The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1353: Underground black market

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Wang Yan, a pedestrian, slowly left the Devil's Palace and walked along the spacious and official road to the trade area.

The cruel county leader was at ease, riding a huge mountain **** dog with shiny fur. Although this **** dog was raised artificially in the Great Fire City, it reached the level of a dog king in the group, and it was very fierce and majestic on the road.

After seeing it, passers-by voluntarily gave way, not to mention the personal identity of the brutal master of the county. They can't afford it. The dog king mount, which has reached the A level, is enough to deter anyone.

Even if some passers-by did not recognize the brutal master, this tall and sturdy mount is a sign of identity. This is like in a city on the earth, driving a top-ranking Maybach on the road. People with a little vision will naturally avoid it. No one dares to touch you.

The confusing lord followed him, also refreshed and proud of himself. Because he was riding a lava hellhound from the boss Wang Yan.

This hellhound is specially made by the Earth Flame Demon using the A-level core. The body is completely composed of lava. The appearance is fierce and fierce, and the appearance of steam is very deterrent.

Hell is an extremely huge world with many species, but lava monsters like this alien species are very rare. Therefore, riding such a mount on the road is just like riding a giant panda on the earth.

No one noticed, that was the hell.

So I felt the respectful eyes of the pedestrians around me, and I couldn't help but feel a little floating in my heart.

He had never been so beautiful when he was so old, but it was all covered by the boss.

However, his boss Wang Yan's mount is obviously much more domineering.

The mount that Wang Yan is now controlling is precisely the Earth Flame Demon who used a pinnacle A-level core and elaborately made lava **** dog king to honor his young master.

There are dozens and hundreds of **** dogs in a community at the same time, and the most powerful and powerful male dog is the king. A few, or more than a dozen ethnic groups, combined to hunt together, will form a larger ethnic group, which will also compete for the strongest dog king.

Wang Yan's mount is the dog king among the dog kings.

This lava **** dog uses a higher level of monster core, so after being carefully cultivated by the ancient Yan Mo, the body is one-third taller than the cruel mountain **** dog!

Full of flame energy, this lava **** dog king, the heat wave around the body transpired, the fire is burning, every step, the ground will leave a black mark on the ground.

Such a fierce mount comparable to the tiger, almost shocked the eyes of all passers-by around.

As more and more passers-by noticed, someone soon recognized that he was the demon lord who was the hard-hearted demon refining the devil last night, and also beating the devil three sons fatly.

"Wow, he, he is Lord Lord Moflame!"

"Lord Mo Yan came towards me! Good, so handsome, so majestic!"

"That is the brutal lord, I heard that the brutal lord has ... hee hee ..."

"By the way, that young man who seems to be Mo Yan, oh, there is also the Need for Succubus and the human slave girl!"

Soon, the pedestrians who were watching around began to talk about each other, whispering, and various gossip and bragging rumors began to spread among the crowd.

Chi Abuse is said to be a woman of Demon Flames, and Chi Dao is naturally the loyal younger brother. These two people are very useful to hear such rumors. As for their father, why did the Chilian Demon King go? They don't care at all.

Behind them, the succubus riding an ordinary mount, with only the master in mind, the rumors around her are just clouds for her, so she still follows Wang Yan as charming as ever.

Naturally, Wang Yan will not be influenced by these outsiders, and because things were so big last night, it is natural to get people's attention.

However, he found that Lydia, who was on her side, also did not care about the viewers around, but instead a layer of worry appeared on his face. She learned that the Chilian Demon King and the three princes were out of the city together.

This not only made Wang Yan suspicious.

"Lydia, do you know where the Red Demon King went?" Wang Yan secretly asked Lydia to ask, "If you know any secrets, you can give me priority."

Wang Yan's sudden voice shocked Lydia.

But then she stopped thinking, and replied in the same way by voice: "Master Mo Yan is worried, me, what secrets can I have? I am just worried that the devil and the three **** princes will treat you In retaliation, I'm in trouble by the way. "

This kind of answer is reasonable. Wang Yan glanced at her, and he didn't ask any more, but just hummed indifferently: "That's not something you should care about. Think about your situation."

Wang Yan did not think too much in depth, but he already felt very clearly that Chilian Demon King and his three sons must be planning something behind their backs.

As for what? When the truth appears, it will naturally fall out.

Taunted by Wang Yan, Lydia pouted her lips and made no noise.

She has indeed guessed that the Red Refining Demon King and his three sons suddenly disappeared out of the city, and must have gone to the remains of the starry sky **** to find a way to open the seal door.

This actually made her very worried, but now that she is in the hands of this Lord Lord of Demon Flames, she certainly can't tell the secret of this heavenly big. As a human on earth, she could not believe a **** demon.

But thinking about it, with the unparalleled magic of the starry sky God, there is absolutely no way for outsiders to easily open his seal.

The ancient Flame Devil that was so powerful that it was almost indestructible was sealed by the Star God in the flame forbidden land for thousands of years. What's more, the relic now is the ultimate seal before the end of the starry sky god. Over the years, the Red Demon King and his son have never been able to find a way to open the seal of the remains, which is the best proof.

The thought of the father and son of Chilian Demon may not be able to open the seal of the ruins of the starry sky god, and Lydia's worry finally faded a lot.

Lydia and Wang Yan were speechless all the way. After leaving the area of ​​the Demon Palace in this way, they walked for more than half an hour. The group finally arrived at the destination of their trip, the largest central trading area in Liuhuocheng.

This is a very grand large square, the center of which is a copper body statue with a height of more than 30 meters, which is regarded as the shape of the majestic Demon King Chilian.

The statues are realistically made and extremely imposing, just as if the Red Demon King sat in the center of the square himself. For some of his affiliated races, it is indeed full of deterrence.

In addition to this large statue, all around the center of this circular square are large and colorful shops.

Wang Yan and the people next to him raised their eyes and looked at each side. These shops are all tall and majestic and rugged. Nearly every shop is full of various frames.

Half of the trucks are loaded with male and female slaves who are not covered and covered with iron chains.

At this time, the confusing lord happily pointed to a tall building with the largest number of slaves and trucks in front of the door, and agitated: "Boss, let's go there, there is everything good there!"

"Where is that?" Wang Yan frowned slightly.

"There is a black market, there is no specific name, but there is such a place in each trade zone." The Abbot of the Abode added, "And the main business place is underground, so we usually call that place an underground black market."


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