The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1414: Black Market Trick

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"Me, my God! No, isn't it?"

"That, that Lord Lord of Flames, actually gave the relic to a female slave ?!"

"That appraiser Zoe, seems to be the slave girl of the black market president?"

"Lord Demon Flame has just given the sacred object finally taken to other people's slaves?"

"I, my god! How much money does he burn?"


Almost everyone on the scene was shocked. Even the middle-aged appraiser who was in charge of the auction was on the spot, and even if he was introducing the auction items, he was stuck in his throat.

Just kidding, in this world, who would give a female slave a holy thing for nothing? What's more, the slave girl who still belongs to others without a transaction.

Any item owned by a slave girl belongs to the owner of the slave girl. If the appraiser Zoe, the current owner, President Ned, is accounted for, the Lord of Sacred Demon Flames will not come back.

Unless the lord of the magic flame, with full certainty, has determined the president of Ned, otherwise he will wait to give the holy thing to others in vain.

Of course, at the moment, Wang Yan has resorted to tactics to isolate the voices around their seats, and those outside cannot hear what they are talking about.

Therefore, the outsiders were not sure whether Lord Moflame really gave the real eye of the relic to this female slave appraiser Zoe.

Maybe people just show off, and give it to Zoe? Even if it was really given to this Zoe, the Demon Lord wanted to come back, and even asked the female slave appraiser Zoe, the black market leader Ned, dare not give it?

In short, those around me couldn't hear what the Lord of the Flame Flame was talking about and what happened. But they clearly saw that Lord Lord of Flames put the real eye into Zoe's hand, and that Zoe knelt in front of the other party, seeming to express gratitude.

Here, the people around me naturally think that this rumored demon lord, very likely, after collecting the brutal master and human slave, even this beautiful eagle demon In the bag.

It seems that this beautiful Hawk succubus Zoe is also very interested in following Lord Mo Yan.

After all, the magic flame lord showed all of them, but they were all great people. They were rich and powerful, and they were extremely overbearing. willing?

Soon, the crowd watching the scene was amazed and generally accepted this fact. Anyone with a big fist here will be able to do whatever they want. People have already been surprised.

Only the backstage of the venue, the head of the black market, President Ned, after seeing this scene, his eyes were raised, his expression was the same as being forcibly fed a shit.

"It's over, this time is over, Zoe's food and food seems to be going with Mo Yan!"

President Ned, who was a little bloated, was holding his slightly fat belly, and he was in a hurry.

Lord Moflame gave Zoe something, and he did not have the courage to ask for it. This is next. The most important thing is that if Zoe really runs away with Mo Yan, he will be in trouble!

Speaking as early as before, he was informed of the entrance reception, and heard that the famous Lord of the Flames had brought the cruel county master to his black market. This was originally a good opportunity to make friends with him, so he specially sent Zoe, the most outstanding servant appraiser in the black market, to go to the reception.

But he did everything, but he never thought that this Lord of Demon Flame actually wanted to take this Zoe, and this Zoe obviously wanted to go with Lord Demon.

Does that still work?

But he had already promised Chi Lie, the son of the devil, to sell this female slave appraiser to him? And in order to earn more magic crystals, it has been delayed now.

Next, if the overbearing Demon Lord, would force the female slave appraiser Zoe to take him by force, what can he do to stop him, a small black market branch president?

But then the prince Chilie asked him for someone, but he couldn't hand it over, wouldn't he be dead?

"Mr. President, this is not going to work. The Lord Lord of Flames obviously took a fancy to Zoe's beauty and wants to put her in the harem!"

"Yeah yeah, the Lord of Flames is not our Lord of Demon Kings. If this Lord of Flames will take this Zoe away, we will not have a good life!"

"Yeah, he's going to pat on the **** in the future, but what should we do? If Zoe is really taken away by Moyan, then we are in distrust, and cheated Chilian Demon King and Chi Prince Lie, when Prince Chi Lie and Chi Lian Demon King are burning with anger, aren't we becoming a punching bag that kills all?

"Although the three-party demon gods reached a unified decree, the black market and trade were protected, but did they say that they would protect us? Is it possible that we will never go out of this black market in our lifetime?"

"Even if you can't get out of the door of the black market, the Chilian Demon King and Prince Chilie, but the real masters of this raging city! They are here, but if they really annoy them, they just buy a few rogue mercenaries. , You can secretly do all of us. "

"Sir, President, when we cry we will have no place to cry!"

Following the two apprentices behind President Ned, you said one word to me, adding oil and vinegar to each pass, and froze in the bones that President Ned said.

"So far, what do you say?"

President Ned touched the cold sweat on his forehead, and said in horror, "It's a death penalty to deceive the devil and prince Chire! But the demon lord has always been overbearing, regardless of the consequences, if he really wants to force it We ca n’t stop Zoe. "

As of now, President Ned has started to panic. If he is not greedy, he wants to delay a few days and make more money, so he will not be so troublesome.

He personally agreed to the two generals sent by Chilie, and he will definitely sell Zoe to them, but he hasn't slackened the price because of his busy business.

It turned out to be good now, and the magic flame leader took the lead. After the magic flame left, the prince Chilie brought money to come to the dignitaries, but President Ned could not hand it over, which would be wonderful.

"Mr. President, I have a solution."

The tall, thin apprentice on the left narrowed his eyes slyly and murmured next to President Ned.

President Ned couldn't help but feel excited, and took a deep breath: "You mean, we have to start first, and we must blame the devil's palace? Hey, you bastard, you're too brave! "

"Hey, let's start with the strength first, and then start to suffer. We don't do it first. Do we have to wait for Lord Demon to come to the door? Then we have no chance at all."

The tall and thin apprentice smiled and said, "It's actually very simple, just look for an opportunity to let those two demon generals tie Zoe to the devil's palace, and then let the demon lord, go find Let ’s go to the Devil ’s Palace desperately. What does it have to do with us? "

"If the courageous Demon Lord is so desperately desperate in the Palace of the Demon King, the Chilian Demon King and the Prince Chi Lie will thank us in return!"


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