The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1307: Hell's top entertainment club

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"Give three sons!"

At the gate of the Great Fire City, the two guard captains, together with the hundred barbarians, bowed their heads together, and sent the convoy of the demon three sons into the city slowly.

Compared to their fear of the cruel master, they are more in awe of the three demon kings.

Outsiders may not understand that these barbarians who have been stationed in the city of Liuhuo all the year round, but deeply experience the excellence and power of these three sons.

They are afraid of cruelty to the master, more because of the submission and helplessness of power. But these three demon princes, no matter their talents or strength, and their majesty and courage to lead troops under the red refining demon king, all these low-level barbarians deeply admired them.

Hell creatures worship the strong, what is the strong? The three demon kings in front of them are the top strong in their eyes.

When the three demon princes walked away, the two guard captains and the barbarians raised their heads humbly.

Among them were a few good soldiers who started whispering, "Did you see it? The three sons seemed to have captured a female human being, which looks really beautiful enough."

"I heard that these three sons will also represent us in the Great Fire City and participate in the selection of this **** conference!"

"By the way, did the Lord of the Flames who had followed the Lord of the Cruel Sovereign also participate in the selection of the Hell Assembly?"

"It should be. The Lord of the Demon Flames is so majestic, and even the brutal master of the Abode is submissive. There must be two brushes." A barbarian who was previously subdued by Wang Yan's momentum stood up to the king Yan side.

But as soon as his voice fell, someone retorted: "Cut, what two brushes? I think he's better at work on the bed, can it be comparable to the three sons of our devil master?"

"Yes, especially the eldest son Lord Chilie, young and promising, even if we are Lord of the Devil, wasn't that the case?"

"According to you, the Lord of the Demon Flames is not young enough? You look at his momentum, his courage ..."

The barbarians who supported Wang Yan and the three demon kings soon quarreled fiercely. However, it is obvious that there are obviously more soldiers supporting the three demon kings, especially the eldest son Chilie.

"Enough!" Suddenly, the captain of the guard yelled and stopped the argument. "Be good at your class, if something goes wrong, I will kill you!"

The barbarians shut their mouths obediently, and the gate of the Great Fire City returned to the solemnity of the past.

The two captains of the guard continued to abide by their duties. Although they were also in awe of the three demon kings, they still stood on the side of Lord Mo Yan, the pseudonym Wang Yan.

After all, Wang Yan saved their lives. Who would be concerned about their lives and deaths?


Time passed.

Wang Yan and others who came to the aristocratic community following the brutal ruler finally stopped under a noble and high-rise building.

Their mount had just stopped, and a waiter with a humble expression, dressed in a white robe, and a housekeeper immediately greeted him with joy: "Oh, Lord Master! Long time no see, welcome welcome, please come in."

Upon taking a look at it, Wang Yan discovered that the waiter turned out to be a purgatory demon.

And from the expression of the brutal master of the county, she apparently saw the waiter for the first time. But the waiter smiled, his familiar, as if it was an old friend he hadn't seen in a long time.

This made Wang Yan sigh with emotion. It seems that in the world of hell, not only muscular barbarian warriors, but also many smart and cunning guys.

"Huh, what about your boss Coles? Let him come to see me."

The cruel county master snorted and got off the mount. She was really an arrogant surly in front of outsiders, and her jaw was almost upturned when she looked at others.

Unconsciously, the waiter nodded enthusiastically one after another, bending over to guide in front, "Where, here, please."

Indifferently, the waiter made a look at the door. At this time, the other waiter who was welcoming at the door quickly passed the look into the door in the same way.

Soon, when the brutal master and Wang Yan and others just walked to the door, not only their mounts have been taken to the kennel by someone, and they are carefully fed and groomed. A fat and fat Purgatory Demon Clan is just this. Coles, the owner of the noble club, greeted the edge of the door in person.

This extremely accurate and fast work efficiency, as well as the meticulous service attitude of kneeling and licking, really surprised the outsider Wang Yan.

When he was on the earth, he naturally went to many high-end places, but it was really impossible to achieve such efficiency. It seems that the hierarchical world full of powerful power and bullying has indeed brought the skills of waiting for the powerful nobles to an extreme point. As young as Goblin, and then to these purgatory demon clan in the eyes of ordinary residents, all this temperament was deeply penetrated into the bone.

"Hahaha, Miss Brutal, you can come here, it is really a small club for the contemptuous, and it is shining!" The cosy boss Coles, who was welcoming at the door, rubbed the fat man wearing a jewelry ring. Hand, kindly said, "I don't know your father, Master Chilian Demon King, how has it been recently? The last time the maid enshrined by the contempt, could suit his taste?"

"It's okay." The cruel county chief replied casually, and then continued to scorn his eyes. "Today, the county chief may entertain a distinguished guest. Do you know what to do?"

Boss Coles glanced at Wang Yan quietly. This one was extremely quick, seemingly inadvertently, but touched Wang Yan's identity and the attitude of the cruel master of the cruelty to Wang Yan.

The cunning shrewd Coles immediately smiled sullenly and replied enthusiastically: "Of course, that is, of course, our mysterious nest ~ nest, the most luxurious VIP room, tonight belongs only to Miss Abuse!"

With his lively shouts, two golden gates opened in the top entertainment club in Liuhuocheng.

The two rows of youthful and beautifully dressed maids have already gathered behind the main entrance, and they are lined up all the way to welcome them for a long time.

Wang Yan glanced at all kinds of beautiful women of different races. And if you look at the appearance, such a face is placed on the earth, at most it will be the cardamom life. This is just a welcoming maid. There are more beautiful women in his appearance than absolutely what Wang Yan imagined.

Wang Yan couldn't help being secret, no wonder the nobles and nobles in the city loved to come here. It seems that when it comes to hedonism, no matter what kind of high-level people are, they are all the same.

But the world of **** is not like the humans on earth, everything likes to cover up, you can see the name of this clubhouse, it is really like the people of hell, passionate.


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