Shut-in Magician

352 Lowal Tourism

The next morning, though Anna and the others held me back, I said that Siu had a house in Loire, so I would go back there and leave the mansion behind.

Either way, the Lucas are just concerned about staying at the Oscarius Mansion, and Kilik won't have time for a hoarded job, so he can't help it.

I just wanted to thank you and I tried to leave the mansion and you prepared a carriage, and I didn't hesitate to take it to the Central District.

The view from the carriage seemed different from the sky again, and both Luca and Sorol enjoyed a rare peek.

Eventually, we arrived in front of the Belius Tool Store.

"This is where I come from. I was looking out for you. You can still leave me a room."

While I was explaining, Emina came out.

"Siu!! You came from outside today!!


"Oh, I'm sorry"

I got crushed with my chest. Emina laughs brightly and slaps me on the shoulder with her sorry. Then I saw the two of them, and I grinned.

"You're my friend, right? There you are. Come in."

No, we're not friends, and Emina pushed them into the store, completely ignoring Sorol. Take him straight to the back aisle and up through the crossing hall to the motherhouse.

"Grandpa, Siu is back!

"I hear you. Wow. Shout out loud, but you're still deaf."

"Ah, yes. Well, I have a store number, so here I am. Oh, I'm Emina. Nice to meet you. See you at dinner!

He hastily went back. Same as ever.

"Not at all...... Shiu, you're back. Welcome home."

"I'm home."

I laugh at you two. It seems strange because I met her recently.

Grandpa Stan looked at Luca and Sorol with a smile and a gentle smile.

"Welcome. My name is Stan-Belius, and I'm the hiding father of this tool shop. He's also Siu's landlord. Say hello."

"Oh, you know, I'm Solol. I'm an apprentice junior at the Brad family! Best regards,"

Momentum and bow your head. When he saw it, Luca greeted him with momentum.

"I'm Luca! I'm eight! Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I was looking after you at home!

On the way, I bit him. She's cute and she's about to laugh. Grandpa Stan was loosening his cheeks too.

"Nice to meet you..."

He noticed himself chewing it, and he looked embarrassed and bowed his head.

Grandpa Stan, not pointing it out, grinned and stroked the heads of the two.

"You don't have to be tough here, so take it easy. From the house of the common people, there's nothing to worry about. Think of it as your home and forgive me."

All right, all right. It's like looking at a grandson.

The two relieved a little nervousness about their sweet grandfather against them.

Then I was horrified by the warm air and atmosphere in the house.

Luca and Sorol also stayed away from home, so I just unpacked and when I was ready for my bedroom, I went back to my mother's house again.

When I tried to make lunch, they said they were going to help, so then I asked them to stay with Ferres.

I was gobbling around in my spare time, so I thought it would be bad to leave it to Grandpa Stan alone, and above all in the kitchen I'm unfamiliar with, I was a little scared to ask two people with no cooking experience to help me.

We both nodded honestly, so it seemed like we knew we weren't going to be a force for war.

We spent lunch talking cute and were supposed to take a walk around the neighborhood in the afternoon.

Luca put him on Ferres because he would be tired. I really shouldn't be riding all over the city, but I'm dealing with kids, so you'll forgive me.

"This is the paper shop. There are all kinds of paper for sale."

"Wow, beautiful, huh?

"Really... you're so white"

"I use fine paper for contract documents. It's a central district, so it also handles fancy paper. In the West End, they only sell low-quality paper."

Explaining that, walking through the city, I passed in front of the guild.

"Ah, this is the Adventurer Alliance. I signed up here too."

"That's huge!

"It's shiny."

"Right, it's bright to try this, isn't it? The first time I saw it, it felt heavy with stone, but dark."

I rubbed off with the familiar adventurers when I was talking about that.

It's been a long time. I say goodbye while I say hello to you and see if you're back.

As I walked again, I explained things like the store and the rules at Lowal.

"Oh, yeah. There's something interesting about it."

I took him to the beast rider anyway.

When I went to Cassa's, Ricola was there and ran over.

"Are you back yet? What's the matter with you?

She looked worried, so Xiu shook her head and laughed.

"I just came home on a long vacation. Long time no see."

"Oh, my God, well. Hey, I thought you were on the case again."


"Ha. Oh, yeah, Aloena and Gordo's kids, they're born."

It was Draco Equus' turn, and he was pregnant, but he was born.

I also explained that to Luca and Solol and asked Ricola to guide me.

"It wasn't pebble, I knew it. You're a regular dragon horse. But even if I can't use it for combat, I'll be able to work fine as a horseman, so I'm supposed to keep it at home."

"The sky can't fly, can it?

"Yeah. But you're much smarter and more powerful than a horse. Oh, you were sweet on your mother?

Sucking Aloena's milk, a little dragon horse rattled. It doesn't seem to make sense yet, but from what I've seen, it looks really smart.

"I named it Fulum. Isn't she cute? Aloena is so cute, too. Well, Gordo's cuter."

"It is."

"You know, fathers get more mellow."

Ricola's face, who said so, was also mellow.

Luca also called me cute and cute.

Sorol was surprised by the dragon horse he saw up close for the first time, but didn't seem to realize he was out of touch with Luca as well.

I've always been in the mood to watch, but that's just how Ricola has a job to do.

"Come back and play during the rest of the day. I'll give you a ride on the beast."

That's what you told Lucas and the others, and I went back to work.

Next, I stopped at Sterla.

Long time no see, but the clerks all remembered Siu and led us to the table with the best view whether they had considered having him.

"This is a coffee shop where ordinary people come, so you don't have to be nervous like that"

"Oh well... this is the coming of the common people... Steyburn is amazing"

"Beautiful! You're so beautiful!

We were both surprised to see a glimpse of the store and the menu the waitress brought us. It was a precise painting, so I could see what it was like.

"You also have a new menu, it looks delicious"

"Yes. I tried and tried and tried again and again. Thanks to you, guys, I'm getting fat."

"Yeah, but it's the same as before, right?

"Yep. So I worked hard during the winter to lose weight"

Then he asked me about the recommendations and so on and explained them to Luca and Sorol so they could tell.

When I chose each after the scattering, the real one arrived in front of me in about five minutes. The waitress child brought it to me properly in the order of Luca, Sorol, and she was smiling when she saw the two glowing smiles.

The pumpkin filling pie chosen by Siu was moist inside but crisp in skin, with a good texture and delicious.

Luca had chosen pudding alla mode full of raw cream and Sorol a cake of buttercream, but they both seemed very satisfied with the way their cheeks were swinging.

Afterwards, he continued his walk as he guided the city.

He was also surprised by the size of the park and the number of stalls.

I just had a snack so I didn't walk away, but I bought a drink and drank it.

While resting in the park, Sorol hugged her because Luca started narrowing her eyes like she was sleeping when we were talking about this.

Hold the sleeping Luca and go home.

"You're tired, aren't you? I'm sorry, everywhere."

"No. It was a lot of fun, is. I can't believe I see so many different places...... Lowal is a very good place."

"I grew up in the back of the mountain too, and I was surprised when I came to Loire. What I've been watching with my mouth open."

"Really? I always thought I grew up in the capital."

"Absolutely. When I came out to King's Landing, they said I was dressed like a peasant."

"Oh yeah..."

In fact, many people dress sophisticated in Lowal. Luciera, whose winter is tough, tends to seek warm outfits anyway, and the common folk don't walk, so they don't look very stylish. More because of the weather, the winter outfit had many dark colors.

While we talked about such clothes, we headed home in the evening.

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