Chapter 510 Scabbard Demon King

“Invisibility cloak?” Yun Bufan was shocked to see Mo Qilin, Peng Wang and the others also looked over. At this time, Peng Wang and Yu Wang, Xiong Wang noticed the existence of Mo Qilin, and the three faces could not help but change at the same time. At a glance, the eyes of the three are full of ecstasy!

The pressure of the soul, they actually felt the pressure of a soul, Peng Wang swallowed, watching Mo Qilin hesitantly asked: “Girl, dare ask you, your body, can it be Divine Beast?”

“Divine Beast?” Peng Wang said this, everyone looked at Mo Qilin blankly, his eyes were full of shocked expression, Mo Qilin faintly glanced at Peng Wang, and then indifferent nodded: “You didn’t think Wrong, my body is indeed Divine Beast!”

“Divine Beast!” Peng Wang and the others suck in a breath of cold air, and then look towards towards Mo Qilin’s eyes suddenly appeared a respectful, the side of the bear king is flashing a trace of inexplicable rays of light, I do not know What do you want!

“Invisibility cloak is the ancient rare treasure. In the period of the ancient Immortal world, it is said that there is a sect named Wanbaozong. This Wanbaozong likes to collect all kinds of treasures. The more weird they are, the more they like it, and the invisibility cloak, At that time, it was one of the treasures of this treasure.”

“The only magical use of invisibility cloak is stealth, complete stealth, no one’s fairy tales, even the gods of is Deity can’t find traces, so wearing a stealth suit, as long as you don’t use your own power, you don’t Will be seen by anyone!”

Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed: “If I guessed it well, they should use invisibility cloaks, they are still around us, but without the use of power, we can’t find their existence, and enter the 4th-layer’s snuggle, They should rely on this invisibility cloak!”

“However, if you can enter 4th-layer by the magical effect of this invisibility cloak, they should go down early, even if Peng Wang has been followed, shouldn’t it be useful?” Yun Bufan looked at Mo Qilin, no Asked about the opening!

“This is also my most doubtful place. Isn’t it enough to use stealth clothes alone?” Mo Qilin brows frowned, also fell into meditation, and then looked at the entrance of 4th-layer, a large scabbard demon printed In her eyes, this moment, her face is wild!

“Devil family, scabbard demon, how is it possible, Immortal World, how can there be so many scabbard demons, pure devils of bloodline?” Mo Qilin couldn’t help but scream, his face full of shocking expression, which shows that she was affected How big is the vibration!

“What’s wrong?” Yun Bufan looked at Mo Qilin inexplicably. Mo Qilin took a deep breath: “I understand, it’s the eyes of the devil, the devil’s eye of the scabbard demon can see through the invisibility cloak, so they want to Use our attention to attract the eyes of the devil, so that they can go on if they mess up!”

“The Eye of the Devil?” Yun Bufan is even more puzzled. Mo Qilin looks at the scabbard demon sole solemnly: “The scabbard demon, among the hundreds of adult scabbard demons, there must be a scabbard demon king. And he is the demon king with the eyes of the devil!”

“The strength of this demon king, at least the strength of the ten-level Emperor, in God World, perhaps in the weakest existence, but in Immortal World, can be said to be the top of the existence, plus its men, we simply do not Maybe rushing down!”

“The road dust they should want us to attract the attention of the demon king, and then use the invisibility of the invisibility cloak, so theyselves go down, hey, it is a good idea!” Mo Qilin eyes flashing cold, coldly snorted opening!

“What do we do now?” Yun Bufan looked at Mo Qilin’s hesitant opening, Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed: “Wait, the stealth of stealth clothes, but also for a limited time, when the time limit is over, the road dust will naturally appear !”

“Good!” Yun Bufan and the others all sat down on the knees. Peng Wang, Yu Wang and Xiong Wang also sat down. The strange thing is that Xiong Wang is farthest from Mo Qilin. It seems to be afraid of Mo Qilin. I don’t know. It’s the pressure of Divine Beast that makes it feel uncomfortable, or something else!

“Dao Dianzi, what should I do now?” Hidden in the invisibility cloak, Ye Hongchen and the dreamless heart are all looking at the dusty face, Mo Qilin just said, they are listening in the ear, naturally Know Yun Bufan what they are doing!

“I can’t help it anymore. This woman came out from somewhere. The understanding of this invisibility cloak is so thorough. Is she also a person in the ancient Immortal world?” Tao Zi looked at Mo Qilin, in his eyes. The brilliance of the flash, a killing intent flashed away!

“I don’t know, she has been staying in Yun Bufan’s Immortal Mansion. It seems that this Yun Bufan should have secrets. If this continues, we will be besieged by them sooner or later, and we have to think of a way!” Look at the dust, and then speak out!

“With!” The dust in the eyes of the dusty eyes flashed, and then cold with a sneer: “They don’t provoke the scabbard demon, can we not let the scabbard demon come to provoke them?”

“Let the scabbard demon come to provoke them?” Ye Hongchen and the dreamless eyes shined: “Miao ah, the scabbard demon temper is the most violent, the most can not be provocative, we use them to slap them, as long as we do not need our strength, it can be Bring them over!”

“Yes, when the war is going together, hey, the so-called demon king can still notice us! Go! Lead the scabbard demon!” The road dustyly smiled, and then went to the 4th-layer entrance. Ye Hongchen and Meng Lianxin also followed behind, and the three eyes all had cold smiles!

“No!” Yun Bufan, who was waiting for the knee, stood up abruptly. He Lin suddenly said: “It’s a scabbard demon. There are a lot of scabbard devils running towards us. What do we do?”

“What?” Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye: “It’s the dust of them, they deliberately brought them in. It’s a good move to bring troubles to others. There is no way, only kill them!”

“hong long long!” A burst of earth trembled, Yun Bufan screamed open the mouth and said: “Pay attention to their Achilles heel, red dot on the chest, okay, just a group of young scabbard demons, all killed Say it again!”

“hu!” “hu!” turned into a path of afterimage, rushed directly toward the group of young scabbard demons, “bang!” “bang!” “bang!” a burst of sound continued to sound, each And everyone The young scabbard demon was smashed into pieces!

This scene of “roar!” finally caught the attention of the adult scabbard demon at the entrance. The roar of the screaming from their mouths, in the middle of this group of adult scabbard demon, there is a huge, on the head With a three-eye scabbard demon, this should be the demon king!

The demon king pointed a snarl in the direction of Yun Bufan and the others. Suddenly, dozens of adult scabbard devils rushed in the direction of Yun Bufan and the others, and the demon king suddenly stood up and died. Watching the direction of Yun Bufan and the others!

“Bastards, the road dust they must want to mess up, is there any way, hey, pull them out too!” Peng Wang angered and stunned, his body piece of golden light flashing, a path of afterimage flashing The young scabbard demon who died in the hands of Peng Wang fell down on a large piece. The speed of Jinpeng is undoubtedly very horrible!

“Right, boy, your eyes of the wind and thunder, your eyes of the wind and thunder may see their existence, give it a try!” Mo Qilin’s eyes are also full of angry expression, although the strength of the scabbard demon is not enough for her It is a threat, but it is too much trouble!

Yun Bufan’s heart, nodded, Force of Wind and Thunder flashed, a roar of sound, the eyes of the wind and thunder appeared, glanced around, Yun Bufan eyes stopped, then cold said with a sneer: “Ink girl, I saw them What should I do next?”

“See?” Mo Qilin blinked in the blink of an eye, said coldy: “They can’t attack now, but the best target, do you understand?”

“Target?” Yun Bufan coldly smiled: “Then ask them to eat the sword of the scabbard demon!”

“bang!” A scabbard demon blasted and turned into dozens of black sharp knives. Yun Bufan’s nine colorful rays of light flashed, and dozens of black sharp knives screamed toward the entrance of the 4th-layer!

At this moment, the three people who are joyfully satisfied are suddenly complex changed, feeling the powerful splitting voiid sound coming from behind, and the eyes of the three dusty eyes are full of anger, and they are about to go to 4th-layer. How can they not understand how Yun Bufan found them!

For the eccentric practice of Yun Bufan, the demon king did not understand, but his wisdom was undoubtedly high, and the devil’s eye suddenly opened, under a black light beam. In the eyes of his demon, he also discovered the Taoist three. The existence of man is not snarled by anger!

“roar! Go, there are three people, kill them!” The demon king screamed in the direction of the three tribes, and suddenly the scabbard demon rushed over the past, black light flashed!

“clang!” “clang!” Yun Bufan attacked the black knife of the past by the young scabbard demon, but Yun Bufan’s face was faintly smiling, the purpose has been reached, the demon king has Discover the existence of the three people!

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” Three loud explosions suddenly sounded, the road dust, Ye Hongchen and the dreamless three people suddenly flew out, hundreds of young scabbard devils in their joint strike Under the fiercely shocked back!

However, at this time, the entrance to the 4th-layer was blocked by fifty adult scabbard demons. Even if they were strong, they could not be the opponents of fifty adult scabbards. That is fifty cents!

“Yun Bufan, you bastard!” The angry roar of the dusty voice passed over, Yun Bufan could not help laughed heartily: “The dust, you call the evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear, and I have nothing.” Relationship, yes, be careful of the demon king!”

At this time, the demon king is holding a huge black big knife, smashing toward the road, 3rd-layer, endless slaughter, this is the real endless slaughter!

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