The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1227: Wang Yan, this fat sheep

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"Hahaha ~" Lord Chichu smiled more heartily, patting his chest, and said, "I am Chidu is the most hospitable. It is a well-known thing in the entire Chilian Demon Lord's domain. When you go to my Chidu Castle, it is I Chi Confused brother. No matter what you want to do, everything is wrapped in me. "

Goblin creeping on the ground, like ants, could not help but feel sympathy for Wang Yan. This poor human, which territory is not easy to go, but hit the head into the castle of the confusing lord.

Alas, who does n’t know that the lord of the confusing relied on identity, the most greedless. No matter who passed by its castle or rested, it had to be peeled off. Even some explorers without a backstage were directly destroyed.

"Thank you Lord Lord." Wang Yan said with gratitude, "I am the first time to come to Hell World for adventure, but I don't want to meet a good person like Lord." But he secretly laughed in the heart, this guy is really playing on the means, really Weak enough.

Even the goddess Shiva is a lot stronger than it.

Upon hearing Wang Yan's words, the Lord of Red Confusion laughed more happily. His muscles like red rocks all shivered uncontrollably: "Come and let you feel the brother's enthusiasm."

He couldn't help but invite Wang Yan and Meier to enter the castle. It began to entertain in the most enthusiastic way. That look, like a big wolf in sheep's clothing, is tricking an innocent little fat sheep.

Alas ~

Those Goblins sighed deeply in their hearts, and looked at the "Enthusiasm" of the Red Confused Lord. This human being is completely over, and will surely be knocked on the bones and sucked by the Red Confused Lord.

It's just that they have sympathy and sympathy, and it's impossible to let them speak to remind Wang Yan.

Next, the deceived lord really began to fully display the enthusiasm of the purgatory demon, just in the square of the castle, it laid down a rich feast. This demon may have inherited his father's personality. There are a lot of females in her harem, serving as maids, serving wine, barbecue, and some local delicacies.

This demon has a very mixed taste, and the females gathered together have a variety of races, which can be called a race exhibition.

There is a female with a sheep head and two pairs of hooves.

There are also snake tails, upper body similar to human females. Even, there is a barbarian woman who is strong and fierce ...

Of course, there are also several succubus women. It's just that the succubus is of ordinary quality, which is a world of difference compared to the succubus.

The swarms of females made Wang Yan's tail vertebrae cold, and this guy's taste was really not picky. Of course, there are some females who are quite in line with human aesthetics.

Just when Wang Yan was shocked, the deluded lord became more enthusiastic, and wrapped around Wang Yan's shoulders almost, and instilled Wang Yan with a wine called Hellfire from time to time. Soon, under the anesthesia of alcohol, Wang Yan vomited a lot of "intelligence".

For example, Wang Yan is a small plane called Earth, and there is no backstage. Relying on himself, he worked hard to a legendary level. In accidental circumstances, he discovered the space node channel of the **** plane from ancient materials, so he came to see his luck.

When Wang Yan said this drunkenly, the scornfulness of the Lord's eyes deepened, and the sense of disdain became more intense. Sure enough, it was a guy with no backstage. Even if he was killed, he wasn't afraid of incurring trouble.

It is a pity that the confusing lord did not expect at all that Wang Yan had no backstage, but the backstage was terribly hard. The master and the maid are both demigods, and the celestial mother and daughter can use the power of the bright father to reach the demigod.

A three-and-a-half **** level, even Chi Dao's father Chi Lian has to kneel.

What's more, Wang Yan's greater backing is the entire National African Affairs Bureau. Once this institution is fully activated, the power that bursts out even the demigod-level strong have to bow their heads. The SAA today is not the SAA that was created decades ago.

If the confusing lord knows the truth, he is afraid that he will be spitting out blood and fight three times, and his heart is full of broken thoughts, abominable boy, who can pretend better than you? Obviously there is such a strong backstage, but it is necessary to pretend to look like a chick.

Not only that.

Taking advantage of his wine spirit, Wang Yan began to talk about his wonderful experience in Chilian Huze after opening the space node. For example, accidentally fell into the nest of a red flame python, and just happened to encounter the charmed child, and then the two of them worked hard to get rid of the red flame python.

After packing up the Red Flame Python, Wang Yan took the opportunity to clean up the Red Flame Python's nest, and fortunately found a lot of wealth. He even flushed his face and flaunted with a burp: "There are three hundred kilograms of fire pulp, and the flame essence of dozens of jade bottles, as well as a large number of miscellaneous crystal cores, materials ... Say, this is the first time in my life that I have seen such rich wealth. "

Meier rolled her eyes aside, her heart was quite speechless to the owner. The ability and acting skills of this story-story is not a waste of talent unless it goes to the performing arts circle.

At the same time as she was translating, she did not face the poor confusing lord with sympathy. The stupid and poor guy thought that he was a wolf, and who wanted to meet a more fierce tiger.


Lord Chew took a deep swallow. It was also the first time in his life that he heard such a wealth of wealth in a legendary red flame python nest. I am afraid that the sum of several legendary monsters' lairs will add up to such wealth.

The devil is on.

That red flame python is too lucky.

No, no, it should be that this kid is too lucky.

Lord Chew also teamed up with people to enter the Chilian Huze Adventure and beheaded two legendary monsters, but the overall gain was far inferior to this human kid. And since it is a team, the confusing lord is only one of them.

Chilian Huze is not a simple opponent. Once you are unlucky and alarmed by the existence of the demi-god, it is very likely to fall into it. That half-god level exists, and it doesn't matter which heir you are.

In fact, even if its deceitful lord died in Chilian Huze, its father, Chilian Demon King, would not be able to run in and avenge it.

For a time, the powerful demon heart of the confusing lord jumped up and down. Having made money, he squeezed out this stinky boy, which was worth the hard work of his own for more than ten or twenty years.

However, the only problem at the moment is that the other party has two legendary levels. Although it is confident, it can be one enemy and two still feel unreliable. As for the siege by the army under your command, let's not talk about how many deaths and injuries your subordinates will have. Say that in case the succubus or this fat sheep ran any one, it will confuse the lord will be distressed.

In its view, whether it is a succubus or this fat sheep named Wang Yan, is already in its pocket.


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