The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1607: Lexiu

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With the whisper of Raito, the scene instantly became silent.

The atmosphere around was dignified, and time seemed to stagnate.

Under the tremendous pressure of the vast sea, everyone at the scene seemed to be facing the abyss, sweating one by one, and the surrounding silence seemed to be audible even when a needle fell to the ground.

Just then, a pillar of **** fire mixed with thunder and lightning, suddenly fell from above the sky!

This column of thunder and lightning intermingled with flames fell right in the middle of the confrontation between the three great men and Wang Yan. The strong current, accompanied by the violent hot wind, instantly spread out in all directions.

Under the force of surging and arrogant pressure, the air seemed to become repressed and sticky, and there was a complete silence around it. In it, even breathing becomes difficult.

Those men who had been scared to the extreme, and the onlookers in the presence, were beating heart by heart, kneeling down in fear and fear, and the big beads of sweat falling down.

In this dignified dignity, it seems to be able to crush the human heart to the vastness of the squeeze. These men and the surrounding residents have no chance of contending with it. Those who have a little strength and the residents of the periphery, even because they can't bear this huge pressure, have physical symptoms of powerlessness and dizziness.

This comes from the hegemonic pressure of a demi-level big demon king in an angry state. Their lowly men and residents of small gods can afford it?

The scene was not just the men of these worlds and the residents outside, shivering.

Just before the end of life, the three great generations of Yaowu Yangwei, Qi Qi were shocked by the sudden arrival of Lei Xiu, the devil.

Both Shiyinshizhi and Zhiluoshizi's faces were extremely ugly, and both of them bowed their heads, and the atmosphere dared not breathe more. The world of **** has a clear rank. Although the two of them are expensive sons, they have no daring to face the father Lei Xiu.

At this time, Lei Duo's head was lowered, his expression more solemn, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and resentment. He is the eldest son of Lei Xiu Demon King, and heir to the future position of Lei Xiu Demon King and the future elder of the Satan Parliament. However, this time in Wang Yan's fiasco, the whole person is disgraced, which is really embarrassing, which makes the Lei Xiu devil feel outrageous anger.

Therefore, most of the coercion and anger of Lei Xiu Demon King was directed at Lei Duo Shizi, which also put Lei Duo Shizi under tremendous pressure.

"Master Demon Flame, father of the son of Ledo, one of the elders of the 13th Congress of Satan, Lexiu is coming!"

Behind Wang Yan, Lord Chilie reminded whispering, "My father Chilian Demon King was once dominated by him at the Hell Conference. Over the years, my father asked him to return to the Hell Conference for many times. Moreover, not only his personal strength is strong, but in God, he only covers the sky. His family power and relationship network can rank among the top 13 of the 13 elders in God. "

Lord Chilie followed the Chilian Demon King. He ran through the gods several times over the years and had a certain understanding of the Satanic Parliament, especially the Great Demon King Lei Duo.

Anyone who can become a demigod-level devil has a strong and extraordinary place. Powerful people who can reach the level of demigods are no longer ordinary flesh. Their mastery of power and law can be said to be the top creature in the world that is closest to the gods.

And the person who is called the big demon king is all kinds of leaders in the demigod demon king! The rare Great Demon is not only superior in its own power and control over the mysteries of the laws of the universe, but also superior to ordinary demigods. In terms of ruthless ruling wrists, and the huge power of control, it is far beyond the existence of ordinary devil.

If you compare a demigod to a CEO of a personal company, then the big demon is undoubtedly the chairman of a business group. Not only that, there are some great demon kings with amazing powers, and they will also control many demigod demon kings and let them work for themselves.

Now comes the Lei Xiu demon king, is such a powerful demon king, and is also a leader in this kind of devil.

At this time, such a great demon in the gods, who can only cover the sky with one hand, came to this place in person, and the huge pressure brought about by this can be imagined.

"This big devil Lei Xiu, it's not too small."

Facing the surging power that struck like thunder in front of him, Wang Yan narrowed his eyes and could not help but sigh with admiration.

The strength of a creature is often proportional to the power it shows. Right now the Lei Xiu Demon King hasn't really showed up yet. That powerful deterrent has almost made all the people on the ground crawl. It is indeed terrifying enough.

But at this point, Wang Yan was still standing still, his expression relaxed and calm. As a result, he has already reached the level of demigods. In addition, he has even contacted Satan, the supreme demon in the purgatory demon clan. Wang Yan was really helpless.

Speaking of which, in name, he is already a son of a demon god, but now he still has to be afraid of a Lei Xiu demon king?

Wang Yan does not fear this Lei Xiu demon king, but his companions, however, have experienced a lot of pressure.

Although Lord Chew, as well as Zhang Weidao, the Emperor of the Desert, and others knew that they had Wang Yan to take photos, and now no one needs to be afraid. But after all, the demigod demon king is the demigod demon king. Even if they understand that they don't have to be afraid, their bodies are still almost instinctively tightened under absolute pressure.


With a loud bang, the column of thunderstorms fell completely. The strong thunder current was mixed with thick flames, and spread on the ruins in front of Wang Yan and the three great men.

As the thick scorching smoke and the falling rubble gradually dissipated, a tall and mighty body suddenly appeared in front of people's eyes.

This is a majestic middle-aged demon with a very slender figure, his eyes are shining, his hair is thick, he is wearing a set of blue and red luxury armor, and he is wearing a **** robe, a light blue current The red flames lingered around him, and the overbearing air of the royal nobles swept the audience, instantly making the scene silent.

Not only that, but immediately after the Lei Xiu Demon King, a team of seven Yan prison killers came to the scene.


A few sounds of dragon wings pushing away the air, and the shadows of the wings of the seven-headed black dragon covered the sky at once. When the crowd reacted at the scene, the seven Yan prison slaughterers had already controlled the Yan prison magic dragon, and they were hovering vigorously on top of everyone.

In an instant, the men of all the princes on the scene, as well as the many local residents involved in it, all buried their heads lower.

They crawled on the ground one by one, trembling tremblingly, and even dared not breathe to amplify the sound.

These Yan prisoner slaughterers who control the dragon of the Yan prison in the long history of the world of hell, has long been known. They wore heavy black armor and were armed to their teeth. Mount Yan Yulong, is fierce and fierce, murderous. Such a pair of combinations, the only purpose of training is to kill!

As the most elite troop army under Satan's command, they used brutal killing to show the power of the devil. Wherever he passes, all hostile forces will be subjected to **** slaughter and suppression.

With such a cold-blooded and brutal killing machine, with the Lei Xiu Devil flying to the scene together, how could the people of the world and the local residents affected by the scene not be afraid of it?

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly the earth shook with it, as if a heavy hammer was gouging.

The crowd quickly turned their eyes and found that there were already countless iron-blooded troops on the streets around them, taking a neat step and striding towards them.

The huge momentum, uniform and powerful might almost suffocate.

Soon, the local residents who stayed at the scene were dragged away by the **** guards wearing heavy helmets and armor, just like being dragged to death.

In an instant, the entire scene was left with the Yan prison slaughterers circling high in the sky, the three great sons and their men, Wang Yan and his companions, the central Lei Xiu devil, and the **** guards who surrounded these groups.

Those residents of Shendu who were thrown out of the circle were silent.

In their view, the three great worlds did make trouble first, but Wang Yan, a foreign lord, made things so big that it forced the defensive barriers that God had never activated for thousands of years, and they all started. The tremendous disturbances and destruction that caused Lei Xiu, the demon in charge of the city's public security, to visit here in person.

One can imagine how big the basket that Wang Yan, a foreign lord poke! Not to mention the large-scale disasters that caused Shendu to fall into buildings and meteorites to fall. The reason for gathering people to make trouble in Shendu is enough to sentence capital punishment!

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

"What? You don't know yet? Then you really missed the big scene. I told you that just now the three eldest sons and a foreign lord did not know what was happening in the front. The scene, awkward, is really amazing ! "

"Really, really? Does anyone dare to have a conflict between our three gods?"

"It's not just a conflict, it's all fighting, I just escaped from there! I honestly tell you that the foreign lord brought a dozen or so inferior servants. All of them are beating! "

"Why, what? The three eldest sons will lose? How, how is it possible!"

"Well, what am I doing to you? Just now there was flames and flying sand again. Finally, among the slaves of the foreign lords, some people seemed to have released the ban curse! I dropped a girl, that scene was really sinking into a building and falling into a stone rain. It all fell down! "

"Hi! Why, how could there be such a powerful foreigner? I really didn't expect that the foreigner lord and his servant were so powerful!"


Around the encircling circle, more and more onlookers are constantly pouring into this block. Rumors are here too, spreading fast.

In order to take a closer look at the situation in the surrounding circle, these bystanders of different races, different occupations, different ages and genders are all crowded in this block, even on the walls, trees, and roofs. Full of people. Some courageous curiosities even tried to sneak into the encircling circle from the blocked street houses. Of course, these people, without exception, were all caught by the guards at the scene, and after being beaten up, they were all thrown out of the encirclement.

The scene was indeed closed, and the rumors were very low, but he still learned that the cable was passed into the encircling circle and in everyone's ears.

With so many men in the three great worlds, all of them shrank their necks at this moment and crawled on the ground in fear. The **** world is strong and the winner is king. So many of them actually lost. In the family of Lei Xiu Demon King, that is absolutely not allowed.

Not only these men, the faces of the three great men were as ugly as they were, and their faces were ashamed and unwilling.

Since their three great sons became famous, they have called the wind and the rain in the gods. They have always been the only ones who bullied others. When have they bullied others?

But now their fighting power is nearly ten times more than the other party. Instead, they were beaten all the way by the other party. Finally, they lost their big faces in the face of the entire Shendu people. This shameful thing is a big shame among their fathers and families.

The world of **** admires the strong and fights hard. No matter how big the three worlds are, if their parents can be victors, their fathers will have no opinions, but will give them some encouragement and appreciation in order to motivate them Power and force.

But now the three great princes joined forces, and the result was messed up, losing a big face in front of the whole god. For this reason, the big devil Lei Xiu went out personally, which shows how angry the fathers of the three great sons are.


The tall and majestic Lei Xiu devil, with a majestic body, glared coldly at his own son, Lei Duo, and his cold eyes swept from the two worlds of Zhi Luo and Ji Yin.

Although Lei Xiu did not speak, the deep anger, like a towering mountain, weighed heavily on the hearts of the three worlds.

The three princes did not dare to talk, and they knew very well that the matter had come to an end. No matter how the situation developed in the end, the punishment of the three princes was already indispensable.

The eyes of Lei Xiu, the devil's eyes twinkling, slowly moved from the three great worlds to Wang Yan, a pedestrian.

Beside Wang Yan, apart from the three brothers, Chi Wei and Chi Lie, Zhang Weidao and the emperor of the desert are all human companions from the earth disguised as slaves. In the eyes of the high elders, these people are inferior and cannot be inferior.

Of course, there are two ogres in Wang Yan's team who are even more unseen. In the eyes of the nobles of the ruling class and purgatory demon clan, the barbarian ogres are no different from the uncivilized beasts outside.

On weekdays, some major cities, ogres and several other savage races are not allowed to enter. Now these two ogres not only came to the symbol of the purgatory demon clan, but also among the great gods, they also beat a lot of pure blood demon clan in the gods, which made Lei Xiu devil ’s heart extremely angry and disgust.

"What do the guards who guard the gates eat? Who put these barbaric lower races in?"

The Lei Xiu demon slowly opened his mouth, and the atmosphere immediately went away.

The current problem is not actually in terms of race, but if you shirk the problem on a small guard and a barbarous and riotous lower race, you can greatly reduce the pressure on public opinion.

Although Lei Xiu is one of the elders of the Satan Parliament, if he does not pay attention to the pressure of public opinion from the public, it will have a great impact on his rule and authority. It will also allow competitors to catch more handles.

"Master Lei Xiu, subordinate, subordinate, send someone to check!"

The words of Lei Xiu Demon King had just fallen. A middle-aged Demon with a short, general-like appearance quickly stepped forward and knelt behind Lei Xiu Devil King. He hurriedly explained, "Master Lei Xiu, the Hell Assembly is coming soon, There are too many foreign entrants to and from Shendu, and the guards will inevitably be uncensored. However, please be assured that Master Lei Xiu, his subordinates must strictly investigate the guards and will give the adults an explanation! "

As a result, a large part of the responsibility is simply shirked out.

As a high-weight Satan parliamentary elder, sometimes she shirks her responsibilities and finds it easy to find a scapegoat.

The great devil Lei Xiu was majestic and raised his fingers behind him. The middle-aged man, who looked like a general, quickly and respectfully saluted and retreated back to the heavy guards behind him.

Slightly pondering, Lei Xiu Demon King looked at Wang Yan and others again, his eyes full of contempt and disgust.

"All deal."

The Lei Xiu demon suddenly opened his mouth, his expression and tone seemed to be gentle and casual, but the coldness and murderousness that followed it overflowed into the surroundings like an ancient ice.

In an instant, everyone on the scene was attentive, and even the curious onlookers gathered around the outside, in the icy atmosphere of the rapid turn, one by one froze, and even a trace of voice did not dare to make a random voice.

The murderous Lei Xiu demon king is quite terrible. It should be said that in the eyes of these big nobles and elders standing at the apex of the gods, the lives under their feet are like ants, which can be erased at will.

Compared with the troublesome aftermath, it is the consistent practice of these great demon kings to completely erase the people or things that annoy them.


Just listening to the words of Lei Xiu Demon King just fell down, surrounded by the heavily guarded guards, Qi Qi lifted the heavy shield in his hand, and showed the Sabre.

Above the heads of the people, seven Yan prison slaughterers, with the silver light Xiaosha's dragon riding spear, all shone with a cold light. At this moment, the Yanlong Demon Dragon also roared low and heavy. Then I saw seven Yan prison slaughterers, pulling the reins of the iron rope, and the seven fierce dragon prison dragons slowly took off and quickly put on a gesture of rushing to kill at any time.

The surrounding atmosphere quickly fell to a critical point, and there was no extra noise around, except Xiao Xiaofeng, as the soldiers gathered together and guarded, they continued to flow and stir.

The three eldest sons were horrified, and although they were horizontal, they were at least some young brothers. If compared with their fathers, the Iron-Blood Demon King who really controls the real power, it is really like a child's play.

"It's over, it's over, they are about to attack!"

Lord Chew was tight all over, and the three brothers Chery, as well as the tyrannical master, were all nervous and tense.

They are all pure-blood demons, and their reputations for the gods Rongwei and Yanhei slaughterers have been intrigued since childhood. Now they are in these people. Surrounded by these terrible troops, even if they know that there is a photo of the boss of the magic flame, it is still inevitable from the instinctive tension.

The most important point is that if their identity as the boss of the magic flame hasn't been announced before, they will be killed by the fire, then do they want to live to death?

"Hello, high priest? Miss Belika?"

Zhang Weidao felt that he was still young, and did not want to die in vain, so he carefully asked the high priest Belika, "The future you foresee has the present scene? Me, what will happen to us?"

"Uh ..." Belika's tired face was slightly stunned. "No, I didn't see it, the ending ... I don't know."


Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, as well as the desert emperor and Shiva goddess, etc., all fainted together and followed their heart to commit grief. They looked at each other and secretly murmured in their hearts. Following the day of the Pharaoh, it was indeed exciting. Not only did the big brothers of all parties appear one after another, but various crises also continued.

The most frightening thing is that there is a Mayan high priest, Berika. Like Wang Yan, this high priest is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Now it ’s good, you have really released a big move yourself, but you have to beat them all.

In front of everyone, Wang Yan, who heard the conversation, was also cold sweat.

The heart said that this high priest, Berika, was too brave. Without seeing the future, she immediately released the big move. Now that the revenge of the other party's battle has been attracted, she is not afraid that she can't handle it, dragging them to fight to death?

"It's too late to explain the others. Let the enemy back before talking."

Wang Yan also feels that the enemies around him are intractable. Even if he wants to take advantage of Satan's identity to calm down, it is estimated that the other party will not give him this opportunity, nor will he listen to his nonsense. Therefore, there is only one battle.

So Wang Yan calmly ordered, "You don't need to keep your hands, any moves can be exhibited. All the damage to God is counted on this old guy."

Now that Wang Yan has ordered a battle, those companions behind him will no longer be scrupulous, especially when he thought that he could let go of the fight, the originally tense emotions calmed down a lot.

For a short time, all of his companions behind Wang Yan lit up their weapons, and Lydia also summoned two legendary mana floating dragons to help her cast spells on a large scale.

For a time, Wang Yan's momentum surged on this side. In the face of the large number of troops brought by Lei Xiu Demon King, not only did he not feel the slightest sense of fear, but instead he had a leap to try. This shocked all the onlookers inside and outside the scene, including the three great princes. Even the guards and the Inferno Massacre who were preparing to launch an attack were slightly stunned, and their movements were delayed a bit accordingly.

These people are horrified. What is the origin of these foreigners, and how can they face such a fighting spirit against the big devil Lei Xiu? Especially for the destruction of God Capital, all compensation should be counted on the head of Lei Xiu Demon King! Where is the faith of these foreigners who dare to speak to Lei Xiu this way?

"What are you talking about? Do you want to count the destruction of the **** capital on this king's head?"

Lei Xiu's big devil's face was green, and since he heard Wang Yan's words, his inner anger could no longer be suppressed.

"Yes," Wang Yan replied casually. "The son's trouble is not your godfather. Of course, your son's trouble will be borne by you, the old man."


Wang Yan's words were still falling, and the anxious Lei Xiu Demon King was so murderous that he raised his hand and slapped Wang Yan.


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