The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1306: No i don't want to be enjoyed

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"Boss, here and here, I'll be here soon."

Upon receiving Wang Yan's answer, the deceived lord immediately walked ahead and volunteered to lead the way for everyone. It seemed that he would try his best to do his best to the boss, to be a friend of the landlord, but also to be in front of the boss, to save some lost face.

A group of people walked through the streets and alleys of Liuhuo City. The pavement was made of rock bricks. It was relatively flat. Most of the pavement was spacious. Wang Yan and others walked smoothly.

Moreover, Wang Yan found that this great city of fire is similar in some respects to the pattern of the metropolis on earth.

The most important area is naturally the most central part of the city, the private area of ​​the Red King Demon King's Palace.

It was a group of simple and heavy palaces, tall and majestic. From this place, Wang Yan could see the top of the castle from far away, shining with magnificent magic minaret. If you approached, the momentum of that palace would have been terrifying.

The second is a noble residential area belonging to the Red Refining Demon Clan. Most of their buildings are above the ground. I heard that the environment is very good.

Then came the dark creatures living in the sewers, as well as the large ordinary living quarters and slums.

Wang Yan slightly estimated that the diameter of this capital city is at least tens of kilometers deep, and the area is extremely vast. In addition, there are a large number of loose villages and settlements outside the city walls. If all of them are added together, the actual area of ​​the city may have to be doubled.

"Boss, boss, here we are! Wait ... this, this is ... what's going on?"

The original confusing lord happily led Wang Yan to the streets and alleys, but when he crossed a street corner and reached the destination he remembered, the whole person was stunned.

In front is an old block that has been demolished. Hundreds of Goblin and barbarian workers are busy in and out of the city. At this time, when I saw Wang Yan and others coming, they all stopped doing their jobs on the spot and stood there dumbly, looking like they were waiting for review.

"Xiao Chi, are you going to show me to the demolition site?" Wang Yan was speechless.

"Boss, listen to my explanation!" The Lord of Confusion immediately panicked and quickly explained, "Here, this is not the case fifty years ago!"

"Ahaha, wasn't that the case fifty years ago?" Three-legged Jinwu laughed without mercy. "Xiaochi, how miserable are you? The God doesn't have the heart to laugh at you. Alas. Hahaha ... "

"I, I ..." The red confessed lord was red-eared and stammered in place. "When, then, there were many female creatures of many degrees, very lively, this, the lord, in that year, can be at ease here. Over ten years ... "

"Well, what about the lord? My father gave you a name because he looked at you poorly. Do you really think you are a lord?" The brutal lord, who was behind, came over with a smile. "This place used to be a shantytown. You even wanted to use this kind of dirty place to entertain us, Master Mo Yan. Are you not enough to lose your face?"

The confusing lord was sprayed speechless, blushing and lowering his head.

In the same way, he was not accepted by the Red Demon King at first, so he lived with his mother in slums as a child. After that, his mother died in front of the Demon Palace to prove her innocence. The Chilian Demon King was forced by the pressure of public opinion and reluctantly accepted Chilian as such an illegitimate child.

Coupled with Chi Lian's lack of resources and mediocre quality since his childhood, his father, Chi Lian, did not plan to take him to live in the Devil's Palace for long, and was sent out after a short stay.

It was still a ghetto, but the servants were given some money on time. Until adulthood, the confusion was sent to the border far away and became a little lord.

This encounter is indeed disgraceful, and in addition to the places where he was young, he is indeed unable to get on the table, so that he can't even refute a sentence now.

"Master Demon Flame ..." The Sovereign Sovereign took the opportunity to get close to Wang Yan again, his voice fascinated into his bones, "This place was demolished and demolished. We are in the Great Fire City, and we don't know how many shantytowns to demolish in a year. What. The slave family will take you to one, and our brother and son love to go to places. "

During the speech of the cruel master, the spring in the charming eyes flows, and the hints are more than words.

"Okay, let's lead the way." Wang Yan replied casually, but his gaze looked down at the confusing lord who lowered his head and kept silent.

"Well, Master Mo Yan, please, the slave family will lead the way for you." The cruel county master is so beautiful, Wang Yan rarely speaks to her. She is happy to go to heaven and quickly gathers in front to lead the way.

Wang Yan turned around, and when he was about to leave, he reached out and patted an apologetic smile on his shoulder, and said lightly: "If there are memories, they will always be removed. Just remember this emotion and follow me. One day, you will do a great job. "

After talking, Wang Yan's mouth slightly raised, and he slowly left.

Looking at the back of the boss leaving, the confusing lord clenched his fists fiercely: "That's right, follow the boss, and sooner or later you will be able to do a big thing!"

In this way, the group went deeper into the city again.


Almost at the same time.

Far away at the main entrance of the Great Fire City, a vast team of three luxurious cars is coming from the wilderness.

These three carts are very similar to the haul trucks used by Wang Yan in Purgatory Lake.

However, the vehicle that Wang Yan used at the time was Goblin's wagon that used elemental magic to control the fire element in nature to haul objects. It could only travel through Yan Lake. Said to be a car, it is actually more like a boat gliding in magma, and the decoration is extremely simple.

The three big cars in front of them are not only luxuriously decorated, but also suspended on the land. The beast that pulls the vehicle is not a lava lizard domesticated by Goblin. It is a powerful two-headed **** dog!

The two guard captains at the main entrance of Liuhuo City, when they saw this mighty convoy, immediately covered themselves with excitement. Quickly greeted the barbarians behind him: "Hurry, just stand by me, our demon king's three sons are back!"

The three demon kings are the three beloved sons of Chilian Demon King, Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan!

At this time, the three big cars on which the three sons were riding were moving side by side, looking forward to the ready, and respecting the guards who were welcoming them.

Lydia, who was caught by them, sat down pitifully in the footsteps of the eldest son Lord Chilie. His face was full of tears after fright.

Seeing her so tender and charming, the second son of the Red Bone Lord couldn't help but smiled tentatively: "Big Brother, this human chick is a rare superb. Let's go back to the Devil's Palace first, or go to the old place to enjoy it?"

"Ha ha ha, of course, go to the old place, and enjoy this little nizi first." After hearing Chi Gu praised his prey, Chi Lie smirked, "If you go back to the Devil's Palace, what if our Laozi took it away? do?"

"Haha, Big Brother is right!"

"Hahaha ..."

"Let's go to the old place!"

The three brothers smiled at each other, and after crossing the gate, they began to march towards the old place in their mouths.

At the moment, the three brothers were happy, but Delia, who listened to these words in her ears, was terrified.

A small heart slammed into her throat, almost by her.

Especially what to enjoy ... she, don't she be enjoyed by others!


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