The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1413: Since then you are my own

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Wang Yan frowned, asking in doubt, "From the first time I saw you, I knew your heart was not here."

"This smoky black market will only bury your talents and talents, and will bury your life." Wang Yan turned to look at Zoe carefully, his tone was slow, but full of temptations, "Come with me, I I will train you into a true alchemist, and I will give you a wider world. At that time, in addition to serving me, you can do almost anything you want. "

"In addition, I can promise you that if you are willing to be loyal to me, I can release your slave status and give you true freedom!"

Wang Yan is now speaking as a pure blood lord of the Purgatory Demon Race, and he can already say that he is quite sincere.

At least in the world of hell, there is no high-ranking pure-blood lord who is willing to communicate with a female slave in such an equal way. Even without those commitments, this attitude alone is enough to move people.

Zoe was really moved, her expression moved, and her heart jumped up.

Although she already understood that the Lord Mo Yan did not want to take her into the harem, but wanted to recruit her as a man. This made her a little bit lost in her heart, and it was more a kind of happiness and irresistible satisfaction.

What kind of virtues she could have actually been favored by the now famous Lord of the Flames, which alone made her feel honored. What's more, this Lord of Demon Flames actually gave such high privileges.

Especially Lord Lord Mo Yan actually gave a promise to release her slave status and return her freedom.

This is something she couldn't even dream of!

However, she also has her frustration.

"Master Demon Flames, it's not that I don't want to leave with you, it's just that I can't leave." She sighed slightly and lifted her long hair covering her collarbone, exposing the collar on her neck, and said, "My identity is a slave , This collar can kill me. As far as I know, this collar can only be opened by President Ned. He always wanted to control me to make money for him, I am afraid it is difficult for me to leave. "

"And I was born and raised here, and this is the only place I am familiar with, although I always dreamed of one day, being able to go out and take a look, but the thought of a completely strange world outside ... I am a little scared ... "

Wang Yan's mouth twitched after listening to it, and it was a secret thing.

"Relax, everything is with me." Wang Yan patted Zoe's slightly weak shoulders, reaching for her true eyes into her hands. "Trust me, no one can bully anyone from now on. you."

Sitting next to him, Lydia, who was accustomed to all kinds of human routines, couldn't help but roll her eyes. It was secretly that the eagle succubus Zoe was finished, it was considered dead by that magic flame routine.

Sure enough, Zoe, who was just awake just now, couldn't help but bowed his head again, and the real eye was held in both hands. It was like the girl who just received the love letter. Say a word.

Don't think about it, Wang Yan's co-existence of overbearing and warmth, strong and considerate strategy, for the inferior female slave, can you parry? In addition, Wang Yan's sense of security is simply the most desired thing of all women. How can a slave girl, who has always been lonely and helpless, be distracted?

Beside Wang Yan, the cruel master of the county discovered that his Master Mo Yan had originally wanted to solicit his men, and immediately became generous.

She changed her previous sad feelings and quickly patted her breast like a good helper. She assured her, "My father still owns a lot of shares in this black market. Looking back, the master of the county went to the old man of Ned personally. If he dare not Pay? Hum, the master of the county broke his leg! "

"Yeah yeah, what if the Black Market Alliance is protected by the Trade Demon God's Law? They can't even give me the face of my boss and my father Chilian Demon King." I also admired the boss of the Lord of the Flames in my heart to the point of nowhere to be added.

Just kidding, at this moment his boss, Mo Yan, although it seems that the inheritance of a million worth is given to the appraiser Zoe, but instead of thinking, does Zoe still belong to his boss?

This is tantamount to using his boss's magic flame to get nothing out, so he just collected a top-notch appraiser who is beautiful and talented. Coupled with the real eye and inheritance assistance, Zoe will definitely become a great master in the future, maybe even comparable to the ancient legendary master Erhaus.

By that time, the value of this Zoe is more than a million?

If you put such an amazing Hawk Lady into the harem ... hehehe, it would be beautiful to think about it.

The elder brother's so elaborate means of flirting with a girl, how could he be so unwilling to worship?

Hey, hey, the boss is the boss! I can't accept it!

There was talk and laugh, and a brief conversation among the people made the atmosphere a lot easier.

With the surrounding and commitment of Wang Yan and others, the Eagle Body Banshee Zoe finally moved. She made a determination and ignored the eyes of the people around her, holding her true eyes and kneeling before Wang Yan: " Zoe Greenclaw is willing to follow Lord Lord Moflame forever and go through the world without regret! "

Zoe hasn't been traded, but at this time he swore allegiance to allegiance.

Wang Yan raised the corner of his mouth, raised his hands and rubbed her head, indicating that she would be her own in the future. And guarantee that as long as he is present, outsiders will not hurt him.

This is also Wang Yan's attitude towards his partners, and it is also the place that most touches Zoe.

After Zoe decided to join Wang Yan, he was rubbed his head for the first time by the handsome and handsome boss. Now he blushed like a persimmon, and his heart was nervous and flustered.

Although the other party was just doing it at hand, the natural tenderness of concern showed Zoe's heart.

Although she does n’t know what will happen in the future, or whether it ’s right to choose to walk her life for the first time, she can be sure that following this Lord of Demon Flames is definitely better than staying in this dark underground market. A hundred times a thousand times.

She also believes that, whether it is to become the lord of the magic flame lord or to be taken into the other party's harem, the lord of the magic flame will never treat her badly.

These little careful thoughts, she didn't dare to figure it out casually, but as a female slave, she could be seen by such a big figure. She was already very satisfied with this kind of knowing.

After a short period of interaction, the black market chief appraiser Zoe was finally included.

Wang Yan is very happy on this side, which also means that he has taken another step towards his goal.

However, the entire auction venue, at this moment broke out violent discussion and sensation.


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