Shut-in Magician

350 Greetings around and magic bags, accompanying election

At the end of the week, Light Day greeted everywhere.

Stop by the Adventurer and Merchant guilds or show your face to the market because it's also possible that you won't be back for two weeks.

Plus I stopped by the usual dining room near the market and handed over the rock hog. I've been vacant since the last time because they told me I had too much in stock. I was delighted that the timing seemed just right.

I met Kukurus at the guild, too, so we talked.

"I'm coming home, too, long time no see. So, I'll ask if I can bring my human friends."

I laughed because I say it emphatically to humans.

"I hope the chief doesn't piss me off"

"Well. But, look, you're a classmate with Pluwia, right? I'll imprint those things too."

"You don't have to."

"Oh. And thanks Maple!

"You're welcome. I'll give it to you when I get my share of the year again."

"Oh, what a lovely word"

Apparently Gasparo, who had been listening to that interaction, was slapping Coors on the head.

"What a gathering for juniors!


"No, 'cause Siu's gonna give it to me, and I'm gonna stay."

"You ~!!"

I started chasing around, so I didn't hang out with the two of them and left.

Speak up to Krall, who leaned down, and go to the shopping room with Taurus.

"Taurus, okay?

"Whoa, what's up?"

"We're leaving here tomorrow for Lowal. You can give me a letter of introduction about the magic bag I was telling you about, but should I talk to you through it? What do we do?"

"Oh, whoa!

Stop the assessment hand. Taurus ran daddily and came all the way to the front of Siu. And take my hand and shake it.

"Are you sure!? Please, I'd love to, please!!

"Oh, yeah"

I felt shaken from body to body and disappointed.

Krall calmed him down, so I listened to him in detail.

"Ordering from scratch takes time and money, but if it's a ready-made product, it's cheap and fast, right?

"I'm not obsessed with shape! Oh, no, the kind of backpack Siu would have, but that's about it."

"How much do you have in there?

"Right, I guess it's expensive when it's wide..."

"Uh, we're just talking here, right? About the warehouse here, about this much in Rocca gold, about the whole house, I guess."

Indicated by fingers. What you don't write in words or on paper is to be alert to your surrounding eyes. It is a measure to avoid getting into each other's misery.

"Huh? Just, that's all?

"After that, I'll give you the user rights, so I'll pay for it. I'll do it this time, so give it to me. Just a general amount of money."

"Is that true? Oh, is that cheap?"

"Instead, you need to sign the pledge."

"... a pledge?

"Probably close to vow magic. Finally, I don't want to be used for anything terrible."

"Uh, as good as it gets."

"Outreach I don't like this kind of thing, it seems some people don't buy it"

He would want to know what it was about, so I let him take it out of his backpack.

Taurus read it all and then tilted his neck.

"Is this all you have to protect, good? Is it common sense or is it usually the guild's terms and conditions?"

"Yes, I am."

"... Now, that price?


"... Impossible. How cheap is that?"

"So you don't really want to be spread the word about the store's here. You're not all good people. Because it might bother you."

Taurus nodded yeah.

"As much as I prepare these pledges, I guess I have a strong belief. Don't bother someone like that."

All right, you got it.

"Yes, leave your guild card at reception later"

"Yeah. Uh, why?

"I'll pay in advance. I need you to process the transfer from my card to you."

"You can do it later. I mean, it's easier for me to have it after I've seen the product."

"Really? Are you sure?

"Yeah. That's discipline."

I guess, I was scratching my head as I said.

In the Merchant Guild there was already a sorting of vendors on the flying boards, and interviews were held.

I'm leaving everything to the guild rep after that, so there's no turning up for Siu.

So I gave Shayla two types of printers. Ask them to confirm the feeling of use.

"... this is something amazing again"

"Printed dials are needed in large quantities because they combine by hand to create shapes. I can't believe it's this easy."

Versica and Shayla are both impressed, but as Siu, I asked him strongly to do a crude search for it.

"But if this spreads, you'll need accessories, so it'll be activated."

"I think it would be useful to have a copy paper or something."

"Ink has to be patented, too. Oh so many more!!"

I don't know if I'm happy or sad. I'm screaming.

At least her secretary looked tired, so I think she's sad. I snuck back on my way home and gave him candy.

On his return to Lowal, he also spoke to Kaspar, but was refused because it was a pain in the ass to return.

A total of four days of travel seems to be unavailable. He wants to read a book when he has that time.

I don't know what to say in its place, but the maids asked me to take them if they wanted to return home.

But no one raised their hands. I was used to life in Luciera, and some people were afraid to ride a flying dragon. I guess they can't imagine flying in the sky per se because they have taken a long time to get to Latricia to come using ground dragons.

Only Susa told me to follow her because she would take care of Luca, but said no because her face was blue and white.

"But if no one takes care of you, are you in trouble?

"That's right. You may also meet your friends."

"It's pathetic to leave a voicemail alone."

What are we gonna do, we're all looking at each other.

Then Roland and Rico discussed something and nodded one.

"Sorol, you said you've been on a flying dragon before, but can you stand long distances?

"Oh, huh? Me? Yes, I think so."

Suddenly he was told the story and Sorol was surprised and replied to many things.

"Then I'm still in the middle of an education, but what about taking care of him"

Rico asks Siu to ask.

"Yeah, Luca would be relieved, and I'd be helpful. Is Sorol okay? I'm going to Steyburn. If you don't want to, you can say no. It's not compulsory."

"Oh, no, the"

"You did. I also have feelings for Sorol. It doesn't matter."

When Roland told him gently, Sorol stopped being grated and raised his voice like he had decided to.

"Ya, I'll do it! I'll do my best!"

Siu got in trouble because he says it's kind of like a very big deal.

Roland and Rico look at Solol smiling.

There was some pity in those eyes. Sorol, who lived as a slave, was still unfamiliar with freedom and sometimes too humble. They care about that.

"Luca, I just need you to stay by my side so you don't get lonely or lost. In the future, Luca, you might get the same job as you, so you can be that senior. You don't have to worry about it."

"Yes, sir"

"Anyway, keep your eyes open, stay together, and have fun. Come on."


"Yes, the city of Lowal is fun. Something that many people are much brighter than Luciera. And it's spring. It should be warm. Good luck."

"Hey, then, I want you to let me talk to you at Lowal. Can you please?"

"Ah, yes!

Everyone talked to me, and Sorol was sneering shyly.

Later, Sorol was also given a penny.

I'm still an apprentice, so I haven't got a salary or anything, but even those people get a penny more than the Brad family when they come home or something like that.

So don't hesitate to tell me to take it and Roland was giving it to me.

Sorol had failed to try to laugh and was in tears.

Say it's been since I was a little girl.

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