The fifth hundred 52 chapter black bear king

“Bang!” A loud bombing sounded, a black muddy monster was caught in the hands of He Lin, He Lin laughed heartily: “You are dead and muddy, thinking that you can hide in the swamp, I will not catch you. No, I still don’t give me anything to do, otherwise, this uncle will tear you!”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” black muddy suddenly stopped the action, looking at the mercy of He Lin: “Adult, forgive me, ask the grown-up to spare me a life!”

“Say, why did you attack us?” He Lin looked at the black muddy coldly, Yun Bufan, Little Wei flew over with a smile, only the arrogant face was not convinced: “hmph, you are not the darkness of cultivation.” Attribute cultivation technique, I must have caught it first!”

“You are not talking nonsense!” He Lin gave him a look, joyfully satisfied: “Awe, don’t forget, but who is the first to grasp it, not what cultivation techniques? How? You still don’t Enthusiastic!”

“hmph!” Aoguang coldly snorted: “Then why did you ask why it attacked us?”

He Lin stopped, then grabbed the black muddy with a sneer: “Say, why attack us, don’t say, it’s dead!”

A few of them just wandered around the swamps around, but they just found out that there was a bright red flower in the swamp. You know, you can grow such a bright red flower in this poisonous swamp. That flower is definitely not ordinary!

However, just when they wanted to take off the flowers, the black muddy suddenly attacked them, and blamed the black mud stupid, sneak attack who was not good, even sneak attack Yun Bufan, which did not bite Yun Bufan’s fist Instead, Yun Bufan was dizzy with a punch, and then he realized that he met his opponent and started to run away!

But He Lin and Ao Guang, how can it be easy to let it run away, so two people will bet, to see who catches each other first, after all, the AO cultivation is Wind Attribute cultivation technique, which is known for its speed, so he is more confident, who I know that this muddy is very slippery, and I continue to escape in the swamp. Finally, He Lin, who was trained in the dark cultivation technique, caught it!

“Adult, this is not my business, it is the black bear king, the order of the black bear king!” Black mud suddenly shouted, He Lin slowed down the strength of the hand, Yun Bufan toward He Lin said with a smile : “Ask to see, this black bear king is what comes to the head, why should we deal with us!”

“You also heard it, let me talk about it!” He Lin looked at the black muddy coldly, and the black mud suddenly whispered: “The black bear king does not seem to know what baby he has found, and he has been in a black forest in the west. Within a hundred miles, the Black Bear King has already ordered the death. Anyone who encounters any poisonous beast and people will kill when they are close to there!”

“And our people, once they are close to the 50 li range, will be killed by the Black Bear King, so we don’t dare to approach, and we don’t know what the black bear king found in the end. I see you passing by, afraid of being someone else. I robbed the credit, and this moved the killing intent, the adult, and the life!”

The black muddy slowly said, talking and talking, and weeping bitter tears for mercy, He Lin could not help but irritated: “What is your so-called black bear king in the end? It seems that in this poisonous swamp is also a Characters!”

“Black Bear King, we only know that he is a huge black bear with a height of five meters, and it is accompanied by strong toxicity. Therefore, we are all afraid of it, and it is very sultry, as long as it does not return to it, once it enters its territory, Will be completely killed by his merciless!” Black mud trembled and replied!

“Black Bear?” Yun Bufan and the others are all a glimpse. I don’t know why, Yun Bufan thinks of one of the four kings of the demon world. Before that, I met Crab Yedo, and now I have a black bear. Really the territory of the four kings?

“A black forest in the west?” Yun Bufan thought slightly, and then said to the black muddy indifferently said: “Go, let us take a look, I also want to see, what is your so-called black bear king! ”

Black muddyly paused, then eagerly looked at Yun Bufan: “Adult, or I tell you the direction, you go well? If you let it know that I betray it, I must be sure!”

“If you don’t take us, then you will die immediately!” Yun Bufan looked at the black muddy faintly, and the black muddy fiercely trembled. He felt that it was just like this black bear. The king is still horrible!

Black Mud cried a face, then turned into a skinny short man, with Yun Bufan and the others flying rapidly toward the West, He Lin followed behind, shouted in a deep voice: “Kid, don’t play tricks, otherwise Be careful, I will pinch you!”

“Adult, can you take you to the edge of the forest? Inside the Black Forest, how do you go in?” The black muddy is really afraid to betray the black bear king. If you let the other party know, then you must be a dead end. !

“You can rest assured, just take us over, I promise, you will definitely have nothing!” Yun Bufan saw the black muddy, the greedy and fearful death, could not help the shook the head, the black muddy eyes suddenly burst into the joy of the rays of light Confronted with Yun Bufan, “Thank you, thank you!”

After flying for about half an hour, the black muddy squatted down, and then looked at Yun Bufan with a glance, pointing to the inside of the Black Forest: “Adult, go in, I can’t go in, this way, too, I don’t know if anyone else has found us. If it is discovered by others, it will be reported to the Black Bear King. The small one is dead!”

“Reassured, this road came over, there are indeed a few little guys, but I have deliberately avoided it, so no one can find us!” He Lin smiled shook the head, a touch of pats Black muddy head: “Front Lead the way, let’s go in and see!”

“This?” Black Mud couldn’t help but look at Yun Bufan. He could see it. Among the group, Yun Bufan said it, Yun Bufan smiled and shook the head: “Oh, I am There are ways to get in and it won’t make you embarrassed, but you have to cooperate with me!”

“Cooperate?” Black Mud looked at Yun Bufan hesitantly, not knowing what Yun Bufan was going to play, Yun Bufan faintly smiled: “It’s very simple, we wait for the next shot to attack you, rest assured, just hurt you, then you keep going Running inside, yelling at the Black Bear King, in this case, the Black Bear King will not blame you, I am afraid it will reward you?”

“This?” Black mud suddenly hesitated. Indeed, as Yun Bufan said, if this is the case, he found someone who intends to enter the Black Forest. Once the black bear king is alerted, the black bear king may reward himself!

“Adult, you won’t take the opportunity to kill me?” Black Mud looked at Yun Bufan with fright, Yun Bufan, then laughed heartily: “Black mud, black mud, if we want to kill you, kill directly, Why bother to do so!”

“This, good!” Black Mud thought about it too, and then took a deep breath, said with a bitter smile: “Adult, start with a lighter!”

“weng!” Yun Bufan’s nine-color ray of light flashed into the black muddy body with a punch. The black mud suddenly vomited and flew out, then hurriedly fled into the black forest and yelled while fleeing. Road: “Great king, not good, someone has come in!”

“Young Master, just let him go?” He Lin looked at Yun Bufan inexplicably. According to the truth, this black muddy sneak attacked them first, and Yun Bufan should not let it go so easily, but now look Come, Yun Bufan really has no plans to kill black mud!

Yun Bufan smiled at the head: “Let him go? Look at it yourself!”

He Lin and Ao Guang are all puzzled. Only Little Wei smiles. He Lin asks Xiao Wei: “Less Mistress, please tell the root cause!”

Little Wei slightly smiled, looking at the black muddy escaping shook the head: “I am afraid that the first black bear king will kill him, and give him a reward, this black muddy, really no brain!”

“Oh? Why is this?” He Lin and Aoguang are even more puzzled. If according to Yun Bufan’s previous arrangements, this black muddy is indeed a meritorious deed, how can it be killed by the black bear king!

“This black muddy encounters a strong enemy, does not lead the enemy to other places, but instead leads to such important places. It is not courting death. When the black bear king discovers our strength, it is estimated to be angry. Directly put the black mud to death!” Little Wei shook his head and laughed, and He Lin and Aoguang suddenly realized!

“Young Master, you are really insidious!” The arrogance on the side is also chuckled, Yun Bufan laughed: “Let’s go, let’s see, what is the so-called black bear king, and what is the treasure inside! ”

“Bastard, who is yelling at this, is this Majesty’s order forgotten? Near 50 li, all are going to die!” An angry roar sounded, a huge black shadow, directly from the inside When I got out, I grabbed the black mud!

Black Mud looked at the sudden appearance of this, and could not help but shouted loudly: “Dawang, Dawang, I came to report, I saw them a few outside, they were sneaky, I wanted to kill them. Who knows that they are too strong and hurt me. I am here to report to Dawang!”

“en?” The huge black bear king noticed Yun Bufan and the others, put the black muddy down, the cold eyes looked at Yun Bufan and the others, and when they saw Yun Bufan, the black bear king Apparently a slight glimpse, Yun Bufan is also frowned!

He originally thought that this black bear king should be a person with the bear king of the demon world, but turned around and saw that the so-called black bear king is obviously more horrible than the bear king of the demon world, and this volume is also larger, it should not be the same personal!

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