Chapter 630 The Crisis of Nine Heavens

“I gave you the opportunity, you don’t cherish it!” The voice of the Qing emperor slowly sounded at Wu Qi’s ear, Wu Qi’s body slowly fell down, and Wu Qi’s storage ring finger was also green. The emperor is in his hand!

The Qing emperor slowly turned and smiled in the direction of Yun Bufan and the others. Then a flying body flew away directly, and Yun Bufan hiding away was slowly exhaled. Said solemnly: “This Qingdi is absolutely discovering us. His strength is terrible!”

“Divine Artifact, that is Divine Artifact, it has been smashed, what strength is he?” Little Wei is also full of incredible expression, He Lin slowly exhaled: “Demi-God, definitely Demi-God The strength, and his Divine Artifact, is very strange and terrifying!”

“Demi-God!” Yun Bufan shook his head and smiled: “It’s a pity that it’s a pity that it’s taken away by him. If it’s not this Qing emperor, this condensate may be got us, let’s go, move on. Let’s find the two sets of Angel suits first!”

“Weng!” two gods floated, Yun Bufan and the others continued to follow the gods, until the evening of the third day, Yun Bufan entire group came to a canyon outside, Yun Bufan could not help but shake his head Sigh: “The place where this god is ordered is really more than one remote!”

“Yeah, just in this canyon, there are at least tens of thousands of giant trees outside. If it is not a god command, I am afraid that we will not come over!” He Lin also whispered on the side: “Along the way, we I met three Divine Beasts, but they all circumvented, but unfortunately, I don’t know what Divine Beast is, what Divine Artifact is guarding!”

“When I go back, I will see it again. It is, two sets, it is actually two sets of Angel suits!” Yun Bufan was very happy in his eyes. The original two gods made him fly to a place and he was confused. He originally thought that the two sets of gods led to the same set of Angel suits, who knows that it is actually two sets of Angel suits!

“Young Master, is two sets!” He Lin is also in the eyes of the flash of light, the wind and Xiao Kuang knife excitedly looked at the two sets of Angel suit, two gods ordered to suspend on two sets of Angel suit, wind and Xiao The mad knife went involuntarily!

Yun Bufan suddenly burst into tears and shouted: “Brother Brother Feng, mad knife brother, wait a minute!”

The wind and Xiao Kuang knives stopped and looked at Yun Bufan with doubt. Yun Bufan shook his head and smiled: “The two sets of Angel suits are not so good, you wait a moment!”

“weng!” Yun Bufan’s blue Immortal Mansion floated out, and a surprised Mo Qilin appeared beside him: “This is the time, have you found the Angel suit? Oh? Or two sets, this is, Double suit!”

Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed: “The owners of these two sets of Angel suits are not husbands and wives, but brothers, kid, I suggest you use these two sets of St. Angel suits for two people who are connected with each other. In this case, these two sets of Angel The suit can fully play its formidable power!”

Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, then smiled, it seems that these two sets of Angel suits are really prepared for this wind and Xiao Knife, their two Technique of Combined Assault reached a horrible 99%, not a strange connection. These two biological brothers can also play their full strength!

“weng!” “weng!” Mo Qilin suddenly flashed the light of the ray of light, and the two groups of energy surrounded the gods. Slowly, the gods began to melt and turned into two glittering golden rays. The seed of the light, Mo Qilin waved, and the two seeds were taken over by her!

“Well, let me go back to Immortal Mansion!” Mo Qilin faintly looked at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan’s Immortal Mansion flew out, Blu-ray flashed, Mo Qilin entered the Immortal Mansion again, Yun Bufan was mad and Xiao fang knife said with a smile : “Brother Brother Feng, mad knife brother, you also heard the words of the girl, these two sets of Angel, you still recognizing Master as soon as possible!”

Both the wind and the knives are nodded, and then the blood recognizing Master. The two sets of Angel suits are worn on the wind and the knives. The golden light 璀璨, the wind and the horror knife are full of surprises: “really Strong big power, really strong big feeling!”

Divine Artifact, this is the power of Divine Artifact, Yun Bufan is also laughing, then slowly said: “Brother Brother Feng, mad knife brother, now you just got the Angel suit, not fully integrated, you need to familiarize yourself with the magic of the Angel suit It’s not as good as the two of you entered the Immortal Mansion to study this Angel suit!”

The squally wind and the slashing knives are all nodded, and Yun Bufan later included them in the Immortal Mansion. This is exhaled said with a smile : “Go, this is the time to find some ancient Cave Mansion. Otherwise, you can’t get the ancient divine object!”

“Young Master, when I came, the three Divine Beast, or else, let’s go see? The strength of the three Divine Beast is terrible, and the things to be guarded will certainly not be bad!” He Lin’s eyes flashed Look at Yun Bufan and smile open the mouth and said !

Yun Bufan glimpsed a little, then nodded: “Yes, the three Divine Beasts are really strong, so good, let’s go southwest, look all the way to see if you can meet other Divine Beast or treasure, like The kind of treasure that condenses grass, I don’t know if there is any ancient god domain yet!”

Yun Bufan Three people went straight out of the canyon, and then quickly moved southwest. In the southwest, they felt three powerful momentum when they came. It was the momentum of the three Divine Beast, and it was very powerful!

Among the ancient gods, the more powerful Divine Beast guards the ancient divine object, the better, this is why Yun Bufan is going to see it. After all, the strength of the three Divine Beast can be said to be terrible!

“Young Master, that is, the body?” He Lin suddenly complex changed, pointing to the forest, there is a body lying in a pool of blood, the body is quiet, there is a body, it means that the dead, come here, almost If there is no weak, it will be killed, and the other party must be a stronger master!

“Go, go see who is dead!” Yun Bufan’s face was dignified, with Little Wei and He Lin slowly walking over, the mental alert was elevated to the highest degree, all around. If there is movement, you can definitely Make the most correct choice at one time!

“That is, always the sky?” He Lin’s face changed. This corpse turned out to be the day of the ancient gods with them. In the past, there was a ten-level Emperor’s strength, and it was still in the middle of the tenth Emperor. If you fight, you can cope with the senior ten-level Emperor, but now it is killed, and the strength of the other is terrible!

“It’s a long time, I didn’t expect him to die here, his chest, a big punch. It’s a Divine Beast, a terrifying matchless Divine Beast. It’s a punch and it’s a day, this Divine Beast’s The strength is at least the late Tenth Emperor, only the Divine Beast in the late Tenth Emperor, comparable to the humans of the Tenth Emperor Peak, can kill the heavens with one punch!”

Yun Bufan’s face is very dignified. This has always been one of the objects he has drawn, but now he is dead in the ancient domain, and it is equivalent to the loss of a master help, alongside He Lin nodded: “Young Master, this Divine Beast The guardianship must be very precious, but since the day has been dead, where is Divine Beast going?”

“There is only one possibility!” Little Wei stood up at this moment, and his eyes flashed in the blink of an eye: “That is the treasure was taken away. This Divine Beast chased it, so even the dead bodies are too late to deal with!”

“The other possibility is that it also found other human beings besides the sky, so the pursuit is over, but no matter what the possibility, the power of this Divine Beast is unquestionable, we must be careful!” Yun Bufan speaks quietly!

He Lin and Little Wei are both nodded, “bang!” suddenly, a horrible explosion suddenly sounded, and He Lin’s eyes flashed: “It’s the northeast, Young Master, this explosion, at least the collision of the ten-level Emperor. It might even be the horrible Divine Beast, do we want to go over?”

“Go, look at the past!” Yun Bufan, Little Wei and He Lin’s three-person silhouette swiftly flew, and headed northeast quickly!

In the ancient gods, among the jungles, Nine Heavens is very embarrassed at this time, his face is full of scars, a long bloodshot hangs in his mouth, his clothes are broken, his head is scattered, he is escaping quickly, and he can even say that he is in a panic. Run away!

“I can’t die, can’t die!” Nine Heavens was full of enthusiasm, looking at a jade bottle in his hand, he bit his teeth: “Divine Dragon, with this ancient Divine Dragon, I have a chance To achieve the body of Deity, say something to fight, I hope that the next Divine Beast will meet other Divine Beast in the middle of the road!”

Behind Nine Heavens, an incomparable gigantic silhouette is chasing him crazy, this silhouette incomparable gigantic, at least ten meters tall, the huge arm is at least three meters long, dark, hair is like steel, hard and incomparable !

“It’s been dead, I can’t die, damn it, what Divine Beast is, why haven’t you seen it before, it’s so terrible, it’s always been the day, it’s always impossible to stop him from attacking three times, I, I’ll block it at most. It attacked four or five times, but the result is absolutely dead!”

Nine Heavens rushed wildly, left and right, and a huge tree was directly hit by him. At this moment, a huge shadow suddenly shrouded him. Nine Heavens changed his face: “Not Good, it’s shot, bastard, its attack range, really wide!”

“No, fight, a Divine Artifact. If you can use the ancient Divine Dragon to refine your body, it will be more than a hundred times more valuable than Divine Artifact!” Nine Heavens bites, with the body of Divine Artifact suddenly flew out, Nine Heavens whispered coldly: “Give me a burst!”

Self-exploding Divine Artifact, in the face of this horrible Divine Beast pursuit, Nine Heavens actually blew his Divine Artifact!

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