The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1225: Lord of Confusion

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Wang Yan suddenly realized that it is no wonder that the succubus can easily communicate with those wild monsters. It turns out that her talent is really very powerful, and she naturally has those knowledge and methods in her bloodline.

"So, Meier, do you understand the language of hell?" Wang Yan asked expectantly.

He is currently unable to speak a language, and he is still a bit big. See how to quickly learn an alien language.

Meier shook his head and nodded and said, "I will speak the language of the **** race, the largest and strongest race of the Infernal Demon Race. As for other languages, I still have to find a way to learn it. It is not easy to inherit knowledge and exercises, it is impossible Inherited into the bloodline DNA. The most important bloodline inheritance of my family is cultivation practice, and the knowledge of various ethnic groups. "

Purgatory Demon Race?

Wang Yan's eyes lit up. The Purgatory Demon Race is the most powerful race in the world of hell. Their status in the pan universe is similar to that of the abyss demons, and they are all very powerful and can suppress the existence of countless planes.

The most important point is that Satan, the demon who once had conflicts with Wang Yan, is a member of the Purgatory Demon Race.

Some advanced purgatory demons may have contact with the plane of the earth and understand some earth languages. However, the vast majority of purgatory demons do not understand the language of the earth.

"During this time, you teach me the language of the Purgatory Demon Race." Wang Yan said.

The language of the strong has always been a universal language. As long as Wang Yan can learn the language of the Purgatory Demon Race, he will no longer have communication problems in the entire **** plane.

Meier smiled: "It is the glory of Meier to be able to do her part for the master." She cleverly smiled, and the charm fluctuated, and the messy creatures around her were all stunned and staring at the charm. Demon, a look of color-giving soul.

Her charms are very powerful, and she ignores race and gender.

This is how the succubus survives, even the way of fighting.

Even the two fierce monster guards with A-level strength all had mouths full of fangs and drooling. For a time, they seemed to ignore the terrible strength of Wang Yan and Meier.


Meier reprimanded in purgatory, "You two, it's just courageous!" Her jade hand flicked up, piercing the bone whip and dancing out the sky. Almost at the same time, the two monster guards were drawn with great precision.


With two loud sounds, the humble armor of the two ferocious monsters was almost exploded, leaving a long whip mark on each body, and flesh and blood were fragmented and blurred by the whip.

Ao ~

The two fierce monsters immediately made a terrible scream, the double pain from the body to the soul, causing them to twist all over and almost kneel to the ground. The greed in his eyes disappeared without a trace, and there was only awe, even worship, for Meier.

Even these two A-level guards were instantly suppressed and subdued. It is conceivable that the ordinary creatures in and out of the castle around were afraid of Meier. They crawled on the ground one by one and buried their heads deeply Off the ground.

In the world of hell, awe and obedience to the strong are the most basic rules.

If a weak person dares to have a little disrespect for a strong person, it is a blessing to be drawn. It is easy to kill you at every turn and there is no place to reason. The weak meat and strong food have been deeply imprinted in the instinct of every **** creature.

For a time, Meier's momentum was in full swing, and all the creatures crawled under her feet.

"Master." Meier said to Wang Yan after the prestige, "These two monster guards are also well-known races in the universal universe. Their original names are no longer remembered, and they have been called barbarians by various races. The barbarian is a race with a low degree of evolution. The adult males in the family can basically reach the level of B. Some elite people can reach the level of A. Very few barbarians can also evolve to the legendary level. Become the head of a family. Although the barbarians are fierce and powerful in appearance, they have a simple mind and good loyalty. They are one of the warrior races that all major lords like to recruit. "

When Wang Yan nodded and understood, he couldn't help feeling emotion. The ultimate law of the cosmic creatures is to be weak and strong. Such barbarians must have had a plane to raise them.

Only after being conquered by some higher-level civilizations, it became a slave and was forced to become a warrior race.

Human beings are now facing a full-scale invasion of the abyss plane. Once defeated, the fate of the human race in the future may be more miserable than the barbarians.

It is now.

Suddenly, a strong breath was released from the depths of the castle.

Above the castle, there was even a cloud of fire, exuding a blazing flame, and the smell of pungent sulfur came across.


The smell of hellfire?

Wang Yan's nose flicked, and there was a look of interest in his eyes. This breath is very familiar, quite a bit of the smell of flames on the avatar of Satan, the demon **** I met earlier.

Flames with this flavor are often called hellfire. But its real name should be called Infernal Demon Flame, which is the natural flame of Inferno Demon Race.

In fact, Wang Yan has a good opinion of the race of the Infernal Demon Race.

Especially for Satan, the devil, he actually has a good impression. The guy is the captain of the transportation team. His own sub-artifact armor is made from the main material of the Devil God Satan.

And the half-god-level flame crystal nucleus lying in his storage space also came from the avatar of Satan the devil.

Just as Wang Yan froze for a while, that powerful breath rose into the sky, like a cloud of fire passing through the sky and coming straight to the castle door. Its speed is very fast, and in just seven or eight breaths, it fell in front of Wang Yan and the two of them.

It stretched out a pair of huge wings, with a height of three or four meters, and under the simple crimson armor, it was extremely strong red muscles, exuding a hot and scorching breath, like a piece of red with clear texture. rock.

Worthy of being a higher race, you can feel its powerful fighting ability, strong body, terrifying muscles, and full of explosive power from just looking at this sale. Purgatory Demon Race is like being born as a fighting race and a conqueror race.

Standing high above, it is impossible to live forever, just like a natural nobleman. As soon as it appeared, it suppressed the spot with a strong momentum. The two barbarian guards kneeled directly on the ground on one knee and shouted in a purgatory language that Wang Yan did not understand: "Congratulations to Lord Chew."

Their faces are filled with expressions of worship, and it is clear that they really treat the confusing lord as their master.

It's just a pity that the current confusing lords didn't pay attention to them at all. The Lord of Confusion first glanced at Wang Yan, but then focused his attention on Meier, and the greedy color in his eyes emerged.


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