Chapter 553—The Terror of the Black Bear King

“Who are you? What is it like to come to my Black Forest?” When seeing Yun Bufan and the others, the face of the Black Bear King suddenly became dignified, which made Yun Bufan feel very weird. After all, although there are four people on their own side. But the strength can not be considered top, and this black bear king, obviously has at least the strength of Level 9 Xiandi!

A black bear king of at least Level 9 will be so valued by several six or seven fairy emperors? Yun Bufan brows frowned, watching the black bear king side black muddy faint with a smile: “Black Bear King, you suddenly occupied the entire Black Forest, is it afraid that others do not know what is happening inside this baby?”

“en?” In the eyes of the black bear, the killing intent flashed, fiercely flickering, and looked straight at Yun Bufan coldly snorted: “This seat occupied this black forest, just for cultivation. If you have nothing, then give it Let’s leave this seat, this seat doesn’t want to kill!”

“Open the killing ring? Just rely on you?” He Lin disdain sneer: “Black Bear King, do you think of yourself as a god, but also to kill them? Just by yourself, I am afraid that they are not our opponents, I advise You still have to hand over the baby in the Black Forest!”

“Why do you insist that I occupy the Black Forest, for some kind of treasure?” The black bear’s eyes flashed in the eyes. At this time, he felt awkward when he was black and muddy. When he was about to flee, the black bear Wang Yi I grabbed him and watched Yun Bufan and the others faint with a smile : “I told you what?”

“No, Dawang, I didn’t say it, I didn’t say it!” The black mud suddenly shouted loudly and completely cleaned it up, and had nothing to do with himself, but the Black Bear King obviously ignored the black muddy shouting. But looking at Yun Bufan: “What he said, you believe, if you say what the black bear king said, you don’t believe it?”

“Bang!” A violent explosion sounded, and the mud in the hands of the Black Bear King was suddenly crushed, and the black bear’s eyes were violently flashing. The cold and cold opened the mouth and said: “I said, I occupied the Black Forest, just For the sake of cultivation, now, give you a chance, give me away immediately, otherwise, don’t blame me for killing!”

“hahaha, well, a black bear king, it is strong enough, enough, and it is still true to his loyal men, let alone outsiders!” Yun Bufan suddenly laughed heartily and looked straight at the black bear, eyes one Hey, indifferently said: “But, this trick striking the mountain to shake a tiger, for us, it has no effect!”

“En? So, you are going to die hard? Are you ready to kill me with a fight?” Black Bear Wang looked at Yun Bufan with a sneer, Yun Bufan calmly smiled: “What is wrong with this? Black Bear King, since you I don’t want to say what baby you got, and I don’t want us to go in and investigate. Then I think, you shouldn’t even want this news to leak?”

“What do you want?” The black bear suddenly changed his face, his face was gloomy, and he said with a deep voice. At this moment, he could still calmly talk to Yun Bufan and Yun Bufan could feel the other side. not simple!

“No, no, Black Bear King, I think you are wrong. Since everyone is not willing to let this news leak out, then there is a good choice. After a battle, you are dead, and the baby inside is ours. We are dead, the baby here is still yours, and no one knows!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, then said with a slight smile!

“What?” Black Bear King startedled, then looked at Yun Bufan, Little Wei, He Lin and Ao Guang could not help laughed heartily: “You said, just rely on you four? Just four of you, and want to deal with me?”

“I can’t do it, I have to try it before I know, how? Black bear king, don’t you dare?” Yun Bufan blinked in the eye, sneer at the black bear king, the black bear king suddenly angered, extremely angry: “Good, good Well, the king will see, what is the reliability of you, so screaming!”

“Bang!” The powerful black fog filled the air. A powerful momentum broke out from the black bear king. The black light flashed and Yun Bufan blinked. He didn’t expect that the other party was actually a cultivation of dark attribute cultivation. Master of technique, looked at He Lin, He Lin nodded, the body also burst out of a strong black fog!

“hehe!” He Lin mouth with a cold smile, bursts of black light slamming, Death God’s Scythe suddenly appeared in the hands, arrogant also not to be outdone, a burst of azure light flashing, countless screams, Holding azure long stick, looking at the black bear king with a cold face!

Little Wei flew directly to Yun Bufan, smiled softly at Yun Bufan, and the red light faintly flashed. Yun Bufan became the most relaxed person, and He Lin and Aoguang nodded, He Lin and Ao Guang simultaneously The black bear rushed over and the same rays of light flashed on both of them!

Although He Lin is a seven-level Xiandi, but he has two Divine Artifacts, his strength is definitely no worse than the ordinary Level 9. The strength of the arrogant is now between the seven-level Emperor and the Eight-level Emperor. Although it may not be able to defeat the Black Bear King, it is very easy to retreat from the whole body!

“weng! ” “hong long long !” paint black blade glow directly squatting, arrogant azure long stick is not to be outdone fiercely smashed down, the black bear king’s momentum soared, the eyes were fierce, low-pitched, “hu!” even directly with their huge bear paw, fiercely shot over them!

“clang!” “clang!” Two bear paws fiercely photographed, He Lin and arrogant were shocked back at the same time, both of them have a dignified expression on their faces, a shocked face!

The black bear king looked at He Lin and arrogance faintly, then opened the mouth and said to Yun Bufan. “You still leave, I don’t want to do it with you. Otherwise, it will only be cheaper, and you are not me.” Opponent!”

“Yes? Is it an opponent? I really know it after I have handed it!” He Lin sneered, loudly shouts, black light slamming, Death God’s Scythe burst into a black ray of light, a black robe’s death Appeared at Death God’s Scythe, and seized Death God’s Scythe!

Xiong Wangpupils shrank, then cold said with a sneer: “Immortal Artifact soul? Unfortunately, your strength is too weak, so it can’t play its real formidable power!”

“But to deal with you, but it is enough, the death of the great witchcraft!” He Lin’s low voice sounded, a huge blade glow skyrocketed, directly cut through the sky, suddenly slammed down toward the black bear king With a burst of air explosion!

“Good!” The black bear’s eyes flashed in the eyes. He also saw the out of the ordinary of the knife. Loudly shouted, the thick black arm in his hand turned out to be a big stick, and fiercely went down to He Lin. !

“clang!” “clang!” bursts of crisp sounds, Helin’s death and Death God’s Scythe trembled, “hong long long!” The bombing sounded, black light flashed, “hu “Death with Death God’s Scythe, suddenly shocked away from the casual ten meters!

He Lin’s face suddenly appeared a stunned color, the cooperation between Death and Death God’s Scythe. The blow was even more mixed with Soul Attack, but it was still beaten by the other side, even without any help. How terrible is the strength of the Black Bear King!

“Soul Attack?” The black bear’s eyes flashed in the eyes, watching He Lin tsk tsk praised: “I didn’t expect that you will still have Soul Attack, very good, very good, big fairy two circles, I am afraid that you are only One after another, who combined Soul Attack with his own attack, even the drunk and ruthless, can’t do this!”

“Your strength, I am even more surprised!” He Lin also lowered his mouth, then the eyes flashed: “However, you also aroused my ambition, the black bear king, let me see, you really The strength of the strength, how strong it is!”

Just when He Lin was going to break out, a group of cyan ray mans, with a horrible wind and power, suddenly suddenly picked up from behind the black bear king, a huge stick of azure, shrouded, He Lin is also a slight one Hey!

The black bear king did not seem to see the general, the huge hand slightly lifted up, “peng!” The azure’s stick shadow, fiercely hit on the bear’s paw of the black bear king, the black bear king faint shook the head, the palm push , “hu!” arrogant, the whole person was suddenly shaken out!

“Your strength too weak, I don’t want to kill you, don’t force me to do it!” The black bear is not back, the arrogant face is flushed, his face is full of anger, He Lin can’t help but laughed heartily: “Proud Light is arrogant, telling you not to come out and join in the fun, it is not better to practice in the Young Master’s Immortal Mansion!”

Aoguang angry and shouted: “Bastard, black bear king, you actually dare to look down on me, if not, if not Young Master does not let me play all the strength, you can easily resist my attack, bastard !”

The arrogant anger is extremely incomprehensible, ignored or even scorned, but it is quite uncomfortable. The black bear king suddenly surprised: “Oh? You still hide the strength?”

Aoguang stared at the black bear king, he really wants to become the body, the black bear king bursting, although it may not be the opponent of the opponent, but at least not so no way to fight back, lost face is not big!

“haha, the black bear king, let me try my best to play with you, let me see, how strong your strength is!” He Lin’s black rays of light broke out, and a burst of black fog continued to permeate. The powerful momentum is constantly rising, looking straight at the Black Bear King!

“weng!” The black light of the left eye of the god of death blew out from his left eye, and Death God’s Scythe was also held by him on the right hand. He Lin’s momentum at this time suddenly took place. Change, look at the black bear king coldly!

The face of the black bear suddenly appeared a dignified color. He Lin’s change, he looked in his eyes, he could also feel it. He Lin at the moment has completely changed and become more than a few times more horrible than before!

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