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And when Ye Chen closed his practice, the form of the outside world was also a sudden change, and the impact of his beheading Ito Musashi was far greater than he thought.

I asked a group of warriors who rushed to Yanjing thousands of miles to see the world-stunning battle in their minds, but now that the decisive battle has not begun, the two sides will die first.

Where does this tell them reason? It’s not that I went to the movies and felt that if I wasn’t OK, I could refund the tickets, not to mention that this group of people didn’t even buy tickets...

When I heard that it was a 23-year-old young man who beheaded Ito Musashi, the entire martial arts community had lost his voice.

Ye Chen had beheaded Qiu Lingyun before, and he was in the limelight, but it was only limited to China. Afterwards, he defeated Lin Biluo and wiped out Wu Tiangou, but some people still felt that other powerful people could do the same. But this time, Lingxiang Mountain, with its own strength, slaughtered the **** realm, which is that it can not erase the powerful record, enough to shock the whole world!

At this time, when someone mentioned his previous records, no one dared to refute. Everyone was amazed. What kind of monster is this, how was it born in less than half a year, even the sacred domain strongman, and finally Wushen, He was killed by him.

"At that time, the European and American powers rushed into Yanjing, and at the cost of a thousand-man rifle array and four sacred domain powerhouses, they killed Daqing's national teacher Qingri, which was the last **** in the record. The strong."

Someone shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Right now, this leaf dust is actually killing the **** realm with only one person's power. Doesn't he already have the potential of one enemy?"

After arriving in the divine realm, various life-saving methods are unimaginable. Even if the Wutiangou fell, it could still become a ghost and live for hundreds of years, but Ito Musashi was completely destroyed, and he could be beheaded. How strong are the people who are not defeated?

Others immediately retorted: "How is it possible? At that time, Qingle was the top of the Dharma God. It is estimated that it was half a step away from Xuanxian. That Ito Musashi had just stepped into the divine realm. How can he compare with his old man? ?"

The man said with a sneer: "But this Ye Chen is only twenty-three years old. To what extent can he be promoted in the future, can you imagine? When he steps on to the Divine Realm or even the Immortal Realm, it will be What a horrible existence?"

The person who refuted him was suddenly speechless. After all, Ye Chen was so young, and it was difficult to have a person after he was young. There seemed to be infinite possibilities.

However, the conversation between the two men was nothing more than a very common argument among the many martial artists in Yanjing.

At this time in the bar, in the Yanwuchang, in the Penglai Inn, and even on the Internet, countless warriors are discussing a name.

Ye Chen!

And the most discussed by them is that in the world today, who else can overcome this fledgling young man who has become famous all over the world?

Many people all thought of another protagonist in this duel—Sword God, Xiao Yijue.

They started arguing with each other. Is it true that Ye Chen, the newborn calf, is the leader, or is Xiao Yijue the old tiger?

Some people say that Ye Chen is stronger and has a record distance. Although there were many people who defeated the expulsion, Xiao Yi was only Wu Sheng, but today, Ye Chen killed a Wu Shen!

His statement was accepted by some people, but some people quickly refuted it, saying that Ito Musashi was defeated by Xiao Yijue. He has reached the realm of God today. Could it be that the sword **** will not reach ?

Afterwards, some people said that since Xiao Yijie had reached the state of wonder, why not make it public?

Some people also answered him, saying that the sword **** has been alone for many years, and he did not admire fame and fortune. Maybe his old man arrived in the **** realm long ago, but he never said it?

This group of people come and go, and they can't argue with each other, but they all have some sense in what they say, and no one can convince anyone.

However, at this moment, a person said: "You may not need to argue, and the facts will explain everything soon."

When everyone heard this, they were at first puzzled, but they all reacted quickly.

Yes, that old man, but the famous sword god, he is not only the strongest in China, but also China, even the world's first swordsman!

It is said that his real name is not Xiao Yijue, but it was because he was clashing with his brothers and even masters on the way of learning swords because of different concepts of swordsmanship. .

Later, he created his own inquisitive swordsmanship, rampaged through the world, defeated many unknown swordsmen, and finally reached the top, getting the nickname of the sword god, but the master who could not understand his crazy kendo before, had already dissipated in the torrent of years Disappeared.

Such a person, after learning that his long-time enemy, Ito Musashi, was killed, could not withstand loneliness, not to mention that according to rumors, that Ye Chen also used a sword!

There must be a battle between the two!

Hearing this analysis, I thought that there was no good drama to watch, and the warriors who had already prepared to return home scolded themselves, and got up again, waiting for a new storm to rise...

At the same time, among Yanjing and Longteng bases,

The commander-in-chief of Long Teng, named Qin Shuang, is a child of the Qin family, one of the four major families of Yanjing. He and Qin Hongshuang are brothers and sisters. The two have a very good relationship since childhood, so he also knows Ye Chen's identity.

At the same time, he is also one of the four martial arts among the dragons. Aside from his identity, Ye Chen’s move is enough to surprise him that he can’t speak. That’s a legendary **** realm. Since Ito Musashi set foot in Yanjing, the whole Long Teng has not been idle, almost entering the most urgent preparation time in a century.

After hearing the strategy of Ito Musashi from the mouth of Tang Shiyu, even the city of Qin Shuang was speechless. If there is no Ye Chen this time, I am afraid that the entire Chinese martial arts community will face a huge disaster!

He took a deep breath, looked at the cadres around him, and said, "Colonel Tang's suggestion, what do you think?"

Hearing this, the seniors of Longteng also looked at the three men closest to Qin Shuang, and the three men who were also Wu Sheng.

The seven kills, the broken army, the greedy wolf, and Qin Shuang himself, are the four famous martial arts who sit in the dragon and become famous.

The Seven Killers are open-minded and act rashly. They have reached the peak of the Holy Territory even if they are brave and brave. Even compared with Qiu Lingyun Xiaofu and others, it is not bad.

The army-breaker, courageous and courageous, he has his own way, and has the world in his own right.

Wolf greedy, resourceful and resourceful, commanding the three armies, strategizing, as a sage, he not only masters some kind of banned curse that can destroy the world, but also the entire dragon's brain.

Everyone's sight at this time was obviously going to the greedy wolf among the "killing the wolf". Basically, the opinions he put forward were rarely passed at the meeting.

In the face of so much trust, the greedy wolf did not pinch, and said his conclusion at the beginning: "This son cannot be beaten."

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