The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1415: Master, take you to pick up a leak

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The tall and thin apprentice, the expression became more and more splendid, as if he saw the battle between Lord Mo Yan and Chi Lian Demon King, and finally the group of them watched the fire from behind, earning a lot of money and watching the fun for free .

"Hey, that's right! Anyway, the black market is our territory, and there are many opportunities to start. At that time, you only need to notify the two generals to tie Zoe directly to the Devil's Palace, even if the magic flame has a great ability, There is no way to go to the devil's palace. Besides, Zoe was taken away by two generals. What does it have to do with our black market? "

Another shorter apprentice understood the intention of his companion, and immediately smiled, hehe laughed, "At that time, even if the Lord of the Flame Flame wants to breathe out, he can't find us, if he dares to break into the Demon King Palace, that's right, a dead end! "

"Yes, a good idea, indeed a good idea! Yabo, President Hansa did not miss you!"

President Ned's eyes lit up, and the yinzhu smiled, "At that time, we will push all the misfortunes to the devil's palace. Not only can the Lord of the Flame Flame take us, but the red refining demon king and the red prince, we will feel that we are facing them , They still feel that they owe us a favor! "

"Miao! It is really wonderful! When this matter passes, the president will definitely have your benefits!"

"It is our duty to do our best for the president. We are both honorable and harmless with the president." The tall and thin apprentice Yabo and the shorter apprentice Hansa quickly drew favor from President Ned.

Right now is a good chance to get closer to President Ned. When the female slave appraiser Zoe leaves, will they just become the new appraiser?

Coupled with the relationship with President Ned, he will be recommended by President Ned in the future. With their identity as the purgatory demon, they may go to the black market in other small cities and mix with a branch president.

That was a great opportunity to eat and drink for life, how could they pass it?

"Yabo, Hansa, you immediately go to inform Dunbar and General Cass, this must be done immediately!" The matter is now, President Ned immediately began to brew his tricks.

"Yes! Madam President, if we are here, you can rest assured." Apprentices Yabo and Hansa immediately paid a respect to President Ned. General Cass.

Only President Ned was left in place, watching the female slave appraiser Zoe beside Wang Yan secretly in the background.

"Hum, eat something inside and out, but you're looking for it!" President Ned narrowed his eyes slightly and glared fiercely at Zoe. Condemned the Hawk Banshee toasting not to eat and drink fines, but now her good life is a downturn!


"Master, will Zoe take you to pick up some leaks?"

Zoe was full of confidence. She held the true eye that Wang Yan gave her, as if holding the most important rare treasure in the world.

And she is also a woman who wants to be strong. Since she was a child, she has relied on this self-reliance and perseverance to achieve this situation. Now Wang Yan not only has the grace to know her, but also takes her out of the sea of ​​suffering, and also gives her such precious treasures and sacred objects.

As a slave girl from birth till now, Zoe knows how hard it is to get this kind of favor, so from the moment she became Wang Yan's men, she thought that she must do her best to return Wang Yan. .

"I promised you that you will be given the status of a free man, you don't need to call me the master."

Wang Yan lay on the comfortable sofa, and turned to look at Zoe beside him, a kingly spirit that seemed to be a natural, so that he could not help but apologize in awe.

"No, no, since the moment Zoe vowed to follow Lord Moyan into the world, Lord Moyan is the master of Zoe's life, no matter what identity Zoe is, your heart will not change."

Zoe didn't know whether such an answer was a confession, but when talking about the call, her tenderness and tenderness, some uncontrollable ruddy rose, and even her heartbeat accelerated.

She has always been straightforward and seldom turned corners, which has something to do with her living environment such as race and hell.

Fortunately, Wang Yan naturally understood her sincere heart, and her heart was also relieved after all, so she begged her to be free.

As for picking up leaks, Wang Yan has not thought about it, but to pick up a really good baby, his current funds are really not enough.

Although he still has 30,000 magic crystals left on his body, plus the property of the Abominable Sovereign Lord, there are probably forty or 50,000 magic crystal coins. This money is indeed a great asset for ordinary people, but it is a bit difficult to buy some really good things.

Ordinary magic weapons, auras, etc., may be a rare good for ordinary people, but in Wang Yan's eyes, such high-grade equipment, and can not keep up with his needs.

Even if you spend money to pick up the leaks of these grades of equipment, the money you can make is very limited and not worth it.

Wang Yan feels that if he wants to hunt, he has to hunt for real good things. In short, he now has an appraiser Zoe who can perfectly use the real eye, and he does not worry about not finding good things.

In addition, the former lair that dominated the Yanhu Lake and the entire Chilian Huze are now owned by Wang Yan alone. The resources mined there will be continuously converted into funds. These are the strong foundations for his collection of treasures and equipment. .

However, at present, there is still a shortage of funds. The side of Chilian Huze is indeed able to mine and refine many valuable resources, but there has just been a big battle there, and there is still a lot of waste, and the serf workers need a certain amount of time to operate.

Therefore, Wang Yan believes that he still needs to come up with an extra way to make money to make up for the current embarrassing situation where there is no source of funds. After all, good things can't wait for others.

"This thing is good ..."

"This thing is okay ..."

"It's good to buy it, but it's not a leak."


As the auction proceeded, appraiser Zoe held the real eye and remotely appraised each item for Wang Yanle.

Often the cover of the item has not been lifted, and the auctioneer has not yet opened, and Zoe has given Wang Yan the detailed information of each item, as well as the actual price and the corresponding market price.

Compared with other people, Wang Yan is much calmer. He has already purchased the true eye of the relic, and has successfully recovered the appraiser Zoe. This trip to the auction house has been very profitable and satisfying for him. As for whether he can buy good things anymore, he took a look.

Under Zoe's recommendation, he also saw a few good things, such as a high-grade weapon weapon, but only sold the price of ordinary weapons.

Wang Yan had originally planned to shoot, but when he wanted to spend 20,000 to 30,000 to buy an impractical weapon-grade weapon, it would take a lot of time to change hands, which was a bit uneconomical, so he just left it.

The auction is still going on. At this moment, Zoe, holding the real eye, suddenly lifted his face: "Wait, master, good things are here. Buying this is definitely not a loss!"


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