The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1477: Domestic plane base

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"Abhorrent, why do you always look sullen these days?"

Wang Yan is preparing to convene Camus and others to have a brief military meeting and meet the brutal master who is sitting alone on the steps.

It's strange to say that after this group of people settled in the main palace of the county, the brutality didn't come to seduce him once, and he was unhappy and unhappy all day long.

Although this calmed him down a lot, he always felt that the state of cruelty was very bad. After all, Wang Yan had taken a lot of money from cruelty so far, so it should be a little concerned about her.

So Wang Yan simply sat beside her.

Perhaps it is Wang Yan's rare concern and rare approach. The sullen sadness, the spoiled body could not help but tremble slightly, although his face was agitated and happy, but the sadness was more.

After a long time, the cruelty glanced at Wang Yan quietly and bowed his head in sorrow: "I am Lord Mo Yan, am I, I am very useless? Isn't it ... I can only become an adult father, a tool for future marriage?"

This problem made Wang Yan a little surprised. It seems that Dunbar and Kas dare to challenge the majesty of the cruel master and the attitude of her father and brother towards her, which has taken a toll on her.

Now she has finally awakened from the old paper drunken gold fan, the night. This is a rare thing, but it also makes her feel confused for her future.

Wang Yan looked at the brutal master, he could understand the other party ’s thoughts, so he comforted: "You have the blood of the devil, and the talent potential is much stronger than the ordinary demon, how could it be useless? It ’s just that the respect is long. It ’s just lack of skills and discipline. As for the future life, I think it ’s up to you to choose. You should n’t let others decide for you. ”

Wang Yan is not completely comforting to say this. Although life is full of helplessness and too many things involuntarily, but not trying to struggle for yourself, what meaning does that life have?

The remarks were simple and direct, and the eyes of the abusive child shone slightly.

Then she seemed to make up her mind and looked at Wang Yan deeply. She also said with a slight beg in her tone: "Master Mo Yan, I am in the city of Liuhuo, I can't stay any longer, I want to dominate my life , You ... will you take me away? "

Wang Yan was taken aback for a moment, and he also understood that after Chibiao helped him so much, he had already forged Liangzi with his father Chilian and the three elder brothers. It can be said that as soon as he leaves this place, or abandons this cruelty, this cruelty will definitely be taken by her father, Chilian Demon King, and immediately be taken to the marriage.

Although Wang Yan knew the reason, he couldn't sit back and ignore it, but the brutality suddenly said this, and it made him feel like he had to abduct his girl and run away.

Wiping away the cold sweat in his heart, Wang Yan is not a ruthless and unjust person. After glancing at the cruel master, he finally agreed: "Yes, I can take you away and let you take a position beside me. But whether you can become stronger and better, including your own life, will depend on yourself. "

"Woo ..." The abusive county master's lips trembling, and finally wept with joy, and fell into Wang Yan's arms, "Woo, woo, Lord Moyan really loves me, woo, I want to give you a baby!"

The burden of the cruel county governor was put down, and the whole person once again returned to the original flamboyant appearance. In broad daylight, Wang Yan had to give birth to children in the corridors, which scared Wang Yan.

Wang Yan spent a lot of effort to stabilize the Brutal Lord, and then she arranged the Brutal Lord to Camus's adjutant, the dark elf Elsa, to let Elbary follow Elsa to learn combat skills.

Although the power level of the Brutal Lord is higher than Elsa, her strength is all piled up by the Red Demon King with resources, and the addition of honor and superiority results in the Brutal Lord and the previous Lydia Similarly, there is an excellent demon blood and talent, but I don't know how to use this power.

However, as long as the brutal master is given a certain amount of time, after training, his personal abilities will definitely far exceed the present.

Moreover, Wang Yan believes that under the framework of this team, his men promote and blend in with each other, and the future cohesion and combat power will definitely far exceed that of ordinary legions.

After preparing for a few more days, Wang Yan just took this group of elite teams and arranged for a business traveler under the arrangement of the familiar city gate squad, and went out quietly.

Wang Yan took people to rob, so naturally they should not be too loud. And after Wang Yan made such a mess in the city of Liuhuo, the Demon Palace began to pay close attention to Wang Yan's movements, so a little cover-up is still necessary.

Outside the city gate, Wang Yan and others briefly walked through the barracks stationed outside the city.

This is the place where the enraged and brutal followers and garrisons stand. The total number of the two is thousands. However, the movement of a large number of troops was too eye-catching, and Wang Yan continued to follow the elite soldiers route. He only took a group of elite men and diverted to Chilian Lake.

Because before going to the robbery, the day of contacting each other through the plane base with the National African Bureau is coming.

Chilian Lake Ze, vast expanse of boundless. Because of the existence of a semi-god-level scorching lake, almost no one dared to explore the resources in this large area. Even the Chilian Demon King is unwilling to provoke the wild monster for no reason.

Now all this belongs to Wang Yan. Naturally, he wouldn't let this fat be left untouched.

Although Wang Yan has started to dig the mining area of ​​Chilian Huze, he just sent a demigod flame demon and some barbarians to station. The mining is all Goblin, using the most primitive methods and tools to mine, the efficiency is low, and the quality It's hard to guarantee.

But Wang Yan was asked to take a closer look at these, but he also had a lack of skills.

Therefore, it is time to recruit some helper partners from the National African Bureau. Invading the huge world of hell, can't just rely on him Wang Yan alone.

Wang Yan is not fighting alone. He is relying on the China National African Affairs Bureau or even the entire earth.

Soon, Wang Yan arrived at the gap of the space that first came to hell. Under the care of the three-legged Jinwu and other guards, there was nothing wrong with this simple base, but there was no constructive progress. The broken base was full of Various **** metal ores mined.

Indeed, no one can count on the spirit of a three-legged Jinwu to do base construction, especially a stupid Jinwu.

"Ziz ~ Wang Yan, please answer."

The technology of cross-plane communication is developing rapidly. Today, the communication through the space nodes is very clear and the data can be transmitted. Following this rhythm, Wang Yan has every reason to believe that he will be able to communicate with the earth at any time.

"Director Yun, can you open the plane channel? I have a resource here to send back." Wang Yan answered.

"Wait a moment," Yun Zhi said. "Here is a secret letter from Director General Han. Please take a look first."

As the data crossed the plane, it was transferred to Wang Yan's mobile phone through the plane communicator. After reading the secret letter from Director General Hongbo Han, his mouth gradually showed a strange and funny expression.

Is this idea good? Mr. Han is quite capable of sending charcoal in the snow.

Ha ha ha, it seems that some comrades are going to be out of luck.


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