The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1304: Strong City

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"It's dead, this time it's dead."

The two guard captains, trembling prostrately on the ground, and the hundred barbarian soldiers behind them, were all terrified and fell to their knees.

Just kidding, it's definitely not trivial to be able to cruelly abuse the county master. Their two guard captains were also unlucky. They didn't look back at that time, and now annoy the brutal master of the county like this. The two of them are definitely over!

"Now that I'm wrong? Huh, late!"

With a squeak, the cruel county master raised his hand and took the poison whip long whip that was almost destroyed by Wang Yan into his hand, and he was about to pull the two guard captains.

"Slow down."

Wang Yan, who was riding on the mount, raised his hand to hold the cruel wrist of the brutal master, "They are also devoted to their duties, and this time it is so."

Wang Yan probably also understands the context. The Hell Assembly is a product of the three demon gods fighting each other, and it is related to the overall pattern of the three forces of Hell. This is of great importance. When the conference is about to begin, there will naturally be more defenses to prevent the loss of intelligence from the outside.

The two guard captains heard Wang Yan pleading for them, and their eyes were incredible.

A tall **** lord would care about the life and death of such a small character, which is a great favor for them.

Coupled with the survival instinct, the two guard captains begged for mercy on Wang Yan and the brutal master.

On seeing this, the cruel tyrant frowned, but instead frowned, saying: "No, this kind of cheap slave, even dare to block the way of the lord, the lord must strip their skin today!"

The brutal master who was arrogant in front of his servants, with his arm pressed again, tried to break away from Wang Yan's control, and continued to raise his whip to kill the two unsightly guard captains.

The two captains of the guards were suddenly mourning, and they were frightened to form a ball on the ground, waiting for the pain to come.

At that moment, Wang Yan put his arm on the wrist of the brutal master and threw it away: "I said, that's it this time!"

He was staggered and cruelly realized that he was annoying Wang Yan again, and he quickly bowed his head in grievance, and apologized: "Well, slave, slave family knows wrong, since my Master Moyan has spoken, this matter ... just forget it. "

As soon as these words came out, the two guard captains were stunned. All the barbarians around were dumbfounded, and even the soldiers watching down the city wall almost fell behind.

What is going on here? The brutal prince who has always been arrogant and self-willed, has suddenly turned **** now?

In particular, what is the origin of this handsome and tall young Demon Race? Even the cruel county master can be so obedient and obedient, knowing that her father Chilian Demon King can't do it!

"What are you still doing? Are you still off?" Wang Yan looked bored and swept on the two creeping guard captains.

The guard captain for the rest of the robbery immediately rolled and crawled, with two teams of barbarians giving way. They and the two teams of barbarians even bent down and bowed their heads in awe to Wang Yan and others, and slowly entered the city.

Just as Wang Yan was about to pass, the two guard captains couldn't help but stared at Wang Yan's back and knelt and thanked: "Thank you Master Moyan for forgiving a lot, and the small one apologizes for the previous rudeness!"

They didn't know the origin of Wang Yan, they just learned that Brutal County Master called him Master Moyan.

Wang Yan meant too much, and waved his hand at will, then rode on the mount and walked into the city without looking back.

He is a human on earth, and he is not a cruel man by nature. In addition, he just came to the Great Fire City and wanted to be low-key. He did not want to attract people's attention prematurely, especially to attract the attention of the Red Demon King in the city. Therefore, to stop the brutal brutality of the brutal master is just a matter of course.

But in the eyes of these two grassroots team captains, it was a life-saving grace. Coupled with the strong courage shown by Wang Yan, they made their hearts look forward to.

"It seems that this adult is also a young handsome man who came to the **** conference."

After Wang Yan and others left, the two guard captains stood up from the ground. The two looked at each other and muttered, "With this adult in, this session of **** will be very exciting!"

The two teams and their barbarian teams are full of confidence and full of expectations.

Wang Yan, who is far away, will never think that one of his unconscious actions has won a lot of favors among these grass-roots barbarians.


Wang Yan rode a mighty lava **** dog mount and took others to stroll in this huge city.

The architectural style here is ancient and heavy. It is mainly made of stone and wood made from local materials. The overall layout is majestic and tiered. There are large buildings for the barbarians and other large ethnic groups. There are noble houses inhabited, and there are dwarf lairs for goblin, goblin and other small creatures. Wang Yan even saw that at the top of the tall trees, there were eagle nests where the eagle-like demon lived.

These ethnically complex buildings, despite their style differences, are intricately stitched together. In the end, it was an excellent fusion in this city, forming a huge city full of exotic styles.

Wang Yan wandered through it, as if walking in a fantasy novel, feeling wonderful.

There are also many pedestrians on the street. They are dressed in a style similar to that of Wang Yan and others, except for the difference between expensive and poor.

Because the world of **** advocates fighting, even in peacetime, it still leaves the habit of wearing soft armor and wide robes.

Among them, the close-fitting soft armor is naturally to facilitate combat, and the wide robe is to cope with the temperature difference between day and night, and the strong wind and sand often blowing up. In addition, the color of the robe is closer to the surrounding environment, which is also a good thing to hide the figure at night.

Of course, this hiding method is only useful for creatures below level A. For Wang Yan, a top-level strong person who has reached level S, if he wants to hide himself by simulating the environment, it cannot be hidden.

But what attracted more attention from Wang Yan was that there were many strange races here. Even the relatively rare Purgatory Demon Races can be seen everywhere here.

Seeing Wang Yan having questions, the cruelty quickly answered.

It turned out that Liuhuocheng was the most important main city in the field of the devil ruled by Chilian, and the surrounding permanent population of the city exceeded 30 million! Among them, the relatively small number of purgatory demons accounted for millions! It can be said that most of the demon purgatory in the entire Demon King's collar are settled in this city.

After all, this city represents the core strength of a **** demon king. Living here means security, order, and the powerful military power of the purgatory demon clan.

"It turns out so." Wang Yan nodded thoughtfully.

A huge city of this size may not even be able to find a few of the planets with strong reproductive capacity and a large population. But in the **** world with a larger area and more races, such a huge city must be more than this one.

If this is the case, then the world of **** is definitely a hard bone to eat!


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