The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1475: Portable Magic Cannon

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"Oh, Master Hill, can you make that kind of thing?"

On the way back to the main palace of the county, Wang Yan asked the trainer master Hill next to him, if the city defense equipment above the demon palace could be made.

The cold and splendid ballistas, as well as the defensive tower where the magic can shine, the deterrent force when aiming over, even his Wang Yan will feel the horror.

With that sense of crisis alone, it is presumed that the power of those heavy weapons will never be smaller.

If he can also possess that powerful weapon, and even his men can take a mini version, then the combat effectiveness of his team will definitely rise to a large level.

"It is not difficult to be stumped, and it can be made."

Putting down the strength and coercion, the trainer master Hill seems to have become an unknown little old man. It's just that he scratched his beard and said something ambiguous.

"Master Hill, what you said is a bit incomprehensible?" Wang Yan asked a little puzzled.

"For example, the magical defensive tower is easy to handle if it has drawings, and it ’s not too difficult to build, as long as the internal runes are carved in the building at the same time. If there are no drawings, then a professional magician , In terms of magic formations, assisted in coordination. "

The old **** of Master Hill is following Wang Yan, and said casually, "However, after the knowledge is built, at least five magicians or wizards are required to cooperate, otherwise the power exerted will be very limited."

After a brief explanation by Master Hill, Wang Yan also roughly understood the principle.

There are many types of magical defense towers. The minaret above the wall of the demon palace belongs to a warlock tower. This is a magic minaret that aggregates, assists, and increases the ability of the warlock.

It is possible to combine the spirit and magic of several, even dozens of warlocks. Plus the energy stored in the magic minaret itself, and the corresponding increase. In this way, whether it is detection, defense or attack, it can reach a single warlock several times, or even dozens of times the increase, the power is very amazing.

Of course, building different magic minarets or sentry towers requires corresponding professional drawings to facilitate the determination of the formation trajectory inside the magic minaret.

If you don't have drawings, you can only create your own, and a master trainer can still do this.

However, there is a specialization in the art industry, Master Hill can indeed build, but still need a powerful magician, auxiliary design magic array. Otherwise, such a magic minaret or sentry tower, the function will definitely be missing, and the power will be greatly reduced.

"So it turns out."

Wang Yan had roughly understood it, so he continued to ask about another heavy weapon, "What are those weapons like ballistas on the walls of the Demon Palace?"

"Master Moyan, that kind of weapon is very common, don't you even know that one? Okay, okay, I understand, and I will briefly explain the principle to you."

Master Hill thought that Wang Yan did not understand the principle, so he explained, "That kind of thing belongs to a kind of magic cannon. It also uses the rune array method, plus the energy gathering and energy storage devices, as the main drive. Principle Similar to the Magic Minaret, but relatively simple, basically only has attack effectiveness. "

"There are more types of magical cannons, and they can usually be driven by energy storage crystals, magical crystals, or their own power. They can fire physical crossbows, special cannonballs, or simple energy bombs."

Master Hill thought for a while and said, “If it ’s shortcomings, it might be relatively bulky. It takes a certain amount of time to charge when launching, but the power is very huge! If equipped with a dragon killer, such a large magic cannon can even hit a blow Shoot down a legendary dragon! "

"The power is very strong!" Wang Yan couldn't help but sigh. The magic cannon equipped with the dragon-killing crossbow arrows can shoot down a legendary evil dragon with one blow. The power might not be less than the full power of the legendary strongman. one strike.

Wang Yan couldn't help but think about it. If he can possess these powerful offensive and defensive weapons and make good use of them, he will definitely become a big help for his next battle in hell.

And it is obvious that the weapons of the **** world have a distinctly different style from the weapons of humans on earth.

To put it bluntly, the weapons of mankind on earth are mostly created for the purpose of dealing with the same kind. Among them, the most powerful nuclear bomb was originally created to be used for war within human beings, but it has great destructive power to the environment, so it is a taboo in human weapons.

Although human weapons also possess powerful physical lethality, the limitations of an individual's powerful abilities, or extraterrestrial creatures such as **** and abyss, will gradually emerge.

Obviously, the human weapon itself lacks pertinence. Coupled with the late start of the human superpowers, the development is still relatively backward compared to other top terrestrial forces. The weapons used by superpowers are still in the stage of development and research and development.

But the world of **** is different. In order to deal with different types of creatures, the races here have gradually developed corresponding tactics and weapons. The weaponry here pays more attention to penetration and lethality to creatures, and under the increase of various elemental energy, it will have different types of destructive power.

For example, the magic cannon that Wang Yan fancy is actually very similar to the more famous cannon and howitzer on earth. If you change the accessories, it is a laser gun.

In addition, this weapon uses the purgatory steel that can be adsorbed and recharged. It is used to deal with the ability. It has great power.

Of course, the development period of the **** world is far more than that of the young earth, but the creatures here also pay more attention to the increase of their own strength because of the living environment and competitive pressure. Weaponry and equipment are considered secondary aids in their view. R & D and application are not as prominent as humans.

Hell and Earth belong to two different evolutionary directions, but the current weapons and equipment of Hell World still have his advantages, which can bring great optimization and promotion to the earth superpowers.

Wang Yan feels that the world of superpower is currently booming. Like this kind of extremely powerful killer, he needs to get a few pieces and send them back to Earth by the way, so that the National African Bureau can do research and research.

Having made up his mind, Wang Yan asked Master Hill next to him, "Master Hill, can you make a one for me when I look back? I mean, it's light and dexterous, detachable, and a portable magic cannon that can easily replace accessories. . "

As an earthman, Wang Yan's thinking is more active. Otherwise, he can only carry a huge heavy guy to fight. Maybe he hasn't fought before, so he was exhausted.

"Removable portable magic cannon? Lord Moyan really has a lot of ideas." Master Hill's eyes lit up and looked at Wang Yan quite appreciatively. "Some colleagues have had similar ideas before, but in the encounter, It was simply too late to assemble, and the result was a disastrous defeat. In the end, this kind of assumption would be impossible. "

"In addition to the detachable structure, the durability of the magic cannon circuit will be reduced. If you reduce your own weight, it will also reduce the stability, increase the recoil, and the gun will burst easily ..."

Master Hill has spoken a lot of concerns and shortcomings, but he said that the interest in his eyes has become stronger and stronger. "These are some disadvantages that the predecessors did not want to deal with, but this master wants to try."

Wang Yan's eyes lit up when he heard it: "Then please Master Master."


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