Shut-in Magician

351 Return home in Fei Long

I woke up early in the morning to get ready and Sorol took my still sleepy Luca to the carriage.

Travel by carriage to the outside of Wang Capital before boarding a flying dragon ready for flight.

For the unfamiliar Luca and Solol, a chair with aristocratic specifications was also set for ease of sitting. Close to the couch rather than a chair, I don't mind sleeping. I have a safety belt so I'm fine, but at least I figured Sorol wouldn't be able to sleep.

He had a very nervous face and tended to.

Probably because the passengers are aristocrats and knights before what happened to the Fei Long.

He couldn't seem to make it easy for me to say, and I came to the conclusion that I should at least stop riding with Kilik.

In the end, Ciu and Luca were to be on the flying dragon of Kilik, and Solol was to be on the flying dragon of Lazzaro and the others. With the hopeful observation that Lazzaro is the Frank type, it would be somewhat better.

To make it easier for her to sit down, she quickly made the fur of Siu's hand to sit easily and put it on the riding belt. I also checked with Sanael, so it's okay. Besides, I don't want her to tell me whether or not to sit Sorol down.

"Be sure to tell your passengers when you're tired. I'll give you the communications magic props, too. And he's going to take a break from it. Ask more and more questions. The worst thing I can do is put up with it. The best thing is to trust them."

"... Yes!

Sorol, who was pompous, snorted with a firm bite of what Siu wanted to say.

Two flying dragons flew out of the still snowy plains.

There is a shielding of air by wind attribute magic, so it is not cold even above.

At first Luca, who looked scared and blue, also looked around for a moment as she got used to it. Sorol seemed to be losing strength from his shoulders more often, and he was starting to enjoy the view that the conversation with Siu was also due to his easy-going correspondence.

When I give Luca the communication magic props, she enjoys talking about how the two of us are doing over there. They said that the flowing scenery was interesting and that it would be better to discover something first and win.

While the two enjoyed the view without getting drunk, Kilik and the others were flying all over the flying dragon. You'll get tired in the second half, so I guess you thought about it now.

I was flying off all at once without a break until my lunch break.

During the lunch break, he descended to Aloel Street in Sibelius territory, which is well known as the city for rest to be used on the flight route of the Feilongs.

Kilik and the others also used these dedicated cities for breaks. Because he was a forcible force, he didn't seem to have the right time and some rest in the mountains, but this time he's picked a "normal" route for me.

"If I had the time, I would have stopped by the Eldera Capital, but the beast house for the Feilong is just as far away from the Wang Capital, so it's not user-friendly if you're not staying."

"It's convenient because it's along the outer wall."

"It's also an advantage that the city is small. It is also a good idea to specialize in getting people to come to Feilong relationships, adventurers, etc. More and more people come together because they are thriving."

The city was vibrant, as the saying goes. Sometimes it's time for spring to come, and sometimes Fei Long returns and seems busy getting ready for it.

"Here, let's eat."

No matter how you look at it, Kilik was in the regular dining room, used to it. Sorol, who was nervous, is also pompous. I was just wondering what awesome store they were taking me to, and I think I lost my shoulder strength.

Lazzaro pushed me, and Sioux and the others went inside.

It's still a regular shop. However, there are many adventurers. The atmosphere is profoundly noisy and calming as a common man.

Sorol was also horrified and ordered as recommended by Sanael.

Luca was also not sure, but the lady at the store recommended it and chose it.

Kilik didn't ask for booze just to ride the dragon, but he saw the beer the adventurer at the table next to him chilling. Most of the time, Sanael was staring at me, so I was looking away.

Anyway, he left the store with great satisfaction, even though it was a regular dining room where he could eat delicious rice.

In the afternoon, while flying all the way to Lowal again, Kilik asked Siu if he would pilot the flying dragon as well.

"No, because. You can't ride unless you're a dragon knight."

"I don't need a license to do that. You can ride. Almost seems to know what you're talking about, and Luna and I are close."

"Is that the problem? But it's still fine. I don't know if I can practice right now."

"I was wondering if it would be good for alternate personnel when something happened."

That's what I've been winking at.

So I finally figured out that I wanted them to alternate.

While I was frightened, I accepted that I understood.

Walk over the runa and line up where Kilik stands. Kirik called Luna and told her that he had asked for it and told her the simple rules.

"Well, but I don't think you need instructions for dragon knights if the words make sense. Ma, Luna flies on her own because she's smart. You should leave it to me. Problem is, there's nothing around here. Just be on your guard."

When I said that, I waved my hand flashly and walked up to Luna's back. Luca sat down beside her and stroked her.

Looks like he really wanted to take a break.

Lazzaro contacted me by correspondence, so when I explained a series of flows,

"I wonder if that man has finally come to a limit on his health"

and so on, and he was bitterly laughing when he said something that would make him angry if he heard it.

Ferres initially joined together and Luna's shoulder (?) I was around, but I got bored along the way and went back to my chair and sat next to Luca and slept.

I don't wear a safety belt, so I also felt like falling off if the sleeping minister was bad, but when I think about it, he can fly, so I guess he'll be fine.

From then on until the snack time break, Siu piloted and flew all the way.

I stayed in the city of Mernese territory at night.

Enforcement forces are good enough to be in Odell territory or Steyburn, but they still seem to have flown slowly.

I woke up early the next morning, but my eyes were wide open to see if Luca was used to it too.

I was wondering if Siu would be piloting again today, he would be a complete alternate.

"On this journey, two flying dragons and three knights are the problem."

"Oh, yeah."

"So I incorporated it on my own. Greetings."

"... you said yesterday how Kirik's health was"

I don't remember.

I interacted like that and rode a flying dragon.

After noon he crossed the border and entered the State of Steyburn.

We took a break in the mountains because there was no city in Krista territory where a flying dragon could descend in just the right section.

"Siu, it's good to have you, because you can be as easy as the city in the mountains."

"Isn't it better than the city? You don't have to be a hassle guard, and above all, the rice is delicious."

It is a pleasure to be told so.

Luca and Sorol also seemed to have no problems resting in the mountains at all, and they looked like they were eating delicious Siu rice, which had become a familiar flavour.

Then I went down in a small city between Krista and Minia territory and stayed there.

It was good outside, but it meant it was pathetic to let the little one stay in the mountains, so he took the inn.

It was just a very small town, so I could guess the size of the inn, and it wasn't a very good one.

Still, she's not dissatisfied with Luca or Sorol, and if she can sleep in bed, she's thankful.

Without worrying about this, it might still have been better to keep a tent outside.

At least some of Sioux's belongings have comfortable bedding.

I'm sorry I couldn't show it off.

The next day, after noon on the third day, he finally arrived in the capital of King Lowal.

I stepped down to the Oscarius mansion as I swirled from above, but because it was a beautiful day, both Luca and Solol remained excited about the view from above.

Unlike Luciera, it's not a grey world, but colorful bright streets, tidy cobblestone roads, a wave of vibrant people.

As we approached the ground, we also saw horses and beasts walking, and we both left our eyes open.

As we descended to the departure site close to the dragon house, the stables and the others rushed over.

Get me some stairs to get down, and Luca and Sorol each go down on their own feet. The package was quickly unloaded and carried away by the lower men.

Sorol was grating, so Siu laughed and slapped his arm.

"I'm a customer here, so you should do it. Sorol's job now is to watch Luca and have fun in Lowal."

When I said I wouldn't enjoy it because they sent me out on vacation, Sorol looked strange and nodded.

When they all got off and finished giving instructions to Kilik's stables, they just headed to the mansion.

Luca walked away with Sorol hugging her.

He is familiar with his face, and after everyone greets Kilik, he also calls out to Siu.

When they entered the mansion, Cyril and the others were waiting, and first they were politely greeting the prodigal returning lord. That was the only thing that made Sorol stiff, but if you listened carefully to the contents of the conversation, you'd have realized he hated it.

Yeld also rushed in and took Kirik to rest because he was tired.

I guess I didn't have much time for him because he was doing something rarely and poorly mannered: greeting Siu on foot when he left.

When you have such a broken boss, your people are in trouble.

The remaining sioux were taken to the guest room by the family order Liberto. Luca and Sorol are in the same room. I have a follow-up room for the squire, so I'll let you use it.

After that, until dinner, I spent a whole lot of time. Along the way came a maid chief who spoke like a machine gun named Anna, but generally, he was able to relax.

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