Chapter 508 St. Angel Set

“en? Yun Bufan?” Daozi, Ye Hongchen and Meng Guxin flew out from behind the black crystal block, looking straight at Yun Bufan, his face was gloomy, and the three of them knew that the other side had found their existence. Then, there is really no need to hide!

“Duozizi, I didn’t expect you to have a way to 4th-layer. Is it right to say it now? Let’s share it together?” Yun Bufan smiled and looked at the dust, but the dust was Wang Peng. Looked over the past: “Peng Wang, have you forgotten the agreement before we came in?”

Peng Wang looked at Yun Bufan and found that Yun Bufan was calm and not panicked, and then laughed at the dust. “You can lead to 4th-layer, but let us have a few 3rd-layer, is this the sincerity of cooperation?”

“Since you don’t have the sincerity of cooperation, can you tell me about it now, will it be too ridiculous?” Peng Wang smiled and looked at the dust, the road dusty face was gloomy, Peng Wang three people, plus Yun Bufan, drunk and ruthless, swordless, Jin Lie and the others, enough to make the Three Emperors in the disadvantage!

Tao Chenzi, Ye Hongchen and Meng Guxin three look at each other in dismay, Peng Wang heart move, could not help but speak with a smile: “You three, or less tricks, tell us, how to get in?”

“How come in? Hey, Peng Wang, are you not laughing? If you can really go in, will we wait for you here? If we can enter, we have already entered, and still wait until now?” Ye Hongchen looked at Peng Wang coldly smiled ,coldly snorted opened the mouth and said !

“Ye Hongchen, you want to go in, but can you go in? This seat has been behind you, you dare to run, I dare to start, will be discovered at the time, how do you get in?” Peng Wang looked at Ye Hongchen coldly smiled, Ye Hongchen suddenly silently!

“hu!” “hu!” Another few silhouettes quickly smashed over, Daozizi, Ye Hongchen and Meng Guxin all looked up and looked at the past, Jinyan, Qingdi, luminescent, Yang Zhengtian and Tu Xingsun Fly over here!

“No wonder you are delaying the time, it was to wait for them!” Peng Wang whispered, but did not care, but looked at Yun Bufan: “Yun Bufan, it seems that the Three Emperors are not going to say it, What do you say we should do?”

“Don’t say it? Just relying on the cold light and Tu Xingsun?” Yun Bufan smiled lightly, his eyes flashing coldly: “Then only the plays are said!”

“Start!” Peng Wang whispered coldly snorted, and rushed over to the road, and the king and the bear king behind Peng Wang also laughed heartily, respectively, rushing toward Ye Hongchen and dreaming, and the dust and the others It’s all a glimpse. Didn’t they think that Peng Wang and Yun Bufan really did it? Under the scabbard devil’s eyelids?

“You are courting death!” The icy voice of the dusty voice rang, and the rays of light flashed up: “Jin Yan, you can deal with Yun Bufan!”

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” Daozi to Peng Wang, Ye Hongchen to Yu Wang, dreams to the bear king, six top masters, in this market Secret Realm 3rd-layer, launched a Strong slaughter!

Yun Bufan looked at the cold light and Tu Xingsun, with a faint smile on his face: “Cold light, Tu Xingsun, we met again, but I really want to know, who are you going to save you this time?”

“Yun Bufan?” Cold light and Tu Xingsun suddenly killing intent flashing, cold light toward Jinyan, Qingdi and Yang Zhengtian looked over: “Three emperors, you heard it? Let’s do it!”

“Do you need it?” Yang Zhengtian’s cold laughter rang, and a flame ignited on his body. Divine Artifact’s big knife appeared in his hand, and he went straight to the cold light, with an absolutely terrifying power. And a powerful explosive force, at this moment, Yang Zhengtian shot, and is full of shots!

Cold light complexion greatly changed, watching Yang Zhengtian angrily shouted: “Yang Zhengtian, do you dare to violate the meaning of the Three Emperors?”

“Three emperors? Hey, hmph!” Yang Zhengtian snorted two times and looked at the cold light with a big smile: “hahaha, cold light, are you afraid? If it weren’t for the Three Emperors, you would have died in me.” On hand, I will still care what they mean? All I have to do is kill you, cold light, and die!”

Yang Zhengtian’s body flashed and rushed directly toward the cold light. Tu Xingsun turned to Jinyan and Qingdi anxiously said: “Jin Yan, Qing Di, do you even want to violate the orders of the Three Emperors?”

“Command?” Jin Yan mouth icy smile: “Tu Xingsun, don’t forget, I am one of the five emperors of the Golden Emperor, the status of the Three Emperors and my five emperors are equal, he has no power to order us? You are willing to be a dog, but it does not mean that we are willing!”

“What?” Tu Xingsun’s face turned red, Yun Bufan was drunk and ruthlessly said with a smile: “The ruthless big brother, this Tu Xingsun can be handed over to you, we go to deal with the cold light, the cold light is sexually deceitful, it is absolutely not Will be desperate with Yang Zhengtian, I will go and see!”

“hu!” Yun Bufan, Jin Lie, Jian Wusheng, Shui Yuanbo and He Lin simultaneously turned into a residual image, flew away in the direction of cold light and Yang Zhengtian, drunk ruthless smile shook the head, body for a while White rays of light slamming up: “Tu Xingsun, you can die!”

“Weng!” white sword glow, at a very horrible speed, directly penetrated Tu Xingsun’s earth wall, the horrible momentum broke out, Tu Xingsun suddenly complex changed greatly, if a positive sun makes him already have some If it is difficult to cope with it, then with a drunken ruthlessness, he simply has no possibility of coping!

“St. Angel’s sword!” Cold light whispered, a golden light 璀璨 long sword appeared in his hand, looking at Yang Zhengtian at the top of his head, cold light and a sword smashed out, coldly screaming: “The ruling of the bright sword !”

“weng!” “weng!” milk white rays of light slammed up, and the sword that spurred the flames directly in the sun was greeted. At this time, the drunken one also penetrated the cold chest. , cold light coldly snorted : “Angel’s salvation, cure!”

“weng!” milk white rays of light flashing, a burst of milk white power is like a cold chest, the chest that was drunk and ruthlessly penetrated the chest turned back to the original, drunk and ruthless to see this scene, a cold light whisper : “St. Angel Battle Armor!”

“hu 哧!” Two pairs of white wings appeared behind the cold light, a white armor instantly draped over the body, the cold light did not care nowhere, but the sun was flying in the sky, see the cold light flying towards him Come, drunk, ruthless, unhappy, and killing intent!

“Cold light, you are killing courting death, give me death!” Yang Zhengtian coldly snorted, leaping high, a knife smashed down, with a powerful flame of horror, cold light body flash light, layer of ice In his golden Divine Artifact long sword, the cold light said coldy: “Ice is breaking!”

“weng!” countless ice flashes, cold light is diffuse, and directly hit with Yang Zhengtian, the drunkenness behind the cold light is shocked, watching the sudden appearance of Divine Artifact long sword, Divine Artifact armor, There is the Divine Artifact flying wing, and his eyes are only shocking!

“hu!” “hu!” Because of the Divine Artifact wing, even the cold light is blurred and the silhouette of the cold light is seen. The flying speed of this wing is so terrifying that it is so horrible. In the bottom!

“Cold light, this is your trump card?” In the melee, the voice of Yang Zhengtian was suppressed, and the cold and cold voice also sounded: “Yang Zhengtian, I saw my true strength, you are Happy, still scared?”

“Afraid? Just rely on your cold light? Let you see my true strength, cold light, I wait for this day, too long!” Yang Zhengtian suddenly laughed heartily, and suddenly there was a burst of ice blue rays of light A cold light, an instant burst!

“weng!” “weng!” Yang Zhengtian’s appearance completely changed. The left half of the body burned with a blazing flame. The flame contained a trace of azure’s rays of light, while the right half was strangely bursting. Ice, sparkling blue rays of light!

“Starlight 诀?” Cold light suddenly complexion changed, and then crazy low shouted: “Bastard, bastard, cold star, you damn, damn, even passed the starlight 诀 to Yang Zhengtian and refused to pass it to me, I am early It’s killing you!”

“Cold light, you are a beast, do you know why Cold Star didn’t pass starlight to you? Because starlight is the supreme god, he got it, just a part of it, not complete, he is afraid of your cultivation deviation, you know “Bastard!” Yang Zhengtian angered, his body and cold light flashed at the same time!

“Fart, how do you cultivate? Ice and fire with the same body, do you think that I don’t know how many years of ice and fire have you studied with cold stars? Success, you really succeeded, well, well, I will kill you, let Cold stars are also really dead!”

“bang!” A powerful momentum emerged from the cold light, the breath of cold light completely changed, the power of milk white, holy and powerful momentum, among the white rays of light, his three Divine Artifact Exciting golden light!

“Yang Zhengtian, even if you are the same in ice and fire, even if you have cultivated two kinds of gods, then how do you think that you have cultivated the gods?” It seems that the cold light of a person has calmly looked at Yang Zhengtian. The momentum of the body is constantly increasing, even completely surpassing the drunkenness!

Drunk in a breath of cold air: “This is, this cold light, what kind of monster is this? This, three Divine Artifact?”

“Angel suit?” I don’t know when Yun Bufan has appeared beside the drunken ruthlessness. Looking at the cold light now, he is also dignified and speaks word by word!

“Angel suit?” Looking at Yun Bufan with a ruthless look, Yun Bufan also confuses: “Is it strange that the Angel suit is not just a pair of wings? Why is he two pairs?”

“Because, he is the St. Angel suit!” A faint voice sounded, Yun Bufan’s colorful rays of light flashed, and Mo Qilin appeared at Yun Bufan all at once, watching the cold light of milk white rays of light Said a little faintly!

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