The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1606: Disaster

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"Huh! Wow!"

The clubhouse building above Wang Yan and others just collapsed, and the surrounding streets are still collapsing. Disastrous scenes are still happening. But at this moment, the crowd obviously felt the dim light, and sometime, the fierce gust of wind began to wreak havoc around the crowd.

Everyone immediately looked up at the sky and saw that it was close to the evening sky that was still very bright.

Thick dark clouds, accompanied by a gust of wind, enveloped the entire sky. The dim and depressed clouds are like a storm coming, and the dark clouds are accumulating above people's heads.

Crimson fire clouds gathered by a large number of fire elements, and thunder and lightning like a dragon snake cruising through the dark clouds. The thunderous thunder and thunder sounded like a giant roaring above the sky.

However, the most frightening thing is that one piece of meteorite fragment dragging the long red tail is like a thrilling meteor shower, with a terrifying power like the end of the world. Everyone's head fell below!

"No, isn't it?"

Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie, Shen Tu Tian Lu and others, Qi Qi dumbfounded, unable to speak at all.

This, this scene ... is too amazing!

At the Youth Conference, they watched a meteorite fall through a live broadcast by drone at the venue. The meteorite is indeed big enough, and you can feel the kind of ruinous power across the screen.

The meteorite that is falling now is smaller than the one from the Youth Conference, but it can't stand the current number. Zhang Weidao and others have roughly seen that there are dozens of meteorites that have passed through the clouds!

The fragments of meteorites vary in size, but the one after the other, through the clouds, falling from the sky, is like sending an intercontinental missile, a terrifying power, which makes the scalp numb!

"Hey hello, little brother, this, this is too exaggerated!"

The Lord of Red Confusion and the three brothers of Chilie were all ignorant, and even the two ogres were dimly dark, like the scene of the end, scared and sweating, all standing on the spot and daring not to move. .

"Little, little brother, here, do you want to run away, or defend, and defend?" Lord Chew couldn't help but open his mouth and asked carefully to Zhang Weidao beside him.

Just after the ground collapsed, the Lord of Confusion listened to the suggestions of these human partners on the earth, all stayed in place without moving, and finally nothing happened.

The collapsed floors and stones all coincidedly avoided the top of their heads and fell to their feet. Even the collapsed streets just avoided their location. They seemed to be standing on an isolated island among the ruins, and there were so many small fortunes and triumphs in their hearts.

But now it's better, dozens of meteorites like intercontinental missiles are falling towards their heads. No kidding, these dozens of meteorites fell, with them as the center, within a dozen kilometers, I am afraid they will all be destroyed.

At this moment, the small confessed lord and others, the small heart is really trembling.

"Goodong!" Zhang Weidao and others swallowed nervously, and replied a little less confidently. "Should, shouldn't you? Should we open a shield first and insure?"

Zhang Weidao's words made everyone on the scene quite big. During the speech, Zhang Weidao also secretly looked at the caster of the Great Prophecy, and found that the high priest, Berika, still had a look of indifference in his tiredness, which made his already dangling heart, even more seven and eight Down.

It is indeed very expensive to be able to exhibit such amazingly great destructive power of destructive power. Even the current strength of Belika is somewhat overdrawn. But the other party is still a mysterious, unpredictable look, which makes Zhang Weidao and others, completely confused about what to do next.

At the same time that Zhang Weidao and others discovered the meteorite rain, the men of the surrounding three great worlds and the local residents all witnessed this terrible change.

"End, end! Meteor shower, meteor shower!"

"Why, how could it be so much?"

"Can't escape, we are dead!"

"Wow! I'm dying!"

The scene suddenly wailed, surrounded by fleeing and crying local residents and their various slaves.

These purgatory demons living in the **** capital are all pure blood nobles, and their strength is not weak. The slave servants they buy are also top-notch boutiques of all races. Therefore, the collapse of the building caused by the recent subsidence caused a few kilometers of the surrounding area to become a ruin, which caused a large number of local residents and slaves to be injured or buried.

But it is just that, and they will not kill them. When the collapse ended, the injured or buried local residents and servants, relying on their own strength and magic rebirth, climbed out of the ruins and escaped danger.

But when these embarrassed noble residents had just stood on the ruins and hadn't had time to react, they saw a large patch of dozens of meteorites above their heads, which began to fall like cannonballs towards them. This caused them to startle their hearts, and their hearts beat again, terrified.

These noble residents who stayed at the scene were all scared and mad. Even the noble manners and elegance that had been maintained in the past were all left behind. One by one, the frightened rabbits fled.

Just kidding, meteorites can be different from the collapsed building blocks, but the power of the gadgets can kill people!

These pure-blood aristocrats, and the elite servants they possess, are indeed a bit of a strength, even if they are hit by stones in the collapse of the building, it is not only fatal. But it is not the stones that fall now, but the real meteorite! If it is hit by a bucket-sized meteorite, the body may be directly exploded into meat, and finally burned into **** by the high-temperature flame attached to the meteorite.

By then, no matter how strong the magic rebirth technique is, they will not be able to resume their lives. This makes them very sad, so why not panic?

It is not only the noble residents, but those who were hit by the world, one by one, ran out of the ruins.

They are the main targets of the high priest Berika's prophecy, and all of them were double-struck by falling rocks. At this time, they finally got rid of their predicament. Looking up at the sky, they were frightened and their eyes were bursting.

They originally thought that Wang Yan and his companions were only a country lord and a group of unknown slaves. But after thinking about it, Wang Yan and his men not only have great strength, but the key is this terrible move! This is simply a legendary ban!

"World, Master Shizi! Me, shall we escape?"

"If you don't leave, it will be late!"

The three parties' men were frightened, and they all said to their world sons, trying to hug the world's thighs, thus avoiding this terrible disaster.

But as soon as their words fell, they were immediately blamed by the two worlds of Ji Yin and Zhi Luo.

"Fart! Who dares to run away? This world child slaughtered him!"

"Isn't it a fire rain? Look at your fuss, not worthy of being a slave to this world!"

Shiyin Shizi and Zhiluo Shizi, because of their powerful strength, have not been affected by the collapse of the ground. At this time, the battle with the desert emperor and the goddess Shiva was furious. Where can I hear the exclamation of his men?

And in their view, the extraterrestrial orbit of Hell World is covered with large and small fragmented meteorites, and the element of fire is extremely rich, so often a few pieces of meteorites fall, or the next fire rain. Such a situation is more common in hell. But their men, for this little thing, were afraid of this, and it was a shame for them!

"No, no, Master Shizi! That's not fire and rain, nor debris. What fell is a meteorite!" A courageous man panicked and said, "This, such a big one! There are dozens of Na! "

"Bah! Do you play with Lao Tzu? Are there dozens more?"

The irritated Shiji Shibu shouted, looked up, and immediately took a breath.

I saw a bucket of water and a meteorite the size of a water tank, dragging a long, flaming long tail, and falling towards them at high speed. That kind of terrifying power is really like the end of the world!

On the other side, the cynical Shiluo Shizi, a sly bird of prey, immediately realized that something was wrong and quickly retreated, and then looked towards the sky. His feminine and evil eyes were instantly stunned.

"Come on, what a joke? Did the slave girl release the banned curse?"

There are dozens of meteorites of various sizes, and this has to fall?

On this side, the desert emperor and the goddess Shiva were cold sweats. The two looked at each other, quickly backed away, and immediately merged with other companions.

High priest Berika, if the individual combat ability of a single round is undoubtedly the most common one of the three of them, but her great prophecy is extremely strange, and it can often produce unexpected effects. So when it comes to this weird method, the desert emperor, Shiva and all other companions from the earth are extremely convinced.

In addition, they also know Belika well, and understand that her means of changing fate are usually directional, which means that under normal circumstances, it will not harm their own people, nor will they harm the caster.

Therefore, the desert emperor and others who had to serve all withdrew to Belika. From the simplest logic, high priest Berika, can't put a big trick to kill himself together?


A pile of gravel was instantly exploded by the surging qi.

"Abominable redneck, you will fight your life and death!"

The hapless son of Lei Duo was buried for the second time, and he was freed from the stone again at this moment, his face black. Such embarrassing things happened to him twice in a row, which made him very fond of face, and he could not bear it.

As a result, he couldn't control Wang Yan, the country lord. How strong he was, he had to find Wang Yan to fight against him.

But where is the shadow of Wang Yan now? And all the people around were in a panic. Even the two great worlds of Jiyin and Zhiluo were looking up at the sky, and they looked like they were in trouble.

This made Raito more surprised, so he also looked at the sky, and suddenly there was a strong sense of oppression, and he immediately rushed towards the face. Dozens of meteorites, large and small, were passing through the dark clouds of flames and thunder, and they all fell towards their heads. The scene of the langren that seemed to be the end of the world, full of superb power, as if to destroy the world!

"Come on, what a joke? Do these countrymen want to destroy the gods ?!"

Raito's heart was beating fast and his eyes were trembling. This kind of large-scale meteorite falling is simply the power of a curse!

"Belica, you are a little too much this time."

At this time, Wang Yan was also a few jumps and retreated to his companions. The collapse of the building in front of him, and the large-scale meteorite falling above his head, made him a bit big. So much so that he returned to his companion, preparing to meet this meteorite impact with his companion.

"I don't want to. Who makes the world of **** have so many meteorites out of the earth, how do I know that so many meteorites will be pulled at once?"

The high priest Belika shrugged innocently and said slyly, "You see, this priest tried to help you, but he exhausted his strength, what's the matter? Master Moyan will blame me in turn?"

"Okay, okay, weird gravity ..."

Wang Yan fell helplessly with a big drop of cold sweat, and Belika seemed blank and innocent. In fact, under those cunning eyes, she clearly knew what was going on. In addition, this Belika never makes a loss-making business. Obviously things are not as bad as expected.

If that is the case, then let it all be destiny.

"Prepare to meet the impact!" Wang Yan ordered and took the lead in combat readiness.

Although those meteorites basically do not fall on their heads, the destructive power brought by meteorites is nothing short of overwhelming.

Not only Wang Yan and others, but also the side of the three great men, also launched joint defenses, preparing to resist this impact.

However, most of their men were beaten by the people of Wang Yan, and they were hit by the disaster of the ground collapse. Most of them were injured, facing the meteorite that was about to fall Shivering, such as mourning examination. There is no confidence at all to survive this catastrophic shock.

In this way, under the brief consternation of everyone, the meteorite rain was already blinking, falling to nearly 1,000 kilometers above Shendu.

At this distance, people with outstanding strength and good eyesight can even see the lines of the surface of the meteorite body above the sky and the raging flames dragging on the tail!

The violent wind pressure brought by dozens of meteorites is like a rare hurricane in the world, which is strongly pressed from the top to the people below. All the residents hurriedly fleeing below, or the residents who were waiting for the line, and the men of the world, were all chilling together.

At this moment, a whine of a whispering war horn suddenly sounded above the gods.

As the magnificent horn sound continued to spread, a layer of translucent red barrier immediately spread out over Shendu.

Wang Yan's keen discovery that the energy source that constitutes this translucent red barrier comes from the Warlock Tower above the gates and walls of the Shendu.

I don't know how many outstanding powers are needed to activate these warlock towers, and how much energy is needed to consume. In short, Wang Yan stood under the barrier and deeply felt that the energy that constituted the barrier was magnificent and vast like the sea. It seems to be endless, and I have no idea where the end and limit of this energy will be.



Everyone was distracted by the majestic horn that sounded suddenly, and the majestic translucent barrier. When they were a little distracted, all the powerful falls fell across the translucent barrier above God Capital.

The rain of meteorite falling from the orbit outside the earth is more powerful than expected!

At this time, across the barrier, most of the cities were flushed by the burning flame under the explosion caused by the impact of the meteorite rain. The layers of explosive flames, mixed with explosive fragments of meteorites, are even outside the barrier, flying as high as dozens of buildings.

Of course, what shocked Wang Yan and everyone at the scene most was that under the terrifying impact of the meteorite rain, the semi-circular barrier covering the entire **** was actually like a piece of translucent tempered glass, leaving the outer layer How the meteorite smashed the impact, this layer of glass is always immobile, even a trace of ripples did not appear!

"It is worthy of the **** capital of the purgatory demon clan. I am afraid that even the defensive degree of this enchantment will be helpless even if it is a demon god?" Wang Yan's team, the desert emperor looked up with emotion, so defensive knot The world, so he had to deeply admire.

Wang Yan also secretly mirrored his top defensive equipment, sub-god level eight, and made a comparison with this city defense enchantment. It was found that the Bajian mirror is really powerful and very practical for individuals, but if it encounters a strong attack, the Bajin mirror will quickly overdraw the user's power and eventually overload and collapse.

Therefore, as far as the defense level is concerned, it is still more practical to use this kind of large-scale city defense.

But I want to come too, here is the foot of the demon god, the capital city of the purgatory demon clan, and the nest of the devil **** Satan. The purpose of this city's construction is to resist the invasion of other demon gods, and various means are used to the utmost. The war and defensive attributes of this city are all the best in the world of hell.

Meteorites rain everywhere, and naturally cannot break through the city's defenses.

Soon, dozens of meteorite rains fell, and the translucent screen that shrouded the gods, followed by a red light. As this layer of light flashed through, the flames and the remaining fragments of the meteorite that were rolling on the surface of the barrier were immediately destroyed.

Except that there are still a lot of turbulent fire clouds in the sky, the whole **** seems to have never been attacked by a meteorite, and no ash remains.


The goddess Shiva exclaimed, "I can't think of this defensive barrier, but it still has the effect of attack!"

"Uh, it's simply the laser sky? How many meteorites fell, and in the end there wasn't even a trace of dust left!" Zhang Weidao's companion, also under the defensive light curtain above his head, surprised him.

With such an offensive and defensive power, the abilities displayed by these warlock towers are indeed very strong. I believe that the power of the Warlock Tower is far from these.

As the meteorite disaster passed, under the eyes of everyone, the translucent barrier above the gods began to recede slowly. The residents who were nervous and thought to be undoubtedly mortal below, and the men of the three great worlds, all breathed out. My heart is full of the illusion of perishing.

Those unlucky inhabitants who were originally nobles were all disgraced, like refugees. Compared with them, the men of the three great men are even more miserable.

These men, all with swollen noses and blue faces, were either paralyzed or lying on the ruins at this time, looking embarrassed. The key is that the number of them is nearly ten times that of Wang Yan, a pedestrian, but he is still taught so miserably at this time. In the eyes of the crowd of onlookers in the periphery, this group of three big men is really disgraceful.

"That's the strength of the three great sons?"

"Watching them Yaowu Yaowei at ordinary times, I can't think of an empty shelf."

"They are nearly ten times larger than the foreign lord, so they can lose? It's really shameful to our godly nobles!"

"Well, don't provoke trouble without knowing it. Look at the good things they did. Laozi's shop is completely destroyed!"

These local residents are somewhat of a family affiliation, unlike most other places where civilians dominate. Therefore, once the interests of these noble residents were harmed and their own security was not threatened, they immediately began to blame and curse behind them.

In addition, the **** world is respected by the strong, and everyone respects the strong. If the three worlds successfully lead people to bully Wang Yan, even if they have the advantage of a large number of people, but if they become kings and defeat the invaders, these bystanders are the same. Not daring to have an opinion, but still fearing the three great worlds.

But once the three great worlds lose, their prestige will drop rapidly. After all, there are many people, and they are still bullying. In the end, they bully each other. This is not to be seen anywhere in the world of hell.

Various rumors and whispers began to spread around the ruins of the ruins into the ears of the three great worlds.

The three eldest men's faces were blue and purple, and their hearts were suffocated with anger that could not be released.

Who are they? In this **** conference, they are the top three princes with the strongest and most powerful voices of God. Its own strength has reached the peak of a powerful legend, and the three men each have dozens of servants, no matter where they go, they are all back and forth, and the wind and rain, the scenery is infinite.

But at the moment they lost sturdily, to a country lord who did n’t know where they came from, and a group of slaves of the lower race, which made them feel like a big stone was blocked in their hearts. heavy.

Coupled with the residents of the gods around, all the whispers were leaked into their ears, which undoubtedly greatly increased their inner resentment and shame.

"Damn human bitch! This life will never let you go today!"

The glorious bird of prey, the fierce look of Shiluo Shizi, angrily angry, faced Shiva Goddess in the distance, and refused to give up.

"Human! Our victory or defeat has not been separated, where are you going to escape?"

Shiyin Shizi Hengjian is at the forefront, he has always been unable to win the desert emperor, and he has always been bitter.

"Fuck things! Lao Tzu hasn't lost!" On the other side, the frustrated sons of Lei Duo, angered, the pair just stared at Wang Yan.

They also understand that they kicked the iron plate and met the strong man, but now they have to swallow their teeth when they break their teeth. For the sake of face, they have to fight with Wang Yan as a pedestrian.

But at this moment, an abrupt coercion suddenly fell from the sky.

A feeling of great difficulty came to everyone's heart.

"Fuck things! Are you still missing enough?"

With a violent anger, it seemed that the thunder was rolling, and suddenly came from all directions.

Under the sky, the three princes who were still shouting loudly changed their face immediately. Among them, Lei Duo's son revealed a rare color of fear.

"No, my father, the big devil Lei Xiu is here!"


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