The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1672: Yeblade has a way to play

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The **** meeting was vigorous on the surface, but secretly the tide surged.

But no matter what, it is steadily proceeding. After the one-on-one contest between the preliminary round and the follow-up round, most teams have been eliminated.

Unconsciously, only five teams remained.

The five teams are the team of Dark Saint Catherine from the Fallen Demon and the team of Asmode, the head of evil spirits. From the Dark Princess Princess Team and the Dark Blade Prince Team.

Undoubtedly, the last team is of course from the Infernal Demon Realm, the miscellaneous slave army of His Royal Highness.

For the miscellaneous slave army to reach the final battle, the forces of the parties did not show much surprise in the end.

After all, slaves belong to slaves, but weapons and equipment are still very high-end and elite, and it can still be done by fighting various forces of various brands. Moreover, His Highness is a semi-god-level strongman, brave and unmatched, and can win a lot of miscellaneous teams by singles.

However, the path of the next kid is not easy.

Viewers on both the Fallen Demon and Dark Demon have expressed similar views.

In fact, it is no wonder that the demons in Hell are not optimistic about the Lord of the Demon Flame. The original nine teams of the Infernal Demon Clan are the largest number of the three parties. Unexpectedly, they will be eliminated one after another. Until now, only one team of the Demon Flame remains.

Most importantly, the format of the finals is different from the previous team-to-team model. Instead, the remaining teams of the three parties are put into a chaotic battle in the same scene.

In other words, there is a high probability of a four-on-one situation.

Most importantly, the final will be upgraded from a team of 100 to a team of 1,000.

Once the Slave Corps of the Demon-Flame has added the reserve troops and upgraded to the Thousand Team, can it still be watched?

"Satan." The phantom of the fallen demon Samel, the deep, silent voice, is full of indescribable ridicule, "As long as you are willing to cede the seven big cities close to our territory to my fallen demon, our side Give up the conditions after victory, this is the only chance to keep your blood descendants. "

"Fart!" Satan Demon God roared angrily, "If the God hasn't lost yet, are you going to beg for mercy?" What's more, why do you think you've won the fallen Demon Realm? " Add up to one eighth of the domain of Purgatory.

No wonder Satan Demon jumped up like a cat with a stomped tail.

"Yes, Samuel, you are too self-righteous." The dark demon Mamen's thick voice mocked, "In my opinion, the last thing I won is my dark demon domain. Satan boy, I don't bully you, I only need six. The site of the Magic City spares your son. "

Among the three gods, the Styx oath is used to maintain the outcome of this **** meeting. The Styx oath is one of the laws of the universe that affects the heavens and the earth. The stronger the existence, the longer it is engraved in the Styx as long as the oath is given to the Stygian.

As long as any **** dares to violate the Stygian oath, he will be swallowed by the Stygian law. That kind of taste, no **** is willing to try.

"Six !? Mamen old thief, is your heart black?" Satan the Devil said furiously, "The six magic cities bordering your dark demon, the combined site is one-seventh of my purgatory demon. ! "

"Oh, is it too much?" Mamen, the dark demon, said slowly and slowly, "Are only one-seventh of the territory, are you not willing to sacrifice for bloodline heirs?"

The demon **** Satan demon shocked, yeah, is it worth one-seventh of the domain value for bloodline heirs?

In exchange for the few undesirable heirs before, Satan the Devil must feel worthless. Not to mention one-seventh, even one-seventh is worthless.

But my child Moyan is different. He survived, grew up, and suffered so much since childhood. God is ashamed of him. What's more, his blood is so rich, his appearance is almost the same as that of the original **** when he was young, as majestic, handsome, and stubborn, without any pollution of his mother's blood.

If this idea is heard by Wang Yan, it is estimated that there will be a spit of old blood. Can they look different? It's a demon body that evolved directly from your Satanic blood.

"Three, this **** gave you two three magic cities each." Satan, the demon god, seemed to have made up his mind, and Shen Sheng said, "Even if this matter is uncovered, otherwise, the **** would rather try the Swearing Oath taste."

It can be seen from this that although the devil Satan has all kinds of pits and all kinds of bad, he even tirelessly wants to invade the earth many times. However, this old boy is still very good to his son.

"Three seats, three seats are too few." Demon God Mamen and Demon God Samer, after a little thought, shook their heads and refused, as if they wanted to continue bargaining.

"What is your attitude?" Satan, the demon god, strongly restrained the impulse to come over and mess up. "The results of this time haven't come out yet. My son may not necessarily lose."

"Four seats, more reasonable." Samel the demon said.

"Yes, just because your son didn't lose, I'm willing to propose four magic cities." Demon Mamen sneered. "When the results come out, it's not as simple as the four. Satan, you should consider it."

The heart of Satan, the devil, was bleeding, and he paid a total of eight magic cities to keep his son safe. However, once the eight cities are ceded, there will be a trade-off, and the days of the Infernal Demon Realm will not be easy.

What's more, this is just to keep the price paid by his son. The winner of the **** conference will continue to cut him a large piece of meat.

"Son, the Father is willing to pay the price of eight magic cities for you and save your life." The devil Satan decided to ask the meaning of Mo Yan, "Do you want to quit the game now?"

At this time, Wang Yan was thinking about how to make excessive demands to the other two demon gods after winning this time, but they had to obey them.

But he couldn't help hearing the voice of Satan, the devil, sounding in his ear.

This made him a little stunned, old Satan, do you want to be so pitted? In a must-win situation, you have to pay the price of eight cities for you to retire?

Did you send me to punish me Wang Yan?

Wang Yan shook his head hurriedly, resolutely unwilling to retire.

"Okay, Father God didn't misunderstand you." The devil God Satan urn whispered air, "Then continue to fight, not to lose or win, to play our style of purgatory demon domain. Even if you lose, if the two dog thieves really want to take your life , To carry the Stygian oath for his father. "

Demon God Satan seems to have made up his mind that he will not let his son die regardless of the final result. Even if you tighten your belt and live your life, as long as your son succeeds in conquering God, who else is the enemy of the two fathers and sons?

As long as the son is there and loses, he will win back sooner or later.

This is the reason.

The Devil God Satan became more and more right, and he simply said: "The game is not over yet. It is not easy to predict who wins or loses. Continue the game."

The demon **** Mamen and the demon **** Samel looked at each other. Isn't Satan posing as a fool?

In the present situation, the final result is not dare to say, but the out of purgatory magic domain is definitely a thing of the past. Satan, the devil, will not be so stupid as to think that the dark demon domain and the fallen demon domain will not join forces in secret?

With four enemies and one, think about it to know the result.

"Yes, Satan, since you sincerely hurt your son, then continue." Mamen, the demon god, said indifferently.

"Alright, then look forward to the final result." The devil Samuel's eyes narrowed slightly and warned, "However, don't use any crooked brains and sneak in small actions."

"Huh, you can rest assured. The God and you shameless are not the same thing." Satan, the devil, was cold and impatient.

Although on the surface, his son Mo Yan seems to have fallen into a must-have situation.

But since he is willing to fight again, maybe there is no backfire, and there may be a silver lining. This makes Satan, the demon god, cry out, son, you must win.

Because the Styx vow is not fun.


Not to mention that the three demon gods calculated each other in secret and calculated.

The five participating teams also made their own sparks after going through a vigorous parade. Especially between the team of Prince Nightblade and the team of Lord Lord of the Flames, there was a direct scolding.

Last time, the army of Prince Night Blade once scolded Wang Yan under his command, and the scolded dog was bloody.

Many people who have suffered losses will not use it to talk nonsense. And those who have n’t suffered a loss, they once again learned a lot.

The team of Prince Nightblade are all elite and powerful soldiers, and each soldier is a member of the elite princes of the Night Demon Clan. Speaking of the fighting skills, how can it be comparable to the slave army under Wang Yan?

They all came from the bottom world of hell, and no monsters and ghosts have ever seen them, or any dirty language. Especially those eagle succubus and succubus are the best in the scolding battle, much stronger than ogres and barbarians.

In particular, they are still females, and scolding people is even more unscrupulous, spicy and vicious.

Soon, Prince Night Blade's team once again defeated, and many young heroes of the Night Demon clan in the team couldn't help but start to doubt. Could it be that the certain ability of the Night Demon Clan really ranks in the bottom of the ranks of Hell? Not even a goblin that is as cheap as a pig?

In particular, Prince Nightblade was even more "favored" by the Hawks, and eight of them were directed towards him. From Prince Yebla's father Yesha Big Devil, he scolded his 18th generation ancestors all the way.

Not far away, the Dark Lady frowned slightly. The guy who is the son of flames is really unexpected every time, what kind of person does it really teach, and what kind of subordinates are they?

It was the "Princess of Dark Song" in the Dark Demon Realm, and there was a trace of distraction in his eyes, as if he remembered some distant memories. Once upon a time, he would arrange tactics in advance every time he fought.

"Huh!" The arrogant Prince of Night Blade, if this time he can't control it, I'm afraid it will suffer.


The handsome face of Prince Night Blade has been distorted to the extreme, and those eagle succubus and succubus cursing people are too vicious. In his devil's life, he hasn't encountered any Harpy daring to talk to him like this.

Moreover, this is not the first time, but the second time.

In his view, whether it is an eagle or a succubus, they are nothing more than cheap toys and consumables.

The prince of the night blade rises with great might, as if the eagle-like succubus was enveloped in it as if in essence, the fire in his eyes seemed to break them up.

"His Royal Highness, that little stared at me, people are so scared."

"Woo ~ Your Royal Highness, Mo Yan, the gray bird demon is so fierce and wants to eat people."

The Hawks and succubus, "the flowers are eclipsed", "stunned" hide behind Wang Yan, continue to point the finger at Prince Night Blade, and by the way continue to paint him labels and hats.


Wang Yan smiled and pointed his finger at Prince Yebla. "Yidblade wants to do it in advance? Come, come, I will come with you to play with you, how about staying alive?"

"Heads-up, heads-up! Never-ending, never-ending! Aoao ~"

Not waiting for Prince Night Blade to fight, the barbarians and ogres under Wang Yan began to fanatically and violently slap their chests and roared frantically, "Yeblade, heads-up, heads-up !!!"

They are all savage races from the tribe, and they are all about the weak meat and the strong eaters. If they do not agree with each other, it is a sacred ritual to single out.

If one side declares war, and the other side counsels, it will be scorned and despised by everyone, and even expelled from the tribe. Heads-up can lose, but not counsel.

Tribal leaders are also selected in this way. In the tribe of ogres, this method is called the battle of the chiefs, which is an extremely sacred and glorious battle.

When two tribes of similar strength are at war, it is also a glorious thing if one leader proposes to the other leader to resolve the dispute by heads-up, because it means that the leader is extremely confident in his own strength.


Ablon Giant Hammer, who has led the ogre under his command, began to provoke the ancient dance of war prayer around Wang Yan, and offered him the most loyal and loyal love.

Dozens of fully-armed, ogres like a meat mountain, holding hands, forming a large circle, stepping on the ancient and extremely charming, like a drum of war, dancing the dance of war prayer, issued from the **** The thick and vast tunes seemed to blend with the world.

Seemingly savage and backward, somehow, it gave birth to a primitive and ancient sense of sacredness.

Including the scene, all the audiences from the three major demons have set their eyes on Prince Night Blade. Many people are inspired by the ogre's battle dance, and they have a feeling of blood boiling, looking forward to Prince Night Blade responding to this battle of leaders.

However, Prince Yeren's complexion was white and green, as disgusting as eating a fly.

At first, those who were scolded by the group of kids of Mo Yan lost their senses, and as a result the war of the leader of the kid of Mo Yan was provoke. To be honest, in pure heads-up, Prince Night Blade feels that he is at most 50% winning.

Although the boy was annoying, it was after all the son of Satan, the devil, and even the two demon gods were afraid of his future.

But fighting against each other, he felt that he had at least 80% of the winning side. What's more, will the next war be as simple as one-on-one? In short, the demon boy was defeated.

The problem is, if you do n’t agree to heads-up, I ’m afraid it ’s not easy to explain. All eyes on the field are expecting him to single out.


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