The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1474: Good means for your Highness

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A burst of wailing sounds began to spread in the square in front of the Demon Palace.

Thousands of demon guards in the square, one by one, were silent, and the terrible scene that happened to Dunbar and Kas in front of them was simply terrible, and they couldn't bear to watch.

A little further away, the good deeds of most of the cities are gathered in the outermost periphery. After witnessing the tragic situation of the streets along the way, as well as many comments and rumors, they heard such a miserable wailing from afar, which made them unable to tremble. Respectful and afraid.

At the scene of this tragic scene, Emerson, the strategist of the infernal prison, could not bear to look directly at him.

The Chilian Demon King had said before leaving, as long as he stared at the Lord of the Demon Flame and found his handle, he should not act lightly. These two idiots, Ketunba and Kas, thought that they had become the staff of Prince Chilie and were appreciated by Chilian Demon King, so they were so bold and arrogant.

Knowing not to be able to provoke the Lord of the Demon Flame, but also to oppose this Lord of the Demon Flame. , Dare to touch the mold of the cruel master?

From Emerson's point of view, Dunbar and Kas have fallen to such an end, it is purely to find their own death, and it has also caused a lot of property losses in the Devil's Palace.

After such a big disaster, these two demons will have a good life in the future.

However, the revenge of the cruel master did not last long.

Wang Yan was not a cruel person himself. When he saw it, he stopped the brutal master.

The brutal master of the cruelty shook his hands, and then changed the previous cruelty, and wiped the blood on his hands and body, turning into a charming and charming princess, obediently obedient. Returned to Wang Yan's side.

This scene is terrifying to the people around, because the just abuse of the scene is too cruel, and the people around him, including Wang Yan's companions, have a deep memory. Therefore, the delicate and charming appearance of this tomb now creates a huge contrast, which makes all Everyone is overwhelmed.

You know that so far, the tools of the cruel master have only been used for less than half. Both Nadamba and Kas ’intestines have been pulled out, and they have no strength to scream.

But the method of cruel cruelty is superb. While destroying the cruelty, he can effectively stop the bleeding, and like the superb skills of surgical operations, he can also cleverly avoid important organs.

Coupled with the legendary vitality of Dunbar and Kasqiang, the two of them suffered from torture and could not survive to survive. They had to be extremely cruel.

Afterwards, Wang Yan and his team left the square in a sweeping way under the eyes of all the guards and generals of the Demon Palace and walked towards the main palace of the county.

"Shut up, pick up troops."

After Wang Yan and others were lucky, the Emperor of the Devil Palace, Emerson, the strategist of the prison, raised his hand and ordered the withdrawal of all the troops.

At this moment, when he thought of the Lord of the Demon Flames, he felt a powerless body. In order to vent his anger, he also sent an army to the black market to capture President Ned. If he really cheated Dunbar and Cass Then he can become a scapegoat for this incident, or he can divert the pressure of public opinion the Devil Palace is under.

However, the old gangster President Ned secretly ran away after discovering that something was going wrong, leaving only two unlucky followers. The crying father shouted his mother and was arrested by the demon king's guard.

These two unlucky followers, insidious and cunning, wanted to put Zoe to death so that they could become stronger and bigger. However, the Devil Palace now needs a scapegoat to save face and transfer the pressure of public opinion from the public. These two unlucky followers have undoubtedly become the demon soul of the Devil Palace beheading the public.

After returning to the Devil's Palace, at the fastest speed, after implementing many measures to restore losses and face, Emerson, the strategist of the inferno, still sighed in a depressed mood.

As for the Lord Lord of Flames, he really has no solution at all. In fact, it should be said that Lord Lord of Flames has already exceeded his status and power. He has no way to start.

So helplessly, he had to recruit a close friend and whispered in the other person's ear.

Immediately after hearing this, the close friend looked straight and respectfully promised: "The subordinates must rush to the Black Tooth Mountains without any delay!"

"It's good to understand that when you reach the Black Tooth Mountains, you only need to ignite this signal flare, and His Majesty the Demon King will show up to you." Emerson said, handing a tubular signal flare to the cronie, "The situation is urgent This matter must be referred to His Majesty personally. "

"Yes! Your subordinates will start!" Then, the cronie immediately stepped on a **** dog and turned and ran out of the city.


Compared with the busy busy Devil's Palace, Wang Yan is leading his men to walk the streets of Liuhuo City with ease.

Residents surrounded the two sides one by one, and cast their eyes on Wang Yan and others in awe.

The story of Wang Yan leading people to the Devil's Palace all the way is so big that everyone in the city knows it, and some rumors and praises are in full swing.

To know that the Demon Palace can be the absolute authority of this city. Since the establishment of the city of Liuhuo City, no one can retreat after angering the Devil Palace.

At the moment, Lord Moyan, who not only dared to fight the devil's son before, but now only brought a group of slaves, has caused the Devil Palace to suffer such a great setback, and it has to be said to be a commendable legend.

Hell residents admire the strong, and in this city, those ordinary residents usually live under the deterrent force of the Red Refining Demon King and the power of the Demon Palace. Now this absolute authority is strongly shaken by Wang Yan, regardless of that aspect. , Have made these ordinary residents hooked.

Facing tens of thousands of ordinary people who pay attention to them, Wang Yan behaved indifferently. Before he came to hell, he was a very famous son of flame on earth, so he had already adapted to this kind of worship.

However, all of Wang Yan's men were full of spirits, and they all flew in a happy mood.

They were all slaves before, and they were still a group of slaves with unknown futures and unknown lives. But now, they are attracting people's attention like heroes. This influence is even more famous than the 100 fights they play in the arena!

"Haha, this feels so good. I have been fighting with my scars all my life. I have never been as glorious as I am now!"

A barbarian gladiator with a scar on his face, who was behind Wang Yan, raised his head and raised his chest, feeling quite proud. As soon as his voice fell, a companion answered, "That's it! You don't want to think, who is our current master?"

"Haha, yes, it's the greatest luck in our life to be able to follow Lord Mo Yan!"

Several wild barbarian gladiators chatted and chatted, and one of them cried when he was actually facing up to the sky: "Woo, woo, if it was n’t for Lord Demon Flame, I ’m going to die! I do n’t think there are new weapons now , Also got such a glory, me, I am so happy! "

The cry of the barbarian man naturally attracted his companions for a while.

Those eagle body succubus and succubus slaves gliding at a low altitude behind Wang Yan are also full of respect for Wang Yan, and they are fortunate. Even the three proud dark elves looked at Wang Yan with much admiration.

There is no doubt that through this campaign, the loyalty of these slaves to Wang Yan has been greatly deepened. The cohesion of this small team that has just formed has gradually formed.

Compared to the joy of victory, Wang Yan is concerned about another thing at this time.


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