The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 291: Xingxie old man's will

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I only heard a loud noise of "rumbling", the instrument spirit of Zhu Xingjian made a wailing sound, and the whole body was inserted into the blue star Zhu Xingjian, so it was so cleverly pulled out by people. come out!

At this moment, all the dazzling light suddenly extinguished, and the sword energy in the air also disappeared. This unruly Zhuxing sword immediately settled down and stopped in Ye Chen's hands.

"My God, this is not to be recognized by Zhu Xingjian, but to conquer that sword!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Xinghe here almost glared his eyes. He thought he had overestimated Master Ye Xian, but he did not expect that the other party was still far beyond his imagination!

After starting a piece of Lingbao, Ye Chen was quite happy and said lightly: "Come on, I don't think there will be any obstacles ahead."

Having finished speaking, he took the lead in brushing his sleeves and stepped into the hole. Others followed, and along the way, it really didn't encounter any organs.

The cave house is not like Lu Xinghe thought, there is no cave, there is no fairy mountain pavilion. There are only a few stone rooms. The stone room is very rudimentary and has almost no furnishings. There are dozens of ancient books on the wooden bookshelf beside it, but it has long since decayed.

There is only an old man sitting cross-legged in the center of the stone room. The skin all over the body is still rosy and shiny, lifelike, like a real person.

"Old Xingxie is still alive?" Lu Xinghe saw this, his face changed suddenly, and he exclaimed.

"Thousands of years have passed, it is the Yuanying strong who will also fall. How can the guys in the Jindan period be alive." Ye Chen sneered, "This is just his Xuanxian body. Xuanxian Dao body, ice muscle jade bone It will not decay for thousands of years. But his soul has long disappeared."

In this way, talents such as Lu Xinghe now have no breath and heartbeat despite the old man's appearance, but his flesh is too strong and not decayed, just like a real person.


At this moment Ye Chen suddenly discovered that the old man of Xingxie held a roll of ancient books in his hand and picked it up.

Lu Xinghe was on the side, and his eyes were very hot. Of course he knew that this thing was the star evil sword spectrum that all martial artists dreamed of. Unfortunately, this thing is not his own!

Even if he borrowed Lu Xinghe's hundred guts, he didn't dare to start with Ye Xianshi, and it was only half a quarter of an hour. The dust mark on Ye Chen's shoulder was fought hard by Ito Musashi, and the sword marks left were already healed. Enemy with this kind of existence, Lu Xinghe will never think about it, even if it is tempted by the star evil sword spectrum.

Ye Chen looked calm, he thought about it, turned the sword spectrum, and saw the eight blood words on the first page:

Tianmen does not open, Xuanxian has no way!

This is obviously the old Xingxie, written in his own blood, and looking at his words crying blood, obviously there is great anger in my heart, great regret!

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't wait to continue reading.

"Yu learned martial arts from his childhood, but after 30 years of inaction, he was chased and killed by the Chou family, and he fled in vain. At the top of Mount Tai, he occasionally obtained the Star Evil Sword. He then retired for ten years, and he was invincible in the world when he left. After more than a hundred years of epiphany, he finally entered the Dao with martial arts, since the old man named Xing Xie...

The content on this homepage is obviously the old Xingxie, which is written for "favored people", and those who wish to see it can inherit their legacy.

The following big article tells about the deeds of the old man Xingxie, including how he traveled the famous mountains and rivers, beat the invincible hand of the world, forged the sword of Zhuxing, and made him famous in the world. It can be seen that at this time, the old Xingxie was quite self-respecting, and felt that the world was invincible. He seemed to be a bit of a solitary demeanor for defeat, and even moved to conquer the **** carving and create the sword mound.

But as his cultivation level became higher and higher, the old man Xingxie realized his own insignificance. However, no matter how he practiced, he could not get in.

In the end he finally found out that the spirit of the earth had already dried up, and Xuan Xian had spent his whole life and could not take another step. So he began to search desperately, trying to find a way to leave the planet. It is a pity that he has no way to search the ancient books and set foot in every corner of the earth.

"Xu Xian Xian Xian is here, and Yu is more than a thousand years old, and the limit is coming. There is no way to leave this world for thousands of years. If there is no method of rejuvenating Aura, the disciples of the fearing generation will stop at Xuan Xian. Remember, remember! "

At the end of the writing, the blood of the old man Xingxie was even slightly vague. Apparently there were tears dripping on it again, and he was greeted with endless regret.

Ye Chen was moved by it, his face was heavy, he bowed his head slightly.

"Old Man Xingxie, should be the last Xuanxian of China. Although he discovered that the earth's spiritual energy was exhausted, he couldn't find a way to leave. Eventually he was stuck in this dead place."

"But he also knows that if he wants to leave the earth, he can only wait for the aura to recover, but unfortunately he has exhausted all his life, and he has not been able to wait. At the last moment of life, he left this star evil sword spectrum and his own The blood book is to find someone who is destined to inherit his own will, so that it will be passed down from generation to generation. One day, the disciples of Xingxie Yimen can use the aura to recover, condense Yuanying, and set foot in Xingyu!"

Ye Chen sighed sadly. This old evil star can also be regarded as a guru. If it is placed on a planet with other auras, it may not become the power of Yuanying, or even a true fairy.

However, staying on the earth, he could only stop Jin Dan. Even because of the lack of practice, he had no Jin Dan practice, but he did not have that vital Jin Dan.

The earth is an exhausted death star, with dim aura, but the end of the practice. It was Ye Chen's ability as an immortal emperor, and at most he cultivated golden pill on this star. As for the above tricks and Yuanying, it would be more difficult.

Ever since he built the Emperor's glass body, he began to think about how to leave the earth.

"But now it seems that I don't have to worry."

Ye Chen thought secretly that he could leave the earth and set foot on Xingyu in the last life, only because he offended a fellow master known as the real fairy of the corpse feather, and was cast a blood curse by the other party, and was taken away from the earth to torture Ye Chen for a thousand years. Then make him perish.

As a result, Ye Chen has the talent of Immortal Emperor after all. He grows extremely fast in the aura space outside the earth. After only two hundred years, he in turn killed the real immortal corpse feather, and truly set foot in the starry universe. Lu Tian is arrogant.

But in this life, he has sensed the rejuvenation of aura, so he can concentrate on practicing on the earth, and after condensing the Yuanying, he can cross the void physically, and the stars can be everywhere!

"But it's too anxious to think about it now. I was just at the peak of the physical training period, and I haven't refined Jindan yet.

Ye Chen smiled and shook her head, continuing to read the sword spectrum.

The next thing is the content of Xingxie Jianpu. Ye Chen rolled his eyes and frowned. He didn't expect that the thing that was blown to his breath was placed in Xingyu, and it was just a third-rate school. It’s just not as good as what you taught to Qingchuan Sayuri.

However, if this thing spreads to the world, the warriors will definitely be treasured. After all, this is a true immortal cultivation method, pointing directly to the realm of Xuan Xian, spread to the world, enough to set off a **** storm.

Ye Chen thought like this, the afterglow of his eyes had swept to Lu Xinghe's expression, and he smiled and raised the star evil sword spectrum: "Do you want it?"

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