The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1476: So poor, go robbery

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Returning to the palace of the governor owned by the cruel master, Wang Yan and his party have been rested for several days.

Under Wang Yan's hands, the five barbarian gladiators and three dark elves who were seriously injured received the best treatment and rest.

These are the top elites of the same level. With their excellent physical qualities, although the wounds and scars on the body have not completely disappeared, but there is no major problem, just take some medicine. Use some topical ointment to heal in less time.

In addition, the thirty-two eagle body demon and fifteen succubus slaves also suffered a lot of abuse and torture before being included by Wang Yan, and their mental and health conditions were relatively poor.

This time in the superior palace of the county, after several days of conditioning, one by one is full of energy and charming. In addition, after carefully grooming and putting on new clothes and equipment, these banshees are really a flowery show, beautiful and delicate, even if they pass by, they will exude a charming fragrance.

With them there, the male servants of the whole county's main palace, Soul, are almost taken away, and they are in a state of excitement in which their hearts beat every night every day. But they are happy and tormented every day, they are really painful and happy.

Among these people, the best spirits were the ogres Ablon and the Lord of Red Confusion, both of which were thick-bodied and delicious lazy guys.

Came to the main palace of the county to eat and drink all day, now it is called a full-bodied and relaxed. Moreover, the ogres experienced life and death, and received several days of rest, which made his legendary state more stable, and his personality and IQ were much calmer than before.

Needless to say, the deluded lord is naturally the illegitimate child of the devil, with pure blood and high quality. It has just been neglected and lacks training and exercise.

This confusion for a while, following the boss Wang Yan, has experienced several large-scale battles in succession, and even the terrifying Yanhu Master, he has fought with Wang Yan. Such a rich experience of war not only made his use of power more and more stable, his skills became higher and higher, but also a lot of courage.

Today, he is no longer a little lord who was once in a backcountry and unknown. His ability is constantly being explored. It can be said that if he continues to develop like this, the absolute potential in the future is infinite.

As for Wang Yan ’s succubus charmer, after the promotion of the legend and the evolution of the bloodline, he became more calm and restrained, and his ability became more and more prominent after continuous grinding. With her current abilities and qualifications, putting it outside is a succubus queen, but becoming a queen alone is definitely not her ultimate goal.

In addition, Lidia, who was captured by Wang Yan, was originally awkward and ignorant, and she had a talent. But following Wang Yan, after so many days, she has continued to grind and fight life and death. She has already been different tonight. As her social experience continues to increase, her personal abilities are rapidly increasing.

With the rest and feelings of the past few days, the current Lydia's heritage and accumulation in the half-step S-level has been very stable. When it is time to break through the promotion, it is only a matter of time.


"Master Hill, you have worked hard recently. These equipments can only be improved and repaired by you. Oh, yes, the master troubledly wiped the logo of the Red Refining Demon King above and replaced it with this flame ornament. Sign. "

On this day, Wang Yan went to Master Hill's temporary workshop again to inspect Master Hill's progress.

At present, Wang Yan is also a key talent of Master Hill, so correspondingly, all repairs and improvements of Wang Yan ’s equipment are now under his sole responsibility.

Master Hill is also very hard now, depressed and speechless. Secretly he had thought to follow this Lord of the Demon Flames, wandering the world and live a thrilling day, but he didn't expect that his work came just after he had just been idle.

And he was more than ten times more busy than when he was hiding in a blacksmith's shop. The key is that no one can help him right now. The level of the repair master in the county's palace can only beat him. All the main things have to be done by him.

Wang Yan, a team of dozens of people, had to repair and improve every piece of equipment from the pit, and put on Wang Yan ’s personal logo. Otherwise, if a single slave is not covered by his master, he will be easily suppressed and bullied by other forces alone, or even taken away, so that it is difficult for these slaves to go out of the task.

"I'm really busy with this master. After finishing these equipments, I have to give me at least two pounds, no, five pounds of braised pork, plus two pounds of good wine, and make good compensation!" Master Hill was busy in front of the fire. All the time, even when talking, the movements in the hand do not stop.

"No problem, I will stew the braised pork for you personally, enough! But that portable magic cannon, please also master Master Hill to develop as soon as possible." Wang Yan agreed quickly, smiled and flew away.

He only left Master Hill speechless for a long time, he couldn't help feeling sadly, his grand master of pottery, mixed up to be a dog for a few pounds of braised meat, the key is that he still deserves it.

He looks like this, I am afraid that he has encountered a tiankeng and got on a thief ship?

After visiting Master Hill, Wang Yan went to Zoe's room.

Today's Zoe has inherited the complete inheritance of the once famous master of refinery, Erhaus, hidden in the real eye of the holy relic.

No way, the prohibition of the Real Eye has been completely broken by Wang Yan's pure Yang real fire. Facing the great devil Wang Yan, the spirit in the real eye has no choice but to do nothing. Fortunately, Zoe was polite and talented, and he was a good seedling, so he could only pass on the inheritance of Erhaus to Zoe intact.

However, it is not so easy to practice mysterious alchemy, and the consumables used for practice are not cheap. This is also the main reason why people who can grow into top talents in alchemy or alchemy are so scarce.

Of course, Wang Yan is not stingy. A top alchemist can even violate the laws of physics and change the laws of heaven and earth. Even under certain circumstances, it is not difficult to reverse life and death.

This kind of mysterious science will bring great use to Wang Yan in the future, so Zoe can only smash the money for the practice of Zoe right now.

After such a calculation, even if I received the compensation from the Employee Emerson, but these days a series of expenses, only about 17,000 magic crystal coins can be left.

"Ah, there is no way, who will let more people now."

Wang Yan couldn't help but sigh. He looks majestic in the Great Fire City at the moment, but he actually lacks money, people, and territories.

Especially the financial resources, these are the foundations for the training of the staff, the future expansion of forces, and the most indispensable conditions.

Now he can finally understand why so many countries on the earth seem to be in good weather, but in fact they can't fight at all.

Because in order to lead the battle with others, not only weapons and equipment, but also personnel expansion are required. On this basis, medical treatment, repairs, transportation, and even daily meals for the people will be a considerable daily expense.

If this problem is not solved, or at least the current problem is not solved, it will be difficult for him to continue to expand his power in hell, continue to search for Ange, and make more contributions to the earth superpowers.

This problem did make Wang Yan a bit difficult, but he thought about it.

The object of the promise of revenge for the three Camus is a **** lord who is so rich and rich in oil!

Since Camus is going to kill him, the wealth of this **** lord naturally needs someone to inherit.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan couldn't help raising his mouth slightly.


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