Chapter 632, Ye Hongchen, do you dare?

“Collecting Divine Beast, hahaha, collusion with Divine Beast, what happened to me, killing you three, who knows that I collude with Divine Beast?” Yun Bufan suddenly laughed and flew straight toward the dust. !

The road dust suddenly changed his face, and the two ten-level emperors under the hand shouted in a deep voice: “You two, one stopped Yun Bufan, the other directly stopped Divine Beast behind him, I came to deal with this injured python!”

“Yes!” There were originally four ten-level Emperors under the dust, and one Wei Third did not know where it was, and the other ten-level Emperor did not know that it was dead or alive, and he used the secret method. Together, these two people!

Yun Bufan blinked in the eye and looked at the ten-level fairy who rushed over to himself. The Divine Sword suddenly slammed down and the other party quickly resisted. “bang!” suddenly rang, Yun Bufan suddenly left from him. The side flew out and turned out to be a direct escape!

The ten-level Emperor of the Emperor suddenly took a look, and between the other, the other ten-level Emperor had already been on the black iron steel bear, and the black iron steel bear eyes had to catch up with Yun Bufan, but this halfway suddenly There was another ten-level Emperor’s way to stop the road, and I couldn’t help but be more angry: “Get out of my way!”

This ten-level Xiandi face is also furious, and whispered coldly: “If you want me to go away, then see what is your ability!”

“hong long long!” The black iron steel bear is much lazy and speaks directly. The ten-level Xiandi heart is said with a sneer: “Do you want to deal with me? hmph!”

“bang!” “Chī!” “Chī!” A collision, the ten-level Xiandi suddenly stared wide-eyed, eyes filled with incredible expression, then blasted open, directly blown into a crush!

But this is a short time to fight, Yun Bufan has no idea where to go, the black iron steel bear suddenly violently angry: “Bastard, you bastards, if you stop, I have long chased the kid Even tearing him away, you guys, damn it!”

“What?” At this time, the Taozizi reacted, and then roared: “Bastard, Yun Bufan, the bastard actually took us as a shield, damn, I said how Divine Beast would listen to him, this Divine Beast, really Strong strength, I am not an opponent at all!”

I no longer pay attention to the injured python, and the dust also fled quickly. The ray of light flashed, and the strength broke out completely. A smashing technique followed by a smashing technique and disappeared directly!

The remaining ten-level Emperor was not so lucky, and was directly crushed by the angry black iron steel bear. At this time, the injured python slowly moved over, toward the black iron bear. Said solemnly: “Steel bear, this time many thanks you!”

“hmph, I am not because of helping you, but because the Divine Dragon that I got was stolen, and mad at me, those few bastards, must catch them!” Black iron steel bear angry The nose is also white and straight!

“What?” Python suddenly startedled, Divine Dragon’s anger for the black iron steel bear, it is clear, python screamed opened the mouth and said: “There are really many powerful people coming in this time. Steel Bear, do we want to release a collection order?”

“No, there is no need to use the collection order. Everyone has been forbearing for a long time. This time, I will be slaughter, my Divine Dragon is also stolen, so I don’t have to guard the empty Cave Mansion. Go out and hunt humans!” The black iron steel bear eyes are full of anger, cold voice!

“Hunting humans!” Python eyes are also cold flashes, said coldy: “Well, wait for me to raise the wounds, do not guard this broken Cave Mansion, and also kill humans, how many Caves in this ancient gods Mansion, we don’t know ourselves. Keeping these Cave Mansions is no good, it’s better to hunt!”

“Golden, inform the nearby Divine Beast, don’t stick to the ancient Deity Cave Mansion. We can’t even get in if we wait for death. Let them go hunting humans. I will go back first. This time, we will put all in. The human slaughter in the ancient gods is exhausted!” The black iron steel bear roared and flew straight out!

“hu, good insurance!” Yun Bufan stopped in the jungle, slightly exhaled, then smiled: “I don’t know what the dust would look like when I saw the strength of the black iron bear. I hope the black iron bear Can kill them all!”

“Southeast, go, go and talk to He Lin and join them!” Yun Bufan swiftly flies southeast, and the speed of the wind and thunder wings is applied to the extreme!

“Not good!” To the southeast, He Lin suddenly complex changed, “bang!” “bang!” “bang!” Three explosions, three silos from the ground, He Lin, Little Wei and Nine Heavens Encircled, He Lin’s eyes suddenly killing intent!

“Sword Emperor Ye Hongchen?” He Lin looked at the Sword Emperor in front of him, his voice was cold, and Ye Hongchen was faintly smiled: “I didn’t expect Yun Bufan to be out of here. Seeing your rushing look, what kind of treasure should you get? I will give you a living path by handing over the things I got!”

Ye Hongchen may not know that Wu Qi under his hand has already lost his life, and his side of the two ten-level Xiandi is also not weak, but in Ye Hongchen’s view, it is more than enough for He Lin to deal with them. After all, they are Fang is three ten-level Xiandi!

He Lin, Little Wei and Nine Heavens are all gloomy, Ye Hongchen is a ten-level senior emperor, and his two men are all ten-level intermediate emperors, Little Wei may be able to block one, but He Lin, certainly will not It is Ye Hongchen’s opponent, because Ye Hongchen also has Divine Artifact!

“Do you want to resist?” Ye Hongchen saw that the three of them did not move at all, could not help the brows frowned, He Lin suddenly said solemnly: “Less Mistress, Nine Heavens, the two ten-level emperors handed over to you, this Ye Hongchen, I Come to deal with it!”

“weng!” He Lin’s body suddenly burst into black light, Death God’s Scythe appeared directly in his hand, and the left eye of Death also turned sharply. Ye Hongchen was slightly astonished: “Divine Artifact? Two Divine Artifact? No wonder you are so confident. However, in my eyes, you are arrogant!”

“weng! “sword qi skyrocketing, a blue long sword broke out from Ye Hongchen within the body, the sword emperor, originally the attack power is strong, the sword of the sword is a murderous sword, a sword shot, must be a ghost or not stay!

“weng!” A terrifying matchless sword glow went straight to He Lin. He Lin suddenly slammed into the black light, and Death God’s Scythe without the slightest hesitation greeted him. The left eye of the god of death floated behind and spread. The faint black light!

“bang!” Strong collision, horrible explosion, He Lin suddenly flew out, at the same time, Little Wei and Nine Heavens also attacked the other two emperors, the body is magnificent, obviously the beginning I am ready to go all out!

“courting death!” Ye Hongchen coldly snorted, countless sword qi suddenly rushed toward He Lin, He Lin startled, body black light flash, Shen shouted in a low voice: “The left eye of death, death hell!”

“weng!” The black light of the left eye of the god of death broke out, and a burst of black halo filled out. Ye Hongchen stunned, and his mind was confused. It was this confused time, He Lin’s Death God’s Scythe was already floating. Waving over!

“Soul Attack? My soul has also been affected? Yes, it’s really good!” Ye Hongchen’s eyes were full of appreciation, and the rays of light flashed, a flame suddenly rose and the long sword in his hand suddenly burned up. Power!

Water and fire are incompatible, but Ye Hongchen actually cultivated Force of Water and the power of the sword. The power of water and fire was completely integrated. He Lin was shocked. This kind of innate talent is terrible!

“bang!” A sword squats, “pu!” He Lin the whole person directly vomited blood and flew out, a burst of blood madness, He Lin was shocked: “The strength of horror, this Ye Hongchen’s attack power, sure enough It is horror!”

“Hey? This woman, really strong strength!” Ye Hongchen suddenly looked at Little Wei with amazement. At this time, Little Wei was controlling the blood jade crown, and the ten-level fairy emperor under Ye Hongchen’s hand became seriously injured!

Ye Hongchen complexion slightly changed, coldly snorted, huge sword glow skyrocketing, is smashing toward Little Wei, Little Wei coldly snorted, cold flashes in the eyes, blood jade crown directly greeted Ye Hongchen, no fear of expression!

“hong long long!” burst into a horrible explosion, Little Wei groaned, silhouette suddenly flew out, a long bloodshot hangs in the corner of his mouth, but his eyes are full of cold light!

At this moment, behind Little Wei, there was a series of earthen-colored rays of light. A silhouette quickly rushed out of the earth. An axe directly slammed into the back of Little Wei, exuding a powerful The momentum, the face is full of hustle and bustle!

Tu Xingsun, Tu Xingsun and Tu Xingsun’s Divine Artifact, was obviously acquired in the ancient gods. No one has seen him before. This axe definitely uses all his strength!

Little Wei felt bad, blood red rays of light skyrocketed, blood jade crown directly into a set of blood red armor, directly worn on the body, “bang!” Tu Xingsun’s giant axe, directly to Little Wei’s Above the back, a bit of earthen-colored rays of light suddenly burst into the air!

“bang!” “pu!” Little Wei’s body was also flew out of the fiercely, and a large mouthful of blood was sprayed out in the air. His face was pale, but the killing intent was soaring, and the red light was looming. “pu!” It is mouth spurt blood out!

Ye Hongchen seems to have known that Tu Xingsun will sneak attack in general. Seeing that Little Wei was seriously injured and flew out, Ye Hongchen’s killing intent skyrocketed and looked at Little Wei coldly said: “Unfortunately, you should not be a woman of Yun Bufan! Let’s die!”

“hu!” A horrible sword, directly smashed toward Little Wei, with a very savvy sword qi, Little Wei has no expression of fear, red light constantly rises!

“Ye Hongchen, do you dare?” Anger roar suddenly sounded, and the entire sky was completely smashed, that is, Ye Hongchen, actually even paused!

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