Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 342 Yue Liyue’s bad idea! Dundun: If I say I will save your life, I will save your life! 【As

"Huh... the fish tastes delicious this way."

At the booth at the door of the kitchen, Shen Jiayue was holding the rice and put it into her mouth with mushrooms, ham and fish fillets according to the method taught by Lin Xu.

The tenderness of the fish, the fresh aroma of the ham, the strong aroma of the mushrooms...the flavors and textures of the three ingredients are mixed together, plus the faint salty aroma of the steamed fish soy sauce and the aroma of peanut oil.

It's perfect!

The only regret is that it is a bit hot when it is steamed, so I have to blow it twice when eating.

Just eat two mouthfuls of rice with this delicious fish steak, it's so satisfying.

"He must be the head chef of Diaoyutai's state banquet. His skills are really good. Fortunately, I didn't go back to eat today, otherwise I would have missed such delicious food."

Chen Yan's face was full of joy. She took a bite of the delicious chicken, a piece of spicy and appetizing stir-fried chicken, and finally a spoonful of the beautifying and fat-reducing jade soup.


This is what you have to eat on a cold day.

"Now that we've moved out, what are you going to do with the house in the back? Are you going to sell it to raise funds or rent it out to earn rent?"

While eating the delicious meal, Chen Yan suddenly remembered the house that had been transferred a few days ago, and asked curiously.

If you want to sell it, you can just give it a shout.

Even though the community behind it is a bit dilapidated, the house is still popular because this is the school district of Haidian Middle School.

Haidian Middle School is one of the top five schools in Beijing.

Countless parents are struggling to send their children here.

Baobao Shen took a long sip from the jade soup in front of him and then said:

"Xubao said that it was the house left by Master. He couldn't sell it, and he didn't plan to rent it out. If it were to be ruined, we would be very worried."

"What should we do? Just leave it behind and waste it?"

"No, Sister Yuanyuan is coming to the capital soon. Just let her live there then. And Director Zeng doesn't seem to be satisfied with the TV station's dormitory. If she is willing, she can move here. It's just right with Yuanyuan. Please be my companion."

Although the top floor of a two-bedroom house is a bit hot, it is very convenient to dry things.

Especially on sunny days, you can carry all the quilts and mattresses to the roof to dry them. This is very tempting for people who like to dry their quilts.

"It's so close to the store. You can come and eat at any time. Not to mention Zeng Xiaoxiong, I even want to move here."

Chen Yan has heard about Chen Yuanyuan for a long time.

Originally, she wanted to commiserate with her cousin, her brother-in-law.

but now……

Mr. Chen subconsciously lifted his trouser legs.

Haha, we are going to be single soon! Although I haven’t broken the window paper like Mr. Yan and Professor Cui, I am not that pretentious and will never torture each other for twenty years.

When Cousin Chen comes over, we can also say a few blessings as someone who has been there.

Thinking about it, I'm quite looking forward to it.

"When will my brother-in-law's cousin come? I will pick her up at the station then."


Shen Baobao glanced at Yan Bao in surprise:

"You don't know her, so you didn't even get into your car when you went to pick her up."

"Can't you just push WeChat to both of us? Our surname is Chen, and we are both your cousins. Such a fate makes me eager to chat with her."

"Tch, are you trying to show off your boyfriend? Let me tell you, Sister Yuanyuan is not as pretentious as you are. She is very popular. She might be single soon after arriving in the capital. Let's see how you still behave. .”

Chen Yan: "..."

In order to become the first cousin to be single, it seems that I have to hurry up.

When the young policeman comes over on a business trip, I will have a good chat with him and confess everything. I am not a chef, I am just an ordinary little girl with an annual income of five million, three apartments to my name, and barely 98 points in appearance.

Not long after, Shen Guofu came up carrying two bottles of Wuliangye.

Seeing my daughter and niece finishing their meal, I asked curiously:

"Where's Xiaoxu?"

"I'm busy in the kitchen. I said you can't leave anyone in front of the stove and you have to guard it."

"Then don't finish the fish. Leave some for him."

The two sisters looked at each other, and when Shen Guofu went to chat with Geng Lishan who was drinking tea by the window, Baby Shen muttered:

"Sometimes I really wonder if I hugged Xu Bao by mistake. My parents are very good to him..."

"Are you stupid? If your uncle and aunt are nice to your brother-in-law, then your brother-in-law will be nice to you. If they look down on your brother-in-law, do you think your brother-in-law will be nice to you?"

In the kitchen, Lin Xu, who was guarding the stove, was not idle either. He took the small glass jar used for snacks in the store and put the dried ginger candies in it.

Fill it and cover it with an airtight lid, and you have a can of must-have stomach-warming snacks in winter.

Lin Xu put sealing stickers on the lids one by one, then loaded them on the trolley and pushed them outside.

"Are you two okay later?"

"It's okay, what's wrong, Xu Bao? What do we need to do?"

"Yes, brother-in-law, just tell me if you have anything to do. You're welcome."

Lin Xu said:

"Place an order while running errands, and deliver these ginger candies to your relatives one by one, so that everyone can try them out, and help promote them by the way. Leave another ten or twenty cans for Brother Qiang and other regular customers in the store."

It's time to get off work now, and most of the roads in the capital are jammed. If you drive from door to door, you can deliver it in the middle of the night.

Relatively speaking, it is more appropriate to call it errands.

The reason for such a large-scale delivery is mainly because Lin Xu plans to regard ginger candy as a key product in the future.

So now we need to warm up the promotion.

He even made an appointment with Dou Wenjing to shoot a video tomorrow.

I will make another big pot tomorrow, take a video while making it, edit it and update it to my personal feed, so that the ginger candy will become hot immediately.

With the popularity, the store naturally doesn’t have to worry about sales.

"Brother-in-law, what if everyone else follows suit and doesn't come to the store to buy?"

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"No, most people are too lazy to do it even if they know how to make it. They end up buying finished ginger candies. What's more, many people have never even touched the pot and don't have the ability even if they want to."

Not long after, Zhen Wensheng and Liao Jinming came, and Tan Yajun also arrived at the door.

The wine drinkers have arrived.

After chatting for a while, everyone came to the private room upstairs. Just as they were about to sit down and drink tea, Liu Zhengyu walked into the store with two leaders from the General Administration of Tourism.

Start serving!

When everyone was seated, Xie Baomin also took the seat at the door instead of his junior brother.

Today's banquet is more important, and there needs to be someone in the room who can make jokes and liven up the atmosphere. At this moment, Xie Baomin, as a senior brother, stepped forward without hesitation.

After the cold dishes were served, Tan Yajun also filled everyone's glasses. After a while of polite words, everyone picked up their glasses and took a sip.

Liu Zhengyu said with a smile:

"It's been a long time since I went out to taste Xiaoxu's cooking. I was always thinking about the new roast chicken in Chengdu, and now I can finally taste it."

In this kind of situation, there is no business talk at the beginning.

Everyone drank and chatted casually. After one or two glasses of wine, the atmosphere became a little more lively, and the sense of restraint when they first entered the private room disappeared, and then they started to get down to business.

Liu Zhengyu was a little surprised when he heard that a horse racing farm was going to be built in Longqishan.

But thinking back to the thousand-acre valley in the Starry Sky Base, I felt that it would be quite suitable to set up a horse farm.

"The site selection must be done well, and precautions must be taken for flash floods and the like... What is the budget for the racecourse?"

He asked the question that concerned him the most.

"No less than 500 million. The 50 million invested in the early stage has arrived in the account there. In addition, the 30 million invested by Huasheng Group in Shanghai will also arrive in the near future."

The last time Shen Guofu took the initiative to call Cui Qingyuan made Yan Lin very happy.

In addition, she was indeed somewhat interested in opening a racecourse, so she planned to invest 30 million to test the waters first, and then go check it out after the infrastructure work of the racecourse was completed. If it worked, she would invest more.

Upon hearing about such a large investment, the leaders of the General Administration also became interested.

He said that he would send a letter to the local government to cooperate with the construction of the racecourse. In addition, the General Administration would also actively coordinate with the Equestrian Association to give the racecourse the title of a training base.

As for other aspects of policy support, it is also tilted towards Longqishan Scenic Area as much as possible.

While everyone was eating and drinking lively over the delicious food, Yue Liyue and Panda were drinking with Li Qiang in the lobby on the first floor.

"If your boss really valued you, he wouldn't have sent a department manager over. Instead, he would have promoted you. He didn't promote you, which explains everything."

Panda is also the boss now and knows the rules here very well.

As long as wages are not raised, everything the boss says is in vain.

And don’t listen to all the chicken soup and motivational preaching the other party says, it’s just brainwashing.

Sometimes I get PUAed by my bosses without even realizing it.

Become a hard-working old scalper in the company.

With the persuasion of the two men, Li Qiang finally made up his mind to change jobs and leave.

"When I get to work tomorrow, I will contact the headhunter who sent me an email before and the HR managers of several companies, and I will jump to the one with the best salary."

"That's right, go with whoever pays you more, don't be embarrassed. And don't become enemies. Maybe your current boss will pay you back at a high price."

Several people clinked their wine glasses and drank them all in one gulp.

After talking about changing jobs, Li Qiang started nagging about being picked on by the department manager again.

Panda said:

"If you want to change jobs, don't worry about these things. Be careful that they hold on to your contract and prevent you from leaving, which will mess up your job-hopping. Several of my classmates have been punished in this way."

Yue Liyue originally planned to say this, but suddenly remembered that she had encountered a similar question before, so she looked at Li Qiang and asked with a smile:

"What does your department manager look like?"

What does it look like?

Li Qiang didn't know why Yue Liyue asked this. He recalled Qi Panpan's appearance and felt that Qi Panpan's appearance was quite good. She just had a cold face all day long, as if she had entered menopause early.

"She looks pretty good, why do you ask?"

Yue Liyue picked up a piece of lotus root with ginger juice and stuffed it into her mouth:

"If there is a girl who keeps pestering you every day and annoys you, but you still can't escape, then you might as well try to confess your love. Under normal circumstances, once you confess your love, the other party will most likely think that you are a toad trying to eat a swan. Meat will stay far away from you.”

This idea made Li Qiang's eyes light up.

As long as Qi Panpan can stop pestering him before changing jobs, he can confess his love.

A confession can save countless worries, do it!

Go to the store tomorrow and start working on this matter. Don’t you like to trouble me and find fault with me?

Then I'll take steps forward.

Li Qiang felt happy for no reason at the thought of being able to stay clean for a while before changing jobs.

Panda, on the other hand, felt that Yue Liyue's bad idea was a bit rash:

"What if someone agrees directly? What do you want Brother Qiang to do?"

Li Qiang was stunned for a moment, and then became confused.

Yes, if she agrees, then wouldn’t it be like shooting myself in the foot?

Yue Liyue looked at the two people speechlessly:

"If you agree, you'll be single immediately. There's no need to hesitate. Brother Qiang said he's good-looking. He just got a girlfriend for free. Don't forget to invite me to dinner later."

Only then did Panda react:

"That's right, if I agree to Brother Qiang and get out of the relationship directly, and I have a female boss, tsk tsk, a cold-blooded female boss at work and a gentle wife after get off work, that would be great, Brother Qiang."

Li Qiang smiled:

"As for Wu Ying, please stop teasing me... By the way, Panda, didn't Anchor Wu go to your house a few days ago? Are your parents satisfied?"

"Satisfied, so satisfied. We made dumplings together. My mother and Xinxin were as close as mother and son. She also showed Xinxin a photo of me when I was a child."

Speaking of his girlfriend, Panda had a proud look on his face.

Yue Liyue gave Brother Qiang a helpless look.

It's not a good topic to talk about. I have to let Brother Panda pretend to be this cool.

It's fine now, Xinxin said it one by one, and the dishes on the table were called "lemon flavor".

Even the salty roast chicken has been transformed into lemon chicken.

In the kitchen, Lin Xu fried two Eastern Star Spot fish bones and put them into the pressure cooker.

Prepare to stew a small pot of soup, and then make a milk soup tofu with tofu, so that Baby Shen can eat it hot, so that this girl will not cry out that she is hungry in the middle of the night.

But when I went to get the tofu, I realized that there were still a few yams left over from making yam and fungus, so I took them over.

If you want to eat for yourself, you have to eat what you have.

Reduce waste as much as possible.

He cut the yam into diamond-shaped slices, and after the fish soup was cooked, he punched out all the fish bones and meat in the pot with a leak-tight drain and threw them away.

Then pour in the chopped yam, bring to a boil over high heat, and start cooking the soup.

Soon, the umami flavor of the fish soup in the pot added some yam flavor.

Lin Xu added salt, pepper and a little sugar to taste, stirred evenly, poured it out, and sprinkled with chopped chives. The soup was completed.

Went outside with soup.

I happened to meet Shen Baobao and Chen Yan going upstairs.

"Xubao, all those ginger candies have been given away, and those who are close have already started posting pictures to show off."

"My mother originally said no, but when she heard that I had charged one million here, she asked for 30 cans, and she also asked for 20 cans for my grandma."

Chen Yan was speechless.

Other people are mothers who don't spend a penny on their daughters. My mother is a good mother. She can gather the wool as soon as she can, and she even gathers it together under the banner of grandma.

What a real mother!

Lin Xu put the soup down for the two of them to drink, then turned on his phone and looked at it.

Sure enough, there are people in the VIP high-end group who are posting photos. For example, Dou Wenjing, who is still busy with work at the company and has not gotten off work, deliberately posted pictures of ginger candy in the group and in Moments, and also made some popular science explanations.

For example, ginger candy warms the palace and stomach, and is very friendly to girls and boys.

Just as she finished posting, Zeng Xiaoqi also sent a photo.

The beautiful host seemed to be doing yoga. She lay on the yoga mat, placed the jar of ginger candies in front of her, stretched out her hands and took a photo.

In the blurred part of the background, the lines outlined by yoga pants are faintly visible.

As soon as he sent it out, Chen Yan muttered:

"Director Zeng is quite good at using her strengths to avoid her weaknesses. You can't tell from the whole photo that her breasts are small."

After speaking, she commented sharply in the group:


Zeng Xiaoqi was not to be outdone:

"The one who rolls up his trousers and shows off his shoes is a prodigal."

In order to prevent these two people from saying anything outrageous again, Lin Xu asked everyone in the group Aite:

“Those who have received the ginger candy remember to help promote it, and those who think the taste needs to be improved can also make suggestions.”

Soon, people who received ginger candies replied in the group:

"It tastes very good. I've already eaten several slices."

“The spiciness is moderate and the sweetness is right, very good.”

"When will the new ones be released in the store? I can't wait to buy some more to give to my friends."

"I can't even eat a bite of ginger in the dish, but if I make ginger candies, I can show off a jar of them in one sitting!"

"People with cold hands and feet say that eating more ginger can indeed improve their condition a lot."


This series of positive reviews has further strengthened Lin Xu’s determination to sell new ginger candy.

At around eight o'clock, the banquet upstairs officially ended.

There is a box of gifts prepared for everyone at the door, which contains a vacuum-packed roast chicken, a jar of ginger candy, a small box of Shaqima, and a box of colorful horseshoe cakes.

The dinner was enjoyed by everyone. The leaders were also very concerned about the racecourse project and said they would go to the site when the construction started and inspect the Longqishan Scenic Area.

After sending everyone away, the evening rush hour in the store has passed.

Lin Xu finished explaining the things in the store, and then went back from get off work with Shen Baobao and Dundun.

In order to prevent Dundun from being unable to bear the temperature outside, Lin Xu deliberately stuffed the little guy into his coat.

The temperature has risen a bit during the day, but it's obviously a bit cold at night.

"Tomorrow I have to turn my leggings inside out, and my ankles hurt from the cold. I don't know if Yanbao will get cold if he rolls up his trouser legs every day."

Lin Xu held Dundun hidden in clothes with his left hand and Baobao Shen with his right hand:

"Is it still cold?"

"It's not cold anymore, thank you Xu Bao."

After returning home, Dundun rarely jumped around and played. Instead, she climbed onto the cat climbing frame and lay down quietly and fell asleep.

And the other side.

Ren Jie held a flashlight in one hand and a gun in the other, and was slowly searching in an abandoned container factory next to the dock.

After receiving the news in the afternoon, they teamed up with the local special police and found the fishing boat that went out to sea at night without much effort.

In a "friendly" interaction, the ship boss admitted that he had received money to send people to the high seas, and also revealed that the contact person was at the container scrapping plant.

The abandoned container factory is very big, and with dozens of people scattered inside, it feels a bit like a cow being thrown into the sea.

Originally there was no need to put in so much effort. The drone just hovered for a while and the traces were easily found.

But starting this evening, the typhoon gradually approached. The wind at sea was so strong that the drone could not take off at all. Sand and rocks were also flying inside the factory area, which posed a great challenge to the search work.

Came to a corner.

Just as Ren Jie was about to contact Sui Fusheng and inquire about the search situation, there was sudden movement from a container next to him.

He hurried over and found that the door of the container had been opened at some point. The iron door was swinging in the wind, and it was dark inside and nothing could be seen.

Ren Jie turned off the flashlight and slowly leaned over, testing it a little, but there was no movement inside.

He picked up a stone and threw it in, but there was no reaction.

Just when he walked to the door and was about to turn on the flashlight and go in to explore, the door behind him was blown by the wind and slammed into Ren Jie's back.

At this moment, a "bang" gunshot was heard inside the container.

When Ren Jie was hit by the iron door and fell into the container, a bullet flew past his head and hit the iron door of the container.

After falling to the ground, Ren Jie didn't bother to check whether his head was injured. He raised his pistol and subconsciously pulled the trigger deep into the container:



Xiao Dundun finally took action. In order for someone to control his aunt, the little guy also worked hard! In this situation, please give me a monthly pass. I will adapt to the noise of the decoration as soon as possible and continue to update three times. This chapter has 5400 words. Please vote for me!

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