Chapter 631 Bringing troubles to others

“bang!” A horrible bombing sound suddenly sounded, Divine Artifact’s self-explosive, formidable power can be imagined, the huge black shadow was suddenly blown up and shattered, an angry scream rang, the entire jungle There is a trembling in the middle!

“Bastard, bastard, is this Divine Beast the Divine Beast king of this ancient gods? Why is there no Divine Beast dare to appear? Where does it go, there is no Divine Beast, what is going on?” Nine Heavens is full of madness, and Divine Artifact blew himself up, and it only blocked the horrible Divine Beast for a moment!

“hu!” “hu!” “hu!” Yun Bufan, Little Wei and He Lin flew directly, looking at Nine Heavens who fled in the distance, He Lin was shocked: “That is, Nine Heavens, Young. Master, that is Nine Heavens, who is chasing him, black iron steel bear?”

“It turns out that the black iron steel bear is a variant of Divine Beast. No wonder, no wonder the strength is so terrible, not good, then Nine Heavens is only afraid of trouble. It seems that the killing of the sky should also be this black iron bear, they take What is the black iron steel bear!” He Lin’s eyes are full of incredible, black iron steel bears, which is also a famous variant of Divine Beast in God World!

“Well, let’s help, we can’t let Nine Heavens die anymore. Otherwise, our position in the spiritual treasure will fall to thousand zhang. Nine Heavens will be in the high position of the spiritual treasure, and we will get the most benefit. “Yun Bufan has a flash of light in his eyes, and the wings of the wind and thunder are vibrating, flying directly in the direction of Nine Heavens!

“Well, I was caught up by this Divine Beast, is it Nine Heavens, is it really going to fall?” Nine Heavens is full of despair, because Divine Beast is getting closer and closer to him, even After a while, he will be caught up!

However, at this time, the mutation was born suddenly. In front of Nine Heavens, a group of earthen-colored rays of light broke out. The earthen-colored rays of light exudes a strong atmosphere, directly toward Nine Heavens. Sweeping!

Nine Heavens complexion greatly changed, full force shot, “bang!” A terrible explosion sounded, the earthen-colored rays of light disappeared instantly, but Nine Heavens, but it collapsed backwards, and the huge black iron steel The bear is behind his back!

Nine Heavens roared and madly roared: “Tu Xingsun, I will kill you sooner or later!”

“Tu Xingsun?” Yun Bufan, who is flying fast, is also killing intent. The earthen-colored rays of light that just stopped Nine Heavens is Tu Xingsun. Tu Xingsun has been lurking under the ground for a long time, and has been following Nine Heavens. At this moment, seeing Nine Heavens fall into a mortal situation, he will instantly shoot!

“Definitely!” Feel the horrible momentum behind him, Nine Heavens is full of despair and unwillingness, Tu Xingsun, at this moment, the most hateful of him is Tu Xingsun, Tu Xingsun also knows if one Nine Heavens is not dead, and Nine Heavens will return to the spiritual treasure cabinet, waiting for his own will be destroyed!

So Tu Xingsun was very smart. He tried to shoot a few times, but he finally resisted it. In his opinion, this is the best chance. Sure enough, Nine Heavens was shocked and flew out. Still the horrible Divine Beast that flew to his back!

“Will you kill me? Wait for you to survive and talk about it!” Tu Xingsun, who was hiding in the ground, saw Nine Heavens, and his heart was even more sneer, and at this time, Tu Xingsun’s face finally changed, a shadow, At a horrible speed, I’m heading towards Nine Heavens!

“Not good, that is, Yun Bufan? How could it be him? Bastard, it is him. Now, the ancient gods and Immortal World are not too good!” Tu Xingsun saw, it was exactly to Tu Xingsun. Yun Bufan !

Just as Nine Heavens was desperate, the black iron bear had caught up with him, and the huge bear’s paw was fiercely photographed. Nine Heavens was desperate, and he could not help but close his eyes and waited for a palm to be crushed. !

“clang!” “bang!” Suddenly, a horrible explosion suddenly blew up. He only felt a tingling pain behind him. The whole person was shocked and flew out, and he turned around in amazement, then his eyes filled. The color of ecstasy: “Cloud star master?”

“Come on, leave this, meet with He Lin!” Yun Bufan gnawed his teeth and his hands trembled constantly: “Good horror, good horror strength, this black iron steel bear, really worthy of variation Divine Beast, this kind of Strength, that’s terrible!”

“Good!” Nine Heavens looked at Yun Bufan and looked at Xiao Fan and He Lin behind him. He flew away at them with a bite of teeth. The Black Iron Steel Bear did not expect that someone blocked him at the last minute. Not even more angry, roared: “Go to death!”

“hu!” The thick black and huge palms were shot directly at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan complexion changed, coldly snorted: “I want to die, it’s not that simple, the king of the king, the world!”

Yun Bufan’s nine colorful ray of light flashed, and a hegemonic temperament broke out from him. The horrible sword glow suddenly rose to the sky and greeted the black iron bear. !

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” A burst of horrible explosions continued to sound, and Yun Bufan’s silhouette was suddenly blasted out, feeling a sweet throat, Yun Bufan sprinkled directly from the mouth spurt blood, dying Staring at the black iron steel bear!

The black iron steel bear, but only a slight step back, although only a step, but it is a surprise to the black iron steel core, this black iron steel bear has the strength of the ten-level Peak Xiandi, and Yun Bufan is only Level 9 Xiandi, able to block his blow, can be said to be very surprised!

“Let’s open, kid, you have great potential, I don’t want to kill you!” Black iron steel bear, Divine Beast, who has always been a bear, is ferocious, evil, but who thought that this black iron steel bear actually told himself to leave !

“He is my friend, I can’t let you hurt him!” Yun Bufan looked straight at the black iron steel bear, and at this time, Nine Heavens in the distance was anxious, watching Little Wei and He Lin anxiously Said: “We also go up to help, I don’t believe it, we can’t pay for the Divine Beast!”

“Our main goal is to win the treasure, not the battle. Otherwise, the bone suffers, it will only be cheaper!” Little Wei suddenly whispered, and He Lin was nodded: “Nine Heavens, you don’t go. Adding to the Young Master, he will be defeated by the black iron steel bear, but there is no problem in running away, let’s go!”

“What?” Nine Heavens looked at Yun Bufan slyly, He Lin whispered with a smile: “Young Master’s strength is not as good as him, but his speed is worse than Young Master, Young Master wants to escape, it I am sure I can’t catch up. We are here, just the cumbersomeness of Young Master, go!”

He Lin rushed southeast, and Little Wei followed Nine Heavens. This was the agreement between Yun Bufan and He Lin. They met in the southeast direction. The black iron bear saw Nine Heavens running. He could not help but look at Yun. Bufan roared: “You are courting death!”

“Weng!” Black iron steel bear black light slamming, the body of the thorns exudes a faint black light, cold and incomparable, a horrible momentum suddenly broke out from it, Yun Bufan complexion greatly changed, body dragon god After the moment, the dragon Dragon Jade Pendant suddenly suspended above the head, 12 times the defense bonus!

The golden light of the dragon god slams, and the Divine Sword also has a powerful terrorist power. “hu!” The black iron steel bear black bear has a huge five-meter black stick in his hand. With a pointed black tip, it is exactly the same as the tip of the steel black bear!

“hong long long!” The black iron steel bear The huge Wolf Tooth Club crashed directly toward Yun Bufan, bringing a burst of space vibration, Yun Bufan complexion slightly changed, loudly shouts, the hands of Divine Sword Welcomed, the eyes flashed!

“clang!” “pu!” Yun Bufan only felt a huge force hit, directly vomiting blood and flying out, his face instantly became pale: “This, this is the strength of Demi-God? The power of horror, fundamentally There is no power to resist!”

“hong long long!” roared, no hesitation, Yun Bufan flew away in the distance, black iron steel bear suddenly yelled: “Where to go!”

“hu!” The black iron steel bear chased directly to Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan’s wind and thunder wings are fast, but after all, Tian Leizhu and Locking Wind Bead are not advanced to Divine Artifact, although the black iron steel bear Not good at speed, but it is the other powerhouse of Half-God Level, and chasing Yun Bufan tightly!

Yun Bufan secretly gritted his teeth, although his distance from the black iron steel bear was far away from little by little, but it was not too far, and his strength has been worn out a lot. If you continue to run away, maybe when Black iron steel bears can catch up!

“No, I have to think of a way. I can’t go to the southeast now. Otherwise, the black iron steel bears will chase after them. I am afraid that they will be in danger. How can I please this black iron bear!” Yun Bufan looked at the rapids behind him. The black iron steel bear that came from behind, secretly thought about it!

“bang!” A terrible bombing sound suddenly sounded, Yun Bufan stopped: “Southwest?”

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and then he turned and flew to the southwest. There was fighting there, and it was still so big. The other party was definitely not a leisurely generation. It just happened to lead the black iron bear!

“Oh, it’s the dust of them, just to give you some material, this python is not enough for you to bully!” Yun Bufan’s eyes suddenly brightened, it turned out that the dust and his men were besieging a python, this python It should also look like Divine Beast!

Yun Bufan turned his eyes and looked at the black iron steel bear that was rushing behind him. He couldn’t help but stop. Just when the black iron bear was only a kilometer away from him, Yun Bufan suddenly went out from here. , angry and shouted: “Kill, kill those three people!”

“hu!” “hu!” Yun Bufan and the black iron steel bear went one after the other, and the road dust suddenly changed his face and shouted: “Yun Bufan? You colluded with Divine Beast?”

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