The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1305: Boss, take you to a good place

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"No wonder that **** has been in civil strife for years, and there are more internal battles, but the abyssal force full of aggressive ambitions and the bright father and goddess who have been bullish and arrogant are all discouraged by this place. It seems that it is indeed not without reason."

Wang Yan concealed in his heart. After all, this is a world inhabited by three demon gods. Hard power is here. It is absolutely difficult for foreign forces to rely on force to annex.

Of course, if you can change the way in the future, maybe it will work.

Wang Yan kept thinking. Although he was amazed in his heart, his expression remained indifferent. Then, seemingly gossip, inadvertently asked one more important question: "This city is so large, how many troops are under your father's command?"

"That's more." The tyrannical county leader's eyes lighted up, and he said with a little pride in his tone. "We are purgatory demon races, everyone is a warrior."

The cruel county master said this, and it really made Wang Yan care.

Fighting races such as Purgatory Demon Race and Barbarian Race are almost all warriors. This is unmatched by humans who have lived on the earth for a long time. However, in a peaceful state, it is not necessary for every purgatory demon or barbarian to come out and join the army. Production and business development also require a lot of manpower and material resources.

For any race to survive and develop, force is only one of the necessary basic conditions. In addition, it requires a lot of manpower and material resources to carry out production and creative activities. Finally, in a relatively stable environment, it can continue to thrive.

According to the introduction of the cruel master, in a peaceful state, under his father's red refining demon king, there are still millions of standing troops! There are a full of 100,000 Guards Corps, all made up of the same purgatory demons!

The Purgatory Demon Race, as a natural fighting race, is much more powerful than the Barbarian soldiers in fighting strength and resilience. In addition, the well-equipped equipment cannot be compared with ordinary barbarians.

In addition to this standing army, there are elite hellhorse cavalry, and a powerful warlock army, plus a variety of defense facilities in the city.

It can be said that the regular army in the hands of the Red Demon King alone is enough to deter any enemy forces that dare to fight the city.

And this point, if it is to be expanded several times during the war, it is almost really that all the people are soldiers, which is terrible.

"Poo, poo, poo ..." Hearing this, the hairy crab who followed Wang Yan, the scared bubble spit slowly and slowly, and finally couldn't even walk.

It wanted to follow the boss, come to the hell, and spread its seeds to the major water systems of the hell. But the reality is, where is it to force? This is obviously going deep into the wolf den, no, is it going deep into the Longtan Tiger's Den?

Now it is a hairy crab from a peaceful world, and any strange creature on the street feels terrible. If this boss really had a conflict with the red refining demon king, wouldn't the monsters all over the street become their enemies?

Isn't this cute and innocent hairy crab to be taken apart, fried, boiled, or eaten raw? Terrible, think terrible!

The three-legged Jinwu has always been known as the ancient spirit god, and now its strength is restored, and its courage has also become larger, at least psychologically, these **** creatures are worthy. Wang Yan's other pet succubus has a fascinating admiration and fascination with Wang Yan. Even if she is asked to die for her master, she will not blink her eyes, so it is also true.

Wang Yan is naturally more worthy of his own understanding. Why hasn't he seen any moth? The chaos experienced is even more numerous. Satan himself, the demon god, has seen it in person. Even the Lord of the Lake is dead under his hammer. Even now, will he be afraid of a red refining demon king?

As the saying goes, if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won the tiger. If he didn't want to find any way, step by step through the red refining demon king, approaching the demon god, he would have no chance to see An Ge, let alone bring the other party home.

"Hey, boss, boss."

Wang Yan walked all the way and looked at it. It was n’t long before the confusing lord at the back came over happily and said wretchedly, “There are many good places here, in my small town, but I ca n’t even see you How about it? Let the younger brother be a guide for you and take you for sightseeing? I have n’t been back for at least fifty years. "

Liuhuo is not only a military city, but also an important capital for commercial activities, such as slave trade. So the more you go inside, the more prosperous you become.

Wang Yan has seen that on both sides of the street, the number of shops, stalls, and bustling crowds have gradually increased.

Especially these different appearances. Hell residents from different races, when they saw mount lava **** dogs, the powerful Wang Yan and others, were walking far from the front, stopped their hands, and honestly avoided To both sides, bow your head and give away. The expression is even more awe-inspiring.

The general quality of these ordinary **** residents is far less than those of the soldiers, and the overall strength is about C level. Young residents of minors are about E to D pole. Of course, among these people, there are also many B-level and A-level strongmen, who are all outstanding people among ordinary residents.

But compared with Wang Yan and others who stood at a higher point, their respect and inferiority were immediately reflected.

Not to mention the miserable mistress of the cruel lord, who is unknown and unknown, is carrying four tall and mighty demon guards, followed by Wang Yan.

Take the lava **** dog mount controlled by Wang Yan, Lord Chi and others. This alienated **** dog created by the ancient Yanmo is almost unique to the outside world. There are only a few of them, which have the powerful strength of the A-level Hell King, plus the tall, fierce appearance, and they are all composed of flaming lava, which undoubtedly makes them more deterrent.

This is like someone on the earth driving Lamborghini to the street. As long as it's not a fool, you can tell at a glance that the other party is coming.

So do n’t look at the surface of **** looks chaotic and savage. In fact, they have formed their own balance and order for thousands of years.

For example, like now, when you see a wise man coming, a sensible resident of Hell, you will immediately give way out respectfully, and look awesome.

"Oh? Do you have a good place to take me?" Wang Yan raised her eyebrows and heard interest for a while after listening to the dedication and dedication.

Anyway, he had just come to this city, no matter where it was, he opened his eyes and was familiar with the environment. It could n’t be better.

"Hey, that's for sure." The confusing Lord hugged and smiled sideways. "Boss, can you still believe me? The younger brother was venting there all his youthful days!"

The red puzzled smile became more and more frivolous, and his expression was full of nostalgia for the past passions.

As soon as Wang Yan's mouth twitched, he instantly understood what was the place that made the second-handed goods forget to return.


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