The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1351: The enduring slave industry

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"Oh? Where?" Wang Yan asked curiously.

Look at the enthusiasm of the confusing lord, and it is also a place that the brothers and sisters in the city of Liuhuo love to go to. That kind of place is probably not better.

"In fact, there is nothing special here, but it is very lively, there are many things to sell, as long as you want to buy, you can almost find it there."

The cruel county master raised his cheek with one hand and looked at Wang Yan slowly and replied, "In our Liuhuo City, there are about five large trading points. Tomorrow the slaves want to take you to the noble area of ​​our Liuhuo City. China, the largest trading area. "

"Yes, it's a good place, with the largest flow of people and everything. I only sneaked away a few times when I was young."

As soon as the voice of the Abbot of the Abbot was dropped, Chidu nodded and nodded in agreement. At the same time, he pointed to Lydia, who was aside, and said, "There is also a slave trading center. there."

For a while, Wang Yan suddenly wondered why he was so confusing, because he had taken a fancy to the slave trade there.

The slave trade has always existed in the old days of the earth, but with the development of modern civilization, most areas have been abandoned, and only a few areas still retain the bad habits of slaves.

But in the **** world, buying and selling slaves is not just a bad habit, but a vigorous and legitimate trade.

The environment here is cruel, the survival is difficult, the three demon gods are hostile to each other, the forces of all sides, and various ethnic tribes, often fighting against each other, which also provides an endless supply of goods for this market.

Prisoners of war can be converted into slaves, and the people of the enemy forces can also be converted into slaves. All insolvent people will become slaves to be slain. In the end, the heirs born by the slaves can still only be slaves.

Basically, once he became a slave, there is no relief for eternity.

Such a system is cruel and realistic. In addition, slaves can only be slaughtered by people, the cheap labor, slaves and services that slaves can provide, and combat soldiers on the battlefield, etc ... The benefits are too many, so this industry has almost become a hell. The world is an indispensable pillar industry.

In order to control slaves, slave traders and slave owners, in addition to brutal physical and mental torture, have gradually developed a variety of control methods.

For example, now Lydia wears a black collar symbolizing the slave logo on her neck.

This kind of collar is mechanically processed, enchanted, and tempered. It has different functions. In addition to suppressing the power of slaves, some collars also contain organs, such as toxins and paralysis. Some are accompanied by a variety of negative witchcraft magic, such as severe pain, curses, and weakness.

Like the one worn on Lydia's neck, it is said that the slave's head can be blown away directly.

Of course, Wang Yan wore a fake collar for Lydia, which was mainly used to scare her. Otherwise, Lidia's head was blown up by accident, and when he returned to the earth, her grandfather Emmons would definitely tie up the nuclear bomb and die with him.

In addition, according to Wang Yan's understanding, this method of controlling slaves was first used to guard beasts. Later, it was found to be equally applicable to humans, so even factories with auxiliary tools for production and processing became an economy. industry.

"Everyone should be free. You **** demons will pay a huge price for slaves sooner or later!"

Lydia shrunk in disappointment at the side of the table, murmured in the corner of her mouth.

As soon as the words were spoken, the confusing lord laughed, and even the cooks and waitresses who were cooking dishes could not help laughing.

"Giggle, Master Moyan, your human slave girl is really interesting, no wonder you don't hesitate to annoy your father, but also want to win her back."

The brutal master of the abusive county smiled again and again, and then picked up honey wine to fill Wang Yan, "Master Demon Flame, try my honey wine, this is the best quality in the city of Liuhuo."

Wang Yan glanced at Lydia without too much reasoning, and then began to taste the honey wine filled by the Red Crab Lord.

The honey wine of the Abbot of the Sovereign, but the precious royal jelly of the wild golden ring ant bee, the taste and efficacy are unique. Wang Yan greatly appreciated this slightly sweet and refreshing wine, which made the cruel county master happy, and wished to take out everything.

As for Lydia ’s point of view, Wang Yan does not intend to refute it. This is a matter of benevolence seeing benevolence and seeing wisdom. Only after having experienced it yourself can you determine your own correct viewpoint.

This is like looking at **** from the perspective of the earth, and you will find that it is unreasonable. However, if you put the institutions and concepts on the earth into hell, you will find that it is impossible to implement.

These two are the same reason.

Every system and custom have their reasons for existence. From different angles and looking at them, naturally different results will appear.

"Several adults, please use it slowly."

The chef and the maid started to serve the dishes cooked by him on the table at one end.

The chef was rough and strong, and looked like a butcher slaughtering pigs and cattle, but Wang Yan unexpectedly discovered that the dishes he made were extremely fine.

For example, the dish in front of you is using the thick and thick tongue of the rock lizard. It is sliced ​​by craft knives and placed on the solidified lava block for quick baking. Finally, three layers of secret sauce are brushed, including a raspberry. For the sauce, special raspberries in shrubs outside the city are used.

Such a pure natural recipe makes the dishes burst with natural meat aroma, making Wang Yan smell the taste and move his index finger, and feel that it is not good to taste these exotic foods at this time. It is a bit sorry for his journey to hell.

There are many other foods like this, and Wang Yan and others also enjoy this meal.

Even Lydia, who was sitting in the corner of the dining table, no longer cared about the abhorrence of the **** demon next to her. It seems to turn all grief and anger into appetite, after all, is it enough to have the strength to fight?

But in the world of hell, slaves are not allowed to sit on the table and eat with their masters. Of course, there are some individual slave owners, just like some people on the planet, who will let pets eat at the table together, anyway, as long as you want, others will not control.

Wang Yan will not treat Succubus and Lydia as slave pets, so there are no such harsh requirements.

"Boss, there are not only slave trades, but also trading markets, underground black markets, auction houses, antique dealers, and entertainment streets. There are many places to go shopping."

The Abbot Lord ate and talked while eating, and said with a shining vision, "If you are lucky, you will find an artifact from the ancients, a secondary artifact, it will be developed!"

"Impossible." Wang Yan immediately gave him a blank look. "You are an artifact, a secondary artifact, all Chinese cabbage on the street, can you pick it up?"

"Mr. Flame Flame is right." The cruel lord said after the gang, "Just like a country gangster, and also picking up artifacts? If you can buy an authentic holy weapon, the lord will follow your surname."

Chi confused touched the back of the head, with my surname? Isn't that a surname?


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