The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1608: How could there be such a slave girl?

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Lei Xiu Demon King's wrists are fierce. At that moment, the suddenly shot, the thunder and fire, the surging thunder and fire, turned into a huge magic palm in the air, and with a sorrowful sound, he went straight to Wang Yan.

That kind of terrible power seems to tear apart even the world!

The pressure around Wang Yan rose sharply, and the air seemed to be pumped away. The resulting intense wind pressure made it almost impossible to breathe. The numerous men behind Wang Yan also looked dignified one by one. In the face of the struggling blow of a demi-level demon king, the pressure rising in their hearts was almost like instinct and could not be controlled at all.

But at this moment, with a vigorous drink, suddenly from behind Wang Yan et al.

"you dare!"

I saw behind Wang Yan and others, with the expansion of a magic light curtain, a pure and violent red flame burst out in the center of the light curtain!

After the front end of the flame burst, it immediately turned into a giant fist, and threw it towards the thunderfire giant palm of the Lei Xiu demon king, and smashed it head-on.


After the giant fist came first, the power was even stronger, and immediately the giant palm was blown away. Yu Jin turned into a large piece of pure **** fire and rushed towards the sky.

The strong wind was roaring, the hot temperature, with a strong element of **** fire, tumbling and spreading towards the four directions, and the guards around him who wanted to be approached, the armor was hot, and even the eyes could not win.

The strong coercion, the overbearing violent, like the sea like the sea, as if to crush the hearts of all the viewers around.

However, the pressure that swept through the blazing flames seemed as if they had long eyes. They were so close to Wang Yan and others, but they did not mean to burn to Wang Yan and others. Yan Tuan wrapped in it.

Many guards at the scene immediately raised their shields and stood up like an enemy. The three eldest sons and their men, under the swell of flames, hurriedly climbed up from the ground and backed away in horror. This level of **** fire is not something that they can easily contaminate.

Not only that, above the sky, the Inferno Slaughter who had not swooped down, immediately under the threat of boiling flames, immediately rose into the air, alerting him from the sky.

Lei Xiu, the demon king who had just been hit, broke his eyes, and his face also showed vigilance.

Such a pure and powerful hellfire cannot be released by ordinary characters. Suddenly emerged at this time, broke his good deeds, is definitely a powerful demigod!

As he expected, as the flames gradually subsided, a burly figure with a strong and arrogant demigod demon was standing proudly between him and Wang Yan!

This powerful demigod-level purgatory demon, is no one else, it is now Wang Yan's servant Chilian Demon King!

At this time, Chi Lian was wearing a beautiful and gorgeous black-and-black armor, and the surface of the armor had emerged as a red scarlet road that seemed to flow through the magma.

The layers of Hellfire elements in the air, when this piece of the innate Dao pattern formed by the laws of the Yan system flashes and flows, it gathers more and more densely, so that a layer of it has formed on the surface of his armor. The pure flame of body halo.

Under this dazzling and powerful halo, the powerful and beautiful mighty demon body of Chilian Demon King seems to be cast from the strongest lava in the world, even if he only stands in the field and does nothing, his body is arrogant The strong breath is enough to suppress everything and sweep the audience.

"It turned out to be the Red Demon King!"

"Amitabha, the demigod demon king is really domineering! As soon as he came to shock the audience, the poor monk envyed this feeling."

Zhang Weidao and Wu Wujie and others saw that the person was the Red Demon Demon King, and his heart couldn't help but sigh, and then he began to sigh repeatedly. Full of infinite yearning.

"Lord, our **** is late, please atonement."

Immediately after the Red Refining Demon King, in the magic light curtain opened behind Wang Yan and others, Camus, Enzo and Elsa, with hundreds of barbarians and ogres elite, quickly traversed the channel, Qi Qi knelt around Wang Yan.

This team of well-equipped, majestic and orderly masters, all revealing an unbelievable tyranny.

"Old man, this old bone will soon be tossed away by you."

Immediately after this elite teacher, the trainer master Hill drew a cigarette, held a portable magic cannon in his left hand, and a flashing craftsman's sledgehammer in his right hand, and behind that set of metal wings It ’s full of steampunk roughness.

Master Refiner Hill is the legendary master hidden in the city. After following Wang Yan, with a team of craftsmen, he has been busy improving and making equipment. The portable magical energy gun in his hand, which looks like a rocket launcher, was redesigned and improved under Wang Yan's suggestion.

Now following Wang Yan to Shendu, he also stayed in the fleet and continued to be busy with work. However, Wang Yan and others made such a big noise in the gods that even he, who rarely participated in actual combat, also carried weapons and followed the Chilian Demon King to help out.

At this time, with the emergence of the team of Wang Yan, the atmosphere at the scene changed dramatically.

The three princes and their men, as well as the heavy guards who besieged Wang Yan and others at the scene, were shocked, and their hearts were ups and downs. They simply couldn't imagine how such a little lord, who had never been known, could have such a powerful and well-trained man?

No, the men are not enough to describe such a team, this is clearly an army to be waited for! And if they guess right, the hundreds of people in front of them are far from the whole team. The actual number of this army is probably far beyond their imagination!

"Hey, how is this possible?"

"How could this country lord have such a huge power?"

"When did our Purgatory Demon Clan have such a number one character? Why didn't we hear anything at all?"

Such shocking doubts kept rolling in the hearts of the three great worlds and all the people who were deterred at the scene. In front of him, the **** lord, who seemed to be barely sharp, made them more and more puzzled.


At this time, behind Li Yan and others, Lidia, who was also indifferent to the mountains, exhaled slowly, her palms together, and the magic light curtain shining in front of her immediately closed.

It turned out that many of Chilian's demon kings and Wang Yan's men carried the space beacons that Lydia had made in advance. This kind of space beacon is like a GPS positioning system. Basically, as long as it is in the plane of the planet, Lydia can use the teleporting magic star gate to determine the specific location.

In front of the plane base of Chilian Huze, there is a large fixed space beacon. This immovable space beacon is a kind of teleportation gate that can be activated in both directions. As long as enough energy is paid to open the starry sky gate, it is enough to support thousands of horses to travel through it.

Of course, it is difficult to make such a large road sign, and the huge amount of consumables is now handed over to the ancient flame demon care. In disguise, it is also another card of Wang Yan.

Just now Chilian Demon King and Camus, etc., were able to arrive as soon as possible. It is because they discovered that the inner city of the **** city, after a large-scale turmoil, took the initiative to use the space beacon to contact Lydia.

After Lydia relayed the situation, she hadn't had time to report to Wang Yan, so she first opened the starry sky door, so that Wang Yan's helper could arrive in time.

As the door to the starry sky slowly closed, the two mana floating dragons that provided Lydia with magical energy, the bright magic luster on his body, followed by a lot of dimness.

These two legendary mana floating dragons are very rare. They are another kind of treasure left by the star **** for Lydia. They are composed entirely of magic power, and the body contains a huge amount of magical energy. Carrying around is like two power banks with plenty of electricity, which can provide Lydia with a huge energy supply.

If they are detonated, they will produce as much explosive power as personal tactical nuclear bombs. However, once detonated, it means that these two mana pterosaurs will be completely dissipated, and Lydia is not willing to waste these two rare pets.

The two mana pterosaurs were under Lydia's hands, but the secondary artifact staff and the book of stars left by the starry sky **** appeared in her hand.

With the emergence of her magic power, the staff and the magic book began to shine with a dazzling starlight, and the sacred power of a transcendental dust, like the sea like a deep sea, seemed to be connected with this world.

"Time, time artifact?"

"How could this female slave have a sub-artifact? And two of them!"

"My God, that's a sub-artifact! That foreign lord is crazy? How to let two sub-artifacts fall on the hand of a slave girl?"

"No, it's not right! Even the slave girl has a sub-artifact, then what is the origin of this foreign lord ?!"

Everyone at the scene had not recovered from the shock of the sudden flood of troops, but was frightened again by Lydia's secondary artifact.

The three great men and their men, including many guards and Lei Xiu himself, are not blind.

If these two magnificent pieces were exposed, and the subordinate artifacts with powerful powers would not be recognized by them, they would have been in vain for so many years.

But the most terrifying thing is, why can even slave girls have sub-artifacts? What is the origin of this unknown foreign lord? Be aware of the priceless treasures of the sub-god level, but rare treasures that cannot be obtained even by the demigod!

Under the dumbfounded eyes of everyone at the scene, Wang Yan's men and his elite soldiers, who had just arrived in front of Wang Yan, showed their weapons and equipment.

Everyone at the scene was shocked again. The companion behind Wang Yan, almost everyone had one or several pieces of holy equipment. At this time, it was really exhibited, and the various colors of fluorescence were connected together, which was very spectacular.

And the elite soldiers gathered around Wang Yan are all wearing uniform armor and weapons in their hands. Upon closer inspection, they can see that this set is actually a high-quality weapon! Several captain-level barbarians and ogres have a legendary level of strength, as well as a second-level weapon or equipment!

This set of lineups and combat power, compared with the heavy guards of Shendu, are more than that. This makes it impossible for everyone on the scene to be surprised.

Silence, I don't know when to get up, the scene becomes silent.

The bustling bystanders on the periphery were all stunned and nervous at the moment. Even the curious residents behind them who couldn't see the actual situation, kept asking anxiously, but ignored them.

The emotions of these bystanders have long been lifted to the extreme. What they really cared about at the moment is no longer a lively battle, but this alien lord who doesn't seem to be showing up. What is the origin? How could there be such a powerful force? What kind of ending will he face with the conflict between Lei Xiu and Demon King?

Under the eyes of thousands of eyes around him, Lei Xiu's face was extremely ugly.

He is well-versed, and he already knows the extraordinary origin of this foreign lord, but under the eyes of all eyes, he is already a little difficult to ride a tiger. If he admits to counseling the weak and improperly handles this matter, then his authority in the **** capital will be greatly reduced, and it is likely that the matter will also be attacked by political enemies.

He finally had a relatively strong voice in the Satan Parliament, and his son was also very good. He must have a good performance at the Hell Assembly in the future. All of this is relatively beneficial to him, but if it is not handled well in this matter, would n’t it be a loss?

"Chi Lian Demon King, you are so brave! With your own weight, you dare to lead the army to break into the **** capital, do you want to rebel?"

The Lei Xiu Demon King saw the people who were standing in front of him. It was the Chilian Demon King who was shouted and drunk by him at that time, and finally he was thrown as a cannon fodder at the Hell Conference. Immediately, he slammed in vain, attempting to use his precious power as the elder, and first deterred the other party.

And in the view of Lei Xiu Demon King, so many elite soldiers and elite slaves are most likely related to this Chilian Demon King. Although the Red Refining Demon King is not within the core powers of God Capital, he is still a powerful demigod-level devil, and he still has some strength.

Over the years, the Red Refining Demon King may have gone **** luck, and had any special adventures, or he secretly went to the earth to rob through the secret technique, it is very likely. Otherwise, where did so many good things, and so many master human slaves come from?

Therefore, with the appearance of Chilian Demon King, Lei Xiu Devil King, including almost everyone on the scene, thought that all the elite soldiers and the best slaves belonged to him.

At this time, the Red Demon King flaunts his power, probably to find a reason to squeeze into the core authority of the Satan Parliament!

As for Wang Yan? His power and energy fluctuations were all covered up under the technique of convergence, and outsiders simply did not believe that such a huge power and wealth belonged to him alone.

Despite the rumors, Satan, the supreme demon, found his lost illegitimate child. However, in order to protect the heirs, the devil Satan did not announce the specific content of his illegitimate child, but just released a message to the Satan Parliament. His son found it and will be sent to the **** conference in the future. No other information is available.

In addition to Wang Yan's side, Chilian Demon King also tried his best to cover up Wang Yan's identity. Therefore, these people on the scene, who can regard Wang Yan as the private son of the Red Demon King, will not think of him as the son of the demon god.

"Oh, I hold my soldiers in my own weight? You are so embarrassed to say that I am Chilian's own soldiers?"

Faced with the sneer of Lei Xiu, the demon king did not show weakness, but instead sneered fearlessly, but yelled, "You open your dog's eyes and see, Lao Tzu's men are slaves, but you can bring What kind of army are there? The upper prison slayers, the heavy guards around, are the direct legions of His Majesty the Devil God! Can you be driven by the council elders like you? If you have your own weight, you It's the gangster thief who's trying to rebel! "


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