The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1478: News from hell

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Earth, on an uninhabited island in the South Pacific.

This small island has a clear tropical style. The lush coconut trees are covered with succulent coconuts. A few coconut crabs go round and round, and the clear waves are not far away beating the bright and flawless beach.

Everything seems so harmonious and natural.


On the beach, a shirtless monk is punching with fists. He looked only in his twenties, but his young face was very solemn and dignified. Every muscle in his body was cast like stainless steel, shining brightly in the sun, just like the angry King Kong of the Nine Heavens.

He punched and punched, all containing Mo Datianwei, full of vigor and strength, and the seawater exploded. It seems that even if a tank car is in front of him, he can hit a punch!

at the same time.

A young Taoist walked out of the depths of the island. He was wearing a robe and wearing a purple sun towel. He looked unhappy, but every step was like stepping between the heavens and the earth. It seems to blend into one, and there is an unspeakable natural chic charm on the body, which is the realm of the unity of heaven and man in the legend.

There are countless Chinese monks who may reach the unity of heaven and man. This young Taoist is so young that he has reached such a level. The future is really limitless, and it is not a matter of being a first-class land fairy.

On the seashore, dozens of tentacles sprang out of the clear blue water like jade. They danced like sea anemones, evil and strange. Wow la la, a tall and bald man was drilled in the sea water. His skin was light metallic, which was originally a place for his hands, but there were dozens of terrible metal tentacles.

More than a dozen of them, dragging half a dozen tons of sunken ships, walked to the shore step by step.

"Infinite Heavenly Sovereign."

The young Taoist walked in vain, as if shrinking to an inch, and the distance of a hundred meters passed across, and he appeared on the beach so dashingly. "I have n’t seen it for a few days. Shen Tuju has a magnificent spirit and great skill. ,congratulations."

The evil and terrible tentacle male Han Han smiled and grinned: "Zhang Daochang's spirit is restrained, as if integrated with Heavenly Dao, I am afraid that he has reached the level of half-step S level, and it will not be long before Longhushan will add another real person. Now. "

"Amitabha." The young monk who finished a set of punches came with a buddha in his mouth, and his face was solemn. "The two donors, Mo Yao will brag internally. Although the three of us have made great progress, we can compare with that one, alas ~ "

As soon as the young monk talked about that one, the slightly proud look of the Taoist and the tentacle man became heavy, and their eyes were admired and somewhat dissatisfied.

Naturally, these three are the leaders of the younger generation of the National African Affairs Bureau, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie, and Shen Tu Tianlu.

In the course of the youth conference, the three of them formed a deep friendship, that is, they closed their doors and practiced, and all three accompanied them.

After being silent for a while, Zhang Weidao sighed and said, "Pharaoh's kind of inhuman miraculous flower, it may not be able to produce one for thousands of years. At a young age, it is already a terrestrial first-class. Can't compare, can't compare."

Indeed, if Lei Hong and Gao Mingyue have become land immortals, their psychology is better. After all, although everyone is of the same age, it's not too old. But Wang Yan ’s fellow awakened to practice for a few years, and his age was almost as great as Zhang Weidao ’s, and his achievements far exceeded them, so it was too shocking.

If strictly according to seniority, you have to call Lao Wang a predecessor.

"You can't say that." Shen Tu Tianlu dragged the wreck to the beach, unscrewed a large piece of metal with his tentacles, and ate it like this. "Although the Pharaoh improved rapidly, it was precisely because of this." Gives us more motivation and pressure. Otherwise, even if the Prajna Temple and the Dragon and Tiger Mountain devoted their means and resources, we will not be able to reach this state in a short time. "

"The Lord of Heaven Road is right." Wu Wujie has a solemn face, and his eyes are filled with the color of sorrow and compassion. "If the Tao is disordered today, disasters will come at any time. Although we are not as fast as the Pharaoh's progress, we can't let ourselves down. One more point With progress, we will be able to contribute more to the disaster. "

"The master said so much." Zhang Weidao also said brilliantly, "I heard that the Pharaoh has gone to **** to perform tasks, and we can't be left behind. For this reason, retreat and practice, all the trails ..."

"Dear baby wife calls, kiss baby wife calls ..."

During the talk, Zhang Weidao's phone rang, and the ringtone was actually an audio recorded by a wailing woman. He frowned slightly, took out the satellite phone to connect, and said with a serious voice: "Baoer, is there anything urgent? I'm retreating to practice and understand the heaven."

"Husband ~" There was a sound of crisp bones on the end of the phone, "There is nothing urgent, just that the baby misses you, so why ~ Our couple hasn't been in love for a long time."

The Wu Wu Jie on the side and Shen Tu Tian Lu shuddered at the bottom of my heart. Bao Cai'er, a thousand-year-old demon who learned to behave like a girl, could not accept it for many years. At this time, only the eyes and noses and noses and noses and noses and noses and noses and noses and noses and noses, and wandering out of heaven.

"Don't make any noises," Zhang Weidao seriously criticized. "Now the catastrophe is approaching. Husband must calm down and attack the Heavenly Dao to save Li Min's life. You and my children have to have a private relationship, so we have to put it aside first."

"If people don't follow it, bad husband ..."

"alright, alright."

Zhang Weidao said that he finally coaxed Bao Caier.

"Amitabha." Wu Bujie preached the Buddha's name and admired it endlessly. "The donor sacrifices the ego and fulfills the ambition of the ego. It really makes the monk admire and admire."

"The catastrophe is approaching, there is no room for the feelings of private children." Zhang Weidao generously Zhuangsu said, "Eliminating Demon Guardian Road is a sacred mission that my generation can't shirk."

But in my heart, I was kidding. The baby did open the door to his new world and helped him unlock countless poses. The delicious braised pork can be eaten ten times a day and eight times a day. After eating for a year and a half, you will vomit.

"Don't talk about it." Shen Tutianlu said, "I just received an email from Pharaoh that was forwarded by Director Linghu. I haven't had time to read it."

"We also received it." Zhang Weidao and Wu Buqi said together.

It was the email from Wang Yan that prompted them to stop practicing for a while and gather on the beach to share and see together.

"Since everyone has received it, just look at me." Shen Tu Tianlu turned his tentacles, and there was a watch-like thing. "Pharaoh's email is in AR format. I just exchanged for a new AR communicator. "

When it comes to Wang Yan, the three of them really love and hate.

What I love is that it is our own brother, and I hate that the brother is too powerful, and they have taken away their cutting edge. Now when the whole world mentions the younger generation of the National African Affairs Bureau, the first thing to say is definitely the son of flame Wang Yan, and the rest are naturally Gao Mingyue and Lei Hong.

As for the few of them, it's like a passerby in the National African Bureau.


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