The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1226: Guan Gong playing a big sword in front of him

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In the world of hell, it is not a rare creature. Even, under the leadership of each legendary lord, there will be more or less a few succubus. However, the succubus' natural level is not high. Most succubi have only C-level strength, and a small amount can reach the level of B-level.

Generally speaking, the strength of a succubus can reach A level, it is already a super succubus. Only some particularly powerful lord-levels are likely to possess an A-level succubus. That is a symbol of identity, and also a symbol of the strength of a lord.

As for the legendary succubus, it is the best of the best. Only those top powerhouses of the Demon King level can have legendary succubus.

Moreover, the succubus race is very special.

The more powerful the succubus, her appearance, qualifications, body, and charm will increase greatly and become more and more excellent.

And Wang Yan ’s charmer itself is a gift from the Father of Light, and her genes are the most perfect among the demons. Nature is much better than the average succubus. It is also natural to provoke the greed of the confusing lord.

However, this confusing lord ignored Wang Yan directly, but it surprised Wang Yan. He touched his nose involuntarily, showing a taunt at the corner of his mouth. This deluded lord really does not take himself into account, is he quite confident in his own strength?

"Beautiful succubus." The lord of Red Confusion put on a graceful appearance and shook his body, reducing the huge body a few meters high to about two meters.

In this way, although its appearance has not changed much, the feeling of being domineering is much less, but instead it has some noble breath. It seems that the Infernal Demon Clan is not all unreasonable.

However, this is just a so-called appearance.

Under normal circumstances, after the deluded lord sees a certain succubus, the first reaction must be to **** her back. But now Meier is an extremely rare legendary succubus. If the lord of the Confusion only uses force, I am afraid it is difficult to truly surrender to the succubus. It is also because of this that a purgatory demon clan has even begun to show its charm.

This is a legendary succubus!

When the confusing lord thought about this, his heart was fiery. If you can conquer this ultimate succubus, it will really stand out. It confuses the name of the lord and will spread throughout the realm of Satan.

It is also not afraid of other lords to rob it, because the purgatory demon clan is cruel to the outside world, but the internal dumping is not terrible. Even if the demigod-level purgatory demon fancy its succubus, it will only open various conditions to exchange.

What's more, the confusing lord thinks he is still a lord with strength and backstage.

"My name is Chidu." Lord Chidu's complexion said with some pride. "It is the fourth son of the great Chilian Demon King who suppresses this side of the Chilian Demon Lord. He is currently only in his 90s and has a 20% success in the future. Demon King. "

Meier listened to these words, blinking her beautiful and moving eyes, slightly opening her lips, translating Wang Yan ’s words to the confusing lord, and not responding to the confusing lord.

Listening to Meier's translation, Wang Yan looked stunned.

What is so proud of a legendary lord in his nineties? 20% probability to become the devil? It sounds very powerful! !

At this level, even Uncle Gun has crushed it for unknown number of levels.

Our Uncle Gun is just over ninety years old, and he is already a demigod, equivalent to a purgatory demon.

Of course, the concept of years in the world of **** is definitely different from that of the earth. Meier just converted the number spoken by the other party into the Year of the Earth and gave it to Wang Yan.

However, Wang Yan was slightly surprised by its identity. The lord of this border land is actually the son of a demon king ... and the devil king seems to be able to bear birth, at least four sons.

You know, the more powerful creatures, the more difficult it is to reproduce. The devil can have at least four heirs, I am afraid it has a big harem. And in some ways, it seems to be very diligent. Wang Yan's heart is full of evil interest.

The deceptive lord Meier was talking to Wang Yan, and his red eyebrows were wrinkled, as if he was looking at Wang Yan unwillingly. Well, it seems like a human? Wearing a pair of abyss demon lord wings?

Huh? His breath of flame seems to be very pure, although it is not as violent as its infernal flame law, but it has a different kind of flame charm.

The Lord of Confusion still saw humanity for the first time, but it does not mean that it had not heard of the race of humanity. Its knowledge tells it that humans are creatures from another plane, and usually have a legendary strength.

To say that the only drawback of this creature is that their number is too scarce. Looking at the entire world of hell, countless beings have never seen a human being in their lifetime.

Of course, this is a misunderstanding caused by the lack of knowledge of the deluded lord.

It believes that human beings generally reach a legendary level, but the number is scarce. But I did not expect that the total number of humans is actually terrible. It's just that humans usually come to **** plane expedition only when they reach the legendary level.

And this part of humanity is usually a magician in the Western world.

The magician is a magical profession. Some magicians have a very deep understanding of the laws of space. According to ancient literature, some teleportation arrays between space planes have also been studied.

In order to gain greater power, Western magicians will venture into the world of hell. It's just that most of these magicians died on the adventure. Only a small part survived, and gained a powerful force.

In the same way, there are also some magicians who are chasing evil spirits in pursuit of a strong and long life, trying to use the demon's genes to change themselves. Most of these magicians are not good.

"Haha ~" The confusing lord turned his eyes a few times, and immediately changed his attitude towards Wang Yan, and laughed heartily. "Sorry, sorry, I didn't pay attention. There is also the legendary human magician. Hello, Hello, I ’m scared, and you are welcome to be a guest in my castle. "

Meier acted as a translator with a smile, and his heart inevitably felt a sorrow for this confusing lord. Even with this little cunning ability, he dared to play with his mind in front of his master. In human terms, this is simply playing a big sword in front of Guan Yu.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yan was shocked and interested. But on the surface, he pretended to be flattered: "It turned out to be Lord Lord, I am Wang Yan. I am an explorer from an eccentric plane. When I first arrived in the realm, I asked Lord Lord to take care of me. . "

After the translation by Meier, the eyes of the confusing Lord could not be narrowed. It turned out that this was not only a personal explorer, but also a novice explorer. At first glance at his appearance, the confusing lord judged his identity wisely.


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