The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1352: The disappearing demon

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As to whether it would happen to pick up a secondary artifact, or an artifact such as an anti-sky treasure, Wang Yan did not report any hope at all.

First of all, they are pedestrians who do not have the qualities of related professions. When they meet good things, they can only judge the good or bad based on their past experience. How can it be comparable to the eyesight of the old fritters in this industry for a lifetime. it is good?

If there are any legendary antiquities that have experienced winds and frosts, Wang Yan and several of them can't recognize the calendars at all. Even if they get them by accident, they have to consult experts who have been engaged in archaeological excavations for a lifetime to identify them. That layer of dust.

In addition, sub-artifacts, artifacts at this level of anti-treasure artifacts, are the demigods, and even the treasures possessed by the higher-level demon gods, but how many demon gods have appeared in the world? There have been a lot of demigods, but how many demigods can own sub-artifacts?

Who can have this **** luck, in order to stroll around the street, you can pick up the anti-celestial artifact? Are you kidding me?

Not to mention this artifact, Wang Yan hasn't really met it yet, but the secondary artifact is already the ultimate treasure that humans can touch.

For example, the sub-god level eight in his hand is the treasure of the town and state in Dongying. The defensive ability against the sky can be resisted even by the angry blow of the Yan Lake Lord.

It is no exaggeration to say that Wang Yan feels that if he gets a few more second-level artifacts of this level, he will definitely be able to single out the Chilian Demon King without falling down, and may even have the chance of victory.

It ’s just that this kind of treasure, once it shows up, do n’t let the world be in chaos? Who won't grab it? If there is a second artifact in the Great Fire City, the Red Refining Demon King does not say anything. Tie Ding took the army and surrounded him, and ordinary people could not see at a glance.

"Don't think about it when you pick up the baby, we'll just look at it in the past."

Wang Yan waved his hand in disapproval at picking up the treasure. He looked at himself. Although he had a lot of good things, except for the warhammer and bicycle inherited from Uncle Cannon, which one was not changed for life. Coming?

Even the warhammer and the bicycle are only artifact-level materials, and they are still prototypes, not to mention the artifacts, which is far from the secondary artifacts.

He didn't want to pick up cheap, but with such a large economic and trade zone, it is still worth a visit.

"Yes, the boss said, there is no cheaper picking up in this world." Chidu nodded and smiled, "I don't want to pick up the baby. Isn't there a slave selling there? The skill can mainly be encountered. A good female slave would be fine. "

Speaking of thieves, he looked at Lydia, and it seemed that the slave girl he wanted to buy had to be the best like Lydia.

Lydia couldn't eat any more food when he saw it. She had just forgotten her identity as a slave girl just because of the food. At this moment, when she thought that she was still a slave, she felt aggrieved and almost cried again.

God knows what terrible things she will encounter next? The Lord of Mo Yan looks so good and powerful, she feels that she is not an opponent at all!

How to do? What should she do?

Lydia was frightened and fell into a frantic thought. The tyrannical lord here immediately said to Confucius to make up: "Oh, to put it lightly, even if the best female slave is hit by you, do you have the money to buy it?"

As soon as the word Qian was mentioned, the confusing lord was dumbfounded, and then he lamented: "A penny won't kill the hero Hanna ..."

A superb human slave girl like Lydia, in any big city of hell, is a priceless and rare thing. He is a poor and ruined little lord, and he can't buy such a slave girl for all his worth.

As the saying goes, a good horse is equipped with a saddle, a good boat is equipped with good sails, an industry has developed to a certain extent, and the top layer among them must be the rarest and most precious thing.

Like some rare and unique slaves, only some big nobles and big riches have the financial resources and qualifications to buy them.

A little bit of time passed, and after enjoying the dinner, everyone went to their rooms to sleep.

Wang Yan handed Lydia to the Succubus. Both of them are currently at the slave level. They slept together in a room. The Succubus supervised the surface, but actually took care of it in secret, otherwise Lydia was still alone. The world of **** can be very dangerous.

After all, even on a relatively civilized earth, knowing that starting in three years, the highest death penalty, but still dare to commit crimes, there are not a few.

Afterwards, Chi Yan slept in a room, and Wang Yan randomly found a room to live in. Anyway, the room and space in the main palace of the county were very large, and Wang Yan could do whatever he wanted.

Seeing Wang Yan did not spoil her meaning, the cruel county chief had enough experience today, so she obediently returned to the master bedroom.

Nothing happened overnight, until the next day on the three poles, all the people washed and assembled, and after lunch, they brought the mounts and walked out of the county main palace.

Lydia, who is behind Wang Yan, still regrets her vestment and the loss of her staff.

Her previous vest was already worn out and could not be worn. The holy weapon-level staff that accompanied her for many years has also been taken away as the loot of the three demon kings.

As for her storage bracelet, and the necklace that Wang Yan gave to her from the prophet Shenhao, who borrowed flowers and offered Buddha, she was specially treated by the magician's excellent wisdom. Like the chain, these things don't seem valuable, so this can be preserved.

At the moment, she was wearing a gray-white cloth shirt, plus a cloth robe to cover her face. This is the standard dress of the female slave here. The slave owner usually engraves a mark representing herself on the clothing or the female slave to show her ownership.

Wang Yan is in trouble. He doesn't have his own logo at present, so the suit is marked with the brutal master of the county.

Soon, a group of people crossed the street and walked along the road to the center of the Great Fire City, in front of the Devil's Palace.

Because at the time of going out, the cruel county chief hopes that Wang Yan will follow her and visit her father first. First of all, this is in accordance with the etiquette. Second, since Wang Yan wants to participate in the Hell Conference, he must go through the selection and recommendation of the Red Refining Demon King.

However, they did not come by coincidence. The guardian commander of the Demon Palace told the Abusive Lord that the Red Demon King and the three princes had left the city very early, and brought only a few entourages. Did not bring.

The Brutal Sovereign subsequently asked, where did the Red Demon King take the three princes? When are you coming back?

The guard commander said that his position was low, and the devil took what the three princes were going to do, and he could not know.

The Sovereign Sovereign is somewhat disappointed, but she is also happy and quiet, no one cares about her, she happens to take Wang Yan freely.

Even when everyone was about to leave the Devil's Palace, Wang Yan discovered that Lydia's face was wrong and her expression was full of anxiety. I couldn't help but frowned slightly, and there was a suspicion in my heart.

Chilian Demon King with the three princes disappeared, what anxiety this little nizi?

Inevitably, she knows where the Red Demon King went?


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