemy, do n’t get entangled and escape at the fastest speed. "


This time the scout brigade participated in the exhibition was composed of 70 elite Hawks, among which the top ten were the most powerful. Their strength has reached the legendary level. Because of their light body, they are good at wind spells and their speed As fast as he can meet opponents in the entire hell, and their eyesight is also very good, so they are the most suitable scouts.

"Oh, uh!"

The four teams of Hawks flew to the sky like goshawks, flying systematically in four directions to explore.

"The rest of the people form a defensive formation and rest in place to save energy." Camus continued to order. He did not waste time and energy, trying to build fortifications.

In this ghost place, no building materials could be found to build the fortifications.

As the main force, the three hundred ogre heavy combat infantry, two hundred barbarian elite infantry, and three hundred barbarian **** dog cavalry formed a defensive formation and rested in situ as usual.

In the process, they didn't make any noise, but they were forbidden and trained.

In the sky, the dark Demon Mamen said doubtfully: "The Legion of Demon Flame Boy, does not look as mixed as the surface. Of the seventy Hawk-girls, more than a dozen have reached the legendary level. Note that. "

In the whole world of hell, the legendary level is a watershed.

Any race that can reach the legendary level can be respected by the whole society. If you surrender to a wealthy and powerful devil and make some credit, you will be able to obtain a small self-sufficient territory and live a life as a free-living lord.

This is why in the world of hell, the word legend and the lord are difficult to distinguish. The legendary lord, the legendary lord, is not called in vain.

In the world of hell, the Hawks are middle-level races. Most of them live and reproduce in the form of tribes, and their whereabouts are almost throughout the world of hell. But their overall strength is not too strong. In a wild tribe of thousands of eagle body banshees, often only the patriarch and high priest can reach the legendary level.

It's no wonder that ordinary Hawks can only reach C level in adulthood, and can't even master the personal field, a small part can understand the field, become an elite Hawk banshee, and can reach A-level Hawk banshee Often, there are only ten or twenty in the tribe of thousands.

Because of this, some powerful slave-capturing teams will specialize in catching an entire tribe of Hawks to sell, and often make a lot of money. This also makes the wild Hawk Banshee tribe less and less, many Hawk Banshees were born directly in the slave market.

Like Zoe, the Hawk Harpy under Wang Yan, never had a tribal life.

This seventy-person Hawk scouts squadron is equivalent to the most essential part of four or five large Hawk witchs. It is no wonder that the demon Mamen was surprised.

"Satan, you can fight hard for your son." Samel, the depraved demon, sneered. "It's a good idea to have an elite Hawk slave as an elite scout."

Satan, the demon god, was stunned. He hadn't noticed this before, and this eagle succubus scout brigade was quite interesting. His son is quite capable of playing, and he can even smash such a charming team of Hawks.

In this small-scale army battle, at least in terms of vision will not be inferior.

"Compared to the Hawks, the boy in black armor seems to have great commanding talent." Samelo, the fallen demon, groaned, "The barbarians and ogres can be so obedient, the trainer is probably the kid Now. "

"It seems that Demon Flame Boy has a mind." The dark demon Mamen said, "The previous series of battles were all directed by Demon Flame Boy himself. Now that the command is transferred, I am afraid that I have to come up with my true skills."

Demon God Satan also felt that his son seemed to have hidden a lot of strength before. The seemingly confusing slave army seemed to hide a lot of things, like being covered with a layer of invisible thick fog, which made him somewhat incomprehensible.

However, in this situation, the more the son's strength is hidden, the better, maybe ...

For a time, Satan, the almost dead soul, began to recover gradually, even if it was only a ray of hope.

After Wang Yan transferred his command, he became even more relaxed.

In fact, when Wang Yan established his own slave corps, Camus, the leader of the corps, contributed the most. He did most of the laborious work. And Wang Yan is just grasping the general direction, and it's okay to grasp the army's heart.

at the same time.

The four-way Eagle Body Scout team has flown out of a dozen miles in a short period of time.

The Hawk Harpy on the left has leaped over the wide river and reached a delta plain. The soil is hard, the grass is dense and the trees are sparse, there are some small animals from time to time, and it is the most suitable battlefield for Wang Yan's army to fight head-on.

It's just a pity that Wang Yan's army wants to cross the river without damage, and it takes a few days to build a ship and build a bridge. During this period, the enemy's scouts had already attacked.

On the right, the Hawk Body Banshee entered the large mountain area after crossing dozens of kilometers of quicksand. Here, the cliff is steep, and from time to time there are sharp peaks towering into the clouds. Even if you reach the legendary Hawk Banshee, it is not easy to get fit.

The seventeen or eight eagle succubuses that explored forward, pulled away from each other, and moved forward with a wide-ranging field of view. With excellent eyesight, they searched every inch of land in the vast quicksand sea, hoping to find materials useful to the army.

However, in this hot sea of ​​drifting sand, it is so barren that it is difficult for even gerbils to multiply, and strategic materials such as stone and wood are even a bit missing.

After flying seven or eighty miles.


The Hawk-headed Banshee made a sharp scream, and as the sound spread, the rest of the Hawk-spirited ladies also burst into screams.

This is a sign of encountering an enemy.

The banshees gathered in the middle according to the usual training content.

Betty and Fanny, headed by the Hawks, are the best among Hawks. It is also one of the earliest enchantresses who followed Wang Yan in the Great Fire City.

With their own efforts, they have grown very fast along the way. And Wang Yan did not hesitate to reward him, using bloodline evolution to mention their strength again and again. Today's Betty and Fanny have achieved the legendary level.

This gave Betty and Fanny two daughters a feeling of being indifferent. The original life in the tribe was also vivid.

The tribal life of the Hawks is very simple and very happy, and countless sisters live together carefreely. Until disaster strikes.

They have all seen it with their own eyes, and their legendary queens are in an unpretentious manner. It has also been seen that the queen chose to slap in order to protect her sisters from being slaughtered.

I have even seen that after the birth of Zoe, the Queen was depressed and dying.

The graceful queen, like the elves and goddesses, eventually lost to the hands of those greedy and shameless demons, unable to save the fate of the tribe sisters until death.

Until, he appeared.

Highness Demon Flame!

It was Her Highness who rescued them from the dirty mire. Although they still wore slave collars, His Highness never regarded them as true slaves, and they were also respectful and equal.

From that day on, they saw the light!

Betty was wearing a grass-green robe, wearing a crown of thorns, holding an emerald green cane, wings slightly spread, hovering on the spot with extraordinary grace and grace.

This kind of temperament is more than enough, compared with the tribe queen at that time.

The long and painful years have become the best nutrients for her to completely transform and sublimate.

She has the same experience and growth as hers, there are many in the Hawk Banshee community, such as another Hawk Banshe Fanny.

Fanny's style is very different from hers.

Fanny wears a set of light and hollow skeleton, exquisite dark gold refined refined warrior armor, the armor is covered with the inscription formation elaborately inscribed by the master of the inscription, exudes a black brilliance, making her look Sexuality ~ Femininity, revealing the incomparable danger.

It is no wonder that this set of female holy armor, which weighs only two or three kilograms, comes from the life-time masterpieces of the dark elf masters in the fallen demon domain. Even in the dark elf army, only the most outstanding top female generals are eligible Enjoy, there will never be more than ten sets.

In addition, Fanny wears a dagger on her leg and a dark elven war bow on her shoulder.

The whole image is brave and graceful, graceful and graceful, glamorous and full of fatal temptations.

Both Betty and Fanny, put in any Hawk Banshee tribe, are definitely queen-level leaders. However, here, they are only the squad leader of the squad.

At the same time, the other sixteen eagle succubuses that had been flapping their wings and forbidden to surround them were all awe-inspiring, each with their own extraordinary style, and their strength was only half a step away from the legendary level.

Even if it is an ordinary eagle body scout, thrown on the earth, it can disturb the existence of the situation.

This is also visible.

Wang Yan's overall strength is now terrifying.

"The ancestor of the Hawk Harpy." Betty closed her eyes, raised her staff, and sang in the language of the old Hawk Harpy. "Please give you great power of bloodline descendants, so that all enemies will be able to escape. shape."

The majestic energy surged from the staff, and at a distance of more than ten meters, the green energy was spinning, condensing a huge eagle eye.

In the eyes of the eagle, the scene within a few tens of miles is clearly revealed.

At the same time, several teams of enemy scouts were revealed one by one. They are all scout teams from the night demons. They are all thin and weak, wearing color-changing leather armor, plus the unique bat-like wings of the night demons. They can fly at the fastest speed in the night.

Unlike the Hawk Succubus, a scout squad that has been a half-man, the scouts of the night demon army are all professionally trained since childhood, and after many trials and eliminations, the elite team finally formed.

And the night demon scouts of the Lion, Scorpion, and Legion that can be selected into the Prince of the Night Blade are undoubtedly the best in their class. They are good at hiding, rapid investigation, and even assassination.

The night devil's scouts have the title of night fangs among the night demon.

The two armies engaged in war, and scouts came first.

The fighting and fighting between scouts and scouts are often wars that have begun. The loser of the scout battle is equivalent to the suppression of the army's vision and blind eyes.

"It is the night fangs of the night demons." Fenni's mature and charming face showed a dignified color. "And the other party has found us and is looming towards us. Obviously, the night fangs are thinking Annihilate us. "

"Send a sister back to report." Betty said coldly. "The rest of the sisters, follow me to meet the enemy."



There was a burst of incredible noise among the audience at the **** conference.

Originally, according to the situation that the battlefield has been magnified by a hundred times and a thousand times, it is impossible for the audience to see the scene in the battlefield. However, the great shore power of the three demon gods, can ordinary people figure out.

Hell conference venue, it seems that there is no change.

In the middle of the venue, a dozen or so three-dimensional light curtains appeared, playing some real-time mirror images on the battlefield. If a real-time mirror is paid the most attention, the real-time mirror will be placed in a huge stereoscopic light curtain that occupies half of the venue and becomes a head mirror.

The reconnaissance team of Betty and Fanny originally occupied only one of the small stereoscopic light curtains. But as they first met the enemy, it naturally attracted the attention of many viewers.

However, when Betty said something, the rest of the sisters followed me behind the enemy.

The scene broke out instantly.

The small stereoscopic light curtain instantly replaced the scene of Wang Yan's army stationed in the largest stereoscopic light curtain.

In the huge three-dimensional light curtain, the image of Betty, the eagle body succubus, is magnified infinitely, and her pretty and mature face reveals her beautiful beauty.


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