The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1224: Blood lineage

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This made him look back narcissistically when he left Chilian Huze, reluctant to leave this side of the treasure. It seems that after solving the problem of space transmission array, we must develop this Chilian Huze well.

As for the half-god-level monster, there will naturally be professionals like Uncle Gun and Sister Niang.

Once the wasteland is successfully opened, China and even the superpowers of the earth will advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.

After condensing his mind, Wang Yan took a good look at the area where he is now. In this area, there are significantly fewer magma and volcanoes, and the goal is a dark red and heavy rocky land.

In most areas, after the magma solidified, it showed a fine iron-like yoyo black color.

Tens of miles away, a giant red and black castle stood on the dark red rocky ground.

According to scattered data collected from wild monsters, this giant castle belongs to the territory of civilized creatures, and a legendary strongman is stationed here. As for the lord ’s name and race, those wild monsters could not express clearly.

Wang Yan came to the world of **** for the sake of Uya Ange. Naturally, it is impossible to be in the heap of wild monsters all day long. Therefore, it is also the intention of this trip to find a civilization creature that can communicate and contact to listen to the information.

"Uh ~"

The demon wings on Wang Yan's back were raised high, and his momentum was extraordinary. By the way, Wang Yan's set of demon wings was almost destroyed during the previous battle with An Pei Zongxiu. Afterwards, it was restored to the original state after being repaired by the National African Bureau.

However, with Wang Yan's current strength, these demon wings have not helped him much. But he still shows himself, that is because the wings look domineering and evil enough to increase his bargaining power

At the same time, he increased the flames of the flames, and his whole body seemed to be covered with a burning flame.

Although he didn't wear the armor of the last artifact, he put on a fierce mask and a fiery red cape. The whole person looked imposing and very uncomfortable.

This is not that Wang Yan likes to show off, but in the world of hell, he always respects the strong. If you are low-key and want to play a role like a pig or a tiger, you will definitely be in trouble and annoying.

In the same way, Meier is also well-equipped, and she is snuggled up beside Wang Yan. To a certain extent, it has increased the mystery of Wang Yan's origins, just like a brother who is not a low-profile family.

In this way, while avoiding too much unnecessary trouble, it is easier to achieve his goal.

After some elaborate dressing, Wang Yan took the charm to the gate of the giant castle.

His sudden appearance immediately caused confusion at the gate of the castle.

The gatekeepers are two 3-4 meters tall, wearing vulgar and crude armor, covered with fangs and monsters of beef tendons. Wang Yan does not know their race, but they can feel the momentum of the A-class strong from them.

It is absolutely incredible to put this on the earth. Because in the West, the A-level powerhouse is called the existence of the Saint-level powerhouse. And in the East, it is also known as a master-level strongman.

But in this little lord-level castle, it was actually used to guard the gate?

Unfortunately, although they have A-level strength, in Wang Yan's eyes, it is still far from enough. The breath of the legendary strongman radiates unscrupulously, filled with shocking coercion.

The two fangs monsters suddenly stood up slightly, straightened their chests, and they were afraid to look at Wang Yan with some fear, and at the same time they shouted some words that Wang Yan could not understand at all.

In addition to the fangs monsters guarding the gate, there are some creatures scattered in and out of the castle entrance. They look strange, but their breath has their own strengths and weaknesses. The weakest group of short-skinned red-skinned creatures with a strength between D and B.

Only the strongest one, who is suspected to be the leader's short creature, has reached level B. Looking at them with a dreadful look, Wang Yan almost determined that they should be the inferior existence of the world of hell.

"Master." Meier's voice rang in Wang Yan's ear. "These short creatures are called Goblins. They belong to a very common race in the Pan-Cosmic Plane. However, it is not because they have the ability to expand the ethnic group to Pan-Cosmic plane. It is because this creature is used as a slave and sold to various planes. Over time, the Goblin family has spawned countless subspecies adapted to the local environment. These red-skinned Goblin should Is biased towards the existence of the flame system. "

"Mei'er, do you have a lot of knowledge?" Wang Yan was slightly surprised.

"Master." Meier gave Wang Yan a charming look, "It seems that you still don't care enough about Meier. The inheritance of our Demon family is very different from that of humans on the earth. Some inherit knowledge, language, and even the personality of different species. , Preferences, are deeply imprinted in the depths of our genes. This is like the human instinct to eat and drink, without learning, you will know it by nature. "

Wang Yan was dumb, but did not expect that the Succubus had such a skill.

But when I think about it, this is normal. It is not uncommon in heterogeneous life to incorporate knowledge and culture as a means of inheritance into biological DNA. In fact, most long and powerful lives, more or less, will have some knowledge and cultural heritage, which is carried out through bloodline DNA.

Just like the master mother's nine-tailed sky fox, some of their cultivation practices are inherited through the blood.

And some powerful galaxy beasts will also have similar blood lines.

The reason is very simple, the pan-universe plane is very large, and the blood veins of the species are also widely spread. If you can't inherit cultural knowledge through genetic blood, or critical cultivation of evolutionary skills, it is easy to break down the inheritance.

The descendants of the bloodline may become a wild monster ignorantly ...

Succubi also face this situation, they are scattered in all areas of the universe. If you can't rely on your blood to inherit knowledge and culture, the Succubus will die long ago.

This is the so-called evolutionary choice.

Naturally, the inheritance of DNA is not without its shortcomings. If the blood of the descendants is not pure enough, it is easy to form a lack of knowledge and practice. And through this way of inheritance, it is difficult to establish a very united racial system.

As for human beings, all current cultural knowledge and inheritance must be solved through teaching and learning. In a sense, it is a very low-end and inefficient way.

Of course, this is also no way to do things.

Although human beings have great wisdom and potential, they are far inferior to those with a long history on the path of evolution.

Maybe one day, humans will evolve to that extent. In the previous generation, most common sense and exercises could be integrated into the bloodline DNA and passed down directly to the heirs.


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