Chapter 509 Invisibility Cloak

“St. Angel suit?” Yun Bufan glimpsed, then looked at Mo Qilin said with a bitter smile: “Ink girl, are you out?”

“En!” Mo Qilin nodded, watching the cold and screaming opened the mouth and said: “The Saint Angel suit, he should have received all the power of St. Angel, but unfortunately, he lost an Angel crown, holy Angel’s existence is the crown of Angel, that is the source of power of St. Angel!”

“This is, God World’s creature?” Mo Qilin glanced at him. “Okay, San Angel, I didn’t expect St. Angel to be able to shuttle through the small Immortal World. This cold light must be dead!”

In the eyes of Mo Qilin, the killing intent flashed, and Yun Bufan on the side did not ask: “Ink girl, the millennium we killed before, the Divine Artifact suit on him seems to be no different from this one, but why is this cold light? The set seems to be more horrible, and it also has two pairs of wings?”

“Angel family is also graded. The millennium you said, he only got the inheritance of Angel, the most inferior two-wing war, and this cold light, but the inheritance of the four-winged Angel, is a level difference. But the difference in strength is very much!”

“In the Angel family, the strength of the strength is the Angel crown and the Angel suit on their heads. You think it’s right. Every real Angel has an Angel suit, which is what you call the Divine Artifact suit. !”

Yun Bufan and the drunk and ruthless suck in a breath of cold air, the two eyes are full of ecstasy, Mo Qilin continues to open the mouth and said: “The two wings of Angel is the lowest in existence, then It is the four-winged St. Angel, the six-winged glory Angel, the eight-winged faith Angel, the ten-winged Archangel and the twelve-winged God!”

“The two wings of Angel use the strength of Angel, and the power used by the four-winged Angel is called the Holy Power in the Angel family. This cold light, the power of today is the so-called holy force!” Mo Qilin sees Cold light, slowly explained!

Yun Bufan bowed his head and meditated, then looked at Mo Qilin and opened the mouth and said: “Ink girl, how should I deal with this cold light? I think Yang Zhengtian should not be his opponent!”

“He is only the strength of the eight-level Peak, but now the cold light is completely beyond the ten-level Emperor. You said that Yang Zhengtian, he can’t support it for a long time, let me join this kid together, in this case, It is possible to beat him, but it is almost impossible to kill him!” Mo Qilin shook the head, whisper!

“Why? Isn’t he dead?” Yun Bufan looked at the cold light, and the killing intent flashed. If the cold light could not kill, wouldn’t he be troubled later?

“Not killing, but not killing. With his current strength, he can escape. Once he runs away, we can’t catch up. His four wings are too fast. Be fast, but your wing of the wind and thunder can evolve, but his wings are not!”

“There are ruthless brothers and ink girls, first knock him back, our goal is just to enter 4th-layer, and the three emperors are still there, it doesn’t matter!” Yun Bufan slightly disappointed sighed, can’t kill Cold light, it is really disappointing!

Mo Qilin and drunk and ruthless at the same time nodded, “bang!” a loud explosion sounded, the cold light of the Saint Angel long sword and Yang Zhengtian’s big knife suddenly banged, Yang Zhengtian was suddenly shaken out by a sword, Mo Qilin said Solemnly: “It’s this time, go!”

“Weng!” The colorful ray of light flashed, and Xiangyun, under the foot of Mo Qilin, shrouded directly toward the cold light. The glare of the cold light flashed, killing intent, watching the flying Mo Qilin whispered: Courting death !”

“weng!” milk white rays of light flashed, the momentum of the cold light suddenly broke out, a powerful terrorist power broke out from above, St. Angel long sword squats toward Mo Qilin’s Xiangyun fiercely!

“weng!” A burst of white rays of light shines, complexion greatly changed: “Drunk ruthless?”

“Relentless sword and ruthless sword!” drunk and ruthlessly whispered, a sword stroked voiid, white rays of light flashed, powerful momentum directly shrouded in cold light, cold light complex changed, drunk ruthless strength, he But the most clear, the ten-level Peak Emperor, is the three emperors are slightly worse!

Although the glory of today’s strength is skyrocketing, he still at least has self-knowledge. He knows that with his current strength, if the drunk and ruthless hands are Divine Artifact, then he is not an opponent at all, but one-on-one, it is still difficult to win. Not to mention an unfathomable Mo Qilin!

“hong long long!” bursts of strong explosions, Xiangyun and the cold light of the Saint Angel long sword directly collided, cold light suddenly shocked: “Which is the master, not right, this power, Is Immortal Beast? is the mysterious master under Yun Bufan!”

Cold light remembered for a moment, a super expert under Yun Bufan’s hand, Mo Qilin’s existence, same big forces know, so the cold light guess is also very easy, but at the moment of the collision of the two Divine Artifact, drunk and ruthless The sword also fell to the back of him!

When the cold light gritted his teeth, the wings behind it swelled instantly, enveloping his whole person, and outside the wings, a piece of armor flashing golden rays of light shrouded the entire wing, completely covering it!

Divine Artifact Armor and Divine Artifact wings, the double protection of the two Divine Artifact, under the “clang!” sword, a crisp crash sounded, “bang!” The cold light silhouette was suddenly blown out, drunk Ruthless but also shocked by the power of this earthquake, a look shocked!

“weng!” “weng!” burst of white rays of light, the golden light burst, and in the golden light, there was a cold, angry, low-pitched voice: “Yun Bufan, you remember me, I I will go to you sooner or later!”

“hu!” golden light dissipated, and the cold light silhouette disappeared out of nowhere, Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, smiled shook the head, the presence of cold light, after all is a thorn, Mo Qilin and drunk ruthlessly flew at him Come over, Yun Bufan said with a bitter smile : “It seems that if you want to kill the cold light, you must have the power to completely kill him!”

“It is very difficult to kill him, unless it is a combination of three ten-level emperors, and then set a seal heavens enchantment. In that case, he will die. Now we are two, he has no Divine Artifact, want to kill cold light. It is almost impossible, even if I have set the seal heavens enchantment, I will escape!”

Mo Qilin was drunk and ruthless. In this battle, the loser lost on the weapon. If the drunk and ruthless hand is Divine Artifact, the sword is enough to make the cold light seriously injured. In that case, Mo Qilin lays out the seal heavens. Great enchantment, it is really possible to leave the cold light forever!

“Let’s go, the cold light is already smashed, Tu Xingsun has also lost, and now there are three emperors left, I have to look at it, now the three emperors are going to prepare what to do!” Yun Bufan fights against the three emperors and Peng Wang The direction has gone, Tu Xingsun, at the beginning of the battle, he has already left!

The three battles of the Three Emperors and Peng Wang can not be said to be not intense. Almost every collision can make the space of Immortal World shock. Zhen Zhengtian came over at this time, and was ruthless with Yun Bufan and drunk with a Smile : “Yun Bufan, ruthless brother!”

“Flame Emperor!” “Zhengtianxiong!” Yun Bufan and drunken and ruthless also Chaoyang Zhengtian nodded, Yang Zhengtian also looked up and looked at the air at this time, the Taoist that strange Taoist system emerges endlessly, the sword emperor’s long The sword is even more aggressive. Martial Sovereign’s close-knit martial arts attack has made the bear king suffer, but he can’t help Xiong Wang!

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” A fierce collision continued to sound, and Yun Bufan and the others were all backing a few steps, shocked to see the three kings and the demon kings, the dust and the Others also found the glory and Tu Xingsun’s defeat, Jin Yan and Qingdi’s neutral and Yang Zhengtian’s retreat, the three faces are exposed with a dignified expression!

“hahaha, Yun Bufan, I still underestimated your strength!” Peng Wang’s laughed heartily rang, and then looked at the dusty three people said coldy: “Dust, do you want to continue? If still To continue, I am ready to let the drunken and ruthless they also come in!”

“Drunk and ruthless?” The dusty glimpse, then glanced at Mo Qilin and the others, and his face became more and more heavy, coldly snorted, and Peng Wang hardened a fight, and the dust suddenly stepped back and watched. Peng Wang and the others shouted: “Stop!”

Both the king and the bear king retired. Ye Hongchen and the dreamless heart went to the side of the dusty body. The dust was slowly exhaled, but the eyes were locked on Yun Bufan: “Okay, a good Yun Bufan, I didn’t expect , we all underestimated you!”

“Dust, you don’t have to talk nonsense, you or is out of the way to enter 4th-layer!” Yun Bufan looked at the dust and smiled quietly, opened the mouth and said!

Peng Wang, Yu Wang and Xiong Wang also looked at him. There were Jin Yan and Qing Di in the distance. The road dust was ugly and looked at Yun Bufan coldly snorted and said : “Okay, since you want to enter 4th-layer Then I will tell you!”

Ye Hongchen and Meng Lianxin looked at the dust at the same time, the road dust nodded, and then slowly said: “Yun Bufan, this method of entering 4th-layer is very simple, that is, hidden!”

“weng!” The dusty body suddenly burst into a smashing silver light. Everyone was quickly retreating, and then looked at the direction of the dust and the others. At this moment, there are still dusty people. The shadow, the road dust, Ye Hongchen and the dreamless heart, are gone!

Out of thin air, the real vanity disappeared, and the fairy tales of Peng Wang and the others flocked out wildly, but there was no fluctuation at all. Peng Wang did not dare to set the channel: “How is it possible? It disappeared?”

“This, what’s the matter?” Yun Bufan also looked at the scene in vain, too ridiculous!

“Invisibility cloak, invisibility cloak, ancient rare treasure!” Mo Qilin walked over to Yun Bufan and screamed!

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