Chapter 554 joint forces siege

“Okay, okay, this is interesting!” The black bear’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and the body was also bursting with black light flashing. Looking at He Lin’s changes at this time, he only had joy and surprise in his eyes!

He Lin’s eyes were cold and stunned: “Black Bear King, better, still behind, the left eye of death, the confusion of reincarnation, the reincarnation of hell!”

“weng!” “weng!” The left eye of the god of death suddenly burst into black light, and it began to swell. Then the atmosphere of Divine Artifact came out, with a horrible momentum, and directly whizzed toward the black bear king. go with!

“Divine Artifact?” The black bear king suddenly complex changed greatly, loudly exclaimed, watching the left eye of the roaring death, the black bear king loudly shouts, the body black light slamming, straight into the sky, a punch The left eye of this god of death came over!

In the face of Divine Artifact’s attack, the Black Bear King still chose the most direct collision, and did not use his Immortal Artifact or Divine Artifact. The Black Bear King used his fist and fiercely to the left eye of Death!

He Lin suddenly trembled, he felt, in the left eye of the god of death, a powerful force poured into it, the left eye of the god of death was strongly attacked, “bang!” A horrible explosion sounded. , black light is diffuse, the left eye of death is once again smashed back!

On He Lin’s face, there was a weird smile. The black light flashed, and Death God’s Scythe slammed down. The black bear king at the moment was another feeling, attacking the death in his fist. In the left eye, what I feel is not a powerful attack, but a weird picture!

The screams of sorrow and the sorrow of pain, the scenes constantly appear in the mind of the black bear king. He knows that this picture is brought to him by the left eye of the god of death. The heart of the black bear king is not secretly sighed. This is definitely a kind of Weird attacks, even the ones that you know well, can be said to be even more horrible!

The black bear king knows that He Lin definitely took the opportunity to take the shot, but he did not have the slightest expression of panic, his body was filled with black fog, his ears trembled slightly, and the face of the black bear suddenly showed a strange smile, laughed, step by step. Out, a punch hit his front!

At this moment, the black bear king, although still echoing the screams of screams, strange pictures, but does not affect his power and direction of attack, “clang!” crisp sound, “bang!” The black bear king heard it, a silhouette, was being shot by myself!

The silhouette of the flying, it is He Lin, He Lin looked at the black bear king with a look of fright, his face full of incredible expression: “How could it be? The charm of the left eye of death, he can still be clear Find my attack location and even give a counterattack, this, what is this ability?”

He Lin knows that the Black Bear King definitely can’t see his own attack. Even because of the left eye of the god of death, his attack should become weaker. But this fist is so powerful that he has no resistance at all. Force, suddenly shocked back, this black bear king, it seems that there is no damage at all!

“weng!” “weng!” He Lin’s black light flashed, and the eyes were bright, and Yun Bufan’s low voice suddenly sounded: “You are not allowed to work hard. You must know that our purpose is not the black bear king. Our strength, it is almost impossible to kill him, I think if it is not afraid of too much movement, the Black Bear King has already tried his best!”

“I know that he has not used Immortal Artifact, or even other special attacks. It is completely pure power to deal with us, but even so, we still can’t go one step further. The strength of this black bear king is quite scary!” Lin is also a dignified face, looking straight at the black bear king!

“Oh? Don’t attack? Hahaha, well, your weird beads, it’s really weird, a bit special, it almost made my mind lost, my heart is lost, good boy, this baby is definitely the Supreme baby who attacks the soul, and It’s still a Divine Artifact, tsk tsk, and the treasure on your kid is really much!”

Black Bear Wang smiled and looked at the black cow, slowly opened his eyes, there was no sign of any injury, still full of energy, black bear king shook the head: “You leave, I believe that you are not that kind of person, will take me The news here is leaking out, I am going around you, let’s go!”

“Walk around us?” He Lin screamed, and then smiled at Yun Bufan and Little Wei. “Young Master, less Mistress, you should do it too? I see this black bear king, it is iron. The heart doesn’t let us in!”

“Black Bear King, do you really let us in?” Yun Bufan stepped forward and looked straight at the Black Bear King, one word at a time, and asked quietly!

“There is nothing to look at, you should leave soon!” The black bear king waved his hand. Apparently, he still didn’t want Yun Bufan and the others to go in. Yun Bufan suddenly smiled: “You said nothing good, but I want to Go in and see what!”

“weng!” The colorful rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan floated up, Little Wei behind him, blood red rays of light flashed, He Lin and arrogant, also suspended behind Yun Bufan, four Personally, looking straight at the black bear king, the rays of light flashing, very incomparable!

Feel this powerful momentum, that is, the black bear king can not help but be amazed, and then a faint smile on his face: “Even if you four people join hands, it is still not my opponent, listen to me persuasion, you still leave !”

“Yes?” Yun Bufan faintly smiled, the sound is full: “Black Bear King, I see your strength is very strong, it is better, you take me a punch and try to see if your strength is strong, or mine. Power horror!”

“Bulge the world!” Yun Bufan whispered, his colorful rays of light flashed, a strong overbearing momentum, suddenly burst out from Yun Bufan, his eyes were cold, Yun Bufan punched the black bear king Knocked down!

With the power of splitting voiid, the physical strength of the colorful Divine Dragon, and the power of Five Elements’s powerful force, Yun Bufan this move has its own dominance, and it does have a hegemony that dominates the world. Strong!

“Good!” In the eyes of the Black Bear King, the flash of light flashed out, and it turned out to be a slight joy. The huge bear’s paw also greeted Yun Bufan this fist. Just like Yun Bufan said, pick him up and try it. The strength of this kid’s fist, how powerful!

“peng!” “peng!” Yun Bufan’s thin fist collided with the huge bear’s paw of the black bear king. “bang!” golden light and black light flashed at the same time, and a burst of strong explosions continued to come, Yun Bufan’s body was thrown out straight, and the black bear king was trembled, half a step back, and his face still had fear!

Half a step, although only half a step, but He Lin just joined forces with Aoguang, but even the strength to let it back half a step, and Yun Bufan this fist, the power of this fist, but to force it back Half a step, the black bear king could not help but pay more attention to Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan’s silhouette flew out, then floated in the air, his face was a little red, looking at the Xiong Wang underneath, his right hand was a little trembling, Yun Bufan took a deep breath and looked at the black bear king Said solemnly: “The bear king is really powerful, I admire Yun Bufan, admire!”

“The little brother has won the prize, and the person who can use the power to let me back half a step, the whole fairy demon two worlds, the absolute number is only five, the kid, you must be one of them!” Looking at Yun Bufan, I don’t know what I am thinking!

Yun Bufan took a deep breath and looked at the black bear king, then he opened the mouth and said: “Black Bear King, although I admire your strength, it does not mean that I do not hit your baby’s idea, if you insist Let us not pass, then we only have to join hands to offend!”

Black Bear King smiled and shook the head: “There is capability, you will defeat me, and then go to the so-called treasure, or else, please leave here!”

Yun Bufan can’t help laughed heartily: “hahaha, ok, let us teach the four masters together!”

“weng!” Tu Divine Sword suddenly emerged from Yun Bufan within the body, suspended in the air, powerful and explosive, and the face of Xiong Wang suddenly became dignified: “Divine Artifact? Divine Artifact? Is Divine Artifact?”

Yun Bufan smiled aloud: “Black Bear King, be careful, I am going to start!”

The black bear king responded, whispered, a black paint stick suddenly appeared in the hands of the black bear king, the black bear king held a black big stick, the momentum suddenly guaranteed a few points, and sure enough, this is the real weapon of the black bear king!

“hu!” “hu!” The black light of the black bear slammed into the sky, and the huge black paint stick was shrouded in black light, giving off a powerful momentum, which is a dark atmosphere. A very dark atmosphere!

“weng!” Just when Yun Bufan collapsed, He Lin also started. He Lin’s black blade glow also illuminates on the left side of the Black Bear King, a black blade glow of ten meters. Directly smashed down!

Aoguang suddenly appeared on the right side of the Black Bear King, a huge azure long stick, with numerous azure winds, a faint anger on his face, a stick of arrogance, a violent stick, directly toward the black bear king Knocked down!

On the contrary, Little Wei, who should have been at or behind Yun Bufan, suddenly, she suddenly disappeared. When she reappeared, she did not know when she had detoured behind the black bear. Blood red rays of light flashing!

“Weng!” A huge claw of blood red, also flashing behind the black bear king, directly grabbed down to the black bear king, with a strong splitting voiid trend!

For a time, the black bear king actually fell into the encirclement, Yun Bufan four people, all of them are not ordinary six or seven-level Xiandi, that is the existence of the leapfrog challenge!

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