The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 292: Lingquan Yibao

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Faced with Ye Chen's inquiry, Lu Xinghe was completely ignorant, but although his brain couldn't turn, he still nodded like garlic and raised his voice: "Think!"

This is purely the most instinctive reaction, as if a hungry person would drool when they see bread, see Ye Xianshi reveals that they can give that star evil sword spectrum to himself, Lu Xinghe knows that the other party will definitely put forward harsh conditions, But he did not look back, and agreed to come down first.

Hearing this, Ye Chen chuckled and threw the Xingxie Jianpu over.

Lu Xinghe caught it, his expression was stunned, he bit himself hard regardless of the image, and found that it was really painful, and then he was amazed, "Master Ye Xian, don't you... just give me this treasure Alright?"

Hearing this, Ye Chen only felt amused in his heart. What kind of treasure was this thing in his eyes?

However, considering the current status of the earth warrior, he still resisted the laughter and said in a deep voice: "Of course not, I want you to practice hard from today, and wait for the **** realm to stand on the mountain gate and take the old star evil as the grandpa worship."

Hearing this, Lu Xinghe immediately knelt down in the tunnel with excitement: "Following the rules of Ye Xianshi, the villain has been a disciple of the old Xingxie since today. If he can be lucky enough to spy on the divine realm, he will surely create the Xingxie sword. Pie, shining the door and wall of his old man!"

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "Relax, not to mention the **** realm, Xuan Xian will not be a problem in another ten years."

Speaking of which, he ignored the expressions of the people around him and continued to say: "In a few years, the earth will undergo some changes. At that time, you must seize the opportunity to complete the entrustment of the old Xingxie."

"The content of the entrustment is all recorded on the sword score, but you can only read it yourself, and you must not tell others!"


Lu Xinghe nodded hurriedly, saying that he was already in tears at this time, and he bowed respectfully, "From today on, if Master Ye Xian commands, the villain will do his best!"

In this regard, Ye Chen was irreproachable, but still nodded, and at the same time raised the Zhuxing sword sword in his hand: "But this spirit treasure and other treasures of the heaven and earth in the cave house, but it belongs to me."

"Of course, of course."

In this regard, Lu Xinghe certainly has no objections, both sides can be described as happy, and after helping Chen Xingxie find the loved one, Ye Chen frankly took away what he was interested in, and the right should be paid.

It is estimated that the old man of Xinghe could not think of the "favored person" who had worked hard to find his cave house and successfully opened it. He would have dismissed the most precious star evil sword spectrum.

After explaining the "future" of the old Xingxie, Ye Chen was in a good mood, with his hands behind his back, and carefully looked at the old man's cave.

After listening to Ye Chen’s words, Xiaochuan Qingchuan, who was loyal to him, had already started to help the master to find the Bora, but after a long search, she found nothing and couldn’t help complaining: “Master, this Xuan Xian The name of the cave house is not true. There is nothing but a star evil sword spectrum. I have not found the heavenly treasures you want."

"Oh, I can't find out because you are too weak to practice the two exercises I taught. I can guarantee that you will reach the same level as the old Xingxie in five years."

Hearing this, the three of them suddenly panicked. Even Sayuri Aokawa, who is most loyal to Ye Chen, couldn't help but ask, "Master, Master, are you serious?"

Qingchuan Ying sneered and smiled contemptuously: "In this way, just cheat me on my naive sister."

The two of them felt unbelievable and human nature. After all, in the world today, even the **** realm is rarely seen, let alone the Xuanxian above it?

However, compared to the two women, Lu Xinghe was shocked. His knowledge is vast, but it is far from that of the two women. From Ye Chen, it is easy to give the Xingxie Jianpu such a treasure to him, he can speculate , This person is by no means unusual martial arts.

"Don't his own exercises be several times higher than the Xingxie Jianpu spectrum, so that he is not interested in it?"

Lu Xinghe believed his own reasoning. If so, he could explain why Ye Xianshi was so young, so he could have such terrible cultivation.

It's just that even he wouldn't think that Ye Chen's self-cultivation skills are many times deeper than Xinghe Jianpu's? Not to mention, it would be dozens or even hundreds of times!

Faced with the doubts of the two sisters, Ye Chen didn't explain, just chuckled and pinched a seal and said, "Open!"

A blue light poured out from Ye Chen's hands and hit the wall opposite the old Xingxie. I saw that the wall shone with light, and it was slowly separated from side to side, revealing a huge space of dozens of feet.

In this space, there is a tremendously clear spring water, which is constantly gushing. The spring water is a few meters square and looks very cold. The surging aura permeated the spring water, exuding a luscious taste, and the spring water was also soaked with a few rare elixirs. It seemed to be full of aura, just as fresh as it had just been picked.

"This, this is?"

Qingchuan Sakura, who was still sarcasm, was shocked, and he couldn't say a word.

Ye Chen didn't even look at her, she smiled happily on her face and said, "Not to mention that Lingbao Feijian, it's already worth my trip. This Xuanxian Cave House is truly precious. It’s this spiritual spring! The old Xingxie old man didn’t know how long he had been looking on the earth before he found such a treasure in such a dry place.”

The spiritual energy contained in this spiritual spring alone is enough to push itself into the Golden Pill Period, not to mention...

"Moreover, the several herbs in this Lingquan are all top-grade elixir. I don't know how many times stronger than that of Bing Jilan!"

Ye Chen's eyes glanced at a strange flower soaked in spring water, his eyes were extremely hot.

"Zhu Yuguo, Ice and Snow Ganoderma, Thousand Year Old Ginseng...etc! What is this thing?"

Ye Chen's eyes fell on an extremely dark, unremarkable piece of wood, surprised and said: "Golden birch tree heart?"

This thing is a rare treasure, I am afraid that the whole earth can not find a few, containing both gold and wood auras, if it is the core, can it be refined into the gold and wood of the two-line golden Dan ?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen decided to act immediately.

Because of the presence of the Emperor's glazed body, he was near the valley near Lingquan. Even if you don’t eat or drink for half a year, you’re still waiting. Directly absorbing the aura of the water system is, but before retreating, he still asked Xinglu Xinghe, knowing that he carried enough three people to eat dry food for one month, so he was reassuring.

In this regard, Lu Xinghe is quite puzzled. Even if Wu Sheng retreats, one and a half years is the most basic one time. Ten years and eight years are common. What is the use of a month of retreat?

Qingchuan Sayuri and Qingchuan Sakura are also quite puzzled. Only Ye Chen knows...because a month later, it is Liu Bingyao's wedding day.

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